The ingress component is the primary entry point for all traffic to the cluster, it is currently deployed as an instance of ingress-nginx
. It is tuned to work out of the box and should require no changes
!!! warning
If you make any changes to the ingress configuration, you may see a small outage as the ingress controller is restarted.
You can customize ingress-nginx
controller deployment by making changes to the Helm chart values used for the deployment. Define ingress_nginx_helm_values
ansible variable to override values:
ingress_nginx_helm_values: foo: bar
This will be merged with the default values for the chart.
To provide the most secure baseline configuration possible, ingress-nginx
defaults to using TLS 1.2 and 1.3 only, with a secure set of TLS ciphers.
The default configuration, though secure, does not support some older browsers and operating systems.
In order to change this behaviour, you can make to make the following changes to the ingress_nginx_helm_values
variable, the following example is using the Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator "Old" profile: