[ATMOSPHERE-315] Add support of ceph dashboard in grafana (#1709)

This is an automated cherry-pick of #1688
/assign mnaser
diff --git a/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/dashboards/ceph-cluster-advanced.json b/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/dashboards/ceph-cluster-advanced.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff31ebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/dashboards/ceph-cluster-advanced.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3813 @@
+   "__inputs": [ ],
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+         "type": "panel",
+         "version": "5.0.0"
+      },
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+         "id": "singlestat",
+         "name": "Singlestat",
+         "type": "panel",
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+      }
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+            "showIn": 0,
+            "tags": [ ],
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+         }
+      ]
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+                        },
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+                           "text": "WARNING"
+                        },
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+                           "text": "ERROR"
+                        }
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+            {
+               "expr": "rate(node_network_receive_drop{instance=~\"$ceph_hosts([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]) or\n  rate(node_network_receive_drop_total{instance=~\"$ceph_hosts([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval])\n",
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+            {
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+            }
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+            },
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+            {
+               "expr": "label_replace(\n  (\n    rate(node_disk_writes_completed{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]) or\n    rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval])\n  ), \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n) * on(instance, device) group_left(ceph_daemon) label_replace(\n  label_replace(\n    ceph_disk_occupation_human{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }, \"device\", \"$1\", \"device\", \"/dev/(.*)\"\n  ), \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n)\n",
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+               "refId": "B"
+            }
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+         "title": "$ceph_hosts Disk IOPS",
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+         "description": "For OSD hosts, this chart shows the disk bandwidth (read bytes/sec + write bytes/sec) of the physical OSD device. Each device is shown by device name, and corresponding OSD id",
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+            {
+               "expr": "label_replace(\n  (\n    rate(node_disk_bytes_written{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]) or\n    rate(node_disk_written_bytes_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval])\n  ), \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\") * on(instance, device)\n  group_left(ceph_daemon) label_replace(\n    label_replace(ceph_disk_occupation_human{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }, \"device\", \"$1\", \"device\", \"/dev/(.*)\"),\n    \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n  )\n",
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+               "refId": "A"
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+            {
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+               "refId": "B"
+            }
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+         "title": "$ceph_hosts Throughput by Disk",
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+            },
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+            {
+               "expr": "max by(instance, device) (label_replace(\n  (rate(node_disk_write_time_seconds_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval])) /\n    clamp_min(rate(node_disk_writes_completed_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]), 0.001) or\n    (rate(node_disk_read_time_seconds_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval])) /\n      clamp_min(rate(node_disk_reads_completed_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]), 0.001),\n  \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n)) * on(instance, device) group_left(ceph_daemon) label_replace(\n  label_replace(\n    ceph_disk_occupation_human{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"},\n    \"device\", \"$1\", \"device\", \"/dev/(.*)\"\n  ), \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n)\n",
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+               "refId": "A"
+            }
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+               "expr": "label_replace(\n  (\n    (rate(node_disk_io_time_ms{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]) / 10) or\n    rate(node_disk_io_time_seconds_total{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\"}[$__rate_interval]) * 100\n  ), \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n) * on(instance, device) group_left(ceph_daemon) label_replace(\n  label_replace(ceph_disk_occupation_human{instance=~\"($ceph_hosts)([\\\\\\\\.:].*)?\", cluster=~\"$cluster\", },\n  \"device\", \"$1\", \"device\", \"/dev/(.*)\"), \"instance\", \"$1\", \"instance\", \"([^:.]*).*\"\n)\n",
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+               "expr": "topk(10,\n  (sum by (instance)(ceph_daemon_health_metrics{type=\"SLOW_OPS\", ceph_daemon=~\"osd.*\", cluster=~\"$cluster\", }))\n)\n",
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+      },
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+               "instant": true,
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+            },
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+               "expr": "ceph_pool_percent_used{cluster=~\"$cluster\", } *\n  on(pool_id) group_left(name) ceph_pool_metadata{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }\n",
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+               "instant": true,
+               "intervalFactor": 1,
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+               "instant": true,
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+               "expr": "rate(ceph_pool_rd{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }[$__rate_interval])\n  + rate(ceph_pool_wr{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }[$__rate_interval])\n",
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+            },
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+                        "value": 2
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+               "expr": "topk(10,\n  (\n    sort((\n      rate(ceph_rbd_write_ops{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }[$__rate_interval]) +\n        on (image, pool, namespace) rate(ceph_rbd_read_ops{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }[$__rate_interval])\n    ))\n  )\n)\n",
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+         "description": "RBD per-image IO statistics are disabled by default.\n\nPlease refer to https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/mgr/prometheus/#rbd-io-statistics for information about how to enable those optionally.",
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+                     "options": "Value"
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+                     {
+                        "id": "displayName",
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+               "expr": "topk(10,\n  sort(\n    sum(\n      rate(ceph_rbd_read_bytes{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }[$__rate_interval]) +\n        rate(ceph_rbd_write_bytes{cluster=~\"$cluster\", }[$__rate_interval])\n    ) by (pool, image, namespace)\n  )\n)\n",
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+      {
+         "columns": [ ],
+         "datasource": "${datasource}",
+         "description": "RBD per-image IO statistics are disabled by default.\n\nPlease refer to https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/mgr/prometheus/#rbd-io-statistics for information about how to enable those optionally.",
+         "fieldConfig": {
+            "defaults": {
+               "custom": {
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+                     "type": "auto"
+                  },
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+                        "color": "green",
+                        "value": null
+                     },
+                     {
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+                        "value": 80
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+                        "value": "short"
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+                        "value": 2
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+                        "value": null
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+                        "value": "Latency"
+                     },
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+                        "id": "unit",
+                        "value": "ns"
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+                        "value": 2
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+                        "value": null
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+            "type": "datasource"
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+            "current": { },
+            "datasource": "$datasource",
+            "hide": 0,
+            "includeAll": false,
+            "label": "cluster",
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+            "name": "cluster",
+            "options": [ ],
+            "query": "label_values(ceph_health_status, cluster)",
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+            "regex": "(.*)",
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diff --git a/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/tasks/main.yml b/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/tasks/main.yml
index 1d107b0..2b56430 100644
--- a/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/tasks/main.yml
@@ -313,6 +313,26 @@
       state: present
     - name: node-exporter-full
       state: present
+    - name: ceph-cluster
+      state: present
+    - name: ceph-cluster-advanced
+      state: present
+    - name: hosts-overview
+      state: present
+    - name: host-details
+      state: present
+    - name: pool-overview
+      state: present
+    - name: pool-detail
+      state: present
+    - name: osds-overview
+      state: present
+    - name: osd-device-details
+      state: present
+    - name: rbd-overview
+      state: present
+    - name: rbd-details
+      state: present
     - kube-prometheus-stack-dashboards