There are frequently cases of environments that sustain write-heavy loads which can overwhelm the underlying storage OSDs. It's also possible that non-enterprise 3D NAND flash is in use with small memory buffers which can do fast upfront writes but unable to sustain those writes.
In those environments, it's possible that a lot of slow operations will start to cumulate inside of the cluster, which will bubble up as performance issues inside the virtual machines. This can be highly impactful on workloads, increase the latency of the VMs and drop IOPs down to near zero.
There are environments that have local storage on all of the RBD clients (in this case, VMs) which can potentially be backed by battery backed hardware RAID with a local cache. This can significantly drive down the latency and increase write speeds since they are persisted onto the local system.
!!! warning
The only drawback is that if the client crashes (or hypervisor in this case), the data won't easily be recoverable, however, this is a small risk to take in workloads replacing the storage infrastructure is not realistic and the stability of systems is relatively high.
There are a few steps that needs to be done on the underlying operating system which runs the compute nodes. The steps bellow assumes that a device /dev/<dev>
is already setup accordingly to the host's storage capabilities.
Create filesystem for the cache:
mkfs.ext4 /dev/<dev>
Grab the UUID
for the filesystem, this will be used in order to automatically mount the volume on boot even if the device name changes:
blkid /dev/<dev>
Add record to automatically mount the filesystem in /etc/fstab
UUID="<UUID>" /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache ext4 defaults 0 1
Create folder for the RBD persistent write-back cache:
mkdir /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache
Mount the cache folder and verify that it's mounted:
mount /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache
In order to be able to configure write-back cache, you will need to override the following values for Ceph provisioners in your Ansible inventory:
openstack_helm_infra_ceph_provisioners_values: conf: ceph: global: rbd_plugins: pwl_cache rbd_persistent_cache_mode: ssd rbd_persistent_cache_path: /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache rbd_persistent_cache_size: 30G
The above values will enable the persistent write-back cache for all RBD volumes with a 30 gigabyte cache size. The cache will be stored in the folder /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache
which is mounted on the host's filesystem.
After the Atmosphere configurations is applied, once you create a virtual machine backed by ceph, you should be able to see a file for the write-back cache inside /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache
# ls -l /var/lib/libvirt/rbd-cache/ total 344 -rw-r--r-- 1 42424 syslog 29999759360 Dec 1 17:37 rbd-pwl.cinder.volumes.a8eba89efc83.pool
!!! note
For existing virtual machines to take advatange of write-back cache, you will hard reboot the virtual machine (or safely shutdown and start up).
When using an external storage platform, it's important to create to disable Ceph globally by adding the following to your Ansible inventory:
atmosphere_ceph_enabled: false
In order to be able to use Dell PowerStore, you'll need to make sure that you setup the hosts inside of your storage array. You'll also need to make sure that they are not inside a host group or otherwise individual attachments will not work.
You'll need to enable the Kubernetes cluster to use the PowerStore driver by using adding the following YAML to your Ansible inventory:
csi_driver: powerstore powerstore_csi_config: arrays: - endpoint: https://<FILL IN>/api/rest globalID: <FILL IN> username: <FILL IN> password: <FILL IN> skipCertificateValidation: true isDefault: true blockProtocol: <FILL IN> # FC or iSCSI
Since Glance does not have a native PowerStore driver, you'll need to enable the use of the Cinder driver by adding the following to your Ansible inventory:
openstack_helm_glance_values: storage: cinder conf: glance: glance_store: stores: cinder default_store: cinder image_formats: disk_formats: raw
Please note that Glance images will not function until the Cinder service is deployed. In addition, we're forcing all images to be raw
format in order to avoid any issues with the PowerStore driver having to constantly download and upload the images.
You can enable the native PowerStore driver for Cinder with the following configuration inside your Ansible inventory:
openstack_helm_cinder_values: storage: powerstore dependencies: static: api: jobs: - cinder-db-sync - cinder-ks-user - cinder-ks-endpoints - cinder-rabbit-init scheduler: jobs: - cinder-db-sync - cinder-ks-user - cinder-ks-endpoints - cinder-rabbit-init volume: jobs: - cinder-db-sync - cinder-ks-user - cinder-ks-endpoints - cinder-rabbit-init volume_usage_audit: jobs: - cinder-db-sync - cinder-ks-user - cinder-ks-endpoints - cinder-rabbit-init conf: cinder: DEFAULT: enabled_backends: powerstore default_volume_type: powerstore backends: rbd1: null powerstore: volume_backend_name: powerstore volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.powerstore.driver.PowerStoreDriver san_ip: <FILL IN> san_login: <FILL IN> san_password: <FILL IN> storage_protocol: <FILL IN> # FC or iSCSI manifests: deployment_backup: true job_backup_storage_init: true job_storage_init: false
It's important to note that the configuration above will disable the Cinder backup service. In the future, we'll update this sample configuration to use the Cinder backup service.
You can enable the native PowerStore driver for Cinder with the following configuration inside your Ansible inventory:
openstack_helm_nova_values: conf: enable_iscsi: true
!!! note
The PowerStore driver will use the storage protocol specified inside Cinder, even if the above mentions `iscsi`.