doc: update magnum
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
deleted file mode 100644
index 65190af..0000000
--- a/docs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Coe
-Create COE k8s cluster templates.
-for version in v1.23.13 v1.24.7 v1.25.3; do
-  openstack coe cluster template create \
-        --image $(openstack image show ubuntu-2004-${version} -c id -f value) \
-        --external-network public \
-        --dns-nameserver \
-        --master-lb-enabled \
-        --master-flavor m1.medium \
-        --flavor m1.medium \
-        --network-driver calico \
-        --docker-storage-driver overlay2 \
-        --coe kubernetes \
-        --label kube_tag=${version} \
-        k8s-${version};
-A container registry which includes all container images required for COE k8s
-clusters is installed along side with Magnum. Instead of using external container
-registries, you can use this internal one.
-Append `--label container_infra_prefix="${magnum_registry_host}/magnum/"` in
-cluster create command. Replace `magnum_registry_host` with
-`openstack_helm_endpoints_magnum_registry_host` ansible variable.
diff --git a/roles/magnum/ b/roles/magnum/
index 01bffb9..31ea12f 100644
--- a/roles/magnum/
+++ b/roles/magnum/
@@ -1 +1,32 @@
 # `magnum`
+## Creating cluster templates
+By default, Atmosphere deploys a set of images for Kubernetes. These cover a
+range of Kubernetes versions, from 1.23.13 to 1.25.3.   You can create the
+cluster templates for them with the following command:
+for version in v1.23.13 v1.24.7 v1.25.3; do
+  openstack coe cluster template create \
+        --image $(openstack image show ubuntu-2004-${version} -c id -f value) \
+        --external-network public \
+        --dns-nameserver \
+        --master-lb-enabled \
+        --master-flavor m1.medium \
+        --flavor m1.medium \
+        --network-driver calico \
+        --docker-storage-driver overlay2 \
+        --coe kubernetes \
+        --label kube_tag=${version} \
+        --label boot_volume_size=40 \
+        --label container_infra_prefix=$(kubectl -n openstack get ingress/container-infra-registry -ojsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}') \
+        k8s-${version};
+> **Note**
+> This command will configure the clusters to use the internal container registry
+> hosted by Atmosphere to avoid the need to talk to external registries. If you
+> want to use an external registry, you can remove the `--label container_infra_prefix`.