Enhance `MySQLDown` alert (#2186)

Due to MySQLDown being very noisy even the mysql cluster still running above minimal replication, so we need to enhance it
this pr will replace the MySQLDown with MysqlClusterDown, MysqlClusterDown have two severity P3(warning) and P5(info). i.e when we have 5 percona-xtradb and only 1 replication down it only trigger MysqlClusterDown with P5 because the mysql cluster still can operational normally but if we lost 3 replication(which means there only 2 replication) it will trigger MysqlClusterDown with P3 since mysql cluster unable to operate

Reviewed-by: Mohammed Naser <mnaser@vexxhost.com>
Reviewed-by: Aldin Setiawan <Just@Humanz.moe>
2 files changed
tree: 2c539e19461b0930df802ac87d9cecdf0f26f8f3
  1. .github/
  2. atmosphere/
  3. build/
  4. charts/
  5. doc/
  6. hack/
  7. images/
  8. internal/
  9. meta/
  10. molecule/
  11. playbooks/
  12. plugins/
  13. roles/
  14. tests/
  15. tools/
  16. zuul.d/
  17. .ansible-lint
  18. .charts.yml
  19. .envrc
  20. .flake8
  21. .gitignore
  22. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  23. .python-version
  24. .stestr.conf
  25. CHANGELOG.md
  26. Earthfile
  27. flake.lock
  28. flake.nix
  29. galaxy.yml
  30. go.mod
  31. go.sum
  32. README.md
  33. requirements.txt
  34. setup.cfg
  35. setup.py
  36. tox.ini



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