docs(monitoring): add info how to expose
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-# Alerts
-## `etcdDatabaseHighFragmentationRatio`
-kubectl -n kube-system exec svc/kube-prometheus-stack-kube-etcd -- \
-  etcdctl defrag \
-  --cluster \
-  --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
-  --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
-  --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt
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-# Integrations
-## OpsGenie
-Atmosphere can be integrated with OpsGenie in order to send all alerts to it,
-this is useful if you want to have a single place to manage all your alerts.
-In order to get started, you will need to complete the following steps inside
-1. Create an integration inside OpsGenie, you can do this by going to
-   _Settings_ > _Integrations_ > _Add Integration_ and selecting _Prometheus_.
-2. Copy the API key that is generated for you and setup correct assignment
-   rules inside OpsGenie.
-3. Create a new heartbeat inside OpsGenie, you can do this by going to
-   _Settings_ > _Heartbeats_ > _Create Heartbeat_.  Set the interval to 1 minute.
-Afterwards, you can configure the following options for the Atmosphere config:
-  enabled: true
-  api_key: <your-api-key>
-  heartbeat: <your-heartbeat-name>
-Once this is done and deployed, you'll start to see alerts inside OpsGenie and
-you can also verify that the heartbeat is listed as _ACTIVE_.
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+# Monitoring
+## Exposing data
+There are a few ways to expose both the monitoring services to view the health
+and the metrics of the cluster.
+### Port forwarding
+The easiest way to expose the monitoring services is to use port forwarding
+using the built-in `kubectl` command.
+#### Prometheus
+kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus 9090
+Once you run the command above, you'll be able to open `http://localhost:9090`
+on your local system and view the Prometheus UI.
+#### AlertManager
+kubectl -n monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager 9093
+Once you run the command above, you'll be able to open `http://localhost:9093`
+on your local system and view the AlertManager UI.
+### Unprotected access
+If you want to expose the monitoring services, you can use the following
+overrides which will create an `Ingress` for all the services.
+!!! danger
+    This will expose the monitoring services without any authentication or
+    authorization. This is not recommended for production environments or any
+    environment where the monitoring services are exposed to the public internet.
+  alertmanager:
+    ingress:
+      enabled: true
+      annotations:
+ atmosphere
+      hosts:
+        -
+      tls:
+        - secretName: alertmanager-tls
+          hosts:
+            -
+    alertmanagerSpec:
+      externalUrl:
+  prometheus:
+    ingress:
+      enabled: true
+      ingressClassName: openstack
+      annotations:
+ atmosphere
+      hosts:
+        -
+      tls:
+        - secretName: prometheus-certs
+          hosts:
+            -
+    prometheusSpec:
+      externalUrl:
+### Protected access
+If you want to expose the monitoring services, you can use the following
+overrides which will create an `Ingress` for all the services.
+  alertmanager:
+    ingress:
+      enabled: true
+      annotations:
+ atmosphere
+ basic
+ prometheus-auth
+ Prometheus
+      hosts:
+        -
+      tls:
+        - secretName: alertmanager-tls
+          hosts:
+            -
+    alertmanagerSpec:
+      externalUrl:
+  prometheus:
+    ingress:
+      enabled: true
+      ingressClassName: openstack
+      annotations:
+ atmosphere
+ basic
+ prometheus-auth
+ Prometheus
+      hosts:
+        -
+      tls:
+        - secretName: prometheus-certs
+          hosts:
+            -
+    prometheusSpec:
+      externalUrl:
+Once you've deployed with the overrides above, you'll need to create a secret
+with the username and password you want to use to access the monitoring
+htpasswd -c auth monitoring
+The above will generate a file called `auth` with the username and password,
+in this case the username is `monitoring`. You'll need to create a secret with
+the contents of the file.
+kubectl -n monitoring create secret generic prometheus-auth --from-file=auth
+Once you're done, you'll be able to access the monitoring services using the
+username and password you created.
+!!! info
+    In the future, Atmosphere will support automating the process of exposing
+    the monitoring stack with basic authentication.
+## Integrations
+### OpsGenie
+Atmosphere can be integrated with OpsGenie in order to send all alerts to it,
+this is useful if you want to have a single place to manage all your alerts.
+In order to get started, you will need to complete the following steps inside
+1. Create an integration inside OpsGenie, you can do this by going to
+   _Settings_ > _Integrations_ > _Add Integration_ and selecting _Prometheus_.
+2. Copy the API key that is generated for you and setup correct assignment
+   rules inside OpsGenie.
+3. Create a new heartbeat inside OpsGenie, you can do this by going to
+   _Settings_ > _Heartbeats_ > _Create Heartbeat_.  Set the interval to 1 minute.
+Afterwards, you can configure the following options for the Atmosphere config:
+  enabled: true
+  api_key: <your-api-key>
+  heartbeat: <your-heartbeat-name>
+Once this is done and deployed, you'll start to see alerts inside OpsGenie and
+you can also verify that the heartbeat is listed as _ACTIVE_.
+## Alerts
+### `etcdDatabaseHighFragmentationRatio`
+kubectl -n kube-system exec svc/kube-prometheus-stack-kube-etcd -- \
+  etcdctl defrag \
+  --cluster \
+  --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
+  --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
+  --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt