chore: address ovn review
diff --git a/charts/ovn/templates/bin/ b/charts/ovn/templates/bin/
deleted file mode 100644
index afb84d4..0000000
--- a/charts/ovn/templates/bin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1393 +0,0 @@
-# set -x
-bracketify() { case "$1" in *:*) echo "[$1]" ;; *) echo "$1" ;; esac }
-# This script is the entrypoint to the image.
-# Supports version 3 daemonsets
-#    $1 is the daemon to start.
-#        In version 3 each process has a separate container. Some daemons start
-#        more than 1 process. Also, where possible, output is to stdout and
-#        The script waits for prerquisite deamons to come up first.
-# Commands ($1 values)
-#    ovs-server     Runs the ovs daemons - ovsdb-server and ovs-switchd (v3)
-#    run-ovn-northd Runs ovn-northd as a process does not run nb_ovsdb or sb_ovsdb (v3)
-#    nb-ovsdb       Runs nb_ovsdb as a process (no detach or monitor) (v3)
-#    sb-ovsdb       Runs sb_ovsdb as a process (no detach or monitor) (v3)
-#    ovn-master     Runs ovnkube in master mode (v3)
-#    ovn-controller Runs ovn controller (v3)
-#    ovn-node       Runs ovnkube in node mode (v3)
-#    cleanup-ovn-node   Runs ovnkube to cleanup the node (v3)
-#    cleanup-ovs-server Cleanup ovs-server (v3)
-#    display        Displays log files
-#    display_env    Displays environment variables
-#    ovn_debug      Displays ovn/ovs configuration and flows
-# ====================
-# Environment variables are used to customize operation
-# K8S_APISERVER - hostname:port (URL)of the real apiserver, not the service address - v3
-# OVN_NET_CIDR - the network cidr - v3
-# OVN_SVC_CIDR - the cluster-service-cidr - v3
-# OVN_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE - k8s namespace - v3
-# K8S_NODE - hostname of the node - v3
-# OVN_DAEMONSET_VERSION - version match daemonset and image - v3
-# K8S_TOKEN - the apiserver token. Automatically detected when running in a pod - v3
-# K8S_CACERT - the apiserver CA. Automatically detected when running in a pod - v3
-# OVN_CONTROLLER_OPTS - the options for ovn-ctl
-# OVN_NORTHD_OPTS - the options for the ovn northbound db
-# OVN_GATEWAY_MODE - the gateway mode (shared or local) - v3
-# OVN_GATEWAY_OPTS - the options for the ovn gateway
-# OVN_GATEWAY_ROUTER_SUBNET - the gateway router subnet (shared mode, DPU only) - v3
-# OVNKUBE_LOGLEVEL - log level for ovnkube (0..5, default 4) - v3
-# OVN_LOGLEVEL_NORTHD - log level (ovn-ctl default: -vconsole:emer -vsyslog:err -vfile:info) - v3
-# OVN_LOGLEVEL_NB - log level (ovn-ctl default: -vconsole:off -vfile:info) - v3
-# OVN_LOGLEVEL_SB - log level (ovn-ctl default: -vconsole:off -vfile:info) - v3
-# OVN_LOGLEVEL_CONTROLLER - log level (ovn-ctl default: -vconsole:off -vfile:info) - v3
-# OVN_LOGLEVEL_NBCTLD - log level (ovn-ctl default: -vconsole:off -vfile:info) - v3
-# OVNKUBE_LOGFILE_MAXSIZE - log file max size in MB(default 100 MB)
-# OVNKUBE_LOGFILE_MAXBACKUPS - log file max backups (default 5)
-# OVNKUBE_LOGFILE_MAXAGE - log file max age in days (default 5 days)
-# OVN_ACL_LOGGING_RATE_LIMIT - specify default ACL logging rate limit in messages per second (default: 20)
-# OVN_NB_PORT - ovn north db port (default 6640)
-# OVN_SB_PORT - ovn south db port (default 6640)
-# OVN_NB_RAFT_PORT - ovn north db raft port (default 6643)
-# OVN_SB_RAFT_PORT - ovn south db raft port (default 6644)
-# OVN_NB_RAFT_ELECTION_TIMER - ovn north db election timer in ms (default 1000)
-# OVN_SB_RAFT_ELECTION_TIMER - ovn south db election timer in ms (default 1000)
-# OVN_SSL_ENABLE - use SSL transport to NB/SB db and northd (default: no)
-# OVN_REMOTE_PROBE_INTERVAL - ovn remote probe interval in ms (default 100000)
-# OVN_MONITOR_ALL - ovn-controller monitor all data in SB DB
-# OVN_OFCTRL_WAIT_BEFORE_CLEAR - ovn-controller wait time in ms before clearing OpenFlow rules during start up
-# OVN_ENABLE_LFLOW_CACHE - enable ovn-controller lflow-cache
-# OVN_LFLOW_CACHE_LIMIT - maximum number of logical flow cache entries of ovn-controller
-# OVN_LFLOW_CACHE_LIMIT_KB - maximum size of the logical flow cache of ovn-controller
-# OVN_EGRESSIP_ENABLE - enable egress IP for ovn-kubernetes
-# OVN_EGRESSIP_HEALTHCHECK_PORT - egress IP node check to use grpc on this port (0 ==> dial to port 9 instead)
-# OVN_EGRESSFIREWALL_ENABLE - enable egressFirewall for ovn-kubernetes
-# OVN_EGRESSQOS_ENABLE - enable egress QoS for ovn-kubernetes
-# OVN_UNPRIVILEGED_MODE - execute CNI ovs/netns commands from host (default no)
-# OVNKUBE_NODE_MODE - ovnkube node mode of operation, one of: full, dpu, dpu-host (default: full)
-# OVNKUBE_NODE_MGMT_PORT_NETDEV - ovnkube node management port netdev.
-# OVN_ENCAP_IP - encap IP to be used for OVN traffic on the node. mandatory in case ovnkube-node-mode=="dpu"
-# OVN_HOST_NETWORK_NAMESPACE - namespace to classify host network traffic for applying network policies
-# The argument to the command is the operation to be performed
-# ovn-master ovn-controller ovn-node display display_env ovn_debug
-# a cmd must be provided, there is no default
-# ovn daemon log levels
-# logfile rotation parameters
-# version (update when API between daemonset and script changes - v.x.y)
-# The daemonset version must be compatible with this script.
-# The default when OVN_DAEMONSET_VERSION is not set is version 3
-# hostname is the host's hostname when using host networking,
-# This is useful on the master
-# otherwise it is the container ID (useful for debugging).
-# The ovs user id, by default it is going to be root:root
-# ovs options
-if [[ -f /var/run/secrets/ ]]; then
-  k8s_token=$(cat /var/run/secrets/
-  k8s_token=${K8S_TOKEN}
-# certs and private keys for k8s and OVN
-if [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]]; then
-  transport="ssl"
-  ovndb_ctl_ssl_opts="-p ${ovn_controller_pk} -c ${ovn_controller_cert} -C ${ovn_ca_cert}"
-# ovn-northd - /etc/sysconfig/ovn-northd
-# ovn-controller
-# set the log level for ovnkube
-# by default it is going to be a shared gateway mode, however this can be overridden to any of the other
-# two gateway modes that we support using `images/` tool
-# set metrics endpoint bind to K8S_NODE_IP.
-metrics_endpoint_ip=$(bracketify $metrics_endpoint_ip)
-# namespace used for classifying host network traffic
-# host on which ovnkube-db POD is running and this POD contains both
-# OVN NB and SB DB running in their own container.
-ovn_db_host=$(hostname -i)
-# OVN_NB_PORT - ovn north db port (default 6640)
-# OVN_SB_PORT - ovn south db port (default 6640)
-# OVN_NB_RAFT_PORT - ovn north db port used for raft communication (default 6643)
-# OVN_SB_RAFT_PORT - ovn south db port used for raft communication (default 6644)
-# OVN_ENCAP_PORT - GENEVE UDP port (default 6081)
-# OVN_NB_RAFT_ELECTION_TIMER - ovn north db election timer in ms (default 1000)
-# OVN_SB_RAFT_ELECTION_TIMER - ovn south db election timer in ms (default 1000)
-# OVN_V4_JOIN_SUBNET - v4 join subnet
-# OVN_V6_JOIN_SUBNET - v6 join subnet
-#OVN_REMOTE_PROBE_INTERVAL - ovn remote probe interval in ms (default 100000)
-#OVN_MONITOR_ALL - ovn-controller monitor all data in SB DB
-#OVN_OFCTRL_WAIT_BEFORE_CLEAR - ovn-controller wait time in ms before clearing OpenFlow rules during start up
-#OVN_EGRESSIP_ENABLE - enable egress IP for ovn-kubernetes
-#OVN_EGRESSIP_HEALTHCHECK_PORT - egress IP node check to use grpc on this port
-#OVN_EGRESSFIREWALL_ENABLE - enable egressFirewall for ovn-kubernetes
-#OVN_EGRESSQOS_ENABLE - enable egress QoS for ovn-kubernetes
-#OVN_DISABLE_OVN_IFACE_ID_VER - disable usage of the OVN iface-id-ver option
-ovn_ipfix_sampling=${OVN_IPFIX_SAMPLING:-} \
-ovn_ipfix_cache_max_flows=${OVN_IPFIX_CACHE_MAX_FLOWS:-} \
-ovn_ipfix_cache_active_timeout=${OVN_IPFIX_CACHE_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT:-} \
-# OVNKUBE_NODE_MODE - is the mode which ovnkube node operates
-# OVNKUBE_NODE_MGMT_PORT_NETDEV - is the net device to be used for management port
-# OVN_ENCAP_IP - encap IP to be used for OVN traffic on the node
-# Determine the ovn rundir.
-if [[ -f /usr/bin/ovn-appctl ]]; then
-  # ovn-appctl is present. Use new ovn run dir path.
-  OVN_RUNDIR=/var/run/ovn
-  OVNCTL_PATH=/usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl
-  OVN_LOGDIR=/var/log/ovn
-  OVN_ETCDIR=/etc/ovn
-  # ovn-appctl is not present. Use openvswitch run dir path.
-  OVN_RUNDIR=/var/run/openvswitch
-  OVNCTL_PATH=/usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovn-ctl
-  OVN_LOGDIR=/var/log/openvswitch
-  OVN_ETCDIR=/etc/openvswitch
-# =========================================
-setup_ovs_permissions() {
-  if [ ${ovs_user_id:-XX} != "XX" ]; then
-    chown -R ${ovs_user_id} /etc/openvswitch
-    chown -R ${ovs_user_id} ${OVS_RUNDIR}
-    chown -R ${ovs_user_id} ${OVS_LOGDIR}
-    chown -R ${ovs_user_id} ${OVN_ETCDIR}
-    chown -R ${ovs_user_id} ${OVN_RUNDIR}
-    chown -R ${ovs_user_id} ${OVN_LOGDIR}
-  fi
-run_as_ovs_user_if_needed() {
-  setup_ovs_permissions
-  if [ ${ovs_user_id:-XX} != "XX" ]; then
-    local uid=$(id -u "${ovs_user_id%:*}")
-    local gid=$(id -g "${ovs_user_id%:*}")
-    local groups=$(id -G "${ovs_user_id%:*}" | tr ' ' ',')
-    setpriv --reuid $uid --regid $gid --groups $groups "$@"
-    echo "run as: setpriv --reuid $uid --regid $gid --groups $groups $@"
-  else
-    "$@"
-    echo "run as: $@"
-  fi
-# wait_for_event [attempts=<num>] function_to_call [arguments_to_function]
-# Processes running inside the container should immediately start, so we
-# shouldn't be making 80 attempts (default value). The "attempts=<num>"
-# argument will help us in configuring that value.
-wait_for_event() {
-  retries=0
-  sleeper=1
-  attempts=80
-  if [[ $1 =~ ^attempts= ]]; then
-    eval $1
-    shift
-  fi
-  while true; do
-    $@
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      ((retries += 1))
-      if [[ "${retries}" -gt ${attempts} ]]; then
-        echo "error: $@ did not come up, exiting"
-        exit 1
-      fi
-      echo "info: Waiting for $@ to come up, waiting ${sleeper}s ..."
-      sleep ${sleeper}
-      sleeper=5
-    else
-      if [[ "${retries}" != 0 ]]; then
-        echo "$@ came up in ${retries} ${sleeper} sec tries"
-      fi
-      break
-    fi
-  done
-# check that daemonset version is among expected versions
-check_ovn_daemonset_version() {
-  ok=$1
-  for v in ${ok}; do
-    if [[ $v == ${ovn_daemonset_version} ]]; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-  done
-  echo "VERSION MISMATCH expect ${ok}, daemonset is version ${ovn_daemonset_version}"
-  exit 1
-ovsdb_cleanup() {
-  local db=${1}
-  ovs-appctl -t ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovn${db}_db.ctl exit >/dev/null 2>&1
-  kill $(jobs -p) >/dev/null 2>&1
-  exit 0
-get_ovn_db_vars() {
-  ovn_nbdb_str=""
-  ovn_sbdb_str=""
-  for i in "${ovn_db_hosts[@]}"; do
-    if [ -n "$ovn_nbdb_str" ]; then
-      ovn_nbdb_str=${ovn_nbdb_str}","
-      ovn_sbdb_str=${ovn_sbdb_str}","
-    fi
-    ip=$(bracketify $i)
-    ovn_nbdb_str=${ovn_nbdb_str}${transport}://${ip}:${ovn_nb_port}
-    ovn_sbdb_str=${ovn_sbdb_str}${transport}://${ip}:${ovn_sb_port}
-  done
-  # OVN_NORTH and OVN_SOUTH override derived host
-  ovn_nbdb=${OVN_NORTH:-$ovn_nbdb_str}
-  ovn_sbdb=${OVN_SOUTH:-$ovn_sbdb_str}
-  # ovsdb server connection method <transport>:<host_address>:<port>
-  ovn_nbdb_conn=$(echo ${ovn_nbdb} | sed 's;//;;g')
-  ovn_sbdb_conn=$(echo ${ovn_sbdb} | sed 's;//;;g')
-# OVS must be up before OVN comes up.
-# This checks if OVS is up and running
-ovs_ready() {
-  for daemon in $(echo ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd); do
-    pidfile=${OVS_RUNDIR}/${daemon}.pid
-    if [[ -f ${pidfile} ]]; then
-      check_health $daemon $(cat $pidfile)
-      if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-        continue
-      fi
-    fi
-    return 1
-  done
-  return 0
-# Verify that the process is running either by checking for the PID in `ps` output
-# or by using `ovs-appctl` utility for the processes that support it.
-# $1 is the name of the process
-process_ready() {
-  case ${1} in
-  "ovsdb-server" | "ovs-vswitchd")
-    pidfile=${OVS_RUNDIR}/${1}.pid
-    ;;
-  *)
-    pidfile=${OVN_RUNDIR}/${1}.pid
-    ;;
-  esac
-  if [[ -f ${pidfile} ]]; then
-    check_health $1 $(cat $pidfile)
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-  fi
-  return 1
-# continuously checks if process is healthy. Exits if process terminates.
-# $1 is the name of the process
-# $2 is the pid of an another process to kill before exiting
-process_healthy() {
-  case ${1} in
-  "ovsdb-server" | "ovs-vswitchd")
-    pid=$(cat ${OVS_RUNDIR}/${1}.pid)
-    ;;
-  *)
-    pid=$(cat ${OVN_RUNDIR}/${1}.pid)
-    ;;
-  esac
-  while true; do
-    check_health $1 ${pid}
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      echo "=============== pid ${pid} terminated ========== "
-      # kill the tail -f
-      if [[ $2 != "" ]]; then
-        kill $2
-      fi
-      exit 6
-    fi
-    sleep 15
-  done
-# checks for the health of the process either using `ps` or `ovs-appctl`
-# $1 is the name of the process
-# $2 is the process pid
-check_health() {
-  ctl_file=""
-  case ${1} in
-  "ovnkube" | "ovnkube-master" | "ovn-dbchecker")
-    # just check for presence of pid
-    ;;
-  "ovnnb_db" | "ovnsb_db")
-    ctl_file=${OVN_RUNDIR}/${1}.ctl
-    ;;
-  "ovn-northd" | "ovn-controller")
-    ctl_file=${OVN_RUNDIR}/${1}.${2}.ctl
-    ;;
-  "ovsdb-server" | "ovs-vswitchd")
-    ctl_file=${OVS_RUNDIR}/${1}.${2}.ctl
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "Unknown service ${1} specified. Exiting.. "
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-  esac
-  if [[ ${ctl_file} == "" ]]; then
-    # no control file, so just do the PID check
-    pid=${2}
-    pidTest=$(ps ax | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep "^${pid:-XX}$")
-    if [[ ${pid:-XX} == ${pidTest} ]]; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-  else
-    # use ovs-appctl to do the check
-    ovs-appctl -t ${ctl_file} version >/dev/null
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-  fi
-  return 1
-display_file() {
-  if [[ -f $3 ]]; then
-    echo "====================== $1 pid "
-    cat $2
-    echo "====================== $1 log "
-    cat $3
-    echo " "
-  fi
-# pid and log file for each container
-display() {
-  echo "==================== display for ${ovn_pod_host}  =================== "
-  date
-  display_file "nb-ovsdb" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovsdb-server-nb.log
-  display_file "sb-ovsdb" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovsdb-server-sb.log
-  display_file "run-ovn-northd" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovn-northd.log
-  display_file "ovn-master" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${ovnkubelogdir}/ovnkube-master.log
-  display_file "ovs-vswitchd" ${OVS_RUNDIR}/ ${OVS_LOGDIR}/ovs-vswitchd.log
-  display_file "ovsdb-server" ${OVS_RUNDIR}/ ${OVS_LOGDIR}/ovsdb-server.log
-  display_file "ovn-controller" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovn-controller.log
-  display_file "ovnkube" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${ovnkubelogdir}/ovnkube.log
-  display_file "ovn-dbchecker" ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovn-dbchecker.log
-setup_cni() {
-  cp -f /usr/libexec/cni/ovn-k8s-cni-overlay /opt/cni/bin/ovn-k8s-cni-overlay
-display_version() {
-  echo " =================== hostname: ${ovn_pod_host}"
-  echo " =================== daemonset version ${ovn_daemonset_version}"
-  if [[ -f /root/git_info ]]; then
-    disp_ver=$(cat /root/git_info)
-    echo " =================== Image built from ovn-kubernetes ${disp_ver}"
-    return
-  fi
-display_env() {
-  echo OVS_USER_ID ${ovs_user_id}
-  echo OVS_OPTIONS ${ovs_options}
-  echo OVN_NORTH ${ovn_nbdb}
-  echo OVN_NORTHD_OPTS ${ovn_northd_opts}
-  echo OVN_SOUTH ${ovn_sbdb}
-  echo OVN_CONTROLLER_OPTS ${ovn_controller_opts}
-  echo OVN_LOGLEVEL_CONTROLLER ${ovn_loglevel_controller}
-  echo OVN_GATEWAY_MODE ${ovn_gateway_mode}
-  echo OVN_GATEWAY_OPTS ${ovn_gateway_opts}
-  echo OVN_GATEWAY_ROUTER_SUBNET ${ovn_gateway_router_subnet}
-  echo OVN_NET_CIDR ${net_cidr}
-  echo OVN_SVC_CIDR ${svc_cidr}
-  echo OVN_NB_PORT ${ovn_nb_port}
-  echo OVN_SB_PORT ${ovn_sb_port}
-  echo OVNKUBE_LOGLEVEL ${ovnkube_loglevel}
-  echo OVN_DAEMONSET_VERSION ${ovn_daemonset_version}
-  echo OVNKUBE_NODE_MODE ${ovnkube_node_mode}
-  echo OVN_ENCAP_IP ${ovn_encap_ip}
-  echo version ${ovnkube_version}
-  echo OVN_HOST_NETWORK_NAMESPACE ${ovn_host_network_namespace}
-ovn_debug() {
-  echo "ovn_nbdb ${ovn_nbdb}   ovn_sbdb ${ovn_sbdb}"
-  echo "ovn_nbdb_conn ${ovn_nbdb_conn}"
-  echo "ovn_sbdb_conn ${ovn_sbdb_conn}"
-  # get ovs/ovn info from the node for debug purposes
-  echo "=========== ovn_debug   hostname: ${ovn_pod_host} ============="
-  echo "=========== ovn-nbctl --db=${ovn_nbdb_conn} show ============="
-  ovn-nbctl --db=${ovn_nbdb_conn} show
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovn-nbctl list ACL ============="
-  ovn-nbctl --db=${ovn_nbdb_conn} list ACL
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovn-nbctl list address_set ============="
-  ovn-nbctl --db=${ovn_nbdb_conn} list address_set
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovs-vsctl show ============="
-  ovs-vsctl show
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-ports br-int ============="
-  ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-ports br-int
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-ports-desc br-int ============="
-  ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-ports-desc br-int
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int ============="
-  ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} show ============="
-  ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} show
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} lflow-list ============="
-  ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} lflow-list
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} list datapath ============="
-  ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} list datapath
-  echo " "
-  echo "=========== ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} list port_binding ============="
-  ovn-sbctl --db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} list port_binding
-ovs-server() {
-  # start ovs ovsdb-server and ovs-vswitchd
-  set -euo pipefail
-  # if another process is listening on the cni-server socket, wait until it exits
-  trap 'kill $(jobs -p); exit 0' TERM
-  retries=0
-  while true; do
-    if /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl status >/dev/null; then
-      echo "warning: Another process is currently managing OVS, waiting 10s ..." 2>&1
-      sleep 10 &
-      wait
-      ((retries += 1))
-    else
-      break
-    fi
-    if [[ "${retries}" -gt 60 ]]; then
-      echo "error: Another process is currently managing OVS, exiting" 2>&1
-      exit 1
-    fi
-  done
-  rm -f ${OVS_RUNDIR}/
-  rm -f ${OVS_RUNDIR}/
-  # launch OVS
-  function quit() {
-    /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl stop
-    exit 1
-  }
-  trap quit SIGTERM
-  setup_ovs_permissions
-  if [ ${ovs_user_id:-XX} != "XX" ]; then
-    USER_ARGS="--ovs-user=${ovs_user_id}"
-  fi
-  /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl start --no-ovs-vswitchd \
-    --system-id=random ${ovs_options} ${USER_ARGS} "$@"
-  # Restrict the number of pthreads ovs-vswitchd creates to reduce the
-  # amount of RSS it uses on hosts with many cores
-  #
-  #
-  if [[ $(nproc) -gt 12 ]]; then
-    ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:n-revalidator-threads=4
-    ovs-vsctl --no-wait set Open_vSwitch . other_config:n-handler-threads=10
-  fi
-  /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl start --no-ovsdb-server \
-    --system-id=random ${ovs_options} ${USER_ARGS} "$@"
-  tail --follow=name ${OVS_LOGDIR}/ovs-vswitchd.log ${OVS_LOGDIR}/ovsdb-server.log &
-  ovs_tail_pid=$!
-  sleep 10
-  while true; do
-    if ! /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl status >/dev/null; then
-      echo "OVS seems to have crashed, exiting"
-      kill ${ovs_tail_pid}
-      quit
-    fi
-    sleep 15
-  done
-cleanup-ovs-server() {
-  echo "=============== time: $(date +%d-%m-%H:%M:%S:%N) cleanup-ovs-server (wait for ovn-node to exit) ======="
-  retries=0
-  while [[ ${retries} -lt 80 ]]; do
-    if [[ ! -e ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ ]]; then
-      break
-    fi
-    echo "=============== time: $(date +%d-%m-%H:%M:%S:%N) cleanup-ovs-server ovn-node still running, wait) ======="
-    sleep 1
-    ((retries += 1))
-  done
-  echo "=============== time: $(date +%d-%m-%H:%M:%S:%N) cleanup-ovs-server (ovs-ctl stop) ======="
-  /usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl stop
-function memory_trim_on_compaction_supported {
-  if [[ $1 == "nbdb" ]]; then
-    mem_trim_check=$(ovn-appctl -t ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovnnb_db.ctl list-commands | grep "memory-trim-on-compaction")
-  elif [[ $1 == "sbdb"  ]]; then
-    mem_trim_check=$(ovn-appctl -t ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovnsb_db.ctl list-commands | grep "memory-trim-on-compaction")
-  fi
-  if [[ ${mem_trim_check} != "" ]]; then
-    return $(/bin/true)
-  else
-    return $(/bin/false)
-  fi
-# v3 - run nb_ovsdb in a separate container
-nb-ovsdb() {
-  trap 'ovsdb_cleanup nb' TERM
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  if [[ ${ovn_db_host} == "" ]]; then
-    echo "The IP address of the host $(hostname) could not be determined. Exiting..."
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  echo "=============== run nb_ovsdb ========== MASTER ONLY"
-  run_as_ovs_user_if_needed \
-    ${OVNCTL_PATH} run_nb_ovsdb --no-monitor \
-    --ovn-nb-log="${ovn_loglevel_nb}" &
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovnnb_db
-  echo "=============== nb-ovsdb ========== RUNNING"
-  # setting northd probe interval
-  set_northd_probe_interval
-  [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-    ovn-nbctl set-ssl ${ovn_nb_pk} ${ovn_nb_cert} ${ovn_ca_cert}
-    echo "=============== nb-ovsdb ========== reconfigured for SSL"
-  }
- [[ "true" == "${ENABLE_IPSEC}" ]] && {
-    ovn-nbctl set nb_global . ipsec=true
-    echo "=============== nb-ovsdb ========== reconfigured for ipsec"
-  }
-  ovn-nbctl --inactivity-probe=0 set-connection p${transport}:${ovn_nb_port}:$(bracketify ${ovn_db_host})
-  if memory_trim_on_compaction_supported "nbdb"
-  then
-    # Enable NBDB memory trimming on DB compaction, Every 10mins DBs are compacted
-    # memory on the heap is freed, when enable memory trimmming freed memory will go back to OS.
-    ovn-appctl -t ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovnnb_db.ctl ovsdb-server/memory-trim-on-compaction on
-  fi
-  tail --follow=name ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovsdb-server-nb.log &
-  ovn_tail_pid=$!
-  process_healthy ovnnb_db ${ovn_tail_pid}
-  echo "=============== run nb_ovsdb ========== terminated"
-# v3 - run sb_ovsdb in a separate container
-sb-ovsdb() {
-  trap 'ovsdb_cleanup sb' TERM
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  if [[ ${ovn_db_host} == "" ]]; then
-    echo "The IP address of the host $(hostname) could not be determined. Exiting..."
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  echo "=============== run sb_ovsdb ========== MASTER ONLY"
-  run_as_ovs_user_if_needed \
-    ${OVNCTL_PATH} run_sb_ovsdb --no-monitor \
-    --ovn-sb-log="${ovn_loglevel_sb}" &
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovnsb_db
-  echo "=============== sb-ovsdb ========== RUNNING"
-  [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-    ovn-sbctl set-ssl ${ovn_sb_pk} ${ovn_sb_cert} ${ovn_ca_cert}
-    echo "=============== sb-ovsdb ========== reconfigured for SSL"
-  }
-  ovn-sbctl --inactivity-probe=0 set-connection p${transport}:${ovn_sb_port}:$(bracketify ${ovn_db_host})
-  # create the ovnkube-db endpoints
-  if memory_trim_on_compaction_supported "sbdb"
-  then
-    # Enable SBDB memory trimming on DB compaction, Every 10mins DBs are compacted
-    # memory on the heap is freed, when enable memory trimmming freed memory will go back to OS.
-    ovn-appctl -t ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovnsb_db.ctl ovsdb-server/memory-trim-on-compaction on
-  fi
-  tail --follow=name ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovsdb-server-sb.log &
-  ovn_tail_pid=$!
-  process_healthy ovnsb_db ${ovn_tail_pid}
-  echo "=============== run sb_ovsdb ========== terminated"
-# v3 - Runs ovn-dbchecker on ovnkube-db pod.
-ovn-dbchecker() {
-  trap 'kill $(jobs -p); exit 0' TERM
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  echo "ovn_nbdb ${ovn_nbdb}   ovn_sbdb ${ovn_sbdb}"
-  # wait for nb-ovsdb and sb-ovsdb to start
-  echo "=============== ovn-dbchecker (wait for nb-ovsdb) ========== OVNKUBE_DB"
-  wait_for_event attempts=15 process_ready ovnnb_db
-  echo "=============== ovn-dbchecker (wait for sb-ovsdb) ========== OVNKUBE_DB"
-  wait_for_event attempts=15 process_ready ovnsb_db
-  local ovn_db_ssl_opts=""
-  [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-    ovn_db_ssl_opts="
-        --nb-client-privkey ${ovn_controller_pk}
-        --nb-client-cert ${ovn_controller_cert}
-        --nb-client-cacert ${ovn_ca_cert}
-        --nb-cert-common-name ${ovn_controller_cname}
-        --sb-client-privkey ${ovn_controller_pk}
-        --sb-client-cert ${ovn_controller_cert}
-        --sb-client-cacert ${ovn_ca_cert}
-        --sb-cert-common-name ${ovn_controller_cname}
-      "
-  }
-  echo "=============== ovn-dbchecker ========== OVNKUBE_DB"
-  /usr/bin/ovndbchecker \
-    --nb-address=${ovn_nbdb} --sb-address=${ovn_sbdb} \
-    ${ovn_db_ssl_opts} \
-    --loglevel=${ovnkube_loglevel} \
-    --logfile-maxsize=${ovnkube_logfile_maxsize} \
-    --logfile-maxbackups=${ovnkube_logfile_maxbackups} \
-    --logfile-maxage=${ovnkube_logfile_maxage} \
-    --pidfile ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ \
-    --logfile /var/log/ovn-kubernetes/ovn-dbchecker.log &
-  echo "=============== ovn-dbchecker ========== running"
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovn-dbchecker
-  process_healthy ovn-dbchecker
-  exit 11
-# v3 - Runs northd on master. Does not run nb_ovsdb, and sb_ovsdb
-run-ovn-northd() {
-  trap 'ovs-appctl -t ovn-northd exit >/dev/null 2>&1; exit 0' TERM
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovn-northd.*.ctl
-  mkdir -p ${OVN_RUNDIR}
-  echo "=============== run_ovn_northd ========== MASTER ONLY"
-  echo "ovn_nbdb ${ovn_nbdb}   ovn_sbdb ${ovn_sbdb}"
-  echo "ovn_northd_opts=${ovn_northd_opts}"
-  echo "ovn_loglevel_northd=${ovn_loglevel_northd}"
-  # no monitor (and no detach), start northd which connects to the
-  # ovnkube-db service
-  local ovn_northd_ssl_opts=""
-  [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-    ovn_northd_ssl_opts="
-        --ovn-northd-ssl-key=${ovn_northd_pk}
-        --ovn-northd-ssl-cert=${ovn_northd_cert}
-        --ovn-northd-ssl-ca-cert=${ovn_ca_cert}
-     "
-  }
-  run_as_ovs_user_if_needed \
-    ${OVNCTL_PATH} start_northd \
-    --ovn-northd-priority=0 \
-    --no-monitor --ovn-manage-ovsdb=no \
-    --ovn-northd-nb-db=${ovn_nbdb_conn} --ovn-northd-sb-db=${ovn_sbdb_conn} \
-    ${ovn_northd_ssl_opts} \
-    --ovn-northd-log="${ovn_loglevel_northd}" \
-    ${ovn_northd_opts}
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovn-northd
-  echo "=============== run_ovn_northd ========== RUNNING"
-  tail --follow=name ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovn-northd.log &
-  ovn_tail_pid=$!
-  process_healthy ovn-northd ${ovn_tail_pid}
-  exit 8
-# v3 - run ovnkube --master
-ovn-master() {
-  trap 'kill $(jobs -p); exit 0' TERM
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  echo "ovn_nbdb ${ovn_nbdb}   ovn_sbdb ${ovn_sbdb}"
-  # wait for northd to start
-  wait_for_event process_ready ovn-northd
-  # wait for ovs-servers to start since ovn-master sets some fields in OVS DB
-  echo "=============== ovn-master - (wait for ovs)"
-  wait_for_event ovs_ready
-  hybrid_overlay_flags=
-  if [[ ${ovn_hybrid_overlay_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-    hybrid_overlay_flags="--enable-hybrid-overlay"
-    if [[ -n "${ovn_hybrid_overlay_net_cidr}" ]]; then
-      hybrid_overlay_flags="${hybrid_overlay_flags} --hybrid-overlay-cluster-subnets=${ovn_hybrid_overlay_net_cidr}"
-    fi
-  fi
-  disable_snat_multiple_gws_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_disable_snat_multiple_gws} == "true" ]]; then
-      disable_snat_multiple_gws_flag="--disable-snat-multiple-gws"
-  fi
-  disable_pkt_mtu_check_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_disable_pkt_mtu_check} == "true" ]]; then
-      disable_pkt_mtu_check_flag="--disable-pkt-mtu-check"
-  fi
-  empty_lb_events_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_empty_lb_events} == "true" ]]; then
-      empty_lb_events_flag="--ovn-empty-lb-events"
-  fi
-  ovn_v4_join_subnet_opt=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_v4_join_subnet} ]]; then
-      ovn_v4_join_subnet_opt="--gateway-v4-join-subnet=${ovn_v4_join_subnet}"
-  fi
-  ovn_v6_join_subnet_opt=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_v6_join_subnet} ]]; then
-      ovn_v6_join_subnet_opt="--gateway-v6-join-subnet=${ovn_v6_join_subnet}"
-  fi
-  local ovn_master_ssl_opts=""
-  [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-    ovn_master_ssl_opts="
-        --nb-client-privkey ${ovn_controller_pk}
-        --nb-client-cert ${ovn_controller_cert}
-        --nb-client-cacert ${ovn_ca_cert}
-        --nb-cert-common-name ${ovn_controller_cname}
-        --sb-client-privkey ${ovn_controller_pk}
-        --sb-client-cert ${ovn_controller_cert}
-        --sb-client-cacert ${ovn_ca_cert}
-        --sb-cert-common-name ${ovn_controller_cname}
-      "
-  }
-  ovn_acl_logging_rate_limit_flag=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_acl_logging_rate_limit} ]]; then
-      ovn_acl_logging_rate_limit_flag="--acl-logging-rate-limit ${ovn_acl_logging_rate_limit}"
-  fi
-  multicast_enabled_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_multicast_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-      multicast_enabled_flag="--enable-multicast"
-  fi
-  egressip_enabled_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_egressip_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-      egressip_enabled_flag="--enable-egress-ip"
-  fi
-  egressip_healthcheck_port_flag=
-  if [[ -n "${ovn_egress_ip_healthcheck_port}" ]]; then
-      egressip_healthcheck_port_flag="--egressip-node-healthcheck-port=${ovn_egress_ip_healthcheck_port}"
-  fi
-  egressfirewall_enabled_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_egressfirewall_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-	  egressfirewall_enabled_flag="--enable-egress-firewall"
-  fi
-  echo "egressfirewall_enabled_flag=${egressfirewall_enabled_flag}"
-  egressqos_enabled_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_egressqos_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-	  egressqos_enabled_flag="--enable-egress-qos"
-  fi
-  ovnkube_master_metrics_bind_address="${metrics_endpoint_ip}:9409"
-  local ovnkube_metrics_tls_opts=""
-  if [[ ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_PK} != "" && ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_CERT} != "" ]]; then
-    ovnkube_metrics_tls_opts="
-        --node-server-privkey ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_PK}
-        --node-server-cert ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_CERT}
-      "
-  fi
-  ovnkube_config_duration_enable_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_config_duration_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-    ovnkube_config_duration_enable_flag="--metrics-enable-config-duration"
-  fi
-  echo "ovnkube_config_duration_enable_flag: ${ovnkube_config_duration_enable_flag}"
-  echo "=============== ovn-master ========== MASTER ONLY"
-  /usr/bin/ovnkube \
-    --init-master ${K8S_NODE} \
-    --cluster-subnets ${net_cidr} --k8s-service-cidr=${svc_cidr} \
-    --nb-address=${ovn_nbdb} --sb-address=${ovn_sbdb} \
-    --gateway-mode=${ovn_gateway_mode} \
-    --loglevel=${ovnkube_loglevel} \
-    --logfile-maxsize=${ovnkube_logfile_maxsize} \
-    --logfile-maxbackups=${ovnkube_logfile_maxbackups} \
-    --logfile-maxage=${ovnkube_logfile_maxage} \
-    ${hybrid_overlay_flags} \
-    ${disable_snat_multiple_gws_flag} \
-    ${empty_lb_events_flag} \
-    ${ovn_v4_join_subnet_opt} \
-    ${ovn_v6_join_subnet_opt} \
-    --pidfile ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ \
-    --logfile /var/log/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube-master.log \
-    ${ovn_master_ssl_opts} \
-    ${ovnkube_metrics_tls_opts} \
-    ${multicast_enabled_flag} \
-    ${ovn_acl_logging_rate_limit_flag} \
-    ${egressip_enabled_flag} \
-    ${egressip_healthcheck_port_flag} \
-    ${egressfirewall_enabled_flag} \
-    ${egressqos_enabled_flag} \
-    ${ovnkube_config_duration_enable_flag} \
-    --metrics-bind-address ${ovnkube_master_metrics_bind_address} \
-    --host-network-namespace ${ovn_host_network_namespace} &
-  echo "=============== ovn-master ========== running"
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovnkube-master
-  process_healthy ovnkube-master
-  exit 9
-add-external-id-configs() {
-  ovs-vsctl get open . external-ids:system-id
-  if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
-    ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:system-id="$(uuidgen)"
-  fi
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:rundir="/var/run/openvswitch"
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external_ids:ovn-encap-ip="$ovn_encap_ip"
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-remote="{{ .Values.conf.ovn_remote }}"
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-encap-type="{{ .Values.conf.ovn_encap_type }}"
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge="{{ .Values.conf.ovn_bridge }}"
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-bridge-mappings="{{ .Values.conf.ovn_bridge_mappings }}"
-  ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:ovn-cms-options="{{ .Values.conf.ovn_cms_options }}"
-  {{- if .Values.conf.use_fqdn.compute }}
-    ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:hostname="$ovn_pod_host.compute"
-  {{- else }}
-    ovs-vsctl set open . external-ids:hostname="$ovn_pod_host"
-  {{- end }}
-# ovn-controller - all nodes
-ovn-controller() {
-  add-external-id-configs
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  echo "ovn_nbdb ${ovn_nbdb}   ovn_sbdb ${ovn_sbdb}"
-  echo "ovn_nbdb_conn ${ovn_nbdb_conn}"
-  echo "=============== ovn-controller  start_controller"
-  rm -f /var/run/ovn-kubernetes/cni/*
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ovn-controller.*.ctl
-  local ovn_controller_ssl_opts=""
-  [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-    ovn_controller_ssl_opts="
-          --ovn-controller-ssl-key=${ovn_controller_pk}
-          --ovn-controller-ssl-cert=${ovn_controller_cert}
-          --ovn-controller-ssl-ca-cert=${ovn_ca_cert}
-      "
-  }
-  run_as_ovs_user_if_needed \
-    ${OVNCTL_PATH} --no-monitor start_controller \
-    --ovn-controller-priority=0 \
-    ${ovn_controller_ssl_opts} \
-    --ovn-controller-log="${ovn_loglevel_controller}" \
-    ${ovn_controller_opts}
-  tail --follow=name ${OVN_LOGDIR}/ovn-controller.log &
-  controller_tail_pid=$!
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovn-controller
-  echo "=============== ovn-controller ========== running"
-  process_healthy ovn-controller ${controller_tail_pid}
-  exit 10
-# ovn-node - all nodes
-ovn-node() {
-  trap 'kill $(jobs -p) ; rm -f /etc/cni/net.d/10-ovn-kubernetes.conf ; exit 0' TERM
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f ${OVN_RUNDIR}/
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mode} != "dpu-host" ]]; then
-    echo "=============== ovn-node - (wait for ovs)"
-    wait_for_event ovs_ready
-  fi
-  echo "ovn_nbdb ${ovn_nbdb}   ovn_sbdb ${ovn_sbdb}  ovn_nbdb_conn ${ovn_nbdb_conn}"
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mode} != "dpu-host" ]]; then
-    echo "=============== ovn-node - (ovn-node  wait for"
-    wait_for_event process_ready ovn-controller
-  fi
-  ovn_routable_mtu_flag=
-  if [[ -n "${routable_mtu}" ]]; then
-	  routable_mtu_flag="--routable-mtu ${routable_mtu}"
-  fi
-  hybrid_overlay_flags=
-  if [[ ${ovn_hybrid_overlay_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-    hybrid_overlay_flags="--enable-hybrid-overlay"
-    if [[ -n "${ovn_hybrid_overlay_net_cidr}" ]]; then
-      hybrid_overlay_flags="${hybrid_overlay_flags} --hybrid-overlay-cluster-subnets=${ovn_hybrid_overlay_net_cidr}"
-    fi
-  fi
-  disable_snat_multiple_gws_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_disable_snat_multiple_gws} == "true" ]]; then
-      disable_snat_multiple_gws_flag="--disable-snat-multiple-gws"
-  fi
-  disable_pkt_mtu_check_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_disable_pkt_mtu_check} == "true" ]]; then
-      disable_pkt_mtu_check_flag="--disable-pkt-mtu-check"
-  fi
-  multicast_enabled_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_multicast_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-      multicast_enabled_flag="--enable-multicast"
-  fi
-  egressip_enabled_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_egressip_enable} == "true" ]]; then
-      egressip_enabled_flag="--enable-egress-ip"
-  fi
-  egressip_healthcheck_port_flag=
-  if [[ -n "${ovn_egress_ip_healthcheck_port}" ]]; then
-      egressip_healthcheck_port_flag="--egressip-node-healthcheck-port=${ovn_egress_ip_healthcheck_port}"
-  fi
-  disable_ovn_iface_id_ver_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_disable_ovn_iface_id_ver} == "true" ]]; then
-      disable_ovn_iface_id_ver_flag="--disable-ovn-iface-id-ver"
-  fi
-  netflow_targets=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_netflow_targets} ]]; then
-      netflow_targets="--netflow-targets ${ovn_netflow_targets}"
-  fi
-  sflow_targets=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_sflow_targets} ]]; then
-      sflow_targets="--sflow-targets ${ovn_sflow_targets}"
-  fi
-  ipfix_targets=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_ipfix_targets} ]]; then
-      ipfix_targets="--ipfix-targets ${ovn_ipfix_targets}"
-  fi
-  ipfix_config=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_ipfix_sampling} ]]; then
-      ipfix_config="--ipfix-sampling ${ovn_ipfix_sampling}"
-  fi
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_ipfix_cache_max_flows} ]]; then
-      ipfix_config="${ipfix_config} --ipfix-cache-max-flows ${ovn_ipfix_cache_max_flows}"
-  fi
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_ipfix_cache_active_timeout} ]]; then
-      ipfix_config="${ipfix_config} --ipfix-cache-active-timeout ${ovn_ipfix_cache_active_timeout}"
-  fi
-  monitor_all=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_monitor_all} ]]; then
-     monitor_all="--monitor-all=${ovn_monitor_all}"
-  fi
-  ofctrl_wait_before_clear=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear} ]]; then
-     ofctrl_wait_before_clear="--ofctrl-wait-before-clear=${ovn_ofctrl_wait_before_clear}"
-  fi
-  enable_lflow_cache=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_enable_lflow_cache} ]]; then
-     enable_lflow_cache="--enable-lflow-cache=${ovn_enable_lflow_cache}"
-  fi
-  lflow_cache_limit=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_lflow_cache_limit} ]]; then
-     lflow_cache_limit="--lflow-cache-limit=${ovn_lflow_cache_limit}"
-  fi
-  lflow_cache_limit_kb=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_lflow_cache_limit_kb} ]]; then
-     lflow_cache_limit_kb="--lflow-cache-limit-kb=${ovn_lflow_cache_limit_kb}"
-  fi
-  egress_interface=
-  if [[ -n ${ovn_ex_gw_network_interface} ]]; then
-      egress_interface="--exgw-interface ${ovn_ex_gw_network_interface}"
-  fi
-  ovn_encap_ip_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovn_encap_ip} != "" ]]; then
-    ovn_encap_ip_flag="--encap-ip=${ovn_encap_ip}"
-  else
-    ovn_encap_ip=$(ovs-vsctl --if-exists get Open_vSwitch . external_ids:ovn-encap-ip)
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      ovn_encap_ip=$(echo ${ovn_encap_ip} | tr -d '\"')
-      if [[ "${ovn_encap_ip}" != "" ]]; then
-        ovn_encap_ip_flag="--encap-ip=${ovn_encap_ip}"
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  ovnkube_node_mode_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mode} != "" ]]; then
-    ovnkube_node_mode_flag="--ovnkube-node-mode=${ovnkube_node_mode}"
-    if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mode} == "dpu" ]]; then
-      # encap IP is required for dpu, this is either provided via OVN_ENCAP_IP env variable or taken from ovs
-      if [[ ${ovn_encap_ip} == "" ]]; then
-        echo "ovn encap IP must be provided if \"ovnkube-node-mode\" set to \"dpu\". Exiting..."
-        exit 1
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  ovnkube_node_mgmt_port_netdev_flag=
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mgmt_port_netdev} != "" ]]; then
-    ovnkube_node_mgmt_port_netdev_flag="--ovnkube-node-mgmt-port-netdev=${ovnkube_node_mgmt_port_netdev}"
-  fi
-  local ovn_node_ssl_opts=""
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mode} != "dpu-host" ]]; then
-      [[ "yes" == ${OVN_SSL_ENABLE} ]] && {
-        ovn_node_ssl_opts="
-            --nb-client-privkey ${ovn_controller_pk}
-            --nb-client-cert ${ovn_controller_cert}
-            --nb-client-cacert ${ovn_ca_cert}
-            --nb-cert-common-name ${ovn_controller_cname}
-            --sb-client-privkey ${ovn_controller_pk}
-            --sb-client-cert ${ovn_controller_cert}
-            --sb-client-cacert ${ovn_ca_cert}
-            --sb-cert-common-name ${ovn_controller_cname}
-          "
-      }
-  fi
-  ovn_unprivileged_flag="--unprivileged-mode"
-  if test -z "${OVN_UNPRIVILEGED_MODE+x}" -o "x${OVN_UNPRIVILEGED_MODE}" = xno; then
-    ovn_unprivileged_flag=""
-  fi
-  ovn_metrics_bind_address="${metrics_endpoint_ip}:9476"
-  ovnkube_node_metrics_bind_address="${metrics_endpoint_ip}:9410"
-  local ovnkube_metrics_tls_opts=""
-  if [[ ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_PK} != "" && ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_CERT} != "" ]]; then
-    ovnkube_metrics_tls_opts="
-        --node-server-privkey ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_PK}
-        --node-server-cert ${OVNKUBE_METRICS_CERT}
-      "
-  fi
-  echo "=============== ovn-node   --init-node"
-  /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-node ${K8S_NODE} \
-    --cluster-subnets ${net_cidr} --k8s-service-cidr=${svc_cidr} \
-    --nb-address=${ovn_nbdb} --sb-address=${ovn_sbdb} \
-    ${ovn_unprivileged_flag} \
-    --nodeport \
-    --mtu=${mtu} \
-    ${routable_mtu_flag} \
-    ${ovn_encap_ip_flag} \
-    --loglevel=${ovnkube_loglevel} \
-    --logfile-maxsize=${ovnkube_logfile_maxsize} \
-    --logfile-maxbackups=${ovnkube_logfile_maxbackups} \
-    --logfile-maxage=${ovnkube_logfile_maxage} \
-    ${hybrid_overlay_flags} \
-    ${disable_snat_multiple_gws_flag} \
-    ${disable_pkt_mtu_check_flag} \
-    --gateway-mode=${ovn_gateway_mode} ${ovn_gateway_opts} \
-    --gateway-router-subnet=${ovn_gateway_router_subnet} \
-    --pidfile ${OVN_RUNDIR}/ \
-    --logfile /var/log/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log \
-    ${ovn_node_ssl_opts} \
-    ${ovnkube_metrics_tls_opts} \
-    --inactivity-probe=${ovn_remote_probe_interval} \
-    ${monitor_all} \
-    ${ofctrl_wait_before_clear} \
-    ${enable_lflow_cache} \
-    ${lflow_cache_limit} \
-    ${lflow_cache_limit_kb} \
-    ${multicast_enabled_flag} \
-    ${egressip_enabled_flag} \
-    ${egressip_healthcheck_port_flag} \
-    ${disable_ovn_iface_id_ver_flag} \
-    ${netflow_targets} \
-    ${sflow_targets} \
-    ${ipfix_targets} \
-    ${ipfix_config} \
-    --ovn-metrics-bind-address ${ovn_metrics_bind_address} \
-    --metrics-bind-address ${ovnkube_node_metrics_bind_address} \
-     ${ovnkube_node_mode_flag} \
-    ${egress_interface} \
-    --host-network-namespace ${ovn_host_network_namespace} \
-     ${ovnkube_node_mgmt_port_netdev_flag} &
-  wait_for_event attempts=3 process_ready ovnkube
-  if [[ ${ovnkube_node_mode} != "dpu" ]]; then
-    setup_cni
-  fi
-  echo "=============== ovn-node ========== running"
-  process_healthy ovnkube
-  exit 7
-# cleanup-ovn-node - all nodes
-cleanup-ovn-node() {
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  rm -f /etc/cni/net.d/10-ovn-kubernetes.conf
-  echo "=============== time: $(date +%d-%m-%H:%M:%S:%N) cleanup-ovn-node - (wait for ovn-controller to exit)"
-  retries=0
-  while [[ ${retries} -lt 80 ]]; do
-    process_ready ovn-controller
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      break
-    fi
-    echo "=============== time: $(date +%d-%m-%H:%M:%S:%N) cleanup-ovn-node - (ovn-controller still running, wait)"
-    sleep 1
-    ((retries += 1))
-  done
-  echo "=============== time: $(date +%d-%m-%H:%M:%S:%N) cleanup-ovn-node --cleanup-node"
-  /usr/bin/ovnkube --cleanup-node ${K8S_NODE} --gateway-mode=${ovn_gateway_mode} ${ovn_gateway_opts} \
-    --k8s-token=${k8s_token} --k8s-apiserver=${K8S_APISERVER} --k8s-cacert=${K8S_CACERT} \
-    --loglevel=${ovnkube_loglevel} \
-    --logfile /var/log/ovn-kubernetes/ovnkube.log
-# v3 - Runs ovn-kube-util in daemon mode to export prometheus metrics related to OVS.
-ovs-metrics() {
-  check_ovn_daemonset_version "3"
-  echo "=============== ovs-metrics - (wait for ovs_ready)"
-  wait_for_event ovs_ready
-  ovs_exporter_bind_address="${metrics_endpoint_ip}:9310"
-  /usr/bin/ovn-kube-util \
-    --loglevel=${ovnkube_loglevel} \
-    ovs-exporter \
-    --metrics-bind-address ${ovs_exporter_bind_address}
-  echo "=============== ovs-metrics with pid ${?} terminated ========== "
-  exit 1
-echo "================== --- version: ${ovnkube_version} ================"
-echo " ==================== command: ${cmd}"
-# display_env
-# Start the requested daemons
-# daemons come up in order
-# ovs-db-server  - all nodes  -- not done by this script (v3)
-# ovs-vswitchd   - all nodes  -- not done by this script (v3)
-# run-ovn-northd Runs ovn-northd as a process does not run nb_ovsdb or sb_ovsdb (v3)
-# nb-ovsdb       Runs nb_ovsdb as a process (no detach or monitor) (v3)
-# sb-ovsdb       Runs sb_ovsdb as a process (no detach or monitor) (v3)
-# ovn-dbchecker  Runs ovndb checker alongside nb-ovsdb and sb-ovsdb containers (v3)
-# ovn-master     - master only (v3)
-# ovn-controller - all nodes (v3)
-# ovn-node       - all nodes (v3)
-# cleanup-ovn-node - all nodes (v3)
-case ${cmd} in
-"nb-ovsdb") # pod ovnkube-db container nb-ovsdb
-  nb-ovsdb
-  ;;
-"sb-ovsdb") # pod ovnkube-db container sb-ovsdb
-  sb-ovsdb
-  ;;
-"ovn-dbchecker") # pod ovnkube-db container ovn-dbchecker
-  ovn-dbchecker
-  ;;
-"run-ovn-northd") # pod ovnkube-master container run-ovn-northd
-  run-ovn-northd
-  ;;
-"ovn-master") # pod ovnkube-master container ovnkube-master
-  ovn-master
-  ;;
-"ovs-server") # pod ovnkube-node container ovs-daemons
-  ovs-server
-  ;;
-"ovn-controller") # pod ovnkube-node container ovn-controller
-  ovn-controller
-  ;;
-"ovn-node") # pod ovnkube-node container ovn-node
-  ovn-node
-  ;;
-  ovn-northd
-  ;;
-  display_env
-  exit 0
-  ;;
-  display
-  exit 0
-  ;;
-  ovn_debug
-  exit 0
-  ;;
-  cleanup-ovs-server
-  ;;
-  cleanup-ovn-node
-  ;;
-  ovsdb-raft nb ${ovn_nb_port} ${ovn_nb_raft_port} ${ovn_nb_raft_election_timer}
-  ;;
-  ovsdb-raft sb ${ovn_sb_port} ${ovn_sb_raft_port} ${ovn_sb_raft_election_timer}
-  ;;
-  ovs-metrics
-  ;;
-  echo "invalid command ${cmd}"
-  echo "valid v3 commands: ovs-server nb-ovsdb sb-ovsdb run-ovn-northd ovn-master " \
-    "ovn-controller ovn-node display_env display ovn_debug cleanup-ovs-server " \
-    "cleanup-ovn-node nb-ovsdb-raft sb-ovsdb-raft"
-  exit 0
-  ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/charts/ovn/templates/bin/ b/charts/ovn/templates/bin/
index 3198908..e023505 100644
--- a/charts/ovn/templates/bin/
+++ b/charts/ovn/templates/bin/
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 function start () {
   /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl start_${OVS_DATABASE}_ovsdb ${ARGS[@]}
-  /usr/bin/ovn-${OVS_DATABASE}ctl set-connection ptcp:${OVS_PORT}: -- set connection . inactivity_probe=60000
   tail --follow=name /var/log/ovn/ovsdb-server-${OVS_DATABASE}.log
diff --git a/molecule/ceph/group_vars/all/molecule.yml b/molecule/ceph/group_vars/all/molecule.yml
index 8446952..5264d6d 100644
--- a/molecule/ceph/group_vars/all/molecule.yml
+++ b/molecule/ceph/group_vars/all/molecule.yml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   replicaCount: 1
-atmosphere_network_backend: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_NETWORK_BACKEND') | default('openvswitch') }}"
+atmosphere_network_backend: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_NETWORK_BACKEND') | default('openvswitch', True) }}"
diff --git a/molecule/default/group_vars/all/molecule.yml b/molecule/default/group_vars/all/molecule.yml
index f13f895..e215406 100644
--- a/molecule/default/group_vars/all/molecule.yml
+++ b/molecule/default/group_vars/all/molecule.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     container_format: bare

     is_public: true


-atmosphere_network_backend: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_NETWORK_BACKEND') | default('openvswitch') }}"

+atmosphere_network_backend: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_NETWORK_BACKEND') | default('openvswitch', True) }}"


