feat: switch to binary runc and containerd install (#333)

* feat: switch to binary runc and containerd install

* fix: always download directly to dst node

* feat: add crictl role

* ci: add tests for binary downloads

* ci: rename scenario and add matrix

* ci: move to using prepare

* ci: stop using  anchors

* chore: refactor to download_artifact

* chore: add jammy to containerd+runc

* chore: bump ansible-lint

* chore: add more platforms for cri

* fix: ensure tar command exists

* chore: drop amznlinux2


Co-authored-by: Mohammed Naser <mnaser@vexxhost.com>
diff --git a/roles/helm/tasks/debian.yml b/roles/helm/tasks/debian.yml
index 59df4d0..d3da113 100644
--- a/roles/helm/tasks/debian.yml
+++ b/roles/helm/tasks/debian.yml
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@
 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 # under the License.
-- name: add apt key
+- name: Add apt key
     url: "{{ helm_repository_apt_key }}"
     state: present
-- name: configure version pinning
+- name: Configure version pinning
     src: apt-preferences.j2
     dest: /etc/apt/preferences.d/helm
-    mode: 0644
+    mode: "0644"
 - name: Add package repository
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     name: ["git", "helm"]
     install_recommends: false
-- name: add bash autocomplete for helm
+- name: Add bash autocomplete for helm
     path: /root/.bashrc
     line: 'source <(helm completion bash)'