Switch to building with Depot

Change-Id: I4547e671e11f76e6776192cc68040d5e2ff61be9
diff --git a/zuul.d/project.yaml b/zuul.d/project.yaml
index 415ab66..9d34783 100644
--- a/zuul.d/project.yaml
+++ b/zuul.d/project.yaml
@@ -22,55 +22,10 @@
         - atmosphere-tox-promtool-test
         - atmosphere-tox-helm-unittest
         - atmosphere-tox-py3
+        - atmosphere-build-images
         - atmosphere-build-collection:
             dependencies: &image_build_jobs
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-barbican
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-cinder
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-designate
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-glance
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-heat
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-horizon
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-ironic
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-keepalived
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-keystone
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-kubernetes-entrypoint
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-libvirtd
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-magnum
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-manila
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-netoffload
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-neutron
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-nova
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-nova-ssh
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-octavia
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-openvswitch
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-ovn
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-placement
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-python-openstackclient
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-staffeln
-                soft: true
-              - name: atmosphere-build-container-image-tempest
+              - name: atmosphere-build-images
                 soft: true
         - atmosphere-molecule-aio-keycloak:
             dependencies: *image_build_jobs
@@ -89,6 +44,7 @@
         - atmosphere-golang-go-test
         - atmosphere-linters
         - atmosphere-tox-py3
+        - atmosphere-build-images
         - atmosphere-build-collection:
             dependencies: *image_build_jobs
         - atmosphere-molecule-aio-keycloak:
@@ -104,6 +60,9 @@
         - atmosphere-publish-collection
+    promote:
+      jobs:
+        - atmosphere-promote-images
         - atmosphere-molecule-aio-upgrade-openvswitch: