Add Storpool CSI support (#1153)
Signed-off-by: Mohammed Naser <>
diff --git a/roles/csi/meta/main.yml b/roles/csi/meta/main.yml
index 4fe8bdd..58e6c8b 100644
--- a/roles/csi/meta/main.yml
+++ b/roles/csi/meta/main.yml
@@ -36,3 +36,5 @@
when: csi_driver == "rbd"
- role: powerstore_csi
when: csi_driver == "powerstore"
+ - role: storpool_csi
+ when: csi_driver == "storpool"
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/ b/roles/storpool_csi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c38d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+# `storpool_csi`
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-controllerplugin-rbac.yaml b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-controllerplugin-rbac.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3238411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-controllerplugin-rbac.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: storpool-csi-controller-sa
+ namespace: kube-system
+kind: ClusterRole
+ name: csi-attacher-role
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["persistentvolumes"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "patch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["csinodes"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["volumeattachments"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "patch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["volumeattachments/status"]
+ verbs: ["patch"]
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+ name: csi-attacher-binding
+ - kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: storpool-csi-controller-sa
+ namespace: kube-system
+ kind: ClusterRole
+ name: csi-attacher-role
+ apiGroup:
+kind: ClusterRole
+ name: csi-provisioner-role
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["persistentvolumes"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["persistentvolumeclaims"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "update"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["storageclasses"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["nodes"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["csinodes"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["events"]
+ verbs: ["list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["volumesnapshots"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["volumesnapshotcontents"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list"]
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["leases"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "delete", "update"]
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+ name: csi-provisioner-binding
+ - kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: storpool-csi-controller-sa
+ namespace: kube-system
+ kind: ClusterRole
+ name: csi-provisioner-role
+ apiGroup:
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-controllerplugin.yaml b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-controllerplugin.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb9f9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-controllerplugin.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+ name: storpool-csi-controllerplugin
+ namespace: kube-system
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ name: storpool-csi-controllerplugin
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ name: storpool-csi-controllerplugin
+ spec:
+ serviceAccountName: storpool-csi-controller-sa
+ containers:
+ - name: storpool-csi-plugin
+ image:
+ env:
+ - name: CSI_ENDPOINT
+ value: unix:///csi/csi.sock
+ - name: SP_NODE_NAME
+ valueFrom:
+ fieldRef:
+ fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+ imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
+ ports:
+ - containerPort: 9808
+ name: healthz
+ protocol: TCP
+ livenessProbe:
+ failureThreshold: 5
+ httpGet:
+ path: /healthz
+ port: healthz
+ initialDelaySeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 3
+ periodSeconds: 10
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: storpool-conf
+ mountPath: /etc/storpool.conf
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: storpool-dir
+ mountPath: /usr/lib/storpool
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /csi
+ - name: csi-provisioner
+ image:
+ args:
+ - "--csi-address=$(ADDRESS)"
+ - "--default-fstype=ext4"
+ - "--extra-create-metadata"
+ - '--leader-election'
+ - '--http-endpoint=:8080'
+ ports:
+ - name: http-endpoint
+ containerPort: 8080
+ protocol: TCP
+ env:
+ - name: ADDRESS
+ value: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/csi.sock
+ imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/
+ livenessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /healthz/leader-election
+ port: http-endpoint
+ scheme: HTTP
+ initialDelaySeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 10
+ periodSeconds: 20
+ successThreshold: 1
+ failureThreshold: 1
+ - name: csi-attacher
+ image:
+ args:
+ - "--csi-address=$(ADDRESS)"
+ - '--leader-election'
+ - '--http-endpoint=:8081'
+ ports:
+ - name: http-endpoint
+ containerPort: 8081
+ protocol: TCP
+ env:
+ - name: ADDRESS
+ value: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/csi.sock
+ imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/
+ livenessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /healthz/leader-election
+ port: http-endpoint
+ scheme: HTTP
+ initialDelaySeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 10
+ periodSeconds: 20
+ successThreshold: 1
+ failureThreshold: 1
+ - name: csi-resizer
+ image:
+ args:
+ - '--csi-address=$(ADDRESS)'
+ - '--leader-election'
+ - '--http-endpoint=:8082'
+ ports:
+ - name: http-endpoint
+ containerPort: 8082
+ protocol: TCP
+ env:
+ - name: ADDRESS
+ value: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/csi.sock
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/
+ livenessProbe:
+ httpGet:
+ path: /healthz/leader-election
+ port: http-endpoint
+ scheme: HTTP
+ initialDelaySeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 10
+ periodSeconds: 20
+ successThreshold: 1
+ failureThreshold: 1
+ - name: liveness-probe
+ image:
+ args:
+ - "--csi-address=$(ADDRESS)"
+ env:
+ - name: ADDRESS
+ value: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/csi.sock
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /var/lib/csi/sockets/pluginproxy/
+ volumes:
+ - name: storpool-conf
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/storpool.conf
+ type: File
+ - name: storpool-dir
+ hostPath:
+ path: /usr/lib/storpool
+ type: Directory
+ - name: socket-dir
+ emptyDir: {}
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-driver.yaml b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-driver.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68b056
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-driver.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+kind: CSIDriver
+ name:
+ attachRequired: true
+ volumeLifecycleModes:
+ - Persistent
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ee041c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: storpool-csi-node-sa
+ namespace: kube-system
+kind: ClusterRole
+ name: csi-nodeplugin-role
+ - apiGroups: [""]
+ resources: ["events"]
+ verbs: ["get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch"]
+kind: ClusterRoleBinding
+ name: csi-nodeplugin-binding
+ - kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: storpool-csi-node-sa
+ namespace: kube-system
+ kind: ClusterRole
+ name: csi-nodeplugin-role
+ apiGroup:
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-nodeplugin.yaml b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-nodeplugin.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f071927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/files/storpool-csi-nodeplugin.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: DaemonSet
+ name: storpool-csi-nodeplugin
+ namespace: kube-system
+ selector:
+ matchLabels:
+ name: storpool-csi-nodeplugin
+ template:
+ metadata:
+ labels:
+ name: storpool-csi-nodeplugin
+ spec:
+ serviceAccountName: storpool-csi-node-sa
+ nodeSelector:
+ linux
+ containers:
+ - name: storpool-csi-plugin
+ image:
+ env:
+ - name: CSI_ENDPOINT
+ value: unix:///csi/csi.sock
+ - name: SP_NODE_NAME
+ valueFrom:
+ fieldRef:
+ fieldPath: spec.nodeName
+ imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
+ ports:
+ - containerPort: 9808
+ name: healthz
+ protocol: TCP
+ livenessProbe:
+ failureThreshold: 5
+ httpGet:
+ path: /healthz
+ port: healthz
+ initialDelaySeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 3
+ periodSeconds: 10
+ securityContext:
+ privileged: true
+ capabilities:
+ add: [ "SYS_ADMIN" ]
+ allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: storpool-conf
+ mountPath: /etc/storpool.conf
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: dev-dir
+ mountPath: /dev
+ mountPropagation: HostToContainer
+ - name: storpool-dir
+ mountPath: /usr/lib/storpool
+ readOnly: true
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /csi
+ - name: mountpoint-dir
+ mountPath: /var/lib/kubelet
+ mountPropagation: Bidirectional
+ - name: node-driver-registrar
+ image:
+ args:
+ - "--csi-address=/csi/csi.sock"
+ - "--kubelet-registration-path=/var/lib/kubelet/plugins/"
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /csi
+ - name: registration-dir
+ mountPath: /registration
+ - name: liveness-probe
+ image:
+ args:
+ - --csi-address=/csi/csi.sock
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: socket-dir
+ mountPath: /csi
+ volumes:
+ - name: storpool-conf
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/storpool.conf
+ type: File
+ - name: dev-dir
+ hostPath:
+ path: /dev
+ type: Directory
+ - name: storpool-dir
+ hostPath:
+ path: /usr/lib/storpool
+ type: Directory
+ - name: socket-dir
+ hostPath:
+ path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins/
+ type: DirectoryOrCreate
+ - name: mountpoint-dir
+ hostPath:
+ path: /var/lib/kubelet
+ type: Directory
+ - name: registration-dir
+ hostPath:
+ path: /var/lib/kubelet/plugins_registry
+ type: Directory
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/meta/main.yml b/roles/storpool_csi/meta/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff28cf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/meta/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2024 VEXXHOST, Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+ author: VEXXHOST, Inc.
+ description: Ansible role for Storpool CSI
+ license: Apache-2.0
+ min_ansible_version: 5.5.0
+ standalone: false
+ platforms:
+ - name: EL
+ versions:
+ - "8"
+ - "9"
+ - name: Ubuntu
+ versions:
+ - focal
+ - jammy
+ - role: defaults
diff --git a/roles/storpool_csi/tasks/main.yml b/roles/storpool_csi/tasks/main.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acc3cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/storpool_csi/tasks/main.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+- name: Deploy CSI RBAC
+ kubernetes.core.k8s:
+ state: present
+ definition: "{{ lookup('file', 'storpool-csi-' ~ ~ '-rbac.yaml') | from_yaml_all }}"
+ loop:
+ - name: controllerplugin
+ - name: nodeplugin
+- name: Deploy CSI
+ kubernetes.core.k8s:
+ state: present
+ definition:
+ - "{{ lookup('file', 'storpool-csi-controllerplugin.yaml') | from_yaml }}"
+ - "{{ lookup('file', 'storpool-csi-driver.yaml') | from_yaml }}"
+ - "{{ lookup('file', 'storpool-csi-nodeplugin.yaml') | from_yaml }}"
+- name: Create StorageClass
+ kubernetes.core.k8s:
+ state: present
+ definition:
+ apiVersion:
+ kind: StorageClass
+ metadata:
+ name: general
+ annotations:
+ "true"
+ provisioner:
+ allowVolumeExpansion: true
+ volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
+ reclaimPolicy: Delete
+ parameters:
+ template: "{{ storpool_csi_template }}"