docs: For OVN/DPDK config (#774)

diff --git a/docs/user/ b/docs/user/
index 24b1b5e..ddbfa91 100644
--- a/docs/user/
+++ b/docs/user/
@@ -47,3 +47,139 @@
         - dev: enp97s0f0
           vfs: 16
+## OVN with DPDK enabled provider and internal tunnel network traffic
+To enable this configuration it is recommended to have the management interface separate
+from the interfaces used with DPDK.  Additionally, you need to allocate enough 1g
+huge memory pages for the interfaces and VMs' memory that will use this network. A
+sample inventory with all the elements for DPDK enabled OVN configuration is below.
+The example is using Mellanox NIC cards with the mlx5_core driver.
+# Add if manila or octavia VMs will be using the DPDK network
+  "hw:vif_multiqueue_enabled": 'true'
+  "hw:mem_page_size": large
+  "hw:vif_multiqueue_enabled": 'true'
+  "hw:mem_page_size": large
+# Here are some examples of internal and provider networks using the DPDK network
+- external: true
+  mtu_size: 1500
+  name: dpdk-network
+  port_security_enabled: true
+  provider_network_type: vlan
+  provider_segmentation_id: 999
+  provider_physical_network: external
+  shared: true
+  subnets:
+  - allocation_pool_start:
+    allocation_pool_end:
+    cidr: 10.0.10/24
+    dns_nameservers:
+      -
+      -
+    enable_dhcp: true
+    gateway_ip:
+    name: dpdk-network-subnet
+- external: false
+  mtu_size: 9000
+  name: internal
+  port_security_enabled: true
+  shared: true
+  subnets:
+  - allocation_pool_start:
+    allocation_pool_end:
+    cidr:
+    dns_nameservers:
+      -
+      -
+    enable_dhcp: true
+    gateway_ip:
+    name: internal-subnet
+# Socket_memory, lcore_mask, and driver parameters are depending on the environment
+# See this OpenvSwitch [doc](
+# for more information about tuning OpenvSwitch
+  conf:
+    ovs_dpdk:
+      enabled: true
+      socket_memory: 2048
+      hugepages_mountpath: /dev/hugepages
+      vhostuser_socket_dir: vhostuser
+      lcore_mask: 0x1
+      driver: mlx5_core
+      vhost_iommu_support: true
+# In these values we are defining the provider interface the same as our internal
+# tunnel interface.  It assumes that the primary interface is for tunnel traffic and
+# provider networks via VLAN.
+  network:
+    interface:
+      tunnel: br-ex
+      tunnel_network_cidr:
+  conf:
+    ovn_bridge_mappings: external:br-ex
+    ovn_bridge_datapath_type: netdev
+  conf:
+    neutron:
+      DEFAULT:
+        global_physnet_mtu: 9100
+    plugins:
+      ml2_conf:
+        ml2:
+          path_mtu: 9100
+          physical_network_mtus: external:9100
+        ml2_type_vxlan:
+          vni_ranges: 2000:1000000
+    ovs_dpdk:
+      enabled: true
+      update_dpdk_bond_config: true
+      driver: mlx5_core
+      bonds:
+        - name: dpdkbond
+          bridge: br-ex
+          migrate_ip: true
+          mtu: 9100
+          n_rxq: 2
+          n_txq: 2
+          n_rxq_size: 2048
+          n_txq_size: 2048
+          vhost_iommu_support: true
+          ovs_options: 'bond_mode=balance-tcp lacp=active bond_updelay=10 bond_downdelay=10 other_config:lacp-time=fast'
+          nics:
+            - name: dpdk_b0s0
+              pci_id: '0000:c1:00.0'
+            - name: dpdk_b0s1
+              pci_id: '0000:c1:00.1'
+      modules:
+        - name: dpdk
+          log_level: info
+      nics: null
+# for any flavors that need to use a DPDK enabled network the extra_specs are require.
+  - disk: 1
+    name: m1.tiny
+    ram: 512
+    vcpus: 1
+    extra_specs:
+      "hw:vif_multiqueue_enabled": 'true'
+      "hw:mem_page_size": 'large'
+  - disk: 20
+    name: m1.small
+    ram: 2048
+    vcpus: 1
+    extra_specs:
+      "hw:vif_multiqueue_enabled": 'true'
+      "hw:mem_page_size": 'large'