The ceph-csi-rbd chart adds rbd volume support to your cluster.
Add chart repository to install helm charts from it
helm repo add ceph-csi
we need to enter into the directory where all charts are present
cd charts
Note: charts directory is present in root of the ceph-csi project
To install the Chart into your Kubernetes cluster
For helm 2.x
helm install --namespace "ceph-csi-rbd" --name "ceph-csi-rbd" ceph-csi/ceph-csi-rbd
For helm 3.x
Create the namespace where Helm should install the components with
kubectl create namespace "ceph-csi-rbd"
Run the installation
helm install --namespace "ceph-csi-rbd" "ceph-csi-rbd" ceph-csi/ceph-csi-rbd
After installation succeeds, you can get a status of Chart
helm status "ceph-csi-rbd"
If you want to delete your Chart, use this command
For helm 2.x
helm delete --purge "ceph-csi-rbd"
For helm 3.x
helm uninstall "ceph-csi-rbd" --namespace "ceph-csi-rbd"
If you want to delete the namespace, use this command
kubectl delete namespace ceph-csi-rbd
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the ceph-csi-cephfs charts and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
rbac.create | Specifies whether RBAC resources should be created | true |
serviceAccounts.nodeplugin.create | Specifies whether a nodeplugin ServiceAccount should be created | true | | The name of the nodeplugin ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname | "" |
serviceAccounts.provisioner.create | Specifies whether a provisioner ServiceAccount should be created | true | | The name of the provisioner ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname | "" |
csiConfig | Configuration for the CSI to connect to the cluster | [] |
csiMapping | Configuration details of clusterID,PoolID,FscID mapping | [] |
encryptionKMSConfig | Configuration for the encryption KMS | {} |
logLevel | Set logging level for csi containers. Supported values from 0 to 5. 0 for general useful logs, 5 for trace level verbosity. | 5 | | Specifies the nodeplugins name | nodeplugin |
nodeplugin.updateStrategy | Specifies the update Strategy. If you are using ceph-fuse client set this value to OnDelete | RollingUpdate |
nodeplugin.priorityClassName | Set user created priorityclassName for csi plugin pods. default is system-node-critical which is highest priority | system-node-critical |
nodeplugin.profiling.enabled | Specifies whether profiling should be enabled | false |
nodeplugin.registrar.image.repository | Node Registrar image repository URL | |
nodeplugin.registrar.image.tag | Image tag | v2.2.0 |
nodeplugin.registrar.image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
nodeplugin.plugin.image.repository | Nodeplugin image repository URL | |
nodeplugin.plugin.image.tag | Image tag | canary |
nodeplugin.plugin.image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
nodeplugin.nodeSelector | Kubernetes nodeSelector to add to the Daemonset | {} |
nodeplugin.tolerations | List of Kubernetes tolerations to add to the Daemonset | {} |
nodeplugin.podSecurityPolicy.enabled | If true, create & use Pod Security Policy resources. | false | | Specifies the name of provisioner | provisioner |
provisioner.replicaCount | Specifies the replicaCount | 3 |
provisioner.defaultFSType | Specifies the default Fstype | ext4 |
provisioner.deployController | It enables or disables the deployment of controller which generates the OMAP data if it is not present | true |
provisioner.hardMaxCloneDepth | Hard limit for maximum number of nested volume clones that are taken before a flatten occurs | 8 |
provisioner.softMaxCloneDepth | Soft limit for maximum number of nested volume clones that are taken before a flatten occurs | 4 |
provisioner.maxSnapshotsOnImage | Maximum number of snapshots allowed on rbd image without flattening | 450 |
provisioner.minSnapshotsOnImage | Minimum number of snapshots allowed on rbd image to trigger flattening | 250 |
provisioner.skipForceFlatten | Skip image flattening if kernel support mapping of rbd images which has the deep-flatten feature | false |
provisioner.timeout | GRPC timeout for waiting for creation or deletion of a volume | 60s |
provisioner.priorityClassName | Set user created priorityclassName for csi provisioner pods. Default is system-cluster-critical which is less priority than system-node-critical | system-cluster-critical |
provisioner.profiling.enabled | Specifies whether profiling should be enabled | false |
provisioner.provisioner.image.repository | Specifies the csi-provisioner image repository URL | |
provisioner.provisioner.image.tag | Specifies image tag | v2.2.2 |
provisioner.provisioner.image.pullPolicy | Specifies pull policy | IfNotPresent |
provisioner.attacher.image.repository | Specifies the csi-attacher image repository URL | |
provisioner.attacher.image.tag | Specifies image tag | v3.2.1 |
provisioner.attacher.image.pullPolicy | Specifies pull policy | IfNotPresent | | Specifies the name of csi-attacher sidecar | attacher |
provisioner.attacher.enabled | Specifies whether attacher sidecar is enabled | true |
provisioner.resizer.image.repository | Specifies the csi-resizer image repository URL | |
provisioner.resizer.image.tag | Specifies image tag | v1.2.0 |
provisioner.resizer.image.pullPolicy | Specifies pull policy | IfNotPresent | | Specifies the name of csi-resizer sidecar | resizer |
provisioner.resizer.enabled | Specifies whether resizer sidecar is enabled | true |
provisioner.snapshotter.image.repository | Specifies the csi-snapshotter image repository URL | |
provisioner.snapshotter.image.tag | Specifies image tag | v4.1.1 |
provisioner.snapshotter.image.pullPolicy | Specifies pull policy | IfNotPresent |
provisioner.nodeSelector | Specifies the node selector for provisioner deployment | {} |
provisioner.tolerations | Specifies the tolerations for provisioner deployment | {} |
provisioner.affinity | Specifies the affinity for provisioner deployment | {} |
provisioner.podSecurityPolicy.enabled | Specifies whether podSecurityPolicy is enabled | false |
topology.enabled | Specifies whether topology based provisioning support should be exposed by CSI | false |
topology.domainLabels | DomainLabels define which node labels to use as domains for CSI nodeplugins to advertise their domains | {} |
provisionerSocketFile | The filename of the provisioner socket | csi-provisioner.sock |
pluginSocketFile | The filename of the plugin socket | csi.sock |
kubeletDir | kubelet working directory | /var/lib/kubelet |
cephLogDirHostPath | Host path location for ceph client processes logging, ex: rbd-nbd | /var/log/ceph |
driverName | Name of the csi-driver | |
configMapName | Name of the configmap which contains cluster configuration | ceph-csi-config |
externallyManagedConfigmap | Specifies the use of an externally provided configmap | false |
kmsConfigMapName | Name of the configmap used for encryption kms configuration | ceph-csi-encryption-kms-config |
storageClass.create | Specifies whether the StorageClass should be created | false | | Specifies the rbd StorageClass name | csi-rbd-sc |
storageClass.annotations | Specifies the annotations for the rbd StorageClass | [] |
storageClass.clusterID | String representing a Ceph cluster to provision storage from | <cluster-ID> |
storageClass.dataPool | Specifies the erasure coded pool | "" |
storageClass.pool | Ceph pool into which the RBD image shall be created | replicapool |
storageClass.thickProvision | Specifies whether thick provision should be enabled | false |
storageclass.imageFeatures | Specifies RBD image features | layering |
storageclass.tryOtherMounters | Specifies whether to try other mounters in case if the current mounter fails to mount the rbd image for any reason | false |
storageClass.mounter | Specifies RBD mounter | "" |
storageClass.cephLogDir | ceph client log location, it is the target bindmount path used inside container | "/var/log/ceph" |
storageClass.cephLogStrategy | ceph client log strategy, available options remove or compress or preserve | "remove" |
storageClass.volumeNamePrefix | Prefix to use for naming RBD images | "" |
storageClass.encrypted | Specifies whether volume should be encrypted. Set it to true if you want to enable encryption | "" |
storageClass.encryptionKMSID | Specifies the encryption kms id | "" |
storageClass.topologyConstrainedPools | Add topology constrained pools configuration, if topology based pools are setup, and topology constrained provisioning is required | [] |
storageClass.mapOptions | Specifies comma-separated list of map options | "" |
storageClass.unmapOtpions | Specifies comma-separated list of unmap options | "" |
storageClass.provisionerSecret | The secrets have to contain user and/or Ceph admin credentials. | csi-rbd-secret |
storageClass.provisionerSecretNamespace | Specifies the provisioner secret namespace | "" |
storageClass.controllerExpandSecret | Specifies the controller expand secret name | csi-rbd-secret |
storageClass.controllerExpandSecretNamespace | Specifies the controller expand secret namespace | "" |
storageClass.nodeStageSecret | Specifies the node stage secret name | csi-rbd-secret |
storageClass.nodeStageSecretNamespace | Specifies the node stage secret namespace | "" |
storageClass.fstype | Specify the filesystem type of the volume | ext4 |
storageClass.reclaimPolicy | Specifies the reclaim policy of the StorageClass | Delete |
storageClass.allowVolumeExpansion | Specifies whether volume expansion should be allowed | true |
storageClass.mountOptions | Specifies the mount options for storageClass | [] |
secret.create | Specifies whether the secret should be created | false | | Specifies the rbd secret name | csi-rbd-secret |
secret.userID | Specifies the user ID of the rbd secret | <plaintext ID> |
secret.userKey | Specifies the key that corresponds to the userID | <Ceph auth key corresponding to ID above> |
secret.encryptionPassphrase | Specifies the encryption passphrase of the secret | test_passphrase |
You can pass the settings with helm command line parameters. Specify each parameter using the --set key=value argument to helm install. For Example:
helm install --set configMapName=ceph-csi-config --set provisioner.podSecurityPolicy.enabled=true