chore(role:pxco): Bump percona-xtradb-cluster-operator version to 1.12
diff --git a/charts/designate/requirements.lock b/charts/designate/requirements.lock
index 3e39f9d..131555a 100644
--- a/charts/designate/requirements.lock
+++ b/charts/designate/requirements.lock
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
   repository: file://../../openstack-helm-infra/helm-toolkit
   version: 0.2.53
 digest: sha256:f8f4fbba6f638b79447f7e458933b07deb792ae30a14df5900bde542cf0e64a6
-generated: "2023-06-15T05:06:33.81687004Z"
+generated: "2023-07-04T21:22:01.292560357Z"
diff --git a/charts/magnum/requirements.lock b/charts/magnum/requirements.lock
index 54efd89..1ca952d 100644
--- a/charts/magnum/requirements.lock
+++ b/charts/magnum/requirements.lock
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
   repository: file://../../openstack-helm-infra/helm-toolkit
   version: 0.2.53
 digest: sha256:f8f4fbba6f638b79447f7e458933b07deb792ae30a14df5900bde542cf0e64a6
-generated: "2023-06-15T05:06:39.971311252Z"
+generated: "2023-07-04T21:22:14.664338728Z"
diff --git a/charts/neutron/requirements.lock b/charts/neutron/requirements.lock
index 62d9333..577ca58 100644
--- a/charts/neutron/requirements.lock
+++ b/charts/neutron/requirements.lock
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
   repository: file://../../openstack-helm-infra/helm-toolkit
   version: 0.2.53
 digest: sha256:f8f4fbba6f638b79447f7e458933b07deb792ae30a14df5900bde542cf0e64a6
-generated: "2023-06-29T17:37:44.246907398Z"
+generated: "2023-07-04T08:21:15.669610208Z"
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/Chart.yaml b/charts/pxc-operator/Chart.yaml
index 0723d74..9113265 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/Chart.yaml
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/Chart.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
 apiVersion: v2
-appVersion: 1.10.0
-description: A Helm chart for Deploying the Percona XtraDB Cluster Operator Kubernetes
+appVersion: 1.12.0
+description: A Helm chart for deploying the Percona Operator for MySQL (based on Percona XtraDB Cluster)
 - email:
   name: cap1984
 - email:
   name: tplavcic
+- email:
+  name: nmarukovich
+- email:
+  name: spron-in
 name: pxc-operator
-version: 1.10.0
+version: 1.12.0
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/ b/charts/pxc-operator/
index 7fcaaa5..77edfe6 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/
@@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
-# pxс-operator: A chart for installing Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona XtraDB Cluster
+# Percona Operator For MySQL
-This chart implements the Percona XtraDB Cluster Operator deployment. [Percona XtraDB Cluster]( is a database clustering solution for MySQL. The Operator itself can be found here:
-* <>
+[Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC)]( is a database clustering solution for MySQL. Percona Operator For MySQL allows users to deploy and manage Percona XtraDB Clusters on Kubernetes.
+Useful links
+* [Operator Github repository](
+* [Operator Documentation](
 ## Pre-requisites
-* Kubernetes 1.17+
-* PV support on the underlying infrastructure - only if you are provisioning persistent volume(s).
+* Kubernetes 1.20+
 * Helm v3
-## Deployment Details
-* <>
+# Installation
-## Chart Details
-This chart will:
-* deploy a PXC Operator Pod for the further MySQL XtraDB Cluster creation in K8S.
+This chart will deploy the Operator Pod for the further Percona XtraDB Cluster creation in Kubernetes.
-### Installing the Chart
+## Installing the Chart
 To install the chart with the `pxc` release name using a dedicated namespace (recommended):
 helm repo add percona
-helm install my-operator percona/pxc-operator --version 1.10.0 --namespace my-namespace
+helm install my-operator percona/pxc-operator --version 1.12.0 --namespace my-namespace
 The chart can be customized using the following configurable parameters:
 | Parameter                       | Description                                                             | Default                                          |
 | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------| -------------------------------------------------|
-| `image`                         | PXC Operator Container image full path                                  | `percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.10.0` |
+| `image`                         | PXC Operator Container image full path                                  | `percona/percona-xtradb-cluster-operator:1.12.0` |
 | `imagePullPolicy`               | PXC Operator Container pull policy                                      | `Always`                                         |
 | `imagePullSecrets`              | PXC Operator Pod pull secret                                            | `[]`                                             |
 | `replicaCount`                  | PXC Operator Pod quantity                                               | `1`                                              |
 | `tolerations`                   | List of node taints to tolerate                                         | `[]`                                             |
 | `resources`                     | Resource requests and limits                                            | `{}`                                             |
 | `nodeSelector`                  | Labels for Pod assignment                                               | `{}`                                             |
+| `logStructured`                 | Force PXC operator to print JSON-wrapped log messages                   | `false`                                          |
+| `logLevel`                      | PXC Operator logging level                                              | `INFO`                                           |
+| `disableTelemetry`              | Disable sending PXC Operator telemetry data to Percona                  | `false`                                          |
 Specify parameters using `--set key=value[,key=value]` argument to `helm install`
@@ -42,3 +44,13 @@
 helm install pxc-operator -f values.yaml percona/pxc-operator
+## Deploy the database
+To deploy Percona XtraDB Cluster run the following command:
+helm install my-db percona/pxc-db
+See more about Percona XtraDB Cluster in its chart [here]( or in the [Helm chart installation guide](
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/crds/crd.yaml b/charts/pxc-operator/crds/crd.yaml
index 323fb00..b3f0a5a 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/crds/crd.yaml
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/crds/crd.yaml
@@ -1,459 +1,9 @@
 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
-  name:
-  group:
-  names:
-    kind: PerconaXtraDBCluster
-    listKind: PerconaXtraDBClusterList
-    plural: perconaxtradbclusters
-    singular: perconaxtradbcluster
-    shortNames:
-    - pxc
-    - pxcs
-  scope: Namespaced
-  versions:
-    - name: v1alpha1
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: haproxy
-        type: string
-        description: Ready haproxy nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-        scale:
-          specReplicasPath: .spec.pxc.size
-          statusReplicasPath: .status.pxc.ready
-          labelSelectorPath: .status.pxc.labelSelectorPath
-    - name: v1-1-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-2-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-3-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-4-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-5-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-6-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: haproxy
-        type: string
-        description: Ready haproxy nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-7-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: haproxy
-        type: string
-        description: Ready haproxy nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-    - name: v1-8-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: haproxy
-        type: string
-        description: Ready haproxy nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-        scale:
-          specReplicasPath: .spec.pxc.size
-          statusReplicasPath: .status.pxc.ready
-          labelSelectorPath: .status.pxc.labelSelectorPath
-    - name: v1-9-0
-      storage: false
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: haproxy
-        type: string
-        description: Ready haproxy nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-        scale:
-          specReplicasPath: .spec.pxc.size
-          statusReplicasPath: .status.pxc.ready
-          labelSelectorPath: .status.pxc.labelSelectorPath
-    - name: v1-10-0
-      storage: true
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Endpoint
-        type: string
-        jsonPath:
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: PXC
-        type: string
-        description: Ready pxc nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
-      - name: proxysql
-        type: string
-        description: Ready proxysql nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
-      - name: haproxy
-        type: string
-        description: Ready haproxy nodes
-        jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
-        scale:
-          specReplicasPath: .spec.pxc.size
-          statusReplicasPath: .status.pxc.ready
-          labelSelectorPath: .status.pxc.labelSelectorPath
-kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+  annotations:
+ v0.8.0
+  creationTimestamp: null
@@ -461,55 +11,158 @@
     kind: PerconaXtraDBClusterBackup
     listKind: PerconaXtraDBClusterBackupList
     plural: perconaxtradbclusterbackups
-    singular: perconaxtradbclusterbackup
     - pxc-backup
     - pxc-backups
+    singular: perconaxtradbclusterbackup
   scope: Namespaced
-    - name: v1
-      storage: true
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Cluster
-        type: string
-        description: Cluster name
-        jsonPath: .spec.pxcCluster
-      - name: Storage
-        type: string
-        description: Storage name from pxc spec
-        jsonPath: .status.storageName
-      - name: Destination
-        type: string
-        description: Backup destination
-        jsonPath: .status.destination
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        description: Job status
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: Completed
-        description: Completed time
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .status.completed
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - description: Cluster name
+      jsonPath: .spec.pxcCluster
+      name: Cluster
+      type: string
+    - description: Storage name from pxc spec
+      jsonPath: .status.storageName
+      name: Storage
+      type: string
+    - description: Backup destination
+      jsonPath: .status.destination
+      name: Destination
+      type: string
+    - description: Job status
+      jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - description: Completed time
+      jsonPath: .status.completed
+      name: Completed
+      type: date
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    name: v1
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          apiVersion:
+            type: string
+          kind:
+            type: string
+          metadata:
+            type: object
+          priorityClassName:
+            type: string
+          schedulerName:
+            type: string
+          spec:
+            properties:
+              pxcCluster:
+                type: string
+              storageName:
+                type: string
+            type: object
+          status:
+            properties:
+              azure:
+                properties:
+                  container:
+                    type: string
+                  credentialsSecret:
+                    type: string
+                  endpointUrl:
+                    type: string
+                  storageClass:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              completed:
+                format: date-time
+                type: string
+              conditions:
+                items:
+                  properties:
+                    lastTransitionTime:
+                      format: date-time
+                      type: string
+                    message:
+                      maxLength: 32768
+                      type: string
+                    observedGeneration:
+                      format: int64
+                      minimum: 0
+                      type: integer
+                    reason:
+                      maxLength: 1024
+                      minLength: 1
+                      pattern: ^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_,:]*[A-Za-z0-9_])?$
+                      type: string
+                    status:
+                      enum:
+                      - "True"
+                      - "False"
+                      - Unknown
+                      type: string
+                    type:
+                      maxLength: 316
+                      pattern: ^([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*/)?(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])$
+                      type: string
+                  required:
+                  - lastTransitionTime
+                  - message
+                  - reason
+                  - status
+                  - type
+                  type: object
+                type: array
+              destination:
+                type: string
+              image:
+                type: string
+              lastscheduled:
+                format: date-time
+                type: string
+              s3:
+                properties:
+                  bucket:
+                    type: string
+                  credentialsSecret:
+                    type: string
+                  endpointUrl:
+                    type: string
+                  region:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              sslInternalSecretName:
+                type: string
+              sslSecretName:
+                type: string
+              state:
+                type: string
+              storage_type:
+                type: string
+              storageName:
+                type: string
+              vaultSecretName:
+                type: string
+            type: object
+        type: object
+    served: true
+    storage: true
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  acceptedNames:
+    kind: ""
+    plural: ""
+  conditions: []
+  storedVersions: []
 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
+  annotations:
+ v0.8.0
+  creationTimestamp: null
@@ -517,92 +170,8717 @@
     kind: PerconaXtraDBClusterRestore
     listKind: PerconaXtraDBClusterRestoreList
     plural: perconaxtradbclusterrestores
-    singular: perconaxtradbclusterrestore
     - pxc-restore
     - pxc-restores
+    singular: perconaxtradbclusterrestore
   scope: Namespaced
-    - name: v1
-      storage: true
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Cluster
-        type: string
-        description: Cluster name
-        jsonPath: .spec.pxcCluster
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        description: Job status
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: Completed
-        description: Completed time
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .status.completed
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
-      subresources:
-        status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - description: Cluster name
+      jsonPath: .spec.pxcCluster
+      name: Cluster
+      type: string
+    - description: Job status
+      jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - description: Completed time
+      jsonPath: .status.completed
+      name: Completed
+      type: date
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    name: v1
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          apiVersion:
+            type: string
+          kind:
+            type: string
+          metadata:
+            type: object
+          spec:
+            properties:
+              backupName:
+                type: string
+              backupSource:
+                properties:
+                  azure:
+                    properties:
+                      container:
+                        type: string
+                      credentialsSecret:
+                        type: string
+                      endpointUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      storageClass:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  completed:
+                    format: date-time
+                    type: string
+                  conditions:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        lastTransitionTime:
+                          format: date-time
+                          type: string
+                        message:
+                          maxLength: 32768
+                          type: string
+                        observedGeneration:
+                          format: int64
+                          minimum: 0
+                          type: integer
+                        reason:
+                          maxLength: 1024
+                          minLength: 1
+                          pattern: ^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_,:]*[A-Za-z0-9_])?$
+                          type: string
+                        status:
+                          enum:
+                          - "True"
+                          - "False"
+                          - Unknown
+                          type: string
+                        type:
+                          maxLength: 316
+                          pattern: ^([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*/)?(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])$
+                          type: string
+                      required:
+                      - lastTransitionTime
+                      - message
+                      - reason
+                      - status
+                      - type
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  destination:
+                    type: string
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  lastscheduled:
+                    format: date-time
+                    type: string
+                  s3:
+                    properties:
+                      bucket:
+                        type: string
+                      credentialsSecret:
+                        type: string
+                      endpointUrl:
+                        type: string
+                      region:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  sslInternalSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  sslSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  state:
+                    type: string
+                  storage_type:
+                    type: string
+                  storageName:
+                    type: string
+                  vaultSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              pitr:
+                properties:
+                  backupSource:
+                    properties:
+                      azure:
+                        properties:
+                          container:
+                            type: string
+                          credentialsSecret:
+                            type: string
+                          endpointUrl:
+                            type: string
+                          storageClass:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      completed:
+                        format: date-time
+                        type: string
+                      conditions:
+                        items:
+                          properties:
+                            lastTransitionTime:
+                              format: date-time
+                              type: string
+                            message:
+                              maxLength: 32768
+                              type: string
+                            observedGeneration:
+                              format: int64
+                              minimum: 0
+                              type: integer
+                            reason:
+                              maxLength: 1024
+                              minLength: 1
+                              pattern: ^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_,:]*[A-Za-z0-9_])?$
+                              type: string
+                            status:
+                              enum:
+                              - "True"
+                              - "False"
+                              - Unknown
+                              type: string
+                            type:
+                              maxLength: 316
+                              pattern: ^([a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*/)?(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])$
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - lastTransitionTime
+                          - message
+                          - reason
+                          - status
+                          - type
+                          type: object
+                        type: array
+                      destination:
+                        type: string
+                      image:
+                        type: string
+                      lastscheduled:
+                        format: date-time
+                        type: string
+                      s3:
+                        properties:
+                          bucket:
+                            type: string
+                          credentialsSecret:
+                            type: string
+                          endpointUrl:
+                            type: string
+                          region:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      sslInternalSecretName:
+                        type: string
+                      sslSecretName:
+                        type: string
+                      state:
+                        type: string
+                      storage_type:
+                        type: string
+                      storageName:
+                        type: string
+                      vaultSecretName:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  date:
+                    type: string
+                  gtid:
+                    type: string
+                  type:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              pxcCluster:
+                type: string
+            type: object
+          status:
+            properties:
+              comments:
+                type: string
+              completed:
+                format: date-time
+                type: string
+              lastscheduled:
+                format: date-time
+                type: string
+              state:
+                type: string
+            type: object
+        type: object
+    served: true
+    storage: true
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  acceptedNames:
+    kind: ""
+    plural: ""
+  conditions: []
+  storedVersions: []
 kind: CustomResourceDefinition
-  name:
+  annotations:
+ v0.8.0
+  creationTimestamp: null
+  name:
-    kind: PerconaXtraDBBackup
-    listKind: PerconaXtraDBBackupList
-    plural: perconaxtradbbackups
-    singular: perconaxtradbbackup
-    shortNames: []
+    kind: PerconaXtraDBCluster
+    listKind: PerconaXtraDBClusterList
+    plural: perconaxtradbclusters
+    shortNames:
+    - pxc
+    - pxcs
+    singular: perconaxtradbcluster
   scope: Namespaced
-    - name: v1alpha1
-      storage: true
-      served: true
-      schema:
-        openAPIV3Schema:
-          type: object
-          properties:
-            spec:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-            status:
-              type: object
-              x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
-      additionalPrinterColumns:
-      - name: Cluster
-        type: string
-        description: Cluster name
-        jsonPath: .spec.pxcCluster
-      - name: Storage
-        type: string
-        description: Storage name from pxc spec
-        jsonPath: .status.storageName
-      - name: Destination
-        type: string
-        description: Backup destination
-        jsonPath: .status.destination
-      - name: Status
-        type: string
-        description: Job status
-        jsonPath: .status.state
-      - name: Completed
-        description: Completed time
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .status.completed
-      - name: Age
-        type: date
-        jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-2-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-3-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-4-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-5-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-6-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-7-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-8-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-9-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: false
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-10-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: true
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: ENDPOINT
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    deprecated: true
+    deprecationWarning: PerconaXtraDBCluster is deprecated
+      and will be removed in v1.16.0; see v1.12.0 release notes for instructions to
+      migrate to
+    name: v1-11-0
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          spec:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+          status:
+            type: object
+            x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+        type: object
+    served: true
+    storage: false
+    subresources:
+      status: {}
+  - additionalPrinterColumns:
+    - jsonPath:
+      name: Endpoint
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .status.state
+      name: Status
+      type: string
+    - description: Ready pxc nodes
+      jsonPath: .status.pxc.ready
+      name: PXC
+      type: string
+    - description: Ready proxysql nodes
+      jsonPath: .status.proxysql.ready
+      name: proxysql
+      type: string
+    - description: Ready haproxy nodes
+      jsonPath: .status.haproxy.ready
+      name: haproxy
+      type: string
+    - jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
+      name: Age
+      type: date
+    name: v1
+    schema:
+      openAPIV3Schema:
+        properties:
+          apiVersion:
+            type: string
+          kind:
+            type: string
+          metadata:
+            type: object
+          spec:
+            properties:
+              allowUnsafeConfigurations:
+                type: boolean
+              backup:
+                properties:
+                  annotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  backoffLimit:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullSecrets:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  pitr:
+                    properties:
+                      enabled:
+                        type: boolean
+                      resources:
+                        properties:
+                          limits:
+                            additionalProperties:
+                              anyOf:
+                              - type: integer
+                              - type: string
+                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                            type: object
+                          requests:
+                            additionalProperties:
+                              anyOf:
+                              - type: integer
+                              - type: string
+                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                            type: object
+                        type: object
+                      storageName:
+                        type: string
+                      timeBetweenUploads:
+                        type: number
+                    type: object
+                  schedule:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        keep:
+                          type: integer
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        schedule:
+                          type: string
+                        storageName:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  serviceAccountName:
+                    type: string
+                  storages:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      properties:
+                        affinity:
+                          properties:
+                            nodeAffinity:
+                              properties:
+                                preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      preference:
+                                        properties:
+                                          matchExpressions:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                          matchFields:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                        type: object
+                                      weight:
+                                        format: int32
+                                        type: integer
+                                    required:
+                                    - preference
+                                    - weight
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                  properties:
+                                    nodeSelectorTerms:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          matchExpressions:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                          matchFields:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                  required:
+                                  - nodeSelectorTerms
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            podAffinity:
+                              properties:
+                                preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      podAffinityTerm:
+                                        properties:
+                                          labelSelector:
+                                            properties:
+                                              matchExpressions:
+                                                items:
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    key:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    operator:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    values:
+                                                      items:
+                                                        type: string
+                                                      type: array
+                                                  required:
+                                                  - key
+                                                  - operator
+                                                  type: object
+                                                type: array
+                                              matchLabels:
+                                                additionalProperties:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: object
+                                            type: object
+                                          namespaceSelector:
+                                            properties:
+                                              matchExpressions:
+                                                items:
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    key:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    operator:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    values:
+                                                      items:
+                                                        type: string
+                                                      type: array
+                                                  required:
+                                                  - key
+                                                  - operator
+                                                  type: object
+                                                type: array
+                                              matchLabels:
+                                                additionalProperties:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: object
+                                            type: object
+                                          namespaces:
+                                            items:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: array
+                                          topologyKey:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - topologyKey
+                                        type: object
+                                      weight:
+                                        format: int32
+                                        type: integer
+                                    required:
+                                    - podAffinityTerm
+                                    - weight
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      labelSelector:
+                                        properties:
+                                          matchExpressions:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                          matchLabels:
+                                            additionalProperties:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: object
+                                        type: object
+                                      namespaceSelector:
+                                        properties:
+                                          matchExpressions:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                          matchLabels:
+                                            additionalProperties:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: object
+                                        type: object
+                                      namespaces:
+                                        items:
+                                          type: string
+                                        type: array
+                                      topologyKey:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - topologyKey
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            podAntiAffinity:
+                              properties:
+                                preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      podAffinityTerm:
+                                        properties:
+                                          labelSelector:
+                                            properties:
+                                              matchExpressions:
+                                                items:
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    key:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    operator:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    values:
+                                                      items:
+                                                        type: string
+                                                      type: array
+                                                  required:
+                                                  - key
+                                                  - operator
+                                                  type: object
+                                                type: array
+                                              matchLabels:
+                                                additionalProperties:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: object
+                                            type: object
+                                          namespaceSelector:
+                                            properties:
+                                              matchExpressions:
+                                                items:
+                                                  properties:
+                                                    key:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    operator:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    values:
+                                                      items:
+                                                        type: string
+                                                      type: array
+                                                  required:
+                                                  - key
+                                                  - operator
+                                                  type: object
+                                                type: array
+                                              matchLabels:
+                                                additionalProperties:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: object
+                                            type: object
+                                          namespaces:
+                                            items:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: array
+                                          topologyKey:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - topologyKey
+                                        type: object
+                                      weight:
+                                        format: int32
+                                        type: integer
+                                    required:
+                                    - podAffinityTerm
+                                    - weight
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      labelSelector:
+                                        properties:
+                                          matchExpressions:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                          matchLabels:
+                                            additionalProperties:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: object
+                                        type: object
+                                      namespaceSelector:
+                                        properties:
+                                          matchExpressions:
+                                            items:
+                                              properties:
+                                                key:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                operator:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                values:
+                                                  items:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  type: array
+                                              required:
+                                              - key
+                                              - operator
+                                              type: object
+                                            type: array
+                                          matchLabels:
+                                            additionalProperties:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: object
+                                        type: object
+                                      namespaces:
+                                        items:
+                                          type: string
+                                        type: array
+                                      topologyKey:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - topologyKey
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        annotations:
+                          additionalProperties:
+                            type: string
+                          type: object
+                        azure:
+                          properties:
+                            container:
+                              type: string
+                            credentialsSecret:
+                              type: string
+                            endpointUrl:
+                              type: string
+                            storageClass:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        containerSecurityContext:
+                          properties:
+                            allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                              type: boolean
+                            capabilities:
+                              properties:
+                                add:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                                drop:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            privileged:
+                              type: boolean
+                            procMount:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsGroup:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            runAsNonRoot:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsUser:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            seLinuxOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                level:
+                                  type: string
+                                role:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                user:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            seccompProfile:
+                              properties:
+                                localhostProfile:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - type
+                              type: object
+                            windowsOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                                  type: string
+                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                                  type: string
+                                hostProcess:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                runAsUserName:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        labels:
+                          additionalProperties:
+                            type: string
+                          type: object
+                        nodeSelector:
+                          additionalProperties:
+                            type: string
+                          type: object
+                        podSecurityContext:
+                          properties:
+                            fsGroup:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            fsGroupChangePolicy:
+                              type: string
+                            runAsGroup:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            runAsNonRoot:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsUser:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            seLinuxOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                level:
+                                  type: string
+                                role:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                user:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            seccompProfile:
+                              properties:
+                                localhostProfile:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - type
+                              type: object
+                            supplementalGroups:
+                              items:
+                                format: int64
+                                type: integer
+                              type: array
+                            sysctls:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  value:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - name
+                                - value
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            windowsOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                                  type: string
+                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                                  type: string
+                                hostProcess:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                runAsUserName:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        priorityClassName:
+                          type: string
+                        resources:
+                          properties:
+                            limits:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            requests:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        runtimeClassName:
+                          type: string
+                        s3:
+                          properties:
+                            bucket:
+                              type: string
+                            credentialsSecret:
+                              type: string
+                            endpointUrl:
+                              type: string
+                            region:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        schedulerName:
+                          type: string
+                        tolerations:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              effect:
+                                type: string
+                              key:
+                                type: string
+                              operator:
+                                type: string
+                              tolerationSeconds:
+                                format: int64
+                                type: integer
+                              value:
+                                type: string
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        type:
+                          type: string
+                        verifyTLS:
+                          type: boolean
+                        volume:
+                          properties:
+                            emptyDir:
+                              properties:
+                                medium:
+                                  type: string
+                                sizeLimit:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            hostPath:
+                              properties:
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - path
+                              type: object
+                            persistentVolumeClaim:
+                              properties:
+                                accessModes:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                                dataSource:
+                                  properties:
+                                    apiGroup:
+                                      type: string
+                                    kind:
+                                      type: string
+                                    name:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - kind
+                                  - name
+                                  type: object
+                                dataSourceRef:
+                                  properties:
+                                    apiGroup:
+                                      type: string
+                                    kind:
+                                      type: string
+                                    name:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - kind
+                                  - name
+                                  type: object
+                                resources:
+                                  properties:
+                                    limits:
+                                      additionalProperties:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      type: object
+                                    requests:
+                                      additionalProperties:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      type: object
+                                  type: object
+                                selector:
+                                  properties:
+                                    matchExpressions:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          key:
+                                            type: string
+                                          operator:
+                                            type: string
+                                          values:
+                                            items:
+                                              type: string
+                                            type: array
+                                        required:
+                                        - key
+                                        - operator
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    matchLabels:
+                                      additionalProperties:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: object
+                                  type: object
+                                storageClassName:
+                                  type: string
+                                volumeMode:
+                                  type: string
+                                volumeName:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                      type: object
+                    type: object
+                type: object
+              crVersion:
+                type: string
+              enableCRValidationWebhook:
+                type: boolean
+              haproxy:
+                properties:
+                  affinity:
+                    properties:
+                      advanced:
+                        properties:
+                          nodeAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    preference:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchFields:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - preference
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                properties:
+                                  nodeSelectorTerms:
+                                    items:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchFields:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                      type: object
+                                    type: array
+                                required:
+                                - nodeSelectorTerms
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          podAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    podAffinityTerm:
+                                      properties:
+                                        labelSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaceSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaces:
+                                          items:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: array
+                                        topologyKey:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - topologyKey
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - podAffinityTerm
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    labelSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaceSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaces:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    topologyKey:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - topologyKey
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                            type: object
+                          podAntiAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    podAffinityTerm:
+                                      properties:
+                                        labelSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaceSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaces:
+                                          items:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: array
+                                        topologyKey:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - topologyKey
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - podAffinityTerm
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    labelSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaceSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaces:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    topologyKey:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - topologyKey
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                            type: object
+                        type: object
+                      antiAffinityTopologyKey:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  annotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  configuration:
+                    type: string
+                  containerSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                        type: boolean
+                      capabilities:
+                        properties:
+                          add:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          drop:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      privileged:
+                        type: boolean
+                      procMount:
+                        type: string
+                      readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  enabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  envVarsSecret:
+                    type: string
+                  externalTrafficPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  forceUnsafeBootstrap:
+                    type: boolean
+                  gracePeriod:
+                    format: int64
+                    type: integer
+                  hookScript:
+                    type: string
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullSecrets:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  labels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  livenessDelaySec:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  livenessProbes:
+                    properties:
+                      exec:
+                        properties:
+                          command:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      failureThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      grpc:
+                        properties:
+                          port:
+                            format: int32
+                            type: integer
+                          service:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      httpGet:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          httpHeaders:
+                            items:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                value:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - name
+                              - value
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          scheme:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      initialDelaySeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      periodSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      successThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      tcpSocket:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      timeoutSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                    type: object
+                  loadBalancerIP:
+                    type: string
+                  loadBalancerSourceRanges:
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                    type: array
+                  nodeSelector:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  podDisruptionBudget:
+                    properties:
+                      maxUnavailable:
+                        anyOf:
+                        - type: integer
+                        - type: string
+                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                      minAvailable:
+                        anyOf:
+                        - type: integer
+                        - type: string
+                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                    type: object
+                  podSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      fsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      fsGroupChangePolicy:
+                        type: string
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      supplementalGroups:
+                        items:
+                          format: int64
+                          type: integer
+                        type: array
+                      sysctls:
+                        items:
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - name
+                          - value
+                          type: object
+                        type: array
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  priorityClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  readinessDelaySec:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  readinessProbes:
+                    properties:
+                      exec:
+                        properties:
+                          command:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      failureThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      grpc:
+                        properties:
+                          port:
+                            format: int32
+                            type: integer
+                          service:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      httpGet:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          httpHeaders:
+                            items:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                value:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - name
+                              - value
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          scheme:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      initialDelaySeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      periodSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      successThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      tcpSocket:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      timeoutSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                    type: object
+                  replicasExternalTrafficPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  replicasLoadBalancerIP:
+                    type: string
+                  replicasLoadBalancerSourceRanges:
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                    type: array
+                  replicasServiceAnnotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  replicasServiceEnabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  replicasServiceLabels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  replicasServiceType:
+                    type: string
+                  resources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  runtimeClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  schedulerName:
+                    type: string
+                  serviceAccountName:
+                    type: string
+                  serviceAnnotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  serviceLabels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  serviceType:
+                    type: string
+                  sidecarPVCs:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        apiVersion:
+                          type: string
+                        kind:
+                          type: string
+                        metadata:
+                          type: object
+                        spec:
+                          properties:
+                            accessModes:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            dataSource:
+                              properties:
+                                apiGroup:
+                                  type: string
+                                kind:
+                                  type: string
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - kind
+                              - name
+                              type: object
+                            dataSourceRef:
+                              properties:
+                                apiGroup:
+                                  type: string
+                                kind:
+                                  type: string
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - kind
+                              - name
+                              type: object
+                            resources:
+                              properties:
+                                limits:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    anyOf:
+                                    - type: integer
+                                    - type: string
+                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  type: object
+                                requests:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    anyOf:
+                                    - type: integer
+                                    - type: string
+                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            selector:
+                              properties:
+                                matchExpressions:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      operator:
+                                        type: string
+                                      values:
+                                        items:
+                                          type: string
+                                        type: array
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    - operator
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                matchLabels:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            storageClassName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeMode:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        status:
+                          properties:
+                            accessModes:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            allocatedResources:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            capacity:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            conditions:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  lastProbeTime:
+                                    format: date-time
+                                    type: string
+                                  lastTransitionTime:
+                                    format: date-time
+                                    type: string
+                                  message:
+                                    type: string
+                                  reason:
+                                    type: string
+                                  status:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - status
+                                - type
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            phase:
+                              type: string
+                            resizeStatus:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  sidecarResources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  sidecarVolumes:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        awsElasticBlockStore:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            partition:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        azureDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            cachingMode:
+                              type: string
+                            diskName:
+                              type: string
+                            diskURI:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            kind:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - diskName
+                          - diskURI
+                          type: object
+                        azureFile:
+                          properties:
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretName:
+                              type: string
+                            shareName:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - secretName
+                          - shareName
+                          type: object
+                        cephfs:
+                          properties:
+                            monitors:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretFile:
+                              type: string
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - monitors
+                          type: object
+                        cinder:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        configMap:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - key
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            optional:
+                              type: boolean
+                          type: object
+                        csi:
+                          properties:
+                            driver:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            nodePublishSecretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeAttributes:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                type: string
+                              type: object
+                          required:
+                          - driver
+                          type: object
+                        downwardAPI:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  fieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      apiVersion:
+                                        type: string
+                                      fieldPath:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - fieldPath
+                                    type: object
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                  resourceFieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      containerName:
+                                        type: string
+                                      divisor:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      resource:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - resource
+                                    type: object
+                                required:
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        emptyDir:
+                          properties:
+                            medium:
+                              type: string
+                            sizeLimit:
+                              anyOf:
+                              - type: integer
+                              - type: string
+                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          type: object
+                        ephemeral:
+                          properties:
+                            volumeClaimTemplate:
+                              properties:
+                                metadata:
+                                  type: object
+                                spec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    accessModes:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    dataSource:
+                                      properties:
+                                        apiGroup:
+                                          type: string
+                                        kind:
+                                          type: string
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - kind
+                                      - name
+                                      type: object
+                                    dataSourceRef:
+                                      properties:
+                                        apiGroup:
+                                          type: string
+                                        kind:
+                                          type: string
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - kind
+                                      - name
+                                      type: object
+                                    resources:
+                                      properties:
+                                        limits:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            anyOf:
+                                            - type: integer
+                                            - type: string
+                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                          type: object
+                                        requests:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            anyOf:
+                                            - type: integer
+                                            - type: string
+                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    selector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    storageClassName:
+                                      type: string
+                                    volumeMode:
+                                      type: string
+                                    volumeName:
+                                      type: string
+                                  type: object
+                              required:
+                              - spec
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        fc:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            lun:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            targetWWNs:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            wwids:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        flexVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            driver:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            options:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                type: string
+                              type: object
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          required:
+                          - driver
+                          type: object
+                        flocker:
+                          properties:
+                            datasetName:
+                              type: string
+                            datasetUUID:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        gcePersistentDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            partition:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            pdName:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - pdName
+                          type: object
+                        gitRepo:
+                          properties:
+                            directory:
+                              type: string
+                            repository:
+                              type: string
+                            revision:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - repository
+                          type: object
+                        glusterfs:
+                          properties:
+                            endpoints:
+                              type: string
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - endpoints
+                          - path
+                          type: object
+                        hostPath:
+                          properties:
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            type:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - path
+                          type: object
+                        iscsi:
+                          properties:
+                            chapAuthDiscovery:
+                              type: boolean
+                            chapAuthSession:
+                              type: boolean
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            initiatorName:
+                              type: string
+                            iqn:
+                              type: string
+                            iscsiInterface:
+                              type: string
+                            lun:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            portals:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            targetPortal:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - iqn
+                          - lun
+                          - targetPortal
+                          type: object
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        nfs:
+                          properties:
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            server:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - path
+                          - server
+                          type: object
+                        persistentVolumeClaim:
+                          properties:
+                            claimName:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - claimName
+                          type: object
+                        photonPersistentDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            pdID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - pdID
+                          type: object
+                        portworxVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        projected:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            sources:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  configMap:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            key:
+                                              type: string
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                          required:
+                                          - key
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    type: object
+                                  downwardAPI:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            fieldRef:
+                                              properties:
+                                                apiVersion:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                fieldPath:
+                                                  type: string
+                                              required:
+                                              - fieldPath
+                                              type: object
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                            resourceFieldRef:
+                                              properties:
+                                                containerName:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                divisor:
+                                                  anyOf:
+                                                  - type: integer
+                                                  - type: string
+                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                                resource:
+                                                  type: string
+                                              required:
+                                              - resource
+                                              type: object
+                                          required:
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                    type: object
+                                  secret:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            key:
+                                              type: string
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                          required:
+                                          - key
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    type: object
+                                  serviceAccountToken:
+                                    properties:
+                                      audience:
+                                        type: string
+                                      expirationSeconds:
+                                        format: int64
+                                        type: integer
+                                      path:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - path
+                                    type: object
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        quobyte:
+                          properties:
+                            group:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            registry:
+                              type: string
+                            tenant:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                            volume:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - registry
+                          - volume
+                          type: object
+                        rbd:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            image:
+                              type: string
+                            keyring:
+                              type: string
+                            monitors:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            pool:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - image
+                          - monitors
+                          type: object
+                        scaleIO:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            gateway:
+                              type: string
+                            protectionDomain:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            sslEnabled:
+                              type: boolean
+                            storageMode:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePool:
+                              type: string
+                            system:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - gateway
+                          - secretRef
+                          - system
+                          type: object
+                        secret:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - key
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            optional:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretName:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        storageos:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeNamespace:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        vsphereVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePolicyID:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePolicyName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumePath:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumePath
+                          type: object
+                      required:
+                      - name
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  sidecars:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        args:
+                          items:
+                            type: string
+                          type: array
+                        command:
+                          items:
+                            type: string
+                          type: array
+                        env:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              value:
+                                type: string
+                              valueFrom:
+                                properties:
+                                  configMapKeyRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    type: object
+                                  fieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      apiVersion:
+                                        type: string
+                                      fieldPath:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - fieldPath
+                                    type: object
+                                  resourceFieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      containerName:
+                                        type: string
+                                      divisor:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      resource:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - resource
+                                    type: object
+                                  secretKeyRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    type: object
+                                type: object
+                            required:
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        envFrom:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              configMapRef:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  optional:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                type: object
+                              prefix:
+                                type: string
+                              secretRef:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  optional:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        image:
+                          type: string
+                        imagePullPolicy:
+                          type: string
+                        lifecycle:
+                          properties:
+                            postStart:
+                              properties:
+                                exec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    command:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  type: object
+                                httpGet:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    httpHeaders:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          name:
+                                            type: string
+                                          value:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - name
+                                        - value
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    path:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                    scheme:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                                tcpSocket:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            preStop:
+                              properties:
+                                exec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    command:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  type: object
+                                httpGet:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    httpHeaders:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          name:
+                                            type: string
+                                          value:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - name
+                                        - value
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    path:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                    scheme:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                                tcpSocket:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        livenessProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        ports:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              containerPort:
+                                format: int32
+                                type: integer
+                              hostIP:
+                                type: string
+                              hostPort:
+                                format: int32
+                                type: integer
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              protocol:
+                                default: TCP
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - containerPort
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                          x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
+                          - containerPort
+                          - protocol
+                          x-kubernetes-list-type: map
+                        readinessProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        resources:
+                          properties:
+                            limits:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            requests:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        securityContext:
+                          properties:
+                            allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                              type: boolean
+                            capabilities:
+                              properties:
+                                add:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                                drop:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            privileged:
+                              type: boolean
+                            procMount:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsGroup:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            runAsNonRoot:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsUser:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            seLinuxOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                level:
+                                  type: string
+                                role:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                user:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            seccompProfile:
+                              properties:
+                                localhostProfile:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - type
+                              type: object
+                            windowsOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                                  type: string
+                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                                  type: string
+                                hostProcess:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                runAsUserName:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        startupProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        stdin:
+                          type: boolean
+                        stdinOnce:
+                          type: boolean
+                        terminationMessagePath:
+                          type: string
+                        terminationMessagePolicy:
+                          type: string
+                        tty:
+                          type: boolean
+                        volumeDevices:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              devicePath:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - devicePath
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        volumeMounts:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              mountPath:
+                                type: string
+                              mountPropagation:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              readOnly:
+                                type: boolean
+                              subPath:
+                                type: string
+                              subPathExpr:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - mountPath
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        workingDir:
+                          type: string
+                      required:
+                      - name
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  size:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  sslInternalSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  sslSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  tolerations:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        effect:
+                          type: string
+                        key:
+                          type: string
+                        operator:
+                          type: string
+                        tolerationSeconds:
+                          format: int64
+                          type: integer
+                        value:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  vaultSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  volumeSpec:
+                    properties:
+                      emptyDir:
+                        properties:
+                          medium:
+                            type: string
+                          sizeLimit:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      hostPath:
+                        properties:
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - path
+                        type: object
+                      persistentVolumeClaim:
+                        properties:
+                          accessModes:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          dataSource:
+                            properties:
+                              apiGroup:
+                                type: string
+                              kind:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - kind
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          dataSourceRef:
+                            properties:
+                              apiGroup:
+                                type: string
+                              kind:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - kind
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          resources:
+                            properties:
+                              limits:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                type: object
+                              requests:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          selector:
+                            properties:
+                              matchExpressions:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    key:
+                                      type: string
+                                    operator:
+                                      type: string
+                                    values:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  required:
+                                  - key
+                                  - operator
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              matchLabels:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  type: string
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          storageClassName:
+                            type: string
+                          volumeMode:
+                            type: string
+                          volumeName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                type: object
+              ignoreAnnotations:
+                items:
+                  type: string
+                type: array
+              ignoreLabels:
+                items:
+                  type: string
+                type: array
+              initImage:
+                type: string
+              logCollectorSecretName:
+                type: string
+              logcollector:
+                properties:
+                  configuration:
+                    type: string
+                  containerSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                        type: boolean
+                      capabilities:
+                        properties:
+                          add:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          drop:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      privileged:
+                        type: boolean
+                      procMount:
+                        type: string
+                      readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  enabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  hookScript:
+                    type: string
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  resources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  runtimeClassName:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              pause:
+                type: boolean
+              platform:
+                type: string
+              pmm:
+                properties:
+                  containerSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                        type: boolean
+                      capabilities:
+                        properties:
+                          add:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          drop:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      privileged:
+                        type: boolean
+                      procMount:
+                        type: string
+                      readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  enabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  proxysqlParams:
+                    type: string
+                  pxcParams:
+                    type: string
+                  resources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  runtimeClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  serverHost:
+                    type: string
+                  serverUser:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              proxysql:
+                properties:
+                  affinity:
+                    properties:
+                      advanced:
+                        properties:
+                          nodeAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    preference:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchFields:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - preference
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                properties:
+                                  nodeSelectorTerms:
+                                    items:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchFields:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                      type: object
+                                    type: array
+                                required:
+                                - nodeSelectorTerms
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          podAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    podAffinityTerm:
+                                      properties:
+                                        labelSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaceSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaces:
+                                          items:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: array
+                                        topologyKey:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - topologyKey
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - podAffinityTerm
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    labelSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaceSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaces:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    topologyKey:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - topologyKey
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                            type: object
+                          podAntiAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    podAffinityTerm:
+                                      properties:
+                                        labelSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaceSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaces:
+                                          items:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: array
+                                        topologyKey:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - topologyKey
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - podAffinityTerm
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    labelSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaceSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaces:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    topologyKey:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - topologyKey
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                            type: object
+                        type: object
+                      antiAffinityTopologyKey:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  annotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  configuration:
+                    type: string
+                  containerSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                        type: boolean
+                      capabilities:
+                        properties:
+                          add:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          drop:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      privileged:
+                        type: boolean
+                      procMount:
+                        type: string
+                      readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  enabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  envVarsSecret:
+                    type: string
+                  externalTrafficPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  forceUnsafeBootstrap:
+                    type: boolean
+                  gracePeriod:
+                    format: int64
+                    type: integer
+                  hookScript:
+                    type: string
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullSecrets:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  labels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  livenessDelaySec:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  livenessProbes:
+                    properties:
+                      exec:
+                        properties:
+                          command:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      failureThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      grpc:
+                        properties:
+                          port:
+                            format: int32
+                            type: integer
+                          service:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      httpGet:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          httpHeaders:
+                            items:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                value:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - name
+                              - value
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          scheme:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      initialDelaySeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      periodSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      successThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      tcpSocket:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      timeoutSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                    type: object
+                  loadBalancerIP:
+                    type: string
+                  loadBalancerSourceRanges:
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                    type: array
+                  nodeSelector:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  podDisruptionBudget:
+                    properties:
+                      maxUnavailable:
+                        anyOf:
+                        - type: integer
+                        - type: string
+                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                      minAvailable:
+                        anyOf:
+                        - type: integer
+                        - type: string
+                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                    type: object
+                  podSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      fsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      fsGroupChangePolicy:
+                        type: string
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      supplementalGroups:
+                        items:
+                          format: int64
+                          type: integer
+                        type: array
+                      sysctls:
+                        items:
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - name
+                          - value
+                          type: object
+                        type: array
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  priorityClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  readinessDelaySec:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  readinessProbes:
+                    properties:
+                      exec:
+                        properties:
+                          command:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      failureThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      grpc:
+                        properties:
+                          port:
+                            format: int32
+                            type: integer
+                          service:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      httpGet:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          httpHeaders:
+                            items:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                value:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - name
+                              - value
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          scheme:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      initialDelaySeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      periodSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      successThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      tcpSocket:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      timeoutSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                    type: object
+                  replicasExternalTrafficPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  replicasServiceAnnotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  replicasServiceLabels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  replicasServiceType:
+                    type: string
+                  resources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  runtimeClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  schedulerName:
+                    type: string
+                  serviceAccountName:
+                    type: string
+                  serviceAnnotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  serviceLabels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  serviceType:
+                    type: string
+                  sidecarPVCs:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        apiVersion:
+                          type: string
+                        kind:
+                          type: string
+                        metadata:
+                          type: object
+                        spec:
+                          properties:
+                            accessModes:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            dataSource:
+                              properties:
+                                apiGroup:
+                                  type: string
+                                kind:
+                                  type: string
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - kind
+                              - name
+                              type: object
+                            dataSourceRef:
+                              properties:
+                                apiGroup:
+                                  type: string
+                                kind:
+                                  type: string
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - kind
+                              - name
+                              type: object
+                            resources:
+                              properties:
+                                limits:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    anyOf:
+                                    - type: integer
+                                    - type: string
+                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  type: object
+                                requests:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    anyOf:
+                                    - type: integer
+                                    - type: string
+                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            selector:
+                              properties:
+                                matchExpressions:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      operator:
+                                        type: string
+                                      values:
+                                        items:
+                                          type: string
+                                        type: array
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    - operator
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                matchLabels:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            storageClassName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeMode:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        status:
+                          properties:
+                            accessModes:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            allocatedResources:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            capacity:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            conditions:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  lastProbeTime:
+                                    format: date-time
+                                    type: string
+                                  lastTransitionTime:
+                                    format: date-time
+                                    type: string
+                                  message:
+                                    type: string
+                                  reason:
+                                    type: string
+                                  status:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - status
+                                - type
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            phase:
+                              type: string
+                            resizeStatus:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  sidecarResources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  sidecarVolumes:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        awsElasticBlockStore:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            partition:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        azureDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            cachingMode:
+                              type: string
+                            diskName:
+                              type: string
+                            diskURI:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            kind:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - diskName
+                          - diskURI
+                          type: object
+                        azureFile:
+                          properties:
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretName:
+                              type: string
+                            shareName:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - secretName
+                          - shareName
+                          type: object
+                        cephfs:
+                          properties:
+                            monitors:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretFile:
+                              type: string
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - monitors
+                          type: object
+                        cinder:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        configMap:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - key
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            optional:
+                              type: boolean
+                          type: object
+                        csi:
+                          properties:
+                            driver:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            nodePublishSecretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeAttributes:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                type: string
+                              type: object
+                          required:
+                          - driver
+                          type: object
+                        downwardAPI:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  fieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      apiVersion:
+                                        type: string
+                                      fieldPath:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - fieldPath
+                                    type: object
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                  resourceFieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      containerName:
+                                        type: string
+                                      divisor:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      resource:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - resource
+                                    type: object
+                                required:
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        emptyDir:
+                          properties:
+                            medium:
+                              type: string
+                            sizeLimit:
+                              anyOf:
+                              - type: integer
+                              - type: string
+                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          type: object
+                        ephemeral:
+                          properties:
+                            volumeClaimTemplate:
+                              properties:
+                                metadata:
+                                  type: object
+                                spec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    accessModes:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    dataSource:
+                                      properties:
+                                        apiGroup:
+                                          type: string
+                                        kind:
+                                          type: string
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - kind
+                                      - name
+                                      type: object
+                                    dataSourceRef:
+                                      properties:
+                                        apiGroup:
+                                          type: string
+                                        kind:
+                                          type: string
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - kind
+                                      - name
+                                      type: object
+                                    resources:
+                                      properties:
+                                        limits:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            anyOf:
+                                            - type: integer
+                                            - type: string
+                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                          type: object
+                                        requests:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            anyOf:
+                                            - type: integer
+                                            - type: string
+                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    selector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    storageClassName:
+                                      type: string
+                                    volumeMode:
+                                      type: string
+                                    volumeName:
+                                      type: string
+                                  type: object
+                              required:
+                              - spec
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        fc:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            lun:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            targetWWNs:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            wwids:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        flexVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            driver:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            options:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                type: string
+                              type: object
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          required:
+                          - driver
+                          type: object
+                        flocker:
+                          properties:
+                            datasetName:
+                              type: string
+                            datasetUUID:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        gcePersistentDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            partition:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            pdName:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - pdName
+                          type: object
+                        gitRepo:
+                          properties:
+                            directory:
+                              type: string
+                            repository:
+                              type: string
+                            revision:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - repository
+                          type: object
+                        glusterfs:
+                          properties:
+                            endpoints:
+                              type: string
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - endpoints
+                          - path
+                          type: object
+                        hostPath:
+                          properties:
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            type:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - path
+                          type: object
+                        iscsi:
+                          properties:
+                            chapAuthDiscovery:
+                              type: boolean
+                            chapAuthSession:
+                              type: boolean
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            initiatorName:
+                              type: string
+                            iqn:
+                              type: string
+                            iscsiInterface:
+                              type: string
+                            lun:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            portals:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            targetPortal:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - iqn
+                          - lun
+                          - targetPortal
+                          type: object
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        nfs:
+                          properties:
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            server:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - path
+                          - server
+                          type: object
+                        persistentVolumeClaim:
+                          properties:
+                            claimName:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - claimName
+                          type: object
+                        photonPersistentDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            pdID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - pdID
+                          type: object
+                        portworxVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        projected:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            sources:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  configMap:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            key:
+                                              type: string
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                          required:
+                                          - key
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    type: object
+                                  downwardAPI:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            fieldRef:
+                                              properties:
+                                                apiVersion:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                fieldPath:
+                                                  type: string
+                                              required:
+                                              - fieldPath
+                                              type: object
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                            resourceFieldRef:
+                                              properties:
+                                                containerName:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                divisor:
+                                                  anyOf:
+                                                  - type: integer
+                                                  - type: string
+                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                                resource:
+                                                  type: string
+                                              required:
+                                              - resource
+                                              type: object
+                                          required:
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                    type: object
+                                  secret:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            key:
+                                              type: string
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                          required:
+                                          - key
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    type: object
+                                  serviceAccountToken:
+                                    properties:
+                                      audience:
+                                        type: string
+                                      expirationSeconds:
+                                        format: int64
+                                        type: integer
+                                      path:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - path
+                                    type: object
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        quobyte:
+                          properties:
+                            group:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            registry:
+                              type: string
+                            tenant:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                            volume:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - registry
+                          - volume
+                          type: object
+                        rbd:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            image:
+                              type: string
+                            keyring:
+                              type: string
+                            monitors:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            pool:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - image
+                          - monitors
+                          type: object
+                        scaleIO:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            gateway:
+                              type: string
+                            protectionDomain:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            sslEnabled:
+                              type: boolean
+                            storageMode:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePool:
+                              type: string
+                            system:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - gateway
+                          - secretRef
+                          - system
+                          type: object
+                        secret:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - key
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            optional:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretName:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        storageos:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeNamespace:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        vsphereVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePolicyID:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePolicyName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumePath:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumePath
+                          type: object
+                      required:
+                      - name
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  sidecars:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        args:
+                          items:
+                            type: string
+                          type: array
+                        command:
+                          items:
+                            type: string
+                          type: array
+                        env:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              value:
+                                type: string
+                              valueFrom:
+                                properties:
+                                  configMapKeyRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    type: object
+                                  fieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      apiVersion:
+                                        type: string
+                                      fieldPath:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - fieldPath
+                                    type: object
+                                  resourceFieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      containerName:
+                                        type: string
+                                      divisor:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      resource:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - resource
+                                    type: object
+                                  secretKeyRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    type: object
+                                type: object
+                            required:
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        envFrom:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              configMapRef:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  optional:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                type: object
+                              prefix:
+                                type: string
+                              secretRef:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  optional:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        image:
+                          type: string
+                        imagePullPolicy:
+                          type: string
+                        lifecycle:
+                          properties:
+                            postStart:
+                              properties:
+                                exec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    command:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  type: object
+                                httpGet:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    httpHeaders:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          name:
+                                            type: string
+                                          value:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - name
+                                        - value
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    path:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                    scheme:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                                tcpSocket:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            preStop:
+                              properties:
+                                exec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    command:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  type: object
+                                httpGet:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    httpHeaders:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          name:
+                                            type: string
+                                          value:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - name
+                                        - value
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    path:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                    scheme:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                                tcpSocket:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        livenessProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        ports:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              containerPort:
+                                format: int32
+                                type: integer
+                              hostIP:
+                                type: string
+                              hostPort:
+                                format: int32
+                                type: integer
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              protocol:
+                                default: TCP
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - containerPort
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                          x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
+                          - containerPort
+                          - protocol
+                          x-kubernetes-list-type: map
+                        readinessProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        resources:
+                          properties:
+                            limits:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            requests:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        securityContext:
+                          properties:
+                            allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                              type: boolean
+                            capabilities:
+                              properties:
+                                add:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                                drop:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            privileged:
+                              type: boolean
+                            procMount:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsGroup:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            runAsNonRoot:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsUser:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            seLinuxOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                level:
+                                  type: string
+                                role:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                user:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            seccompProfile:
+                              properties:
+                                localhostProfile:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - type
+                              type: object
+                            windowsOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                                  type: string
+                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                                  type: string
+                                hostProcess:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                runAsUserName:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        startupProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        stdin:
+                          type: boolean
+                        stdinOnce:
+                          type: boolean
+                        terminationMessagePath:
+                          type: string
+                        terminationMessagePolicy:
+                          type: string
+                        tty:
+                          type: boolean
+                        volumeDevices:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              devicePath:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - devicePath
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        volumeMounts:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              mountPath:
+                                type: string
+                              mountPropagation:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              readOnly:
+                                type: boolean
+                              subPath:
+                                type: string
+                              subPathExpr:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - mountPath
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        workingDir:
+                          type: string
+                      required:
+                      - name
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  size:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  sslInternalSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  sslSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  tolerations:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        effect:
+                          type: string
+                        key:
+                          type: string
+                        operator:
+                          type: string
+                        tolerationSeconds:
+                          format: int64
+                          type: integer
+                        value:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  vaultSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  volumeSpec:
+                    properties:
+                      emptyDir:
+                        properties:
+                          medium:
+                            type: string
+                          sizeLimit:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      hostPath:
+                        properties:
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - path
+                        type: object
+                      persistentVolumeClaim:
+                        properties:
+                          accessModes:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          dataSource:
+                            properties:
+                              apiGroup:
+                                type: string
+                              kind:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - kind
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          dataSourceRef:
+                            properties:
+                              apiGroup:
+                                type: string
+                              kind:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - kind
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          resources:
+                            properties:
+                              limits:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                type: object
+                              requests:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          selector:
+                            properties:
+                              matchExpressions:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    key:
+                                      type: string
+                                    operator:
+                                      type: string
+                                    values:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  required:
+                                  - key
+                                  - operator
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              matchLabels:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  type: string
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          storageClassName:
+                            type: string
+                          volumeMode:
+                            type: string
+                          volumeName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                type: object
+              pxc:
+                properties:
+                  affinity:
+                    properties:
+                      advanced:
+                        properties:
+                          nodeAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    preference:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchFields:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - preference
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                properties:
+                                  nodeSelectorTerms:
+                                    items:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchFields:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                      type: object
+                                    type: array
+                                required:
+                                - nodeSelectorTerms
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          podAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    podAffinityTerm:
+                                      properties:
+                                        labelSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaceSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaces:
+                                          items:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: array
+                                        topologyKey:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - topologyKey
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - podAffinityTerm
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    labelSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaceSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaces:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    topologyKey:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - topologyKey
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                            type: object
+                          podAntiAffinity:
+                            properties:
+                              preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    podAffinityTerm:
+                                      properties:
+                                        labelSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaceSelector:
+                                          properties:
+                                            matchExpressions:
+                                              items:
+                                                properties:
+                                                  key:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  operator:
+                                                    type: string
+                                                  values:
+                                                    items:
+                                                      type: string
+                                                    type: array
+                                                required:
+                                                - key
+                                                - operator
+                                                type: object
+                                              type: array
+                                            matchLabels:
+                                              additionalProperties:
+                                                type: string
+                                              type: object
+                                          type: object
+                                        namespaces:
+                                          items:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: array
+                                        topologyKey:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - topologyKey
+                                      type: object
+                                    weight:
+                                      format: int32
+                                      type: integer
+                                  required:
+                                  - podAffinityTerm
+                                  - weight
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    labelSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaceSelector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    namespaces:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    topologyKey:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - topologyKey
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                            type: object
+                        type: object
+                      antiAffinityTopologyKey:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  annotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  autoRecovery:
+                    type: boolean
+                  configuration:
+                    type: string
+                  containerSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                        type: boolean
+                      capabilities:
+                        properties:
+                          add:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          drop:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      privileged:
+                        type: boolean
+                      procMount:
+                        type: string
+                      readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  enabled:
+                    type: boolean
+                  envVarsSecret:
+                    type: string
+                  expose:
+                    properties:
+                      annotations:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          type: string
+                        type: object
+                      enabled:
+                        type: boolean
+                      loadBalancerSourceRanges:
+                        items:
+                          type: string
+                        type: array
+                      trafficPolicy:
+                        type: string
+                      type:
+                        type: string
+                    type: object
+                  externalTrafficPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  forceUnsafeBootstrap:
+                    type: boolean
+                  gracePeriod:
+                    format: int64
+                    type: integer
+                  hookScript:
+                    type: string
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  imagePullSecrets:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  labels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  livenessDelaySec:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  livenessProbes:
+                    properties:
+                      exec:
+                        properties:
+                          command:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      failureThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      grpc:
+                        properties:
+                          port:
+                            format: int32
+                            type: integer
+                          service:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      httpGet:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          httpHeaders:
+                            items:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                value:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - name
+                              - value
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          scheme:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      initialDelaySeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      periodSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      successThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      tcpSocket:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      timeoutSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                    type: object
+                  loadBalancerIP:
+                    type: string
+                  loadBalancerSourceRanges:
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                    type: array
+                  nodeSelector:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  podDisruptionBudget:
+                    properties:
+                      maxUnavailable:
+                        anyOf:
+                        - type: integer
+                        - type: string
+                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                      minAvailable:
+                        anyOf:
+                        - type: integer
+                        - type: string
+                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                    type: object
+                  podSecurityContext:
+                    properties:
+                      fsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      fsGroupChangePolicy:
+                        type: string
+                      runAsGroup:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      runAsNonRoot:
+                        type: boolean
+                      runAsUser:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      seLinuxOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          level:
+                            type: string
+                          role:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                          user:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                      seccompProfile:
+                        properties:
+                          localhostProfile:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - type
+                        type: object
+                      supplementalGroups:
+                        items:
+                          format: int64
+                          type: integer
+                        type: array
+                      sysctls:
+                        items:
+                          properties:
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            value:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - name
+                          - value
+                          type: object
+                        type: array
+                      windowsOptions:
+                        properties:
+                          gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                            type: string
+                          gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                            type: string
+                          hostProcess:
+                            type: boolean
+                          runAsUserName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  priorityClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  readinessDelaySec:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  readinessProbes:
+                    properties:
+                      exec:
+                        properties:
+                          command:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                        type: object
+                      failureThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      grpc:
+                        properties:
+                          port:
+                            format: int32
+                            type: integer
+                          service:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      httpGet:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          httpHeaders:
+                            items:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                                value:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - name
+                              - value
+                              type: object
+                            type: array
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          scheme:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      initialDelaySeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      periodSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      successThreshold:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                      tcpSocket:
+                        properties:
+                          host:
+                            type: string
+                          port:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        required:
+                        - port
+                        type: object
+                      terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                        format: int64
+                        type: integer
+                      timeoutSeconds:
+                        format: int32
+                        type: integer
+                    type: object
+                  replicasExternalTrafficPolicy:
+                    type: string
+                  replicasServiceAnnotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  replicasServiceLabels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  replicasServiceType:
+                    type: string
+                  replicationChannels:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        configuration:
+                          properties:
+                            ca:
+                              type: string
+                            sourceConnectRetry:
+                              type: integer
+                            sourceRetryCount:
+                              type: integer
+                            ssl:
+                              type: boolean
+                            sslSkipVerify:
+                              type: boolean
+                          type: object
+                        isSource:
+                          type: boolean
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        sourcesList:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              host:
+                                type: string
+                              port:
+                                type: integer
+                              weight:
+                                type: integer
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  resources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  runtimeClassName:
+                    type: string
+                  schedulerName:
+                    type: string
+                  serviceAccountName:
+                    type: string
+                  serviceAnnotations:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  serviceLabels:
+                    additionalProperties:
+                      type: string
+                    type: object
+                  serviceType:
+                    type: string
+                  sidecarPVCs:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        apiVersion:
+                          type: string
+                        kind:
+                          type: string
+                        metadata:
+                          type: object
+                        spec:
+                          properties:
+                            accessModes:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            dataSource:
+                              properties:
+                                apiGroup:
+                                  type: string
+                                kind:
+                                  type: string
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - kind
+                              - name
+                              type: object
+                            dataSourceRef:
+                              properties:
+                                apiGroup:
+                                  type: string
+                                kind:
+                                  type: string
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - kind
+                              - name
+                              type: object
+                            resources:
+                              properties:
+                                limits:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    anyOf:
+                                    - type: integer
+                                    - type: string
+                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  type: object
+                                requests:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    anyOf:
+                                    - type: integer
+                                    - type: string
+                                    pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                    x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            selector:
+                              properties:
+                                matchExpressions:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      operator:
+                                        type: string
+                                      values:
+                                        items:
+                                          type: string
+                                        type: array
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    - operator
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                matchLabels:
+                                  additionalProperties:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            storageClassName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeMode:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        status:
+                          properties:
+                            accessModes:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            allocatedResources:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            capacity:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            conditions:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  lastProbeTime:
+                                    format: date-time
+                                    type: string
+                                  lastTransitionTime:
+                                    format: date-time
+                                    type: string
+                                  message:
+                                    type: string
+                                  reason:
+                                    type: string
+                                  status:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - status
+                                - type
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            phase:
+                              type: string
+                            resizeStatus:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  sidecarResources:
+                    properties:
+                      limits:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      requests:
+                        additionalProperties:
+                          anyOf:
+                          - type: integer
+                          - type: string
+                          pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                          x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                  sidecarVolumes:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        awsElasticBlockStore:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            partition:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        azureDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            cachingMode:
+                              type: string
+                            diskName:
+                              type: string
+                            diskURI:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            kind:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - diskName
+                          - diskURI
+                          type: object
+                        azureFile:
+                          properties:
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretName:
+                              type: string
+                            shareName:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - secretName
+                          - shareName
+                          type: object
+                        cephfs:
+                          properties:
+                            monitors:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretFile:
+                              type: string
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - monitors
+                          type: object
+                        cinder:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        configMap:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - key
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            name:
+                              type: string
+                            optional:
+                              type: boolean
+                          type: object
+                        csi:
+                          properties:
+                            driver:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            nodePublishSecretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeAttributes:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                type: string
+                              type: object
+                          required:
+                          - driver
+                          type: object
+                        downwardAPI:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  fieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      apiVersion:
+                                        type: string
+                                      fieldPath:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - fieldPath
+                                    type: object
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                  resourceFieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      containerName:
+                                        type: string
+                                      divisor:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      resource:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - resource
+                                    type: object
+                                required:
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        emptyDir:
+                          properties:
+                            medium:
+                              type: string
+                            sizeLimit:
+                              anyOf:
+                              - type: integer
+                              - type: string
+                              pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                              x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                          type: object
+                        ephemeral:
+                          properties:
+                            volumeClaimTemplate:
+                              properties:
+                                metadata:
+                                  type: object
+                                spec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    accessModes:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                    dataSource:
+                                      properties:
+                                        apiGroup:
+                                          type: string
+                                        kind:
+                                          type: string
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - kind
+                                      - name
+                                      type: object
+                                    dataSourceRef:
+                                      properties:
+                                        apiGroup:
+                                          type: string
+                                        kind:
+                                          type: string
+                                        name:
+                                          type: string
+                                      required:
+                                      - kind
+                                      - name
+                                      type: object
+                                    resources:
+                                      properties:
+                                        limits:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            anyOf:
+                                            - type: integer
+                                            - type: string
+                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                          type: object
+                                        requests:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            anyOf:
+                                            - type: integer
+                                            - type: string
+                                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    selector:
+                                      properties:
+                                        matchExpressions:
+                                          items:
+                                            properties:
+                                              key:
+                                                type: string
+                                              operator:
+                                                type: string
+                                              values:
+                                                items:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                type: array
+                                            required:
+                                            - key
+                                            - operator
+                                            type: object
+                                          type: array
+                                        matchLabels:
+                                          additionalProperties:
+                                            type: string
+                                          type: object
+                                      type: object
+                                    storageClassName:
+                                      type: string
+                                    volumeMode:
+                                      type: string
+                                    volumeName:
+                                      type: string
+                                  type: object
+                              required:
+                              - spec
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        fc:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            lun:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            targetWWNs:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            wwids:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        flexVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            driver:
+                              type: string
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            options:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                type: string
+                              type: object
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          required:
+                          - driver
+                          type: object
+                        flocker:
+                          properties:
+                            datasetName:
+                              type: string
+                            datasetUUID:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        gcePersistentDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            partition:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            pdName:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - pdName
+                          type: object
+                        gitRepo:
+                          properties:
+                            directory:
+                              type: string
+                            repository:
+                              type: string
+                            revision:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - repository
+                          type: object
+                        glusterfs:
+                          properties:
+                            endpoints:
+                              type: string
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - endpoints
+                          - path
+                          type: object
+                        hostPath:
+                          properties:
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            type:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - path
+                          type: object
+                        iscsi:
+                          properties:
+                            chapAuthDiscovery:
+                              type: boolean
+                            chapAuthSession:
+                              type: boolean
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            initiatorName:
+                              type: string
+                            iqn:
+                              type: string
+                            iscsiInterface:
+                              type: string
+                            lun:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            portals:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            targetPortal:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - iqn
+                          - lun
+                          - targetPortal
+                          type: object
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        nfs:
+                          properties:
+                            path:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            server:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - path
+                          - server
+                          type: object
+                        persistentVolumeClaim:
+                          properties:
+                            claimName:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                          required:
+                          - claimName
+                          type: object
+                        photonPersistentDisk:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            pdID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - pdID
+                          type: object
+                        portworxVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            volumeID:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumeID
+                          type: object
+                        projected:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            sources:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  configMap:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            key:
+                                              type: string
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                          required:
+                                          - key
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    type: object
+                                  downwardAPI:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            fieldRef:
+                                              properties:
+                                                apiVersion:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                fieldPath:
+                                                  type: string
+                                              required:
+                                              - fieldPath
+                                              type: object
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                            resourceFieldRef:
+                                              properties:
+                                                containerName:
+                                                  type: string
+                                                divisor:
+                                                  anyOf:
+                                                  - type: integer
+                                                  - type: string
+                                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                                resource:
+                                                  type: string
+                                              required:
+                                              - resource
+                                              type: object
+                                          required:
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                    type: object
+                                  secret:
+                                    properties:
+                                      items:
+                                        items:
+                                          properties:
+                                            key:
+                                              type: string
+                                            mode:
+                                              format: int32
+                                              type: integer
+                                            path:
+                                              type: string
+                                          required:
+                                          - key
+                                          - path
+                                          type: object
+                                        type: array
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    type: object
+                                  serviceAccountToken:
+                                    properties:
+                                      audience:
+                                        type: string
+                                      expirationSeconds:
+                                        format: int64
+                                        type: integer
+                                      path:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - path
+                                    type: object
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                          type: object
+                        quobyte:
+                          properties:
+                            group:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            registry:
+                              type: string
+                            tenant:
+                              type: string
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                            volume:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - registry
+                          - volume
+                          type: object
+                        rbd:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            image:
+                              type: string
+                            keyring:
+                              type: string
+                            monitors:
+                              items:
+                                type: string
+                              type: array
+                            pool:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            user:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - image
+                          - monitors
+                          type: object
+                        scaleIO:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            gateway:
+                              type: string
+                            protectionDomain:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            sslEnabled:
+                              type: boolean
+                            storageMode:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePool:
+                              type: string
+                            system:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - gateway
+                          - secretRef
+                          - system
+                          type: object
+                        secret:
+                          properties:
+                            defaultMode:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            items:
+                              items:
+                                properties:
+                                  key:
+                                    type: string
+                                  mode:
+                                    format: int32
+                                    type: integer
+                                  path:
+                                    type: string
+                                required:
+                                - key
+                                - path
+                                type: object
+                              type: array
+                            optional:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretName:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        storageos:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnly:
+                              type: boolean
+                            secretRef:
+                              properties:
+                                name:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            volumeName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumeNamespace:
+                              type: string
+                          type: object
+                        vsphereVolume:
+                          properties:
+                            fsType:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePolicyID:
+                              type: string
+                            storagePolicyName:
+                              type: string
+                            volumePath:
+                              type: string
+                          required:
+                          - volumePath
+                          type: object
+                      required:
+                      - name
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  sidecars:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        args:
+                          items:
+                            type: string
+                          type: array
+                        command:
+                          items:
+                            type: string
+                          type: array
+                        env:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              value:
+                                type: string
+                              valueFrom:
+                                properties:
+                                  configMapKeyRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    type: object
+                                  fieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      apiVersion:
+                                        type: string
+                                      fieldPath:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - fieldPath
+                                    type: object
+                                  resourceFieldRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      containerName:
+                                        type: string
+                                      divisor:
+                                        anyOf:
+                                        - type: integer
+                                        - type: string
+                                        pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                        x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                      resource:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - resource
+                                    type: object
+                                  secretKeyRef:
+                                    properties:
+                                      key:
+                                        type: string
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      optional:
+                                        type: boolean
+                                    required:
+                                    - key
+                                    type: object
+                                type: object
+                            required:
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        envFrom:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              configMapRef:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  optional:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                type: object
+                              prefix:
+                                type: string
+                              secretRef:
+                                properties:
+                                  name:
+                                    type: string
+                                  optional:
+                                    type: boolean
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        image:
+                          type: string
+                        imagePullPolicy:
+                          type: string
+                        lifecycle:
+                          properties:
+                            postStart:
+                              properties:
+                                exec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    command:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  type: object
+                                httpGet:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    httpHeaders:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          name:
+                                            type: string
+                                          value:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - name
+                                        - value
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    path:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                    scheme:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                                tcpSocket:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                            preStop:
+                              properties:
+                                exec:
+                                  properties:
+                                    command:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  type: object
+                                httpGet:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    httpHeaders:
+                                      items:
+                                        properties:
+                                          name:
+                                            type: string
+                                          value:
+                                            type: string
+                                        required:
+                                        - name
+                                        - value
+                                        type: object
+                                      type: array
+                                    path:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                    scheme:
+                                      type: string
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                                tcpSocket:
+                                  properties:
+                                    host:
+                                      type: string
+                                    port:
+                                      anyOf:
+                                      - type: integer
+                                      - type: string
+                                      x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                  required:
+                                  - port
+                                  type: object
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        livenessProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        ports:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              containerPort:
+                                format: int32
+                                type: integer
+                              hostIP:
+                                type: string
+                              hostPort:
+                                format: int32
+                                type: integer
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              protocol:
+                                default: TCP
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - containerPort
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                          x-kubernetes-list-map-keys:
+                          - containerPort
+                          - protocol
+                          x-kubernetes-list-type: map
+                        readinessProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        resources:
+                          properties:
+                            limits:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                            requests:
+                              additionalProperties:
+                                anyOf:
+                                - type: integer
+                                - type: string
+                                pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        securityContext:
+                          properties:
+                            allowPrivilegeEscalation:
+                              type: boolean
+                            capabilities:
+                              properties:
+                                add:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                                drop:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            privileged:
+                              type: boolean
+                            procMount:
+                              type: string
+                            readOnlyRootFilesystem:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsGroup:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            runAsNonRoot:
+                              type: boolean
+                            runAsUser:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            seLinuxOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                level:
+                                  type: string
+                                role:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                                user:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                            seccompProfile:
+                              properties:
+                                localhostProfile:
+                                  type: string
+                                type:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - type
+                              type: object
+                            windowsOptions:
+                              properties:
+                                gmsaCredentialSpec:
+                                  type: string
+                                gmsaCredentialSpecName:
+                                  type: string
+                                hostProcess:
+                                  type: boolean
+                                runAsUserName:
+                                  type: string
+                              type: object
+                          type: object
+                        startupProbe:
+                          properties:
+                            exec:
+                              properties:
+                                command:
+                                  items:
+                                    type: string
+                                  type: array
+                              type: object
+                            failureThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            grpc:
+                              properties:
+                                port:
+                                  format: int32
+                                  type: integer
+                                service:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            httpGet:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                httpHeaders:
+                                  items:
+                                    properties:
+                                      name:
+                                        type: string
+                                      value:
+                                        type: string
+                                    required:
+                                    - name
+                                    - value
+                                    type: object
+                                  type: array
+                                path:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                scheme:
+                                  type: string
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            initialDelaySeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            periodSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            successThreshold:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                            tcpSocket:
+                              properties:
+                                host:
+                                  type: string
+                                port:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                              required:
+                              - port
+                              type: object
+                            terminationGracePeriodSeconds:
+                              format: int64
+                              type: integer
+                            timeoutSeconds:
+                              format: int32
+                              type: integer
+                          type: object
+                        stdin:
+                          type: boolean
+                        stdinOnce:
+                          type: boolean
+                        terminationMessagePath:
+                          type: string
+                        terminationMessagePolicy:
+                          type: string
+                        tty:
+                          type: boolean
+                        volumeDevices:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              devicePath:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - devicePath
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        volumeMounts:
+                          items:
+                            properties:
+                              mountPath:
+                                type: string
+                              mountPropagation:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                              readOnly:
+                                type: boolean
+                              subPath:
+                                type: string
+                              subPathExpr:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - mountPath
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          type: array
+                        workingDir:
+                          type: string
+                      required:
+                      - name
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  size:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  sslInternalSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  sslSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  tolerations:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        effect:
+                          type: string
+                        key:
+                          type: string
+                        operator:
+                          type: string
+                        tolerationSeconds:
+                          format: int64
+                          type: integer
+                        value:
+                          type: string
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                  vaultSecretName:
+                    type: string
+                  volumeSpec:
+                    properties:
+                      emptyDir:
+                        properties:
+                          medium:
+                            type: string
+                          sizeLimit:
+                            anyOf:
+                            - type: integer
+                            - type: string
+                            pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                            x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                        type: object
+                      hostPath:
+                        properties:
+                          path:
+                            type: string
+                          type:
+                            type: string
+                        required:
+                        - path
+                        type: object
+                      persistentVolumeClaim:
+                        properties:
+                          accessModes:
+                            items:
+                              type: string
+                            type: array
+                          dataSource:
+                            properties:
+                              apiGroup:
+                                type: string
+                              kind:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - kind
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          dataSourceRef:
+                            properties:
+                              apiGroup:
+                                type: string
+                              kind:
+                                type: string
+                              name:
+                                type: string
+                            required:
+                            - kind
+                            - name
+                            type: object
+                          resources:
+                            properties:
+                              limits:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                type: object
+                              requests:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  anyOf:
+                                  - type: integer
+                                  - type: string
+                                  pattern: ^(\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))(([KMGTPE]i)|[numkMGTPE]|([eE](\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?)|(\.[0-9]+))))?$
+                                  x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          selector:
+                            properties:
+                              matchExpressions:
+                                items:
+                                  properties:
+                                    key:
+                                      type: string
+                                    operator:
+                                      type: string
+                                    values:
+                                      items:
+                                        type: string
+                                      type: array
+                                  required:
+                                  - key
+                                  - operator
+                                  type: object
+                                type: array
+                              matchLabels:
+                                additionalProperties:
+                                  type: string
+                                type: object
+                            type: object
+                          storageClassName:
+                            type: string
+                          volumeMode:
+                            type: string
+                          volumeName:
+                            type: string
+                        type: object
+                    type: object
+                type: object
+              secretsName:
+                type: string
+              sslInternalSecretName:
+                type: string
+              sslSecretName:
+                type: string
+              tls:
+                properties:
+                  SANs:
+                    items:
+                      type: string
+                    type: array
+                  issuerConf:
+                    properties:
+                      group:
+                        type: string
+                      kind:
+                        type: string
+                      name:
+                        type: string
+                    required:
+                    - name
+                    type: object
+                type: object
+              updateStrategy:
+                type: string
+              upgradeOptions:
+                properties:
+                  apply:
+                    type: string
+                  schedule:
+                    type: string
+                  versionServiceEndpoint:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              vaultSecretName:
+                type: string
+            type: object
+          status:
+            properties:
+              backup:
+                properties:
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  labelSelectorPath:
+                    type: string
+                  message:
+                    type: string
+                  status:
+                    type: string
+                  version:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              conditions:
+                items:
+                  properties:
+                    lastTransitionTime:
+                      format: date-time
+                      type: string
+                    message:
+                      type: string
+                    reason:
+                      type: string
+                    status:
+                      type: string
+                    type:
+                      type: string
+                  type: object
+                type: array
+              haproxy:
+                properties:
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  labelSelectorPath:
+                    type: string
+                  message:
+                    type: string
+                  ready:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  size:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  status:
+                    type: string
+                  version:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              host:
+                type: string
+              logcollector:
+                properties:
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  labelSelectorPath:
+                    type: string
+                  message:
+                    type: string
+                  status:
+                    type: string
+                  version:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              message:
+                items:
+                  type: string
+                type: array
+              observedGeneration:
+                format: int64
+                type: integer
+              pmm:
+                properties:
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  labelSelectorPath:
+                    type: string
+                  message:
+                    type: string
+                  status:
+                    type: string
+                  version:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              proxysql:
+                properties:
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  labelSelectorPath:
+                    type: string
+                  message:
+                    type: string
+                  ready:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  size:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  status:
+                    type: string
+                  version:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              pxc:
+                properties:
+                  image:
+                    type: string
+                  labelSelectorPath:
+                    type: string
+                  message:
+                    type: string
+                  ready:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  size:
+                    format: int32
+                    type: integer
+                  status:
+                    type: string
+                  version:
+                    type: string
+                type: object
+              pxcReplication:
+                properties:
+                  replicationChannels:
+                    items:
+                      properties:
+                        ca:
+                          type: string
+                        name:
+                          type: string
+                        sourceConnectRetry:
+                          type: integer
+                        sourceRetryCount:
+                          type: integer
+                        ssl:
+                          type: boolean
+                        sslSkipVerify:
+                          type: boolean
+                      type: object
+                    type: array
+                type: object
+              ready:
+                format: int32
+                type: integer
+              size:
+                format: int32
+                type: integer
+              state:
+                type: string
+            type: object
+        type: object
+        x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true
+    served: true
+    storage: true
+    subresources:
+      scale:
+        labelSelectorPath: .status.pxc.labelSelectorPath
+        specReplicasPath: .spec.pxc.size
+        statusReplicasPath: .status.pxc.size
+      status: {}
+  acceptedNames:
+    kind: ""
+    plural: ""
+  conditions: []
+  storedVersions: []
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/templates/NOTES.txt b/charts/pxc-operator/templates/NOTES.txt
index a105dda..619fbd1 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/templates/NOTES.txt
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/templates/NOTES.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,16 @@
-1. pxc-operator deployed.
-  If you would like to deploy an pxc-cluster set cluster.enabled to true in values.yaml
-  Check the pxc-operator logs
+1. Percona Operator for MySQL is deployed. 
+  Check if operator Pod is running:
+    kubectl get pods -l{{ template "" . }} --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }}
+  Troubleshoot by checking the logs:
     export POD=$(kubectl get pods -l{{ template "" . }} --namespace {{ .Release.Namespace }} --output name)
-    kubectl logs $POD --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }}
\ No newline at end of file
+    kubectl logs $POD --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }}
+2. Deploy the cluster with the following command:
+    helm install my-db percona/pxc-db --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }}
+Read more in our documentation:
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/templates/deployment.yaml b/charts/pxc-operator/templates/deployment.yaml
index c42ee80..5f70d75 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     {{- end }}
       terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 600
-        - name: {{ .Chart.Name }}
+        - name: percona-xtradb-cluster-operator
           image: {{ include "pxc-operator.image" . }}
           imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.imagePullPolicy }}
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
               {{- if .Values.watchAllNamespaces }}
               value: ""
               {{- else }}
-              value: {{ default .Release.Namespace .Values.watchNamespace }}
+              value: "{{ default .Release.Namespace .Values.watchNamespace }}"
               {{- end }}
             - name: POD_NAME
@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@
             - name: OPERATOR_NAME
               value: {{ include "pxc-operator.fullname" . }}
+            - name: LOG_STRUCTURED
+              value: "{{ .Values.logStructured }}"
+            - name: LOG_LEVEL
+              value: "{{ .Values.logLevel }}"
+            - name: DISABLE_TELEMETRY
+              value: "{{ .Values.disableTelemetry }}"
             failureThreshold: 3
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/templates/role.yaml b/charts/pxc-operator/templates/role.yaml
index 525f068..47c023c 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/templates/role.yaml
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/templates/role.yaml
@@ -98,6 +98,25 @@
   - patch
   - delete
 - apiGroups:
+  -
+  resources:
+  - leases
+  verbs:
+  - get
+  - list
+  - watch
+  - create
+  - update
+  - patch
+  - delete
+- apiGroups:
+  - ""
+  resources:
+  - events
+  verbs:
+  - create
+  - patch
+- apiGroups:
diff --git a/charts/pxc-operator/values.yaml b/charts/pxc-operator/values.yaml
index c243c19..f6d7d6d 100644
--- a/charts/pxc-operator/values.yaml
+++ b/charts/pxc-operator/values.yaml
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@
 # defaults to `percona-xtradb-cluster-operator`
 # operatorName:
-# set to false if you don't want the helm chart to
-# automatically create the CRD.
-createCRD: true
 imagePullSecrets: []
 nameOverride: ""
 fullnameOverride: ""
@@ -44,3 +40,7 @@
 tolerations: []
 affinity: {}
+logStructured: false
+logLevel: "INFO"
+disableTelemetry: false
diff --git a/charts/senlin/requirements.lock b/charts/senlin/requirements.lock
index ab96af3..47927c0 100644
--- a/charts/senlin/requirements.lock
+++ b/charts/senlin/requirements.lock
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
   repository: file://../../openstack-helm-infra/helm-toolkit
   version: 0.2.53
 digest: sha256:f8f4fbba6f638b79447f7e458933b07deb792ae30a14df5900bde542cf0e64a6
-generated: "2023-06-15T05:06:37.587407475Z"
+generated: "2023-07-04T21:22:05.79487433Z"
diff --git a/charts/tempest/requirements.lock b/charts/tempest/requirements.lock
index 61e60da..98da20f 100644
--- a/charts/tempest/requirements.lock
+++ b/charts/tempest/requirements.lock
@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@
   repository: file://../../openstack-helm-infra/helm-toolkit
   version: 0.2.53
 digest: sha256:f8f4fbba6f638b79447f7e458933b07deb792ae30a14df5900bde542cf0e64a6
-generated: "2023-06-15T05:06:42.232741529Z"
+generated: "2023-07-04T21:22:08.598470747Z"
diff --git a/hack/ b/hack/
index 970c0b9..fc05aeb 100755
--- a/hack/
+++ b/hack/
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   | tar -xz -C ${ATMOSPHERE}/charts
 curl -sL${PXC_OPERATOR_VERSION}/pxc-operator-${PXC_OPERATOR_VERSION}.tgz \
   | tar -xz -C ${ATMOSPHERE}/charts