By default, Atmosphere deploys a set of images for Kubernetes. These cover a range of Kubernetes versions, from 1.25.11 to 1.27.3. You can create the cluster templates for them with the following command:
for version in v1.25.11 v1.26.6 v1.27.3; do openstack coe cluster template create \ --image $(openstack image show ubuntu-2204-kube-${version} -c id -f value) \ --external-network public \ --dns-nameserver \ --master-lb-enabled \ --master-flavor m1.medium \ --flavor m1.medium \ --network-driver calico \ --docker-storage-driver overlay2 \ --coe kubernetes \ --label kube_tag=${version} \ --label boot_volume_size=40 \ --label container_infra_prefix=$(kubectl -n openstack get ingress/container-infra-registry -ojsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}') \ k8s-${version}; done;
This command will configure the clusters to use the internal container registry hosted by Atmosphere to avoid the need to talk to external registries. If you want to use an external registry, you can remove the
--label container_infra_prefix