
Creating silences

In order to create a silence, you'll need to login to your Grafana instance that is deployed as part of Atmosphere as an admin user.

  1. Click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner and select "Alerting" and then "Silences" from the menu.

    Silences menu

  2. Ensure that you select "AlertManager" on the top right corner of the page, this will make sure that you create a silence inside of the AlertManager that is managed by the Prometheus operator instead of the built-in Grafana AlertManager which is not used.

    AlertManager list

    !!! warning

    It's important that you select the AlertManager that is managed by the Prometheus operator, otherwise your silence will not be applied to the Prometheus instance that is deployed as part of Atmosphere.

  3. Click the "Add Silence" button and use the AlertManager format to create your silence, which you can test by seeing if it matches any alerts in the list labeled "Affected alert instances".

!!! note

It is strongly recommended that you create a silence with the least amount
of needed labels which will make sure that small minor changes to the
alerts will not break your silence.


For Grafana, rather than enabling persistence through the application's user interface or manual Helm chart modifications, dashboards should be managed directly via the Helm chart values.

!!! warning

It is important to avoid manual persistence configurations, especially for
services like Grafana, where dashboards and data sources can be saved. Such
practices are not captured in version control and pose a risk of data loss,
configuration drift, and upgrade complications.

To manage Grafana dashboards through Helm, you can include the dashboard definitions within your configuration file. By doing so, you facilitate version-controlled dashboard configurations that can be replicated across different deployments without manual intervention.

For example, a dashboard can be defined in the Helm values like this:

          gnetId: 10000
          revision: 1
          datasource: Prometheus

This instructs Helm to fetch and configure the specified dashboard from, using Prometheus as the data source.

You can find more examples of how to do this in the Grafana Helm chart Documentation.

Alert receiver integration

To receive monitoring alerts using your preferred notification tools, you'll need to integrate them with alertmanager.


To integrate with email, configure your email server and credentials in alertmanager receivers like this.

          - receiver: "email"
            matchers: ["severity =~ \"warning|critical\""]
        - name: "email"
            - smarthost: ''
              auth_username: '<your email id here>'
              auth_password: '<your email password here>'
              from: '<your email id here>'
              to: '<receiver's email id here>'
                subject: 'Prometheus Mail Alerts'

You can find more details about email_configs from this.


  • In Pagerduty

To integrate with Pagerduty, first you need to prepare Integration key in Pagerduty.

There are two ways to integrate with PagerDuty: via Event Orchestration or directly through an Integration on a PagerDuty service.

Integrating with Event Orchestration may be beneficial if you want to build different routing rules based on the events coming from the integrated tool.

Integrating with a PagerDuty service directly can be beneficial if you don't need to route alerts from the integrated tool to different responders based on the event payload.

You can find how to generate Integration key using both ways in this Document.

  • In Atmoshpere

Configure your Integration key in alertmanager receivers like this.

          - receiver: "pagerduty"
            matchers: ["severity =~ \"warning|critical\""]
        - name: "pagerduty"
            - service_key: '<your integration key here>'

You can find more details about pagerduty_configs from this.