fix: nova capacity alert (#1306)

the NovaCapacity it does not take ram_allocation_ratio into account I have hardcoded this at 90%. But U think we can do better
diff --git a/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/jsonnet/openstack.libsonnet b/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/jsonnet/openstack.libsonnet
index 0824e07..982d594 100644
--- a/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/jsonnet/openstack.libsonnet
+++ b/roles/kube_prometheus_stack/files/jsonnet/openstack.libsonnet
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
               description: 'The cloud capacity is currently at `{{ $value }}` which means there is a risk of running out of capacity due to the timeline required to add new nodes. Please ensure that adequate amount of infrastructure is assigned to this deployment to prevent this.',
               summary: '[nova] Capacity risk',
-            expr: 'sum (     openstack_nova_memory_used_bytes   + on(hostname) group_left(adminState)     (0 * openstack_nova_agent_state{exported_service="nova-compute",adminState="enabled"}) ) / sum (     openstack_nova_memory_available_bytes   + on(hostname) group_left(adminState)     (0 * openstack_nova_agent_state{exported_service="nova-compute",adminState="enabled"}) ) * 100 > 75',
+            expr: 'sum (     openstack_nova_memory_used_bytes   + on(hostname) group_left(adminState)     (0 * openstack_nova_agent_state{exported_service="nova-compute",adminState="enabled"}) ) / sum (     openstack_nova_memory_available_bytes*0.90   + on(hostname) group_left(adminState)     (0 * openstack_nova_agent_state{exported_service="nova-compute",adminState="enabled"}) ) * 100 > 75',
             'for': '6h',
             labels: {
               severity: 'warning',