Add issue reference for cherrypicker
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 699f39d..7309e0a 100755
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -83,6 +83,25 @@
 # Create a new PR with the same title, prefixed with the target branch name
-gh pr create --title "$NEW_PR_TITLE" --body "$NEW_PR_BODY" --head "$NEW_BRANCH_NAME" --base "$TARGET_BRANCH"
+NEW_PR_URL=$(gh pr create --title "$NEW_PR_TITLE" --body "$NEW_PR_BODY" --head "$NEW_BRANCH_NAME" --base "$TARGET_BRANCH" --json url --jq .url)
-echo "New pull request created."
+echo "New pull request created: $NEW_PR_URL"
+# Extract the new PR node ID
+NEW_PR_NODE_ID=$(gh pr view "$NEW_PR_URL" --json id --jq .id)
+# Get the issue node ID
+ISSUE_NODE_ID=$(gh issue view $ISSUE_NUMBER --json id --jq .id)
+# Update the new PR to reference the issue using the GitHub GraphQL API
+gh api graphql -f query='
+  mutation($prId: ID!, $issueId: ID!) {
+    updatePullRequest(input: {pullRequestId: $prId, closingIssuesReferences: [$issueId]}) {
+      pullRequest {
+        id
+      }
+    }
+  }
+' -f prId="$NEW_PR_NODE_ID" -f issueId="$ISSUE_NODE_ID"
+echo "Pull request updated to reference the issue."