add kernel option aio-max-nr for aio=native storage

For VMs that have disks with aio=native, the qemu will request an
io_setup with nr_events=1024, and hence on each VM startup, the
fs.aio-nr will be incremented by 1024. Once it reaches the
fs.aio-max-nrlimit (65536 by default), the new io_setup request
from the newly spawned VMs will fail with EAGAIN

Change-Id: I564d6b99e43e05b051de62d9aea2a1fe41dacd8a
2 files changed
tree: 75598edf23172f3c5bafb88d7ba9384008b7d0ef
  1. .github/
  2. atmosphere/
  3. build/
  4. charts/
  5. cmd/
  6. doc/
  7. hack/
  8. images/
  9. internal/
  10. meta/
  11. molecule/
  12. playbooks/
  13. plugins/
  14. releasenotes/
  15. roles/
  16. tests/
  17. tools/
  18. zuul.d/
  19. .ansible-lint
  20. .charts.yml
  21. .envrc
  22. .flake8
  23. .gitignore
  24. .gitreview
  25. .pre-commit-config.yaml
  26. .python-version
  27. .stestr.conf
  28. docker-bake.hcl
  29. Earthfile
  30. flake.lock
  31. flake.nix
  32. galaxy.yml
  33. go.mod
  34. go.sum
  36. requirements.txt
  37. setup.cfg
  39. tox.ini



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You'll need to make sure that you have pre-commit setup and installed in your environment by running these commands::

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg