chore: add rebase tool
diff --git a/hack/repos/rebase b/hack/repos/rebase
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4fce7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hack/repos/rebase
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#!/bin/bash -xe
+# Clone the repository in a temporary directory if it doesn't exist
+if [ ! -d "/tmp/vexxhost-${1}" ]; then
+ gh repo clone vexxhost/${1} /tmp/vexxhost-${1}
+# Switch to the repository
+cd /tmp/vexxhost-${1}
+# Allow all branches to be rebased
+git remote set-branches upstream '*'
+git fetch --all
+# Update the repository
+git fetch origin
+git fetch upstream
+# Loop over all of the upstream branches
+for i in $(git branch -r | grep upstream); do
+ # Extract the branch name
+ branch=$(echo $i | sed 's/upstream\///g')
+ # Checkout the branch from origin if it exists, otherwise create from upstream
+ if git branch -r | grep -q origin/${branch}; then
+ git checkout -B ${branch} origin/${branch}
+ else
+ git checkout -B ${branch} upstream/${branch}
+ fi
+ # Rebase the branch from the upstream branch
+ git rebase upstream/${branch}
+ # Push this branch to the remote
+ git push -fu origin ${branch}