tree: 336fe6cfb7289e3b8a21c6c5e2942fae4b405b69 [path history] [tgz]
  1. templates/
  2. Chart.yaml
  4. values.yaml


cert-manager is a Kubernetes addon to automate the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources.

It will ensure certificates are valid and up to date periodically, and attempt to renew certificates at an appropriate time before expiry.


  • Kubernetes 1.18+

Installing the Chart

Full installation instructions, including details on how to configure extra functionality in cert-manager can be found in the installation docs.

Before installing the chart, you must first install the cert-manager CustomResourceDefinition resources. This is performed in a separate step to allow you to easily uninstall and reinstall cert-manager without deleting your installed custom resources.

$ kubectl apply -f

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

## Add the Jetstack Helm repository
$ helm repo add jetstack

## Install the cert-manager helm chart
$ helm install my-release --namespace cert-manager --version v1.7.1 jetstack/cert-manager

In order to begin issuing certificates, you will need to set up a ClusterIssuer or Issuer resource (for example, by creating a 'letsencrypt-staging' issuer).

More information on the different types of issuers and how to configure them can be found in our documentation.

For information on how to configure cert-manager to automatically provision Certificates for Ingress resources, take a look at the Securing Ingresses documentation.

Tip: List all releases using helm list

Upgrading the Chart

Special considerations may be required when upgrading the Helm chart, and these are documented in our full upgrading guide.

Please check here before performing upgrades!

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

$ helm delete my-release

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

If you want to completely uninstall cert-manager from your cluster, you will also need to delete the previously installed CustomResourceDefinition resources:

$ kubectl delete -f


The following table lists the configurable parameters of the cert-manager chart and their default values.

global.imagePullSecretsReference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images[]
global.rbac.createIf true, create and use RBAC resources (includes sub-charts)true
global.priorityClassNamePriority class name for cert-manager and webhook pods""
global.podSecurityPolicy.enabledIf true, create and use PodSecurityPolicy (includes sub-charts)false
global.podSecurityPolicy.useAppArmorIf true, use Apparmor seccomp profile in PSPtrue
global.leaderElection.namespaceOverride the namespace used to store the ConfigMap for leader electionkube-system
global.leaderElection.leaseDurationThe duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate
global.leaderElection.renewDeadlineThe interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration
global.leaderElection.retryPeriodThe duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership
installCRDsIf true, CRD resources will be installed as part of the Helm chart. If enabled, when uninstalling CRD resources will be deleted causing all installed custom resources to be DELETEDfalse
image.tagImage tagv1.7.1
image.pullPolicyImage pull policyIfNotPresent
replicaCountNumber of cert-manager replicas1
clusterResourceNamespaceOverride the namespace used to store DNS provider credentials etc. for ClusterIssuer resourcesSame namespace as cert-manager pod
featureGatesComma-separated list of feature gates to enable on the controller pod``
extraArgsOptional flags for cert-manager[]
extraEnvOptional environment variables for cert-manager[]
serviceAccount.createIf true, create a new service accounttrue
serviceAccount.nameService account to be used. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceAccount.annotationsAnnotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountTokenAutomount API credentials for the Service Accounttrue
volumesOptional volumes for cert-manager[]
volumeMountsOptional volume mounts for cert-manager[]
resourcesCPU/memory resource requests/limits{}
securityContextOptional security context. The yaml block should adhere to the SecurityContext spec{}
securityContext.enabledDeprecated (use securityContext) - Enable security contextfalse
containerSecurityContextSecurity context to be set on the controller component container{}
nodeSelectorNode labels for pod assignment{}
affinityNode affinity for pod assignment{}
tolerationsNode tolerations for pod assignment[]
ingressShim.defaultIssuerNameOptional default issuer to use for ingress resources
ingressShim.defaultIssuerKindOptional default issuer kind to use for ingress resources
ingressShim.defaultIssuerGroupOptional default issuer group to use for ingress resources
prometheus.enabledEnable Prometheus monitoringtrue
prometheus.servicemonitor.enabledEnable Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor monitoringfalse
prometheus.servicemonitor.namespaceDefine namespace where to deploy the ServiceMonitor resource(namespace where you are deploying)
prometheus.servicemonitor.prometheusInstancePrometheus Instance definitiondefault
prometheus.servicemonitor.targetPortPrometheus scrape port9402
prometheus.servicemonitor.pathPrometheus scrape path/metrics
prometheus.servicemonitor.intervalPrometheus scrape interval60s
prometheus.servicemonitor.labelsAdd custom labels to ServiceMonitor
prometheus.servicemonitor.scrapeTimeoutPrometheus scrape timeout30s
prometheus.servicemonitor.honorLabelsEnable label honoring for metrics scraped by Prometheus (see Prometheus scrape config docs for details). By setting honorLabels to true, Prometheus will prefer label contents given by cert-manager on conflicts. Can be used to remove the "exported_namespace" label for example.false
podAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the cert-manager pod{}
deploymentAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the cert-manager deployment{}
podDnsPolicyOptional cert-manager pod DNS policy
podDnsConfigOptional cert-manager pod DNS configurations
podLabelsLabels to add to the cert-manager pod{}
serviceLabelsLabels to add to the cert-manager controller service{}
serviceAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the cert-manager service{}
http_proxyValue of the HTTP_PROXY environment variable in the cert-manager pod
https_proxyValue of the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable in the cert-manager pod
no_proxyValue of the NO_PROXY environment variable in the cert-manager pod
webhook.replicaCountNumber of cert-manager webhook replicas1
webhook.timeoutSecondsSeconds the API server should wait the webhook to respond before treating the call as a failure.10
webhook.podAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the webhook pods{}
webhook.podLabelsLabels to add to the cert-manager webhook pod{}
webhook.serviceLabelsLabels to add to the cert-manager webhook service{}
webhook.deploymentAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the webhook deployment{}
webhook.mutatingWebhookConfigurationAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the mutating webhook configuration{}
webhook.validatingWebhookConfigurationAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the validating webhook configuration{}
webhook.serviceAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the webhook service{}
webhook.configWebhookConfiguration YAML used to configure flags for the webhook. Generates a ConfigMap containing contents of the field. See values.yaml for example.{}
webhook.extraArgsOptional flags for cert-manager webhook component[]
webhook.serviceAccount.createIf true, create a new service account for the webhook componenttrue
webhook.serviceAccount.nameService account for the webhook component to be used. If not set and webhook.serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
webhook.serviceAccount.annotationsAnnotations to add to the service account for the webhook component
webhook.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountTokenAutomount API credentials for the webhook Service Account
webhook.resourcesCPU/memory resource requests/limits for the webhook pods{}
webhook.nodeSelectorNode labels for webhook pod assignment{}
webhook.affinityNode affinity for webhook pod assignment{}
webhook.tolerationsNode tolerations for webhook pod assignment[]
webhook.image.repositoryWebhook image
webhook.image.tagWebhook image tagv1.7.1
webhook.image.pullPolicyWebhook image pull policyIfNotPresent
webhook.securePortThe port that the webhook should listen on for requests.10250
webhook.securityContextSecurity context for webhook pod assignment{}
webhook.containerSecurityContextSecurity context to be set on the webhook component container{}
webhook.hostNetworkIf true, run the Webhook on the host network.false
webhook.serviceTypeThe type of the Service.ClusterIP
webhook.loadBalancerIPThe specific load balancer IP to use (when serviceType is LoadBalancer).
webhook.url.hostThe host to use to reach the webhook, instead of using internal cluster DNS for the service.
webhook.livenessProbe.failureThresholdThe liveness probe failure threshold3
webhook.livenessProbe.initialDelaySecondsThe liveness probe initial delay (in seconds)60
webhook.livenessProbe.periodSecondsThe liveness probe period (in seconds)10
webhook.livenessProbe.successThresholdThe liveness probe success threshold1
webhook.livenessProbe.timeoutSecondsThe liveness probe timeout (in seconds)1
webhook.readinessProbe.failureThresholdThe readiness probe failure threshold3
webhook.readinessProbe.initialDelaySecondsThe readiness probe initial delay (in seconds)5
webhook.readinessProbe.periodSecondsThe readiness probe period (in seconds)5
webhook.readinessProbe.successThresholdThe readiness probe success threshold1
webhook.readinessProbe.timeoutSecondsThe readiness probe timeout (in seconds)1
cainjector.enabledToggles whether the cainjector component should be installed (required for the webhook component to work)true
cainjector.replicaCountNumber of cert-manager cainjector replicas1
cainjector.podAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the cainjector pods{}
cainjector.podLabelsLabels to add to the cert-manager cainjector pod{}
cainjector.deploymentAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the cainjector deployment{}
cainjector.extraArgsOptional flags for cert-manager cainjector component[]
cainjector.serviceAccount.createIf true, create a new service account for the cainjector componenttrue
cainjector.serviceAccount.nameService account for the cainjector component to be used. If not set and cainjector.serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
cainjector.serviceAccount.annotationsAnnotations to add to the service account for the cainjector component
cainjector.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountTokenAutomount API credentials for the cainjector Service Accounttrue
cainjector.resourcesCPU/memory resource requests/limits for the cainjector pods{}
cainjector.nodeSelectorNode labels for cainjector pod assignment{}
cainjector.affinityNode affinity for cainjector pod assignment{}
cainjector.tolerationsNode tolerations for cainjector pod assignment[]
cainjector.image.repositorycainjector image
cainjector.image.tagcainjector image tagv1.7.1
cainjector.image.pullPolicycainjector image pull policyIfNotPresent
cainjector.securityContextSecurity context for cainjector pod assignment{}
cainjector.containerSecurityContextSecurity context to be set on cainjector component container{}
startupapicheck.enabledToggles whether the startupapicheck Job should be installedtrue
startupapicheck.securityContextPod Security Context to be set on the startupapicheck component Pod{}
startupapicheck.timeoutTimeout for 'kubectl check api' command1m
startupapicheck.backoffLimitJob backoffLimit4
startupapicheck.jobAnnotationsOptional additional annotations to add to the startupapicheck Job{}
startupapicheck.podAnnotationsOptional additional annotations to add to the startupapicheck Pods{}
startupapicheck.extraArgsOptional additional arguments for startupapicheck[]
startupapicheck.resourcesCPU/memory resource requests/limits for the startupapicheck pod{}
startupapicheck.nodeSelectorNode labels for startupapicheck pod assignment{}
startupapicheck.affinityNode affinity for startupapicheck pod assignment{}
startupapicheck.tolerationsNode tolerations for startupapicheck pod assignment[]
startupapicheck.podLabelsOptional additional labels to add to the startupapicheck Pods{}
startupapicheck.image.repositorystartupapicheck image
startupapicheck.image.tagstartupapicheck image tagv1.7.1
startupapicheck.image.pullPolicystartupapicheck image pull policyIfNotPresent
startupapicheck.serviceAccount.createIf true, create a new service account for the startupapicheck componenttrue
startupapicheck.serviceAccount.nameService account for the startupapicheck component to be used. If not set and startupapicheck.serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
startupapicheck.serviceAccount.annotationsAnnotations to add to the service account for the startupapicheck component
startupapicheck.serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountTokenAutomount API credentials for the startupapicheck Service Accounttrue

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install my-release -f values.yaml .

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml


This chart is maintained at