This file documents all notable changes to ingress-nginx Helm Chart. The release numbering uses semantic versioning.
- 8291 remove git tag env from cloud build
- 8286 Fix OpenTelemetry sidecar image build
- 8277 Add OpenSSF Best practices badge
- 8273 Issue#8241
- 8267 Add fsGroup value to admission-webhooks/job-patch charts
- 8262 Updated confusing error
- 8256 fix: deny locations with invalid auth-url annotation
- 8253 Add a certificate info metric
- 8236 webhook: remove useless code.
- 8227 Update libraries in webhook image
- 8225 fix inconsistent-label-cardinality for prometheus metrics: nginx_ingress_controller_requests
- 8221 Do not validate ingresses with unknown ingress class in admission webhook endpoint
- 8210 Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.12.1
- 8209 Bump from 1.43.0 to 1.44.0
- 8204 Add Artifact Hub lint
- 8203 Fix Indentation of example and link to cert-manager tutorial
- 8201 feat(metrics): add path and method labels to requests countera
- 8199 use functional options to reduce number of methods creating an EchoDeployment
- 8196 docs: fix inconsistent controller annotation
- 8191 Using Go install for misspell
- 8186 prometheus+grafana using servicemonitor
- 8185 Append elements on match, instead of removing for cors-annotations
- 8179 Bump from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0
- 8173 Adding annotations to the controller service account
- 8163 Update the $req_id placeholder description
- 8162 Versioned static manifests
- 8159 Adding some geoip variables and default values
- 8155 #7271 feat: avoid-pdb-creation-when-default-backend-disabled-and-replicas-gt-1
- 8151 Automatically generate helm docs
- 8143 Allow to configure delay before controller exits
- 8136 add ingressClass option to helm chart - back compatibility with ingress.class annotations
- 8126 Example for JWT
Full Changelog: