tree: 18c5414c70e9c5f91395e405bf0bda48b859741a [path history] [tgz]
  1. templates/
  2. .helmignore
  3. Chart.yaml
  5. requirements.lock
  6. values.yaml

Prometheus Pushgateway

This chart bootstraps a Prometheus Pushgateway deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.

An optional prometheus ServiceMonitor can be enabled, should you wish to use this gateway with Prometheus Operator.

Get Repository Info

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update

See helm repo for command documentation.

Install Chart

helm install [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/prometheus-pushgateway

See configuration below.

See helm install for command documentation.

Uninstall Chart

helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrading Chart

helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] prometheus-community/prometheus-pushgateway --install

See helm upgrade for command documentation.

To 2.0.0

Chart API version has been upgraded to v2 so Helm 3 is needed from now on.

Docker image tag is used from Chart.yaml appVersion field by default now.

Version 2.0.0 also adapted Helm label and annotation best practices. Specifically, labels mapping is listed below:

OLD                 => NEW
heritage            =>
chart               =>
[container version] =>
app                 =>
release             =>

Therefore, depending on the way you've configured the chart, the previous StatefulSet or Deployment need to be deleted before upgrade.

If runAsStatefulSet: false (this is the default):

kubectl delete deploy -l app=prometheus-pushgateway

If runAsStatefulSet: true:

kubectl delete sts -l app=prometheus-pushgateway

After that do the actual upgrade:

helm upgrade -i prometheus-pushgateway prometheus-community/prometheus-pushgateway


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart's values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:

helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus-pushgateway