Refact report function to use report timestamp
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 103f767..8a52b2b 100755
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 # process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
 pbr>=2.0 # Apache-2.0
+alembic>=1.4.2 # MIT
 cotyledon>=1.3.0 #Apache-2.0
 futurist>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index dabcca0..34f1af3 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 from staffeln.common import constants, context, lock

 from staffeln.common import time as xtime

 from staffeln.conductor import backup as backup_controller

+from staffeln import objects

 from staffeln.i18n import _

 from tooz import coordination


@@ -131,16 +132,25 @@
     def _report_backup_result(self):

         report_period = CONF.conductor.report_period

         threshold_strtime = timeutils.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=report_period)

-        filters = {"created_at__lt": threshold_strtime.astimezone()}

-        old_tasks = self.controller.get_queues(filters=filters)

-        for task in old_tasks:

-            if task.backup_status in (

-                constants.BACKUP_COMPLETED,

-                constants.BACKUP_FAILED,

-            ):

-      "Reporting finished backup tasks..."))

-                self.controller.publish_backup_result(purge_on_success=True)

-                return


+        filters = {"created_at__gt": threshold_strtime.astimezone()}

+        report_tss = objects.ReportTimestamp.list(  # pylint: disable=E1120

+            context=self.ctx, filters=filters

+        )

+        # If there are no reports that generated within report_period seconds,

+        # generate and publish one.

+        if not report_tss:

+  "Reporting finished backup tasks..."))

+            self.controller.publish_backup_result(purge_on_success=True)


+            # Purge records that live longer than 10 report cycles

+            threshold_strtime = timeutils.utcnow() - timedelta(seconds=report_period*10)

+            filters = {"created_at__lt": threshold_strtime.astimezone()}

+            old_report_tss = objects.ReportTimestamp.list(  # pylint: disable=E1120

+                context=self.ctx, filters=filters

+            )

+            for report_ts in old_report_tss:

+                report_ts.delete()


     def backup_engine(self, backup_service_period):
"Backup manager started %s" % str(time.time()))

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index 88173ca..bfcbf8e 100644
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 # This should be upgraded by integrating with mail server to send batch

 import staffeln.conf

 from oslo_log import log

+from oslo_utils import timeutils

 from staffeln.common import constants, email

 from staffeln.common import time as xtime

+from staffeln import objects

 from staffeln.i18n import _


 CONF = staffeln.conf.CONF

@@ -27,7 +29,7 @@
                 "Directly record report in log as sender email "

                 f"are not configed. Report: {self.content}"


-            return

+            return True

         if not subject:

             subject = "Staffeln Backup result"

         if len(CONF.notification.receiver) != 0:

@@ -67,6 +69,7 @@


   "Backup result email sent to {receiver}"))

+            return True

         except Exception as e:



@@ -76,10 +79,17 @@



+    def create_report_record(self):

+        sender = CONF.notification.sender_email \

+            if CONF.notification.sender_email else "RecordInLog"

+        report_ts = objects.ReportTimestamp(self.backup_mgt.ctx)

+        report_ts.sender = sender

+        report_ts.created_at = timeutils.utcnow()

+        return report_ts.create()


     def publish(self, project_id=None, project_name=None):

         # 1. get quota

-        self.content = "<h3>${TIME}</h3><br>"

-        self.content = self.content.replace("${TIME}", xtime.get_current_strtime())

+        self.content = f"<h3>{xtime.get_current_strtime()}</h3><br>"

         success_tasks = self.backup_mgt.get_queues(


                 "backup_status": constants.BACKUP_COMPLETED,

@@ -95,20 +105,16 @@
         if not success_tasks and not failed_tasks:

             return False


+        # Geneerate HTML Content

         html = ""

-        quota = self.backup_mgt.get_backup_quota(project_id)


-        html += (

-            "<h3>Project: ${PROJECT} (ID: ${PROJECT_ID})</h3><h3>Quota Usage</h3>"

-            "<FONT COLOR=${QUOTA_COLLOR}><h4>Limit: ${QUOTA_LIMIT}, In Use: "

-            "${QUOTA_IN_USE}, Reserved: ${QUOTA_RESERVED}, Total "

-            "rate: ${QUOTA_USAGE}</h4></FONT>"

-            "<h3>Success List</h3>"

-            "<FONT COLOR=GREEN><h4>${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}</h4></FONT><br>"

-            "<h3>Failed List</h3>"

-            "<FONT COLOR=RED><h4>${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}</h4></FONT><br>"

-        )


+        quota = self.backup_mgt.get_backup_gigabytes_quota(project_id)

+        quota_usage = (quota["in_use"] + quota["reserved"]) / quota["limit"]

+        if quota_usage > 0.8:

+            quota_color = "RED"

+        elif quota_usage > 0.5:

+            quota_color = "YALLOW"

+        else:

+            quota_color = "GREEN"

         if success_tasks:

             success_volumes = "<br>".join(


@@ -136,23 +142,22 @@


             failed_volumes = "<br>"

-        quota_usage = (quota["in_use"] + quota["reserved"]) / quota["limit"]

-        if quota_usage > 0.8:

-            quota_color = "RED"

-        elif quota_usage > 0.5:

-            quota_color = "YALLOW"

-        else:

-            quota_color = "GREEN"

-        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_USAGE}", str(quota_usage))

-        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_COLLOR}", quota_color)

-        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_LIMIT}", str(quota["limit"]))

-        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_IN_USE}", str(quota["in_use"]))

-        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_RESERVED}", str(quota["reserved"]))

-        html = html.replace("${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}", success_volumes)

-        html = html.replace("${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}", failed_volumes)

-        html = html.replace("${PROJECT}", project_name)

-        html = html.replace("${PROJECT_ID}", project_id)

+        html += (

+            f"<h3>Project: {project_name} (ID: {project_id})</h3>"

+            "<h3>Quota Usage (Backup Gigabytes)</h3>"

+            f"<FONT COLOR={quota_color}><h4>Limit: {str(quota['limit'])} GB, In Use: "

+            f"{str(quota['in_use'])} GB, Reserved: {str(quota['reserved'])} GB, Total "

+            f"rate: {str(quota_usage)}</h4></FONT>"

+            "<h3>Success List</h3>"

+            f"<FONT COLOR=GREEN><h4>{success_volumes}</h4></FONT><br>"

+            "<h3>Failed List</h3>"

+            f"<FONT COLOR=RED><h4>{failed_volumes}</h4></FONT><br>"

+        )

         self.content += html

         subject = f"Staffeln Backup result: {project_id}"

-        self.send_result_email(project_id, subject=subject, project_name=project_name)

+        reported = self.send_result_email(project_id, subject=subject,

+                                          project_name=project_name)

+        if reported:

+            # Record success report

+            self.create_report_record()

         return True

diff --git a/staffeln/objects/ b/staffeln/objects/
index e709ce1..ea88b4d 100644
--- a/staffeln/objects/
+++ b/staffeln/objects/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from oslo_versionedobjects import fields as ovoo_fields
 from staffeln.db import api as db_api
 from staffeln.objects import base
 from staffeln.objects import fields as sfeild
@@ -7,9 +9,10 @@
 class Queue(
     base.StaffelnPersistentObject, base.StaffelnObject, base.StaffelnObjectDictCompat
-    VERSION = "1.1"
+    VERSION = "1.2"
     # Version 1.0: Initial version
     # Version 1.1: Add 'incremental' and 'reason' field
+    # Version 1.2: Add 'created_at' field
     dbapi = db_api.get_instance()
@@ -24,6 +27,7 @@
         "instance_name": sfeild.StringField(),
         "incremental": sfeild.BooleanField(),
         "reason": sfeild.StringField(nullable=True),
+        "created_at": ovoo_fields.DateTimeField(),