[WIP]ÑAdd retention service
diff --git a/staffeln/common/time.py b/staffeln/common/time.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ebdee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staffeln/common/time.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import re

+from datetime import datetime

+from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta


+regex = re.compile(

+    r'((?P<years>\d+?)y)?((?P<months>\d+?)m)?((?P<weeks>\d+?)w)?((?P<days>\d+?)d)?'




+# parse_time parses timedelta string to time dict

+# input: <string> 1y2m3w5d - all values should be integer

+# output: <dict> {year: 1, month: 2, week: 3, day: 5}

+def parse_timedelta_string(time_str):

+    empty_flag = True

+    try:

+        parts = regex.match(time_str)

+        if not parts:

+            return None

+        parts = parts.groupdict()

+        time_params = {}

+        for key in parts:

+            if parts[key]:

+                time_params[key] = int(parts[key])

+                empty_flag = False

+            else:

+                time_params[key] = 0

+        if empty_flag: return None

+        return time_params

+    except:

+        return None



+def timeago(years, months, weeks, days, from_date=None):

+    if from_date is None:

+        from_date = datetime.now()

+    return from_date - relativedelta(years=years, months=months, weeks=weeks, days=days)


+## yearsago using Standard library

+# def yearsago(years, from_date=None):

+#     if from_date is None:

+#         from_date = datetime.now()

+#     try:

+#         return from_date.replace(year=from_date.year - years)

+#     except ValueError:

+#         # Must be 2/29!

+#         assert from_date.month == 2 and from_date.day == 29 # can be removed

+#         return from_date.replace(month=2, day=28,

+#                                  year=from_date.year-years)

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/backup.py b/staffeln/conductor/backup.py
index f9cde7b..69c48f4 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/backup.py
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/backup.py
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
 from staffeln.common import constants


 from openstack import exceptions

+from openstack.block_storage.v2 import backup

 from oslo_log import log

 from staffeln.common import auth

 from staffeln.common import context

 from staffeln import objects

-from staffeln.i18n import _

+from staffeln.common import short_id


 CONF = staffeln.conf.CONF

 LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

@@ -28,6 +29,12 @@
         return False

     return metadata[CONF.conductor.backup_metadata_key].lower() in ["true"]



+def backup_volumes_in_project(conn, project_name):

+    # conn.list_servers()

+    pass



 def get_projects_list():

     projects = conn.list_projects()

     return projects

@@ -42,9 +49,6 @@
         self.queue_mapping = dict()

         self.volume_mapping = dict()


-    def get_backups(self):

-        return objects.Volume.list(self.ctx)


     def get_queues(self, filters=None):

         """Get the list of volume queue columns from the queue_data table"""

         queues = objects.Queue.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)

@@ -67,9 +71,7 @@
     # Backup the volumes in in-use and available status

     def filter_volume(self, volume_id):

         volume = conn.get_volume_by_id(volume_id)

-        res = volume['status'] in ("available", "in-use")

-        if not res:

-            LOG.info(_("Volume %s is not backed because it is in %s status" % (volume_id, volume['status'])))

+        return volume['status'] in ("available", "in-use")


     def check_instance_volumes(self):

         """Get the list of all the volumes from the project using openstacksdk

@@ -84,13 +86,15 @@

             for server in servers:

                 if not self.filter_server(server.metadata): continue

-                for volume in server.attached_volumes:

+                server_id = server.id

+                volumes = server.attached_volumes

+                for volume in volumes:

                     if not self.filter_volume(volume["id"]): continue





-                            instance_id=server.id,

+                            instance_id=server_id,




@@ -123,6 +127,7 @@
                 volume_backup = conn.block_storage.create_backup(

                     volume_id=queue.volume_id, force=True


+                print(volume_backup)

                 queue.backup_id = volume_backup.id

                 queue.backup_status = constants.BACKUP_WIP


@@ -135,15 +140,15 @@
             #  Reserve for now because it is related to the WIP backup genenrators which

             #  are not finished in the current cycle


-    def process_failed_backup(self, task):

+    def process_failed_task(self, task):

+        LOG.error("Backup of the volume %s failed." % task.id)

         # 1. TODO(Alex): notify via email

-        LOG.error("Backup of the volume %s failed." % task.volume_id)

         # 2. TODO(Alex): remove failed backup instance from the openstack

-        #     then set the volume status in-use

         # 3. remove failed task from the task queue

-        task.delete_queue()

+        queue_delete = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, task.id)

+        queue_delete.delete_queue()


-    def process_available_backup(self, task):

+    def process_success_backup(self, task):

         LOG.info("Backup of the volume %s is successful." % task.volume_id)

         # 1. save success backup in the backup table


@@ -155,13 +160,10 @@


         # 2. remove from the task list

-        task.delete_queue()

+        queue_delete = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, task.id)

+        queue_delete.delete_queue()

         # 3. TODO(Alex): notify via email


-    def process_using_backup(self, task):

-        # remove from the task list

-        task.delete_queue()


     def check_volume_backup_status(self, queue):

         """Checks the backup status of the volume

         :params: queue: Provide the map of the volume that needs backup

@@ -171,17 +173,15 @@
         for backup_gen in conn.block_storage.backups(volume_id=queue.volume_id):

             if backup_gen.id == queue.backup_id:

                 if backup_gen.status == "error":

-                    self.process_failed_backup(queue)

-                elif backup_gen.status == "available":

-                    self.process_available_backup(queue)

-                elif backup_gen.status == "creating":

+                    self.process_failed_task(queue)

+                elif backup_gen.status == "success":

+                    self.process_success_backup(queue)

+                else:

                     # TODO(Alex): Need to escalate discussion

                     # How to proceed WIP bakcup generators?

                     # To make things worse, the last backup generator is in progress till

                     # the new backup cycle

                     LOG.info("Waiting for backup of %s to be completed" % queue.volume_id)

-                else:  # "deleting", "restoring", "error_restoring" status

-                    self.process_using_backup(queue)


     def _volume_backup(self, task):

         # matching_backups = [

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/manager.py b/staffeln/conductor/manager.py
index 47a3ec3..78869e0 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/manager.py
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/manager.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 from futurist import periodics
 from oslo_log import log
 import staffeln.conf
+import sys
 import threading
 import time
@@ -41,60 +42,44 @@
     def reload(self):
         LOG.info("%s reload" % self.name)
-    # Check if the backup count is over the limit
-    # TODO(Alex): how to count the backup number
-    #  only available backups are calculated?
-    def _over_limitation(self):
-        LOG.info(_("Checking the backup limitation..."))
-        max_count = CONF.conductor.max_backup_count
-        current_count = len(backup.Backup().get_backups())
-        if max_count <= current_count:
-            # TODO(Alex): Send notification
-            LOG.info(_("The backup limit is over."))
-            return True
-        LOG.info(_("The max limit is %s, and current backup count is %s" % (max_count, current_count)))
-        return False
-    # Manage active backup generators
-    def _process_wip_tasks(self):
-        LOG.info(_("Processing WIP backup generators..."))
-        queues_started = backup.Backup().get_queues(
+    # return the task(queue) list which are working in progress
+    def get_wip_tasks(self):
+        return backup.Backup().get_queues(
             filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_WIP}
-        if len(queues_started) != 0:
-            for queue in queues_started: backup.Backup().check_volume_backup_status(queue)
-    # Create backup generators
-    def _process_new_tasks(self):
-        LOG.info(_("Creating new backup generators..."))
-        queues_to_start = backup.Backup().get_queues(
+    # return the task(queue) list which needs to do
+    def get_todo_tasks(self):
+        return backup.Backup().get_queues(
             filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_PLANNED}
-        if len(queues_to_start) != 0:
-            for queue in queues_to_start:
-                backup.Backup().volume_backup_initiate(queue)
-    # Refresh the task queue
-    # TODO(Alex): need to escalate discussion
-    #  how to manage last backups not finished yet
-    def _update_task_queue(self):
-        LOG.info(_("Updating backup task queue..."))
-        all_tasks = backup.Backup().get_queues()
-        if len(all_tasks) == 0:
-            backup.Backup().create_queue()
-        else:
-            LOG.info(_("The last backup cycle is not finished yet."
-                       "So the new backup cycle is skipped."))
+    # return the task(queue) list which needs to do
+    def get_all_tasks(self):
+        return backup.Backup().get_queues()
     @periodics.periodic(spacing=CONF.conductor.backup_period, run_immediately=True)
     def backup_engine(self):
         LOG.info("backing... %s" % str(time.time()))
         LOG.info("%s periodics" % self.name)
-        if self._over_limitation(): return
-        self._update_task_queue()
-        self._process_wip_tasks()
-        self._process_new_tasks()
+        # TODO(Alex): need to escalate discussion
+        #  how to manage last backups not finished yet
+        if len(self.get_all_tasks()) == 0:
+            backup.Backup().create_queue()
+        else:
+            LOG.info(_("The last backup cycle is not finished yet."
+                       "So the new backup cycle is skipped."))
+        queues_started = self.get_wip_tasks()
+        if len(queues_started) != 0:
+            for queue in queues_started: backup.Backup().check_volume_backup_status(queue)
+        queues_to_start = self.get_todo_tasks()
+        print(queues_to_start)
+        if len(queues_to_start) != 0:
+            for queue in queues_to_start:
+                backup.Backup().volume_backup_initiate(queue)
 class RotationManager(cotyledon.Service):
@@ -108,6 +93,7 @@
     def run(self):
         LOG.info("%s run" % self.name)
+        interval = CONF.conductor.rotation_period
         periodic_callables = [
             (self.rotation_engine, (), {}),
@@ -126,5 +112,5 @@
     @periodics.periodic(spacing=CONF.conductor.rotation_period, run_immediately=True)
     def rotation_engine(self):
+        print("rotating... %s" % str(time.time()))
         LOG.info("%s rotation_engine" % self.name)
diff --git a/staffeln/conf/conductor.py b/staffeln/conf/conductor.py
index 06d433b..7d96579 100755
--- a/staffeln/conf/conductor.py
+++ b/staffeln/conf/conductor.py
@@ -26,11 +26,6 @@
         help=_("The key string of metadata the VM, which requres back up, has"),
-    cfg.IntOpt(
-        "max_backup_count",
-        default=10,
-        help=_("The key string of metadata the VM, which requres back up, has"),
-    ),
 rotation_opts = [
diff --git a/staffeln/objects/__init__.py b/staffeln/objects/__init__.py
index 4f7ca56..8003db1 100755
--- a/staffeln/objects/__init__.py
+++ b/staffeln/objects/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 from .queue import Queue
-from .volume import Volume
 # from volume import Volume
 def register_all():