Merge pull request #83 from vexxhost/improve-delete-backup

Improve delete backup and email
diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index 7b8e523..565e09d 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -70,8 +70,19 @@
     def refresh_openstacksdk(self):
         self.openstacksdk = openstack.OpenstackSDK()
-    def publish_backup_result(self):
-        self.result.publish()
+    def publish_backup_result(self, purge_on_success=False):
+        for project_id, project_name in self.result.project_list:
+            try:
+                publish_result = self.result.publish(project_id, project_name)
+                if publish_result and purge_on_success:
+                    # Purge backup queue tasks
+                    self.purge_backups(project_id)
+            except Exception as ex:  # pylint: disable=W0703
+                LOG.warn(
+                    "Failed to publish backup result or "
+                    f"purge backup tasks for project {project_id} "
+                    f"{str(ex)}"
+                )
     def refresh_backup_result(self):
@@ -144,13 +155,20 @@
         except OpenstackResourceNotFound:
             return False
-    def purge_backups(self):
+    def purge_backups(self, project_id=None):
+"Start pruge backup tasks for project {project_id}")
         # TODO make all this in a single DB command
         success_tasks = self.get_queues(
-            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_COMPLETED}
+            filters={
+                "backup_status": constants.BACKUP_COMPLETED,
+                "project_id": project_id,
+            }
         failed_tasks = self.get_queues(
-            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_FAILED}
+            filters={
+                "backup_status": constants.BACKUP_FAILED,
+                "project_id": project_id,
+            }
         for queue in success_tasks:
   "Start purge completed tasks.")
@@ -207,11 +225,13 @@
                 return backup_object.delete_backup()
             if backup["status"] in ("available"):
-                backup_object.delete_backup()
+                # Don't remove backup until it's officially removed from Cinder
+                # backup_object.delete_backup()
             elif backup["status"] in ("error", "error_restoring"):
                 # Try to remove it from cinder
-                backup_object.delete_backup()
+                # Don't remove backup until it's officially removed from Cinder
+                # backup_object.delete_backup()
             else:  # "deleting", "restoring"
@@ -259,22 +279,20 @@
                 return backup_object.delete_backup()
-            self.openstacksdk.delete_backup(uuid=backup_object.backup_id)
-            backup_object.delete_backup()
-            # TODO(ricolin) should check if backup delete completed
+            self.openstacksdk.delete_backup(uuid=backup_object.backup_id, force=True)
+            # Don't remove backup until it's officially removed from Cinder
+            # backup_object.delete_backup()
         except Exception as e:
             if skip_inc_err and "Incremental backups exist for this backup" in str(e):
-                pass
+                LOG.debug(str(e))
-                LOG.warn(
-                        f"Backup {backup_object.backup_id} deletion failed. "
-                        f"Please check into the exception: {str(e)}."
+                        f"Backup {backup_object.backup_id} deletion failed."
                         "Skip this backup from remove now and will retry later."
+                LOG.debug(f"deletion failed {str(e)}")
                 # Don't remove backup object, keep it and retry on next periodic task
                 # backup_object.delete_backup()
diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index 4f99ecc..d8ead77 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -138,9 +138,7 @@


       "Reporting finished backup tasks..."))

-                self.controller.publish_backup_result()

-                # Purge backup queue tasks

-                self.controller.purge_backups()

+                self.controller.publish_backup_result(purge_on_success=True)



     def backup_engine(self, backup_service_period):

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index aaca100..3b49a05 100644
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -22,118 +22,118 @@
     def add_project(self, project_id, project_name):

         self.project_list.add((project_id, project_name))


-    def send_result_email(self):

-        subject = "Staffeln Backup result"

+    def send_result_email(self, subject=None, receiver=None):

+        if not CONF.notification.sender_email:


+                "Directly record report in log as sender email "

+                f"are not configed. Report: {self.content}"

+            )

+            return

+        if not subject:

+            subject = "Staffeln Backup result"

+        if len(CONF.notification.receiver) != 0:

+            # Found receiver in config, override report receiver.

+            receiver = CONF.notification.receiver


-            if len(CONF.notification.receiver) == 0:


-                    "Directly record report in log as no receiver "

-                    "email provided. Report: %s" % self.content

-                )

-                return

             smtp_profile = {

                 "src_email": CONF.notification.sender_email,

                 "src_name": "Staffeln",

                 "src_pwd": CONF.notification.sender_pwd,

-                "dest_email": CONF.notification.receiver,

+                "dest_email": receiver,

                 "subject": subject,

                 "content": self.content,

                 "smtp_server_domain": CONF.notification.smtp_server_domain,

                 "smtp_server_port": CONF.notification.smtp_server_port,



-  "Backup result email sent"))

+  "Backup result email sent to {receiver}"))

         except Exception as e:

-            LOG.error(

+            LOG.warn(


-                    "Backup result email send failed. Please check email configuration. %s"

-                    % (str(e))

+                    f"Backup result email send to {receiver} failed. "

+                    f"Please check email configuration. {str(e)}"





-    def publish(self):

+    def publish(self, project_id=None, project_name=None):

         # 1. get quota

         self.content = "<h3>${TIME}</h3><br>"

         self.content = self.content.replace("${TIME}", xtime.get_current_strtime())

         backup_mgt = backup.Backup()

-        project_success = {}

-        project_failed = {}

         success_tasks = backup_mgt.get_queues(

-            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_COMPLETED}

+            filters={

+                "backup_status": constants.BACKUP_COMPLETED,

+                "project_id": project_id,

+            }


-        for task in success_tasks:

-            if task.project_id in project_success:

-                project_success[task.project_id].append(task)

-            else:

-                project_success[task.project_id] = [task]

         failed_tasks = backup_mgt.get_queues(

-            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_FAILED}

+            filters={

+                "backup_status": constants.BACKUP_FAILED,

+                "project_id": project_id,

+            }


-        for task in failed_tasks:

-            if task.project_id in project_failed:

-                project_failed[task.project_id].append(task)

-            else:

-                project_failed[task.project_id] = [task]

+        if not success_tasks and not failed_tasks:

+            return False


         html = ""

-        for project_id, project_name in self.project_list:

-            quota = backup_mgt.get_backup_quota(project_id)

+        quota = backup_mgt.get_backup_quota(project_id)


-            html += (

-                "<h3>Project: ${PROJECT}</h3><h3>Quota Usage</h3>"

-                "<FONT COLOR=${QUOTA_COLLOR}><h4>Limit: ${QUOTA_LIMIT}, In Use: "

-                "${QUOTA_IN_USE}, Reserved: ${QUOTA_RESERVED}, Total "

-                "rate: ${QUOTA_USAGE}</h4></FONT>"

-                "<h3>Success List</h3>"

-                "<FONT COLOR=GREEN><h4>${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}</h4></FONT><br>"

-                "<h3>Failed List</h3>"

-                "<FONT COLOR=RED><h4>${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}</h4></FONT><br>"

+        html += (

+            "<h3>Project: ${PROJECT} (ID: ${PROJECT_ID})</h3><h3>Quota Usage</h3>"

+            "<FONT COLOR=${QUOTA_COLLOR}><h4>Limit: ${QUOTA_LIMIT}, In Use: "

+            "${QUOTA_IN_USE}, Reserved: ${QUOTA_RESERVED}, Total "

+            "rate: ${QUOTA_USAGE}</h4></FONT>"

+            "<h3>Success List</h3>"

+            "<FONT COLOR=GREEN><h4>${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}</h4></FONT><br>"

+            "<h3>Failed List</h3>"

+            "<FONT COLOR=RED><h4>${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}</h4></FONT><br>"

+        )


+        if success_tasks:

+            success_volumes = "<br>".join(

+                [

+                    (

+                        f"Volume ID: {str(e.volume_id)}, Backup ID: {str(e.backup_id)}, "

+                        f"Backup mode: {'Incremental' if e.incremental else 'Full'}, "

+                        f"Created at: {str(e.created_at)}, Last updated at: "

+                        f"{str(e.updated_at)}"

+                    )

+                    for e in success_tasks

+                ]



-            if project_id in project_success:

-                success_volumes = "<br>".join(

-                    [

-                        (

-                            f"Volume ID: {str(e.volume_id)}, Backup ID: {str(e.backup_id)}, "

-                            f"Backup mode: {'Incremental' if e.incremental else 'Full'}, "

-                            f"Created at: {str(e.created_at)}, Last updated at: "

-                            f"{str(e.updated_at)}"

-                        )

-                        for e in project_success[project_id]

-                    ]

-                )

-            else:

-                success_volumes = "<br>"

-            if project_id in project_failed:

-                failed_volumes = "<br>".join(

-                    [

-                        (

-                            f"Volume ID: {str(e.volume_id)}, Reason: {str(e.reason)}, "

-                            f"Created at: {str(e.created_at)}, Last updated at: "

-                            f"{str(e.updated_at)}"

-                        )

-                        for e in project_failed[project_id]

-                    ]

-                )

-            else:

-                failed_volumes = "<br>"

-            quota_usage = (quota["in_use"] + quota["reserved"]) / quota["limit"]

-            if quota_usage > 0.8:

-                quota_color = "RED"

-            elif quota_usage > 0.5:

-                quota_color = "YALLOW"

-            else:

-                quota_color = "GREEN"

-            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_USAGE}", str(quota_usage))

-            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_COLLOR}", quota_color)

-            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_LIMIT}", str(quota["limit"]))

-            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_IN_USE}", str(quota["in_use"]))

-            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_RESERVED}", str(quota["reserved"]))

-            html = html.replace("${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}", success_volumes)

-            html = html.replace("${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}", failed_volumes)

-            html = html.replace("${PROJECT}", project_name)

-        if html == "":

-            return

+        else:

+            success_volumes = "<br>"

+        if failed_tasks:

+            failed_volumes = "<br>".join(

+                [

+                    (

+                        f"Volume ID: {str(e.volume_id)}, Reason: {str(e.reason)}, "

+                        f"Created at: {str(e.created_at)}, Last updated at: "

+                        f"{str(e.updated_at)}"

+                    )

+                    for e in failed_tasks

+                ]

+            )

+        else:

+            failed_volumes = "<br>"

+        quota_usage = (quota["in_use"] + quota["reserved"]) / quota["limit"]

+        if quota_usage > 0.8:

+            quota_color = "RED"

+        elif quota_usage > 0.5:

+            quota_color = "YALLOW"

+        else:

+            quota_color = "GREEN"

+        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_USAGE}", str(quota_usage))

+        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_COLLOR}", quota_color)

+        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_LIMIT}", str(quota["limit"]))

+        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_IN_USE}", str(quota["in_use"]))

+        html = html.replace("${QUOTA_RESERVED}", str(quota["reserved"]))

+        html = html.replace("${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}", success_volumes)

+        html = html.replace("${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}", failed_volumes)

+        html = html.replace("${PROJECT}", project_name)

+        html = html.replace("${PROJECT_ID}", project_id)

         self.content += html

-        self.send_result_email()

+        subject = f"Staffeln Backup result: {project_id}"

+        self.send_result_email(subject=subject, receiver=f"{project_name}")

+        return True