Merge pull request #20 from vexxhost/quota-and-notification

[WIP]: Add quota module
diff --git a/staffeln/common/ b/staffeln/common/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ebdd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staffeln/common/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Email notification package

+# This should be upgraded by integrating with mail server to send batch

+import smtplib

+from email.mime.text import MIMEText

+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart


+__DRY_RUN__ = True



+def send(

+        src_email,

+        src_pwd,

+        dest_email,

+        subject,

+        content,

+        smtp_server_domain,

+        smtp_server_port,


+    message = MIMEMultipart("alternative")

+    message["Subject"] = subject

+    # This part is commented as it won't be able to parce the items in list.

+    # message["From"] = src_email

+    # message["To"] = dest_email

+    part = MIMEText(content, "html")

+    message.attach(part)

+    if __DRY_RUN__:

+        print(part)

+        return

+    s = smtplib.SMTP(host=smtp_server_domain, port=smtp_server_port)

+    # s.ehlo()

+    # s.starttls()

+    # we can comment this auth func when use the trusted ip without authentication against the smtp server

+    # s.login(src_email, src_pwd)

+    s.sendmail(src_email, dest_email, message.as_string())

+    s.close()

diff --git a/staffeln/common/ b/staffeln/common/
index aa0bf16..c19f28e 100644
--- a/staffeln/common/
+++ b/staffeln/common/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+from openstack import exceptions

+from openstack import proxy

 from staffeln.common import auth


 conn = auth.create_connection()

@@ -28,7 +30,7 @@


 ############## volume

-def get_volume(uuid):

+def get_volume(uuid, project_id):

     # volume = conn.block_storage.get_volume(volume_id)

     return conn.get_volume_by_id(uuid)


@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
     return conn.get_volume_backup(uuid)



-def create_backup(volume_id, force=True, wait=False):

+def create_backup(volume_id, project_id, force=True, wait=False):

     # return conn.block_storage.create_backup(

     #     volume_id=queue.volume_id, force=True, project_id=queue.project_id,

     # )

@@ -58,3 +60,34 @@
     # )

     conn.delete_volume_backup(uuid, force=force)

     # TODO(Alex): After delete the backup generator, need to set the volume status again



+def get_backup_quota(project_id):

+    # quota = conn.get_volume_quotas(project_id)

+    quota = _get_volume_quotas(project_id)

+    return quota.backups



+# rewrite openstasdk._block_storage.get_volume_quotas

+# added usage flag

+# ref:

+def _get_volume_quotas(project_id, usage=True):

+    """ Get volume quotas for a project


+    :param name_or_id: project name or id

+    :raises: OpenStackCloudException if it's not a valid project


+    :returns: Munch object with the quotas

+    """


+    if usage:

+        resp = conn.block_storage.get(

+            '/os-quota-sets/{project_id}?usage=True'.format(project_id=project_id))

+    else:

+        resp = conn.block_storage.get(

+            '/os-quota-sets/{project_id}'.format(project_id=project_id))

+    data = proxy._json_response(

+        resp,

+        error_message="cinder client call failed")

+    return conn._get_and_munchify('quota_set', data)


diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index 5371f39..3be92ee 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 import staffeln.conf
 import collections
 from staffeln.common import constants
+from staffeln.conductor import result
 from openstack.exceptions import ResourceNotFound as OpenstackResourceNotFound
 from openstack.exceptions import SDKException as OpenstackSDKException
 from oslo_log import log
@@ -35,13 +35,17 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.ctx = context.make_context()
-        self.discovered_backup_map = None
-        self.queue_mapping = dict()
-        self.volume_mapping = dict()
+        self.result = result.BackupResult()
+    def publish_backup_result(self):
+        self.result.publish()
     def get_backups(self, filters=None):
         return objects.Volume.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
+    def get_backup_quota(self, project_id):
+        return openstacksdk.get_backup_quota(project_id)
     def get_queues(self, filters=None):
         """Get the list of volume queue columns from the queue_data table"""
         queues = objects.Queue.list(self.ctx, filters=filters)
@@ -62,7 +66,7 @@
     # Backup the volumes attached to which has a specific metadata
-    def filter_server(self, metadata):
+    def filter_by_server_metadata(self, metadata):
         if not CONF.conductor.backup_metadata_key in metadata:
             return False
@@ -70,13 +74,15 @@
         return metadata[CONF.conductor.backup_metadata_key].lower() == constants.BACKUP_ENABLED_KEY
     # Backup the volumes in in-use and available status
-    def filter_volume(self, volume_id):
+    def filter_by_volume_status(self, volume_id, project_id):
-            volume = openstacksdk.get_volume(volume_id)
+            volume = openstacksdk.get_volume(volume_id, project_id)
             if volume == None: return False
             res = volume['status'] in ("available", "in-use")
             if not res:
-      "Volume %s is not backed because it is in %s status" % (volume_id, volume['status'])))
+                reason = _("Volume %s is not backed because it is in %s status" % (volume_id, volume['status']))
+                self.result.add_failed_backup(project_id, volume_id, reason)
             return res
         except OpenstackResourceNotFound:
@@ -85,23 +91,27 @@
     #  delete all backups forcily regardless of the status
     def hard_cancel_backup_task(self, task):
-  "Cancel backup %s" % task.backup_id))
+            reason = _("Cancel backup %s because of timeout." % task.backup_id)
             backup = openstacksdk.get_backup(task.backup_id)
             if backup == None: return task.delete_queue()
+            self.result.add_failed_backup(task.project_id, task.volume_id, reason)
         except OpenstackResourceNotFound:
         except OpenstackSDKException as e:
-  "Backup %s deletion failed."
-                       "%s" % (task.backup_id, str(e))))
-            # TODO(Alex): When backup timeout and cancel failed
+            reason = _("Backup %s deletion failed."
+                       "%s" % (task.backup_id, str(e)))
+            # TODO(Alex): If backup timeout and also back cancel failed,
+            #  then what to do?
             # 1. notify
             # 2. set the volume status as in-use
             # remove from the queue table
+            self.result.add_failed_backup(task.project_id, task.volume_id, reason)
     #  delete only available backups
     def soft_remove_backup_task(self, backup_object):
@@ -167,11 +177,15 @@
         queues_map = []
         projects = openstacksdk.get_projects()
         for project in projects:
+            empty_project = True
             servers = openstacksdk.get_servers(
             for server in servers:
-                if not self.filter_server(server.metadata): continue
+                if not self.filter_by_server_metadata(server.metadata): continue
+                if empty_project:
+                    empty_project = False
+                    self.result.add_project(,
                 for volume in server.attached_volumes:
-                    if not self.filter_volume(volume["id"]): continue
+                    if not self.filter_by_volume_status(volume["id"], continue
@@ -194,6 +208,7 @@
         volume_queue.backup_id = task.backup_id
         volume_queue.volume_id = task.volume_id
         volume_queue.instance_id = task.instance_id
+        volume_queue.project_id = task.project_id
         volume_queue.backup_status = task.backup_status
@@ -207,15 +222,19 @@
         backup_id = queue.backup_id
         if backup_id == "NULL":
-      "Backup for volume %s creating" % queue.volume_id))
+      "Backup for volume %s creating in project %s"
+                           % (queue.volume_id, queue.project_id)))
                 # NOTE(Alex): no need to wait because we have a cycle time out
-                volume_backup = openstacksdk.create_backup(volume_id=queue.volume_id)
+                volume_backup = openstacksdk.create_backup(volume_id=queue.volume_id,
+                                                           project_id=queue.project_id)
                 queue.backup_id =
                 queue.backup_status = constants.BACKUP_WIP
             except OpenstackSDKException as error:
-      "Backup creation for the volume %s failled. %s"
-                           % (queue.volume_id, str(error))))
+                reason = _("Backup creation for the volume %s failled. %s"
+                           % (queue.volume_id, str(error)))
+                self.result.add_failed_backup(queue.project_id, queue.volume_id, reason)
                 parsed = parse.parse("Error in creating volume backup {id}", str(error))
                 if parsed == None: return
                 queue.backup_id = parsed["id"]
@@ -230,7 +249,9 @@
     def process_failed_backup(self, task):
         # 1. TODO(Alex): notify via email
-        LOG.error("Backup of the volume %s failed." % task.volume_id)
+        reason = _("The status of backup for the volume %s is error." % task.volume_id)
+        self.result.add_failed_backup(task.project_id, task.volume_id, reason)
+        LOG.error(reason)
         # 2. cancel volume backup
         # 3. remove failed task from the task queue
@@ -251,13 +272,14 @@
+        self.result.add_success_backup(task.project_id, task.volume_id, task.backup_id)
         # 2. remove from the task list
         # 3. TODO(Alex): notify via email
     def process_using_backup(self, task):
-        # remove from the task list
-        task.delete_queue()
+        # treat same as the available backup for now
+        self.process_available_backup(task)
     def check_volume_backup_status(self, queue):
         """Checks the backup status of the volume
@@ -292,5 +314,6 @@
         volume_backup.backup_id = task.backup_id
         volume_backup.volume_id = task.volume_id
         volume_backup.instance_id = task.instance_id
+        volume_backup.project_id = task.project_id
         volume_backup.backup_completed = task.backup_completed
diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
index e36265d..e77ef8e 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 from staffeln.common import context

 from staffeln.common import time as xtime

 from staffeln.conductor import backup

-from staffeln.conductor import notify

 from staffeln.i18n import _


 LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@
         self._shutdown = threading.Event()

         self.conf = conf

         self.ctx = context.make_context()

+        self.controller = backup.Backup()
"%s init" %


     def run(self):

@@ -43,20 +43,6 @@
     def reload(self):
"%s reload" %


-    # Check if the backup count is over the limit

-    # TODO(Alex): how to count the backup number

-    #  only available backups are calculated?

-    def _check_quota(self):

-"Checking the backup limitation..."))

-        max_count = CONF.conductor.max_backup_count

-        current_count = len(backup.Backup().get_backups())

-        if max_count <= current_count:

-            # TODO(Alex): Send notification

-  "The backup limit is over."))

-            return True

-"The max limit is %s, and current backup count is %s" % (max_count, current_count)))

-        return False


     # Manage active backup generators

     def _process_wip_tasks(self):
"Processing WIP backup generators..."))

@@ -64,19 +50,19 @@
         self.cycle_start_time = xtime.get_current_time()


         # loop - take care of backup result while timeout

-        while(1):

-            queues_started = backup.Backup().get_queues(

+        while (1):

+            queues_started = self.controller.get_queues(

                 filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_WIP}


             if len(queues_started) == 0:

       "task queue empty"))


-            if not self._backup_cycle_timeout():# time in

+            if not self._backup_cycle_timeout():  # time in

       "cycle timein"))

-                for queue in queues_started: backup.Backup().check_volume_backup_status(queue)

-            else: # time out

+                for queue in queues_started: self.controller.check_volume_backup_status(queue)

+            else:  # time out

       "cycle timeout"))

-                for queue in queues_started: backup.Backup().hard_cancel_backup_task(queue)

+                for queue in queues_started: self.controller.hard_cancel_backup_task(queue)




@@ -107,37 +93,31 @@
     # Create backup generators

     def _process_todo_tasks(self):
"Creating new backup generators..."))

-        queues_to_start = backup.Backup().get_queues(

+        queues_to_start = self.controller.get_queues(

             filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_PLANNED}


         if len(queues_to_start) != 0:

             for queue in queues_to_start:

-                backup.Backup().create_volume_backup(queue)

+                self.controller.create_volume_backup(queue)


     # Refresh the task queue

     def _update_task_queue(self):
"Updating backup task queue..."))

-        current_tasks = backup.Backup().get_queues()

-        backup.Backup().create_queue(current_tasks)

+        current_tasks = self.controller.get_queues()

+        self.controller.create_queue(current_tasks)


     def _report_backup_result(self):

-        # TODO(Alex): Need to update these list

-        self.success_backup_list = []

-        self.failed_backup_list = []

-        notify.SendBackupResultEmail(self.success_backup_list, self.failed_backup_list)

+        self.controller.publish_backup_result()


     @periodics.periodic(spacing=CONF.conductor.backup_service_period, run_immediately=True)

     def backup_engine(self):
"backing... %s" % str(time.time()))
"%s periodics" %


-        if self._check_quota(): return

-        # NOTE(Alex): If _process_wip_tasks() waits tiil no WIP tasks

-        # exist, no need to repeat this function before and after queue update.




-        # self._report_backup_result()

+        self._report_backup_result()



 class RotationManager(cotyledon.Service):

@@ -147,6 +127,7 @@
         super(RotationManager, self).__init__(worker_id)

         self._shutdown = threading.Event()

         self.conf = conf

+        self.controller = backup.Backup()
"%s init" %


     def run(self):

@@ -170,13 +151,13 @@
     def get_backup_list(self):

         threshold_strtime = self.get_threshold_strtime()

         if threshold_strtime == None: return False

-        self.backup_list = backup.Backup().get_backups(filters={"created_at__lt": threshold_strtime})

+        self.backup_list = self.controller.get_backups(filters={"created_at__lt": threshold_strtime})

         return True


     def remove_backups(self):


         for retention_backup in self.backup_list:

-            backup.Backup().hard_remove_volume_backup(retention_backup)

+            self.controller.hard_remove_volume_backup(retention_backup)


     @periodics.periodic(spacing=CONF.conductor.retention_service_period, run_immediately=True)

     def rotation_engine(self):

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
deleted file mode 100644
index d0cb852..0000000
--- a/staffeln/conductor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Email notification package

-# This should be upgraded by integrating with mail server to send batch

-import smtplib

-from email.mime.text import MIMEText

-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

-from oslo_log import log

-import staffeln.conf

-from staffeln.common import time as xtime

-from staffeln.i18n import _


-CONF = staffeln.conf.CONF

-LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)



-def _sendEmail(

-    src_email,

-    src_pwd,

-    dest_email,

-    subject,

-    content,

-    smtp_server_domain,

-    smtp_server_port,


-    message = MIMEMultipart("alternative")

-    message["Subject"] = subject

-    # This part is commented as it won't be able to parce the items in list.

-    # message["From"] = src_email

-    # message["To"] = dest_email

-    part = MIMEText(content, "html")

-    message.attach(part)


-    s = smtplib.SMTP(host=smtp_server_domain, port=smtp_server_port)

-    # s.ehlo()

-    # s.starttls()

-    # we can comment this auth func when use the trusted ip without authentication against the smtp server

-    # s.login(src_email, src_pwd)

-    s.sendmail(src_email, dest_email, message.as_string())

-    s.close()



-def SendBackupResultEmail(success_backup_list, failed_backup_list):

-    subject = "Backup result"


-    html = (

-        "<h3>${TIME}</h3>"

-        "<h3>Success List</h3>"

-        "<h4>${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}</h4>"

-        "<h3>Failed List</h3>"

-        "<h4>${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}</h4>"

-    )


-    success_volumes = "<br>".join([str(elem) for elem in success_backup_list])

-    failed_volumes = "<br>".join([str(elem) for elem in failed_backup_list])

-    html = html.replace("${TIME}", xtime.get_current_strtime())

-    html = html.replace("${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}", success_volumes)

-    html = html.replace("${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}", failed_volumes)

-    try:

-        _sendEmail(

-            src_email=CONF.notification.sender_email,

-            src_pwd=CONF.notification.sender_pwd,

-            dest_email=CONF.notification.receiver,

-            subject=subject,

-            content=html,

-            smtp_server_domain=CONF.notification.smtp_server_domain,

-            smtp_server_port=CONF.notification.smtp_server_port,

-        )

-"Backup result email sent"))

-    except Exception as e:

-        LOG.error(_("Backup result email send failed. Please check email configuration. %s" % (str(e))))

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/ b/staffeln/conductor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6e0d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Email notification package

+# This should be upgraded by integrating with mail server to send batch

+import smtplib

+from email.mime.text import MIMEText

+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

+from oslo_log import log

+import staffeln.conf

+from staffeln.common import time as xtime

+from staffeln.common import email

+from staffeln.i18n import _

+from staffeln.conductor import backup

+from staffeln.common import openstack as openstacksdk


+CONF = staffeln.conf.CONF

+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)



+class BackupResult(object):


+    def __init__(self):

+        self.content = ""

+        self.project_list = []

+        self.success_backup_list = {}

+        self.failed_backup_list = {}


+    def add_project(self, id, name):

+        if id in self.success_backup_list: return

+        self.project_list.append({

+            "name": name,

+            "id": id

+        })

+        self.success_backup_list[id] = []

+        self.failed_backup_list[id] = []


+    def add_success_backup(self, project_id, volume_id, backup_id):

+        if not project_id in self.success_backup_list:

+            LOG.error(_("Not registered project is reported for backup result."))

+            return

+        self.success_backup_list[project_id].append({

+            "volume_id": volume_id,

+            "backup_id": backup_id,

+        })


+    def add_failed_backup(self, project_id, volume_id, reason):

+        if not project_id in self.failed_backup_list:

+            LOG.error(_("Not registered project is reported for backup result."))

+            return

+        self.failed_backup_list[project_id].append({

+            "volume_id": volume_id,

+            "reason": reason,

+        })


+    def send_result_email(self):

+        subject = "Backup result"

+        try:

+            email.send(

+                src_email=CONF.notification.sender_email,

+                src_pwd=CONF.notification.sender_pwd,

+                dest_email=CONF.notification.receiver,

+                subject=subject,

+                content=self.content,

+                smtp_server_domain=CONF.notification.smtp_server_domain,

+                smtp_server_port=CONF.notification.smtp_server_port,

+            )

+  "Backup result email sent"))

+        except Exception as e:

+            LOG.error(_("Backup result email send failed. Please check email configuration. %s" % (str(e))))


+    def publish(self):

+        # 1. get quota

+        self.content = "<h3>${TIME}</h3><br>"

+        self.content = self.content.replace("${TIME}", xtime.get_current_strtime())

+        html = ""

+        for project in self.project_list:

+            quota = backup.Backup().get_backup_quota(project["id"])


+            html += "<h3>Project: ${PROJECT}</h3><br>" \

+                    "<h3>Quota Usage</h3><br>" \

+                    "<h4>Limit: ${QUOTA_LIMIT}, In Use: ${QUOTA_IN_USE}, Reserved: ${QUOTA_RESERVED}</h4><br>" \

+                    "<h3>Success List</h3><br>" \

+                    "<h4>${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}</h4><br>" \

+                    "<h3>Failed List</h3><br>" \

+                    "<h4>${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}</h4><br>"


+            success_volumes = "<br>".join(

+                ["Volume ID: %s, Backup ID: %s" % (str(e["volume_id"]), str(e["backup_id"]))

+                 for e in self.success_backup_list])

+            failed_volumes = "<br>".join(

+                ["Volume ID: %s, Reason: %s" % (str(e["volume_id"]), str(e["reason"]))

+                 for e in self.failed_backup_list])

+            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_LIMIT}", str(quota["limit"]))

+            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_IN_USE}", str(quota["in_use"]))

+            html = html.replace("${QUOTA_RESERVED}", str(quota["reserved"]))

+            html = html.replace("${SUCCESS_VOLUME_LIST}", success_volumes)

+            html = html.replace("${FAILED_VOLUME_LIST}", failed_volumes)

+            html = html.replace("${PROJECT}", project["name"])

+        if html == "": return

+        self.content += html

+        self.send_result_email()

diff --git a/staffeln/conf/ b/staffeln/conf/
index 7c9c643..d5e3861 100755
--- a/staffeln/conf/
+++ b/staffeln/conf/
@@ -33,11 +33,6 @@
         help=_("The key string of metadata the VM, which requres back up, has"),
-    cfg.IntOpt(
-        "max_backup_count",
-        default=10,
-        help=_("The key string of metadata the VM, which requres back up, has"),
-    ),
 rotation_opts = [