Test and fix backup service, add some comments
diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/backup.py b/staffeln/conductor/backup.py
index 0f0522a..ecac92b 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/backup.py
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/backup.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import staffeln.conf

 import collections

+from staffeln.common import constants


 from openstack.block_storage.v2 import backup

 from oslo_log import log

@@ -44,7 +45,6 @@

     def __init__(self):

         self.ctx = context.make_context()

-        self.discovered_queue_map = None

         self.discovered_backup_map = None

         self.queue_mapping = dict()

         self.volume_mapping = dict()

@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
         self._available_queues = None

         self._available_queues_map = None


+    # TODO(Susanta): Can you explain what it's for


     def available_queues(self):

         """Queues loaded from DB"""

@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@
             self._available_queues = objects.Queue.list(self.ctx)

         return self._available_queues


+    # TODO(Susanta): Can you explain what it's for


     def available_queues_map(self):

         """Mapping of backup queue loaded from DB"""

@@ -75,13 +77,15 @@

         return self._available_queues_map


-    @property

-    def available_backups(self):

-        """Backups loaded from DB"""

-        if self._available_backups is None:

-            self._available_backups = objects.Volume.list(self.ctx)

-        return self._available_backups

+    # TODO(Susanta): Can you explain what it's for

+    # @property

+    # def available_backups(self):

+    #     """Backups loaded from DB"""

+    #     if self._available_backups is None:

+    #         self._available_backups = objects.Volume.list(self.ctx)

+    #     return self._available_backups


+    # TODO(Susanta): Can you explain what it's for


     def available_backups_map(self):

         """Mapping of backup loaded from DB"""

@@ -104,10 +108,9 @@

     def create_queue(self):

         """Create the queue of all the volumes for backup"""

-        self.discovered_queue_map = self.check_instance_volumes()

-        queues_map = self.discovered_queue_map["queues"]

-        for queue_name, queue_map in queues_map.items():

-            self._volume_queue(queue_map)

+        queue_list = self.check_instance_volumes()

+        for queue in queue_list:

+            self._volume_queue(queue)


     def check_instance_volumes(self):

         """Get the list of all the volumes from the project using openstacksdk

@@ -115,7 +118,6 @@
         that are attached to the instance.


         queues_map = {}

-        discovered_queue_map = {"queues": queues_map}

         projects = get_projects_list()

         for project in projects:

             servers = conn.compute.servers(

@@ -125,32 +127,35 @@
                 server_id = server.host_id

                 volumes = server.attached_volumes

                 for volume in volumes:

-                    queues_map["queues"] = QueueMapping(

-                        volume_id=volume["id"],

-                        backup_id="NULL",

-                        instance_id=server_id,

-                        backup_status=0,

+                    queues_map.append(

+                        QueueMapping(

+                            volume_id=volume["id"],

+                            backup_id="NULL",

+                            instance_id=server_id,

+                            backup_status=constants.BACKUP_PLANNED,

+                        )


-        return discovered_queue_map

+        return queues_map


-    def _volume_queue(self, queue_map):

+    def _volume_queue(self, task):

         """Saves the queue data to the database."""

-        volume_id = queue_map.volume_id

-        backup_id = queue_map.backup_id

-        instance_id = queue_map.instance_id

-        backup_status = queue_map.backup_status

-        backup_mapping = dict()

+        # TODO(Susanta): Why does this need?

         matching_backups = [

-            g for g in self.available_queues if g.backup_id == backup_id

+            g for g in self.available_queues if g.backup_id == task.backup_id


         if not matching_backups:

             volume_queue = objects.Queue(self.ctx)

-            volume_queue.backup_id = backup_id

-            volume_queue.volume_id = volume_id

-            volume_queue.instance_id = instance_id

-            volume_queue.backup_status = backup_status

+            volume_queue.backup_id = task.backup_id

+            volume_queue.volume_id = task.volume_id

+            volume_queue.instance_id = task.instance_id

+            volume_queue.backup_status = task.backup_status



+        # TODO(Alex): Need to escalate discussion

+        # When create the task list, need to check the WIP backup genenrator

+        # which are created in the past backup cycle.

+        # Then skip to create new tasks for the volumes whose backup is WIP


     def volume_backup_initiate(self, queue):

         """Initiate the backup of the volume

         :params: queue: Provide the map of the volume that needs

@@ -158,7 +163,6 @@
         This function will call the backupup api and change the

         backup_status and backup_id in the queue table.


-        volume_info = conn.get_volume(queue.volume_id)

         backup_id = queue.backup_id

         if backup_id == "NULL":

             volume_backup = conn.block_storage.create_backup(

@@ -166,8 +170,38 @@

             update_queue = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, queue.id)

             update_queue.backup_id = volume_backup.id

-            update_queue.backup_status = 1

+            update_queue.backup_status = constants.BACKUP_WIP


+        else:

+            pass

+            # TODO(Alex): remove this task from the task list

+            # Backup planned task cannot have backup_id in the same cycle

+            # Reserve for now because it is related to the WIP backup genenrators which

+            # are not finished in the current cycle


+    def process_failed_task(self, task):

+        LOG.error("Backup of the volume %s failed." % task.id)

+        # 1. TODO(Alex): notify via email

+        # 2. TODO(Alex): remove failed backup instance from the openstack

+        # 3. remove failed task from the task queue

+        queue_delete = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, task.id)

+        queue_delete.delete_queue()


+    def process_success_backup(self, task):

+        LOG.info("Backup of the volume %s is successful." % task.volume_id)

+        # 1. save success backup in the backup table

+        self._volume_backup(

+            BackupMapping(

+                volume_id=task.volume_id,

+                backup_id=task.backup_id,

+                instance_id=task.instance_id,

+                backup_completed=1,

+            )

+        )

+        # 2. remove from the task list

+        queue_delete = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, task.id)

+        queue_delete.delete_queue()

+        # 3. TODO(Alex): notify via email


     def check_volume_backup_status(self, queue):

         """Checks the backup status of the volume

@@ -175,47 +209,28 @@
                  status checked.

         Call the backups api to see if the backup is successful.


-        for raw in conn.block_storage.backups(volume_id=queue.volume_id):

-            backup_info = raw

-            if backup_info.id == queue.backup_id:

-                if backup_info.status == "error":

-                    LOG.error("Backup of the volume %s failed." % queue.id)

-                    queue_delete = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, queue.id)

-                    queue_delete.delete_queue()

-                elif backup_info.status == "success":

-                    backups_map = {}

-                    discovered_backup_map = {"backups": backups_map}

-                    LOG.info("Backup of the volume %s is successful." % queue.volume_id)

-                    backups_map["backups"] = BackupMapping(

-                        volume_id=queue.volume_id,

-                        backup_id=queue.backup_id,

-                        instance_id=queue.instance_id,

-                        backup_completed=1,

-                    )

-                    # Save volume backup success to backup_data table.

-                    self._volume_backup(discovered_backup_map)

-                    ## call db api to remove the queue object.

-                    queue_delete = objects.Queue.get_by_id(self.ctx, queue.id)

-                    queue_delete.delete_queue()

+        for backup_gen in conn.block_storage.backups(volume_id=queue.volume_id):

+            if backup_gen.id == queue.backup_id:

+                if backup_gen.status == "error":

+                    self.process_failed_task(queue)

+                elif backup_gen.status == "success":

+                    self.process_success_backup(queue)


-                    pass

-                    ## Wait for the backup to be completed.

+                    # TODO(Alex): Need to escalate discussion

+                    # How to proceed WIP bakcup generators?

+                    # To make things worse, the last backup generator is in progress till

+                    # the new backup cycle

+                    LOG.info("Waiting for backup of %s to be completed" % queue.volume_id)


-    def _volume_backup(self, discovered_backup_map):

-        volumes_map = discovered_backup_map["backups"]

-        for volume_name, volume_map in volumes_map.items():

-            volume_id = volume_map.volume_id

-            backup_id = volume_map.backup_id

-            instance_id = volume_map.instance_id

-            backup_completed = volume_map.backup_completed

-            backup_mapping = dict()

-            matching_backups = [

-                g for g in self.available_backups if g.backup_id == backup_id

-            ]

-            if not matching_backups:

-                volume_backup = objects.Volume(self.ctx)

-                volume_backup.backup_id = backup_id

-                volume_backup.volume_id = volume_id

-                volume_backup.instance_id = instance_id

-                volume_backup.backup_completed = backup_completed

-                volume_backup.create()


+    def _volume_backup(self, task):

+        # matching_backups = [

+        #     g for g in self.available_backups if g.backup_id == task.backup_id

+        # ]

+        # if not matching_backups:

+        volume_backup = objects.Volume(self.ctx)

+        volume_backup.backup_id = task.backup_id

+        volume_backup.volume_id = task.volume_id

+        volume_backup.instance_id = task.instance_id

+        volume_backup.backup_completed = task.backup_completed

+        volume_backup.create()

diff --git a/staffeln/conductor/manager.py b/staffeln/conductor/manager.py
index 7f12246..be3b433 100755
--- a/staffeln/conductor/manager.py
+++ b/staffeln/conductor/manager.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 from staffeln.conductor import backup
 from staffeln.common import context
 LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
 CONF = staffeln.conf.CONF
@@ -42,27 +41,39 @@
     def reload(self):
         LOG.info("%s reload" % self.name)
+    # return the task(queue) list which are working in progress
+    def get_wip_tasks(self):
+        return backup.Backup().get_queues(
+            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_WIP}
+        )
+    # return the task(queue) list which needs to do
+    def get_todo_tasks(self):
+        return backup.Backup().get_queues(
+            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_PLANNED}
+        )
+    # return the task(queue) list which needs to do
+    def get_all_tasks(self):
+        return backup.Backup().get_queues()
     @periodics.periodic(spacing=CONF.conductor.backup_period, run_immediately=True)
     def backup_engine(self):
         LOG.info("backing... %s" % str(time.time()))
         LOG.info("%s periodics" % self.name)
-        queue = backup.Backup().get_queues()
-        queues_to_start = backup.Backup().get_queues(
-            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_PLANNED}
-        )
-        queues_started = backup.Backup().get_queues(
-            filters={"backup_status": constants.BACKUP_WIP}
-        )
-        if len(queue) == 0:
-            create_queue = backup.Backup().create_queue()
-        elif len(queues_started) != 0:
-            for queue in queues_started:
-                LOG.info("Waiting for backup of %s to be completed" % queue.volume_id)
-                backup_volume = backup.Backup().check_volume_backup_status(queue)
-        elif len(queues_to_start) != 0:
+        if len(self.get_all_tasks()) == 0:
+            backup.Backup().create_queue()
+        #     TODO(Alex): reschedule the backup engine immediately
+        queues_started = self.get_wip_tasks()
+        if len(queues_started) != 0:
+            for queue in queues_started: backup.Backup().check_volume_backup_status(queue)
+        queues_to_start = self.get_todo_tasks()
+        if len(queues_to_start) != 0:
             for queue in queues_to_start:
-                LOG.info("Started backup process for %s" % queue.volume_id)
-                backup_volume = backup.Backup().volume_backup_initiate(queue)
+                backup.Backup().volume_backup_initiate(queue)
 class RotationManager(cotyledon.Service):