| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| {{/* |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| */}} |
| |
| set -ex |
| |
| OVS_SOCKET=/run/openvswitch/db.sock |
| chown neutron: ${OVS_SOCKET} |
| |
| # This enables the usage of 'ovs-appctl' from neutron pod. |
| OVS_PID=$(cat /run/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.pid) |
| OVS_CTL=/run/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.${OVS_PID}.ctl |
| chown neutron: ${OVS_CTL} |
| |
| function get_dpdk_config_value { |
| values=${@:1:$#-1} |
| filter=${!#} |
| value=$(echo ${values} | jq -r ${filter}) |
| if [[ "${value}" == "null" ]]; then |
| echo "" |
| else |
| echo "${value}" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| |
| DPDK_CONFIG_FILE=/tmp/dpdk.conf |
| DPDK_ENABLED=false |
| if [ -f ${DPDK_CONFIG_FILE} ]; then |
| if [[ $(get_dpdk_config_value ${DPDK_CONFIG} '.enabled') == "true" ]]; then |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| function bind_nic { |
| echo $2 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$1/driver_override |
| echo $1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/$2/bind |
| } |
| |
| function unbind_nic { |
| echo $1 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/$2/unbind |
| echo > /sys/bus/pci/devices/$1/driver_override |
| } |
| |
| function get_name_by_pci_id { |
| path=$(find /sys/bus/pci/devices/$1/ -name net) |
| if [ -n "${path}" ] ; then |
| echo $(ls -1 $path/) |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function get_ip_address_from_interface { |
| local interface=$1 |
| local ip=$(ip -4 -o addr s "${interface}" | awk '{ print $4; exit }' | awk -F '/' 'NR==1 {print $1}') |
| if [ -z "${ip}" ] ; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo ${ip} |
| } |
| |
| function get_ip_prefix_from_interface { |
| local interface=$1 |
| local prefix=$(ip -4 -o addr s "${interface}" | awk '{ print $4; exit }' | awk -F '/' 'NR==1 {print $2}') |
| if [ -z "${prefix}" ] ; then |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| echo ${prefix} |
| } |
| |
| function migrate_ip { |
| pci_id=$1 |
| bridge_name=$2 |
| |
| local src_nic=$(get_name_by_pci_id ${pci_id}) |
| if [ -n "${src_nic}" ] ; then |
| bridge_exists=$(ip a s "${bridge_name}" | grep "${bridge_name}" | cut -f2 -d':' 2> /dev/null) |
| if [ -z "${bridge_exists}" ] ; then |
| echo "Bridge "${bridge_name}" does not exist. Creating it on demand." |
| init_ovs_dpdk_bridge "${bridge_name}" |
| fi |
| |
| migrate_ip_from_nic ${src_nic} ${bridge_name} |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function migrate_ip_from_nic { |
| src_nic=$1 |
| bridge_name=$2 |
| |
| # Enabling explicit error handling: We must avoid to lose the IP |
| # address in the migration process. Hence, on every error, we |
| # attempt to assign the IP back to the original NIC and exit. |
| set +e |
| |
| ip=$(get_ip_address_from_interface ${src_nic}) |
| prefix=$(get_ip_prefix_from_interface ${src_nic}) |
| |
| bridge_ip=$(get_ip_address_from_interface "${bridge_name}") |
| bridge_prefix=$(get_ip_prefix_from_interface "${bridge_name}") |
| |
| ip link set ${bridge_name} up |
| |
| if [[ -n "${ip}" && -n "${prefix}" ]]; then |
| ip addr flush dev ${src_nic} |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then |
| ip addr add ${ip}/${prefix} dev ${src_nic} |
| echo "Error while flushing IP from ${src_nic}." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| ip addr add ${ip}/${prefix} dev "${bridge_name}" |
| if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then |
| echo "Error assigning IP to bridge "${bridge_name}"." |
| ip addr add ${ip}/${prefix} dev ${src_nic} |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| elif [[ -n "${bridge_ip}" && -n "${bridge_prefix}" ]]; then |
| echo "Bridge '${bridge_name}' already has IP assigned. Keeping the same:: IP:[${bridge_ip}]; Prefix:[${bridge_prefix}]..." |
| elif [[ -z "${bridge_ip}" && -z "${ip}" ]]; then |
| echo "Interface and bridge have no ips configured. Leaving as is." |
| else |
| echo "Interface ${name} has invalid IP address. IP:[${ip}]; Prefix:[${prefix}]..." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| set -e |
| } |
| |
| function get_pf_or_vf_pci { |
| dpdk_pci_id=${1} |
| vf_index=${2} |
| |
| if [ -n "$vf_index" ] |
| then |
| iface=$(get_name_by_pci_id "${dpdk_pci_id}") |
| sysfs_numvfs_path="/sys/class/net/${iface}/device/sriov_numvfs" |
| if [[ -f /sys/class/net/${iface}/device/sriov_numvfs && |
| "$(cat /sys/class/net/${iface}/device/sriov_numvfs)" -ne "0" && |
| -e /sys/class/net/${iface}/device/virtfn${vf_index} ]] |
| then |
| dpdk_pci_id=$(ls -la /sys/class/net/${iface}/device/virtfn${vf_index}) |
| dpdk_pci_id=${dpdk_pci_id#*"../"} |
| else |
| echo "Error fetching the VF PCI for PF: ["${iface}", "${dpdk_pci_id}"] and VF-Index: ${vf_index}." |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function bind_dpdk_nic { |
| target_driver=${1} |
| pci_id=${2} |
| |
| current_driver="$(get_driver_by_address "${pci_id}" )" |
| if [ "$current_driver" != "$target_driver" ]; then |
| if [ "$current_driver" != "" ]; then |
| unbind_nic "${pci_id}" ${current_driver} |
| fi |
| bind_nic "${pci_id}" ${target_driver} |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function ensure_vf_state { |
| iface=${1} |
| vf_string=${2} |
| check_string=${3} |
| expected=${4} |
| |
| # wait for the vf really get the needed state |
| for i in 0 1 2 4 8 16 32; do |
| sleep ${i}; |
| if [ "$(ip link show ${iface} | grep "${vf_string} " | grep -Eo "${check_string}")" == "${expected}" ]; then |
| break; |
| fi; |
| done |
| } |
| |
| function process_dpdk_nics { |
| target_driver=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${DPDK_CONFIG} '.driver') |
| # loop over all nics |
| echo $DPDK_CONFIG | jq -r -c '.nics[]' | \ |
| while IFS= read -r nic; do |
| local port_name=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.name') |
| local pci_id=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.pci_id') |
| local bridge=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.bridge') |
| local vf_index=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.vf_index') |
| |
| if [[ $(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.migrate_ip') == true ]] ; then |
| migrate_ip "${pci_id}" "${bridge}" |
| fi |
| |
| iface=$(get_name_by_pci_id "${pci_id}") |
| |
| if [ -n "${iface}" ]; then |
| ip link set ${iface} promisc on |
| if [ -n "${vf_index}" ]; then |
| vf_string="vf ${vf_index}" |
| ip link set ${iface} ${vf_string} trust on |
| ensure_vf_state "${iface}" "${vf_string}" "trust o(n|ff)" "trust on" |
| |
| # NOTE: To ensure proper toggle of spoofchk, |
| # turn it on then off. |
| ip link set ${iface} ${vf_string} spoofchk on |
| ensure_vf_state "${iface}" "${vf_string}" "spoof checking o(n|ff)" "spoof checking on" |
| ip link set ${iface} ${vf_string} spoofchk off |
| ensure_vf_state "${iface}" "${vf_string}" "spoof checking o(n|ff)" "spoof checking off" |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| # Fetch the PCI to be bound to DPDK driver. |
| # In case VF Index is configured then PCI of that particular VF |
| # is bound to DPDK, otherwise PF PCI is bound to DPDK. |
| get_pf_or_vf_pci "${pci_id}" "${vf_index}" |
| |
| bind_dpdk_nic ${target_driver} "${dpdk_pci_id}" |
| |
| dpdk_options="" |
| ofport_request=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.ofport_request') |
| if [ -n "${ofport_request}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='ofport_request=${ofport_request} ' |
| fi |
| n_rxq=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.n_rxq') |
| if [ -n "${n_rxq}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='options:n_rxq=${n_rxq} ' |
| fi |
| n_txq=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.n_txq') |
| if [ -n "${n_txq}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='options:n_txq=${n_txq} ' |
| fi |
| pmd_rxq_affinity=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.pmd_rxq_affinity') |
| if [ -n "${pmd_rxq_affinity}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity=${pmd_rxq_affinity} ' |
| fi |
| mtu=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.mtu') |
| if [ -n "${mtu}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='mtu_request=${mtu} ' |
| fi |
| n_rxq_size=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.n_rxq_size') |
| if [ -n "${n_rxq_size}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='options:n_rxq_desc=${n_rxq_size} ' |
| fi |
| n_txq_size=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.n_txq_size') |
| if [ -n "${n_txq_size}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='options:n_txq_desc=${n_txq_size} ' |
| fi |
| vhost_iommu_support=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.vhost-iommu-support') |
| if [ -n "${vhost_iommu_support}" ]; then |
| dpdk_options+='options:vhost-iommu-support=${vhost_iommu_support} ' |
| fi |
| |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --may-exist add-port ${bridge} ${port_name} \ |
| -- set Interface ${port_name} type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs=${pci_id} ${dpdk_options} |
| |
| done |
| } |
| |
| function process_dpdk_bonds { |
| target_driver=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${DPDK_CONFIG} '.driver') |
| # loop over all bonds |
| echo $DPDK_CONFIG | jq -r -c '.bonds[]' > /tmp/bonds_array |
| while IFS= read -r bond; do |
| local bond_name=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.name') |
| local dpdk_bridge=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.bridge') |
| local migrate_ip=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.migrate_ip') |
| local mtu=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.mtu') |
| local n_rxq=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.n_rxq') |
| local n_txq=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.n_txq') |
| local ofport_request=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.ofport_request') |
| local n_rxq_size=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.n_rxq_size') |
| local n_txq_size=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.n_txq_size') |
| local vhost_iommu_support=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.vhost-iommu-support') |
| local ovs_options=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${bond} '.ovs_options') |
| |
| local nic_name_str="" |
| local dev_args_str="" |
| local ip_migrated=false |
| |
| echo $bond | jq -r -c '.nics[]' > /tmp/nics_array |
| while IFS= read -r nic; do |
| local pci_id=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.pci_id') |
| local nic_name=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.name') |
| local pmd_rxq_affinity=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.pmd_rxq_affinity') |
| local vf_index=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${nic} '.vf_index') |
| local vf_string="" |
| |
| if [[ ${migrate_ip} = "true" && ${ip_migrated} = "false" ]]; then |
| migrate_ip "${pci_id}" "${dpdk_bridge}" |
| ip_migrated=true |
| fi |
| |
| iface=$(get_name_by_pci_id "${pci_id}") |
| |
| if [ -n "${iface}" ]; then |
| ip link set ${iface} promisc on |
| if [ -n "${vf_index}" ]; then |
| vf_string="vf ${vf_index}" |
| ip link set ${iface} ${vf_string} trust on |
| ensure_vf_state "${iface}" "${vf_string}" "trust o(n|ff)" "trust on" |
| |
| # NOTE: To ensure proper toggle of spoofchk, |
| # turn it on then off. |
| ip link set ${iface} ${vf_string} spoofchk on |
| ensure_vf_state "${iface}" "${vf_string}" "spoof checking o(n|ff)" "spoof checking on" |
| ip link set ${iface} ${vf_string} spoofchk off |
| ensure_vf_state "${iface}" "${vf_string}" "spoof checking o(n|ff)" "spoof checking off" |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| # Fetch the PCI to be bound to DPDK driver. |
| # In case VF Index is configured then PCI of that particular VF |
| # is bound to DPDK, otherwise PF PCI is bound to DPDK. |
| get_pf_or_vf_pci "${pci_id}" "${vf_index}" |
| |
| bind_dpdk_nic ${target_driver} "${dpdk_pci_id}" |
| |
| nic_name_str+=" "${nic_name}"" |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" type=dpdk options:dpdk-devargs=""${dpdk_pci_id}" |
| |
| if [[ -n ${mtu} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" mtu_request=${mtu}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${n_rxq} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" options:n_rxq=${n_rxq}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${n_txq} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" options:n_txq=${n_txq}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${ofport_request} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" ofport_request=${ofport_request}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${pmd_rxq_affinity} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" other_config:pmd-rxq-affinity=${pmd_rxq_affinity}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${n_rxq_size} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" options:n_rxq_desc=${n_rxq_size}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${n_txq_size} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" options:n_txq_desc=${n_txq_size}" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -n ${vhost_iommu_support} ]]; then |
| dev_args_str+=" -- set Interface "${nic_name}" options:vhost-iommu-support=${vhost_iommu_support}" |
| fi |
| done < /tmp/nics_array |
| |
| if [ "${UPDATE_DPDK_BOND_CONFIG}" == "true" ]; then |
| echo -e "NOTE: UPDATE_DPDK_BOND_CONFIG is set to true.\ |
| \nThis might cause disruptions in ovs traffic.\ |
| \nTo avoid this disruption set UPDATE_DPDK_BOND_CONFIG to false." |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} set Bridge "${dpdk_bridge}" other_config:update_config=true |
| ovs_update_config=true |
| else |
| ovs_update_config=$(ovs-vsctl --columns=other_config --no-heading -d json list bridge "${dpdk_bridge}" \ |
| | jq -r '.[1][] as $list | if $list[0] == "update_config" then $list[1] else empty end') |
| fi |
| |
| |
| if [ "${ovs_update_config}" == "true" ] || [ "${ovs_update_config}" == "" ]; |
| then |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --if-exists del-port "${bond_name}" |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} set Bridge "${dpdk_bridge}" other_config:update_config=false |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --may-exist add-bond "${dpdk_bridge}" "${bond_name}" \ |
| ${nic_name_str} \ |
| ${ovs_options} ${dev_args_str} |
| fi |
| |
| done < "/tmp/bonds_array" |
| } |
| |
| function set_dpdk_module_log_level { |
| # loop over all target modules |
| if [ -n "$(get_dpdk_config_value ${DPDK_CONFIG} '.modules')" ]; then |
| echo $DPDK_CONFIG | jq -r -c '.modules[]' > /tmp/modules_array |
| while IFS= read -r module; do |
| local mod_name=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${module} '.name') |
| local mod_level=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${module} '.log_level') |
| |
| ovs-appctl -t ${OVS_CTL} vlog/set ${mod_name}:${mod_level} |
| ovs-appctl -t ${OVS_CTL} vlog/list|grep ${mod_name} |
| done < /tmp/modules_array |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function get_driver_by_address { |
| if [[ -e /sys/bus/pci/devices/$1/driver ]]; then |
| echo $(ls /sys/bus/pci/devices/$1/driver -al | awk '{n=split($NF,a,"/"); print a[n]}') |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function init_ovs_dpdk_bridge { |
| bridge=$1 |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --may-exist add-br ${bridge} \ |
| -- set Bridge ${bridge} datapath_type=netdev |
| ip link set ${bridge} up |
| } |
| |
| # create all additional bridges defined in the DPDK section |
| function init_ovs_dpdk_bridges { |
| for br in $(get_dpdk_config_value ${DPDK_CONFIG} '.bridges[].name'); do |
| init_ovs_dpdk_bridge ${br} |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # handle any bridge mappings |
| # /tmp/auto_bridge_add is one line json file: {"br-ex1":"eth1","br-ex2":"eth2"} |
| for bmap in `sed 's/[{}"]//g' /tmp/auto_bridge_add | tr "," "\n"` |
| do |
| bridge=${bmap%:*} |
| iface=${bmap#*:} |
| if [[ "${DPDK_ENABLED}" == "true" ]]; then |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --may-exist add-br $bridge -- set bridge $bridge datapath_type=netdev |
| else |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --may-exist add-br $bridge |
| fi |
| if [ -n "$iface" ] && [ "$iface" != "null" ] && ( ip link show $iface 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ); |
| then |
| ovs-vsctl --db=unix:${OVS_SOCKET} --may-exist add-port $bridge $iface |
| migrate_ip_from_nic $iface $bridge |
| if [[ "${DPDK_ENABLED}" != "true" ]]; then |
| ip link set dev $iface up |
| fi |
| fi |
| done |
| |
| tunnel_types="{{- .Values.conf.plugins.openvswitch_agent.agent.tunnel_types -}}" |
| if [[ -n "${tunnel_types}" ]] ; then |
| tunnel_interface="{{- .Values.network.interface.tunnel -}}" |
| if [ -z "${tunnel_interface}" ] ; then |
| # search for interface with tunnel network routing |
| tunnel_network_cidr="{{- .Values.network.interface.tunnel_network_cidr -}}" |
| if [ -z "${tunnel_network_cidr}" ] ; then |
| tunnel_network_cidr="0/0" |
| fi |
| # If there is not tunnel network gateway, exit |
| tunnel_interface=$(ip -4 route list ${tunnel_network_cidr} | awk -F 'dev' '{ print $2; exit }' \ |
| | awk '{ print $1 }') || exit 1 |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ "${DPDK_ENABLED}" == "true" ]]; then |
| init_ovs_dpdk_bridges |
| process_dpdk_nics |
| process_dpdk_bonds |
| set_dpdk_module_log_level |
| fi |
| |
| # determine local-ip dynamically based on interface provided but only if tunnel_types is not null |
| if [[ -n "${tunnel_types}" ]] ; then |
| LOCAL_IP=$(get_ip_address_from_interface ${tunnel_interface}) |
| if [ -z "${LOCAL_IP}" ] ; then |
| echo "Var LOCAL_IP is empty" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| tee > /tmp/pod-shared/ml2-local-ip.ini << EOF |
| [ovs] |
| local_ip = "${LOCAL_IP}" |
| EOF |
| |
| if [[ "${DPDK_ENABLED}" == "true" ]]; then |
| PREFIX=$(get_ip_prefix_from_interface "${tunnel_interface}") |
| |
| # loop over all nics |
| echo $DPDK_CONFIG | jq -r -c '.bridges[]' | \ |
| while IFS= read -r br; do |
| bridge_name=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${br} '.name') |
| tunnel_underlay_vlan=$(get_dpdk_config_value ${br} '.tunnel_underlay_vlan') |
| |
| if [[ "${bridge_name}" == "${tunnel_interface}" ]]; then |
| # Route the tunnel traffic via the physical bridge |
| if [[ -n "${LOCAL_IP}" && -n "${PREFIX}" ]]; then |
| if [[ -n $(ovs-appctl -t ${OVS_CTL} ovs/route/show | grep "${LOCAL_IP}" | grep -v '^Cached:') ]]; then |
| ovs-appctl -t ${OVS_CTL} ovs/route/del "${LOCAL_IP}"/"${PREFIX}" |
| fi |
| ovs-appctl -t ${OVS_CTL} ovs/route/add "${LOCAL_IP}"/"${PREFIX}" "${tunnel_interface}" |
| |
| if [[ -n "${tunnel_underlay_vlan}" ]]; then |
| # If there is not tunnel network gateway, exit |
| IFS=. read -r i1 i2 i3 i4 <<< "${LOCAL_IP}" |
| IFS=. read -r xx m1 m2 m3 m4 <<< $(for a in $(seq 1 32); do if [ $(((a - 1) % 8)) -eq 0 ]; then echo -n .; fi; if [ $a -le ${PREFIX} ]; then echo -n 1; else echo -n 0; fi; done) |
| tunnel_network_cidr=$(printf "%d.%d.%d.%d\n" "$((i1 & (2#$m1)))" "$((i2 & (2#$m2)))" "$((i3 & (2#$m3)))" "$((i4 & (2#$m4)))") || exit 1 |
| # Put a new flow to tag all the tunnel traffic with configured vlan-id |
| if [[ -n $(ovs-ofctl dump-flows "${tunnel_interface}" | grep "nw_dst=${tunnel_network_cidr}") ]]; then |
| ovs-ofctl del-flows "${tunnel_interface}" "cookie=0x9999/-1, table=0, ip,nw_dst=${tunnel_network_cidr}" |
| fi |
| ovs-ofctl add-flow "${tunnel_interface}" "cookie=0x9999, table=0, priority=8, ip,nw_dst=${tunnel_network_cidr}, actions=mod_vlan_vid:${tunnel_underlay_vlan},NORMAL" |
| fi |
| fi |
| break |
| fi |
| done |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| {{- if and ( empty .Values.conf.neutron.DEFAULT.host ) ( .Values.pod.use_fqdn.neutron_agent ) }} |
| mkdir -p /tmp/pod-shared |
| tee > /tmp/pod-shared/neutron-agent.ini << EOF |
| host = $(hostname --fqdn) |
| EOF |
| {{- end }} |