| # upgradeCompatibility helps users upgrading to ensure that the configMap for |
| # Cilium will not change critical values to ensure continued operation |
| # This is flag is not required for new installations. |
| # For example: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 |
| # upgradeCompatibility: '1.8' |
| |
| debug: |
| # -- Enable debug logging |
| enabled: false |
| # verbose: |
| |
| rbac: |
| # -- Enable creation of Resource-Based Access Control configuration. |
| create: true |
| |
| # -- Configure image pull secrets for pulling container images |
| imagePullSecrets: |
| # - name: "image-pull-secret" |
| |
| # kubeConfigPath: ~/.kube/config |
| # k8sServiceHost: |
| # k8sServicePort: |
| |
| cluster: |
| # -- Name of the cluster. Only required for Cluster Mesh. |
| name: default |
| # -- (int) Unique ID of the cluster. Must be unique across all connected |
| # clusters and in the range of 1 to 255. Only required for Cluster Mesh. |
| id: |
| |
| # -- Define serviceAccount names for components. |
| # @default -- Component's fully qualified name. |
| serviceAccounts: |
| cilium: |
| create: true |
| name: cilium |
| annotations: {} |
| etcd: |
| create: true |
| name: cilium-etcd-operator |
| annotations: {} |
| operator: |
| create: true |
| name: cilium-operator |
| annotations: {} |
| preflight: |
| create: true |
| name: cilium-pre-flight |
| annotations: {} |
| relay: |
| create: true |
| name: hubble-relay |
| annotations: {} |
| ui: |
| create: true |
| name: hubble-ui |
| annotations: {} |
| clustermeshApiserver: |
| create: true |
| name: clustermesh-apiserver |
| annotations: {} |
| # -- Clustermeshcertgen is used if clustermesh.apiserver.tls.auto.method=cronJob |
| clustermeshcertgen: |
| create: true |
| name: clustermesh-apiserver-generate-certs |
| annotations: {} |
| # -- Hubblecertgen is used if hubble.tls.auto.method=cronJob |
| hubblecertgen: |
| create: true |
| name: hubble-generate-certs |
| annotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Install the cilium agent resources. |
| agent: true |
| |
| # -- Agent container name. |
| name: cilium |
| |
| # -- Roll out cilium agent pods automatically when configmap is updated. |
| rollOutCiliumPods: false |
| |
| # -- Agent container image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/cilium |
| tag: v1.10.7 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # cilium-digest |
| digest: "sha256:e23f55e80e1988db083397987a89967aa204ad6fc32da243b9160fbcea29b0ca" |
| useDigest: true |
| |
| # -- Pod affinity for cilium-agent. |
| affinity: |
| nodeAffinity: |
| requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: |
| nodeSelectorTerms: |
| - matchExpressions: |
| - key: kubernetes.io/os |
| operator: In |
| values: |
| - linux |
| # Compatible with Kubernetes 1.12.x and 1.13.x |
| - matchExpressions: |
| - key: beta.kubernetes.io/os |
| operator: In |
| values: |
| - linux |
| podAntiAffinity: |
| requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: |
| - labelSelector: |
| matchExpressions: |
| - key: k8s-app |
| operator: In |
| values: |
| - cilium |
| topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname |
| |
| # -- The priority class to use for cilium-agent. |
| priorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # -- Additional agent container arguments. |
| extraArgs: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional agent container environment variables. |
| extraEnv: {} |
| |
| # -- Additional InitContainers to initialize the pod. |
| extraInitContainers: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional agent hostPath mounts. |
| extraHostPathMounts: [] |
| # - name: host-mnt-data |
| # mountPath: /host/mnt/data |
| # hostPath: /mnt/data |
| # hostPathType: Directory |
| # readOnly: true |
| # mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
| |
| # -- Additional agent ConfigMap mounts. |
| extraConfigmapMounts: [] |
| # - name: certs-configmap |
| # mountPath: /certs |
| # configMap: certs-configmap |
| # readOnly: true |
| |
| # -- extraConfig allows you to specify additional configuration parameters to be |
| # included in the cilium-config configmap. |
| extraConfig: {} |
| # my-config-a: "1234" |
| # my-config-b: |- |
| # test 1 |
| # test 2 |
| # test 3 |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for agent scheduling to nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| tolerations: |
| - operator: Exists |
| # - key: "key" |
| # operator: "Equal|Exists" |
| # value: "value" |
| # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to agent pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to agent pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- PodDisruptionBudget settings |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| enabled: true |
| maxUnavailable: 2 |
| |
| # -- Agent resource limits & requests |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ |
| resources: {} |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 4000m |
| # memory: 4Gi |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 512Mi |
| |
| # -- Security context to be added to agent pods |
| securityContext: {} |
| # runAsUser: 0 |
| |
| # -- Cilium agent update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| rollingUpdate: |
| maxUnavailable: 2 |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # Configuration Values for cilium-agent |
| |
| # -- Enable installation of PodCIDR routes between worker |
| # nodes if worker nodes share a common L2 network segment. |
| autoDirectNodeRoutes: false |
| |
| azure: |
| # -- Enable Azure integration |
| enabled: false |
| # resourceGroup: group1 |
| # subscriptionID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
| # tenantID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
| # clientID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
| # clientSecret: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
| # userAssignedIdentityID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
| |
| alibabacloud: |
| # -- Enable AlibabaCloud ENI integration |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Optimize TCP and UDP workloads and enable rate-limiting traffic from |
| # individual Pods with EDT (Earliest Departure Time) |
| # through the "kubernetes.io/egress-bandwidth" Pod annotation. |
| bandwidthManager: false |
| |
| # -- Configure BGP |
| bgp: |
| # -- Enable BGP support inside Cilium; embeds a new ConfigMap for BGP inside |
| # cilium-agent and cilium-operator |
| enabled: false |
| announce: |
| # -- Enable allocation and announcement of service LoadBalancer IPs |
| loadbalancerIP: false |
| |
| bpf: |
| # -- Enable BPF clock source probing for more efficient tick retrieval. |
| clockProbe: false |
| |
| # -- Enables pre-allocation of eBPF map values. This increases |
| # memory usage but can reduce latency. |
| preallocateMaps: false |
| |
| # -- Configure the maximum number of entries in the TCP connection tracking |
| # table. |
| # ctTcpMax: '524288' |
| |
| # -- Configure the maximum number of entries for the non-TCP connection |
| # tracking table. |
| # ctAnyMax: '262144' |
| |
| # -- Configure the maximum number of service entries in the |
| # load balancer maps. |
| lbMapMax: 65536 |
| |
| # -- Configure the maximum number of entries for the NAT table. |
| # natMax: 524288 |
| |
| # -- Configure the maximum number of entries for the neighbor table. |
| # neighMax: 524288 |
| |
| # -- Configure the maximum number of entries in endpoint policy map (per endpoint). |
| policyMapMax: 16384 |
| |
| # -- Configure auto-sizing for all BPF maps based on available memory. |
| # ref: https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/concepts/ebpf/maps/#ebpf-maps |
| #mapDynamicSizeRatio: 0.0025 |
| |
| # -- Configure the level of aggregation for monitor notifications. |
| # Valid options are none, low, medium, maximum. |
| monitorAggregation: medium |
| |
| # -- Configure the typical time between monitor notifications for |
| # active connections. |
| monitorInterval: "5s" |
| |
| # -- Configure which TCP flags trigger notifications when seen for the |
| # first time in a connection. |
| monitorFlags: "all" |
| |
| # -- Allow cluster external access to ClusterIP services. |
| lbExternalClusterIP: false |
| |
| # -- Enable native IP masquerade support in eBPF |
| #masquerade: false |
| |
| # -- Configure whether direct routing mode should route traffic via |
| # host stack (true) or directly and more efficiently out of BPF (false) if |
| # the kernel supports it. The latter has the implication that it will also |
| # bypass netfilter in the host namespace. |
| #hostRouting: true |
| |
| # -- Configure the eBPF-based TPROXY to reduce reliance on iptables rules |
| # for implementing Layer 7 policy. |
| # tproxy: true |
| |
| # -- Configure the FIB lookup bypass optimization for nodeport reverse |
| # NAT handling. |
| # lbBypassFIBLookup: true |
| |
| # -- Clean all eBPF datapath state from the initContainer of the cilium-agent |
| # DaemonSet. |
| # |
| # WARNING: Use with care! |
| cleanBpfState: false |
| |
| # -- Clean all local Cilium state from the initContainer of the cilium-agent |
| # DaemonSet. Implies cleanBpfState: true. |
| # |
| # WARNING: Use with care! |
| cleanState: false |
| |
| cni: |
| # -- Install the CNI configuration and binary files into the filesystem. |
| install: true |
| |
| # -- Configure chaining on top of other CNI plugins. Possible values: |
| # - none |
| # - generic-veth |
| # - aws-cni |
| # - portmap |
| chainingMode: none |
| |
| # -- Make Cilium take ownership over the `/etc/cni/net.d` directory on the |
| # node, renaming all non-Cilium CNI configurations to `*.cilium_bak`. |
| # This ensures no Pods can be scheduled using other CNI plugins during Cilium |
| # agent downtime. |
| exclusive: true |
| |
| # -- Skip writing of the CNI configuration. This can be used if |
| # writing of the CNI configuration is performed by external automation. |
| customConf: false |
| |
| # -- Configure the path to the CNI configuration directory on the host. |
| confPath: /etc/cni/net.d |
| |
| # -- Configure the path to the CNI binary directory on the host. |
| binPath: /opt/cni/bin |
| |
| # -- Specify the path to a CNI config to read from on agent start. |
| # This can be useful if you want to manage your CNI |
| # configuration outside of a Kubernetes environment. This parameter is |
| # mutually exclusive with the 'cni.configMap' parameter. |
| # readCniConf: /host/etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conf |
| |
| # -- When defined, configMap will mount the provided value as ConfigMap and |
| # interpret the cniConf variable as CNI configuration file and write it |
| # when the agent starts up |
| # configMap: cni-configuration |
| |
| # -- Configure the key in the CNI ConfigMap to read the contents of |
| # the CNI configuration from. |
| configMapKey: cni-config |
| |
| # -- Configure the path to where to mount the ConfigMap inside the agent pod. |
| confFileMountPath: /tmp/cni-configuration |
| |
| # -- Configure the path to where the CNI configuration directory is mounted |
| # inside the agent pod. |
| hostConfDirMountPath: /host/etc/cni/net.d |
| |
| # -- Configure how frequently garbage collection should occur for the datapath |
| # connection tracking table. |
| # conntrackGCInterval: "0s" |
| |
| # -- Configure container runtime specific integration. |
| containerRuntime: |
| # -- Enables specific integrations for container runtimes. |
| # Supported values: |
| # - containerd |
| # - crio |
| # - docker |
| # - none |
| # - auto (automatically detect the container runtime) |
| integration: none |
| # -- Configure the path to the container runtime control socket. |
| # socketPath: /path/to/runtime.sock |
| |
| # crdWaitTimeout: "" |
| |
| # -- Tail call hooks for custom eBPF programs. |
| customCalls: |
| # -- Enable tail call hooks for custom eBPF programs. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Configure which datapath mode should be used for configuring container |
| # connectivity. Valid options are "veth" or "ipvlan". |
| datapathMode: veth |
| |
| daemon: |
| # -- Configure where Cilium runtime state should be stored. |
| runPath: "/var/run/cilium" |
| |
| # -- Specify which network interfaces can run the eBPF datapath. This means |
| # that a packet sent from a pod to a destination outside the cluster will be |
| # masqueraded (to an output device IPv4 address), if the output device runs the |
| # program. When not specified, probing will automatically detect devices. |
| # devices: "" |
| |
| # -- Chains to ignore when installing feeder rules. |
| # disableIptablesFeederRules: "" |
| |
| # -- Limit egress masquerading to interface selector. |
| # egressMasqueradeInterfaces: "" |
| |
| # -- Whether to enable CNP status updates. |
| enableCnpStatusUpdates: false |
| |
| # -- Configures the use of the KVStore to optimize Kubernetes event handling by |
| # mirroring it into the KVstore for reduced overhead in large clusters. |
| enableK8sEventHandover: false |
| |
| # TODO: Add documentation |
| # enableIdentityMark: false |
| |
| # enableK8sEndpointSlice: false |
| |
| # -- Enables the fallback compatibility solution for when the xt_socket kernel |
| # module is missing and it is needed for the datapath L7 redirection to work |
| # properly. See documentation for details on when this can be disabled: |
| # http://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/install/system_requirements/#admin-kernel-version. |
| enableXTSocketFallback: true |
| |
| encryption: |
| # -- Enable transparent network encryption. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Encryption method. Can be either ipsec or wireguard. |
| type: ipsec |
| |
| # -- Enable encryption for pure node to node traffic. |
| # This option is only effective when encryption.type is set to ipsec. |
| nodeEncryption: false |
| |
| ipsec: |
| # -- Name of the key file inside the Kubernetes secret configured via secretName. |
| keyFile: "" |
| |
| # -- Path to mount the secret inside the Cilium pod. |
| mountPath: "" |
| |
| # -- Name of the Kubernetes secret containing the encryption keys. |
| secretName: "" |
| |
| # -- The interface to use for encrypted traffic. |
| interface: "" |
| |
| # -- Deprecated in favor of encryption.ipsec.keyFile. |
| # Name of the key file inside the Kubernetes secret configured via secretName. |
| # This option is only effective when encryption.type is set to ipsec. |
| keyFile: keys |
| |
| # -- Deprecated in favor of encryption.ipsec.mountPath. |
| # Path to mount the secret inside the Cilium pod. |
| # This option is only effective when encryption.type is set to ipsec. |
| mountPath: /etc/ipsec |
| |
| # -- Deprecated in favor of encryption.ipsec.secretName. |
| # Name of the Kubernetes secret containing the encryption keys. |
| # This option is only effective when encryption.type is set to ipsec. |
| secretName: cilium-ipsec-keys |
| |
| # -- Deprecated in favor of encryption.ipsec.interface. |
| # The interface to use for encrypted traffic. |
| # This option is only effective when encryption.type is set to ipsec. |
| interface: "" |
| |
| endpointHealthChecking: |
| # -- Enable connectivity health checking between virtual endpoints. |
| enabled: true |
| |
| # -- Enable endpoint status. |
| # Status can be: policy, health, controllers, logs and / or state. For 2 or more options use a comma. |
| endpointStatus: |
| enabled: false |
| status: "" |
| |
| endpointRoutes: |
| # -- Enable use of per endpoint routes instead of routing via |
| # the cilium_host interface. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| eni: |
| # -- Enable Elastic Network Interface (ENI) integration. |
| enabled: false |
| # -- Update ENI Adapter limits from the EC2 API |
| updateEC2AdapterLimitViaAPI: false |
| # -- Release IPs not used from the ENI |
| awsReleaseExcessIPs: false |
| # -- EC2 API endpoint to use |
| ec2APIEndpoint: "" |
| # -- Tags to apply to the newly created ENIs |
| eniTags: {} |
| # -- If using IAM role for Service Accounts will not try to |
| # inject identity values from cilium-aws kubernetes secret. |
| # Adds annotation to service account if managed by Helm. |
| # See https://github.com/aws/amazon-eks-pod-identity-webhook |
| iamRole: "" |
| # -- Filter via subnet IDs which will dictate which subnets are going to be used to create new ENIs |
| subnetIDsFilter: "" |
| # -- Filter via tags (k=v) which will dictate which subnets are going to be used to create new ENIs |
| subnetTagsFilter: "" |
| |
| externalIPs: |
| # -- Enable ExternalIPs service support. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # fragmentTracking enables IPv4 fragment tracking support in the datapath. |
| # fragmentTracking: true |
| |
| gke: |
| # -- Enable Google Kubernetes Engine integration |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Enable connectivity health checking. |
| healthChecking: true |
| |
| # -- TCP port for the agent health API. This is not the port for cilium-health. |
| healthPort: 9876 |
| |
| # -- Enables the enforcement of host policies in the eBPF datapath. |
| hostFirewall: false |
| |
| hostPort: |
| # -- Enable hostPort service support. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Configure ClusterIP service handling in the host namespace (the node). |
| hostServices: |
| # -- Enable host reachable services. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Supported list of protocols to apply ClusterIP translation to. |
| protocols: tcp,udp |
| |
| # -- Disable socket lb for non-root ns. This is used to enable Istio routing rules. |
| # hostNamespaceOnly: false |
| |
| # -- Configure certificate generation for Hubble integration. |
| # If hubble.tls.auto.method=cronJob, these values are used |
| # for the Kubernetes CronJob which will be scheduled regularly to |
| # (re)generate any certificates not provided manually. |
| certgen: |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/certgen |
| tag: v0.1.5 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # -- Seconds after which the completed job pod will be deleted |
| ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 1800 |
| # -- Labels to be added to hubble-certgen pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| hubble: |
| # -- Enable Hubble (true by default). |
| enabled: true |
| |
| # -- Buffer size of the channel Hubble uses to receive monitor events. If this |
| # value is not set, the queue size is set to the default monitor queue size. |
| # eventQueueSize: "" |
| |
| # -- Number of recent flows for Hubble to cache. Defaults to 4095. |
| # Possible values are: |
| # 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255, 511, 1023, |
| # 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535 |
| # eventBufferCapacity: "4095" |
| |
| # -- Hubble metrics configuration. |
| # See https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/configuration/metrics/#hubble-metrics |
| # for more comprehensive documentation about Hubble metrics. |
| metrics: |
| # -- Configures the list of metrics to collect. If empty or null, metrics |
| # are disabled. |
| # Example: |
| # |
| # enabled: |
| # - dns:query;ignoreAAAA |
| # - drop |
| # - tcp |
| # - flow |
| # - icmp |
| # - http |
| # |
| # You can specify the list of metrics from the helm CLI: |
| # |
| # --set metrics.enabled="{dns:query;ignoreAAAA,drop,tcp,flow,icmp,http}" |
| # |
| enabled: ~ |
| # -- Configure the port the hubble metric server listens on. |
| port: 9091 |
| serviceMonitor: |
| # -- Create ServiceMonitor resources for Prometheus Operator. |
| # This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available. |
| # ref: https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_servicemonitors.yaml) |
| enabled: false |
| # -- Labels to add to ServiceMonitor hubble |
| labels: {} |
| |
| # -- Unix domain socket path to listen to when Hubble is enabled. |
| socketPath: /var/run/cilium/hubble.sock |
| |
| # -- An additional address for Hubble to listen to. |
| # Set this field ":4244" if you are enabling Hubble Relay, as it assumes that |
| # Hubble is listening on port 4244. |
| listenAddress: ":4244" |
| |
| # -- TLS configuration for Hubble |
| tls: |
| # -- Enable mutual TLS for listenAddress. Setting this value to false is |
| # highly discouraged as the Hubble API provides access to potentially |
| # sensitive network flow metadata and is exposed on the host network. |
| enabled: true |
| # -- Configure automatic TLS certificates generation. |
| auto: |
| # -- Auto-generate certificates. |
| # When set to true, automatically generate a CA and certificates to |
| # enable mTLS between Hubble server and Hubble Relay instances. If set to |
| # false, the certs for Hubble server need to be provided by setting |
| # appropriate values below. |
| enabled: true |
| # -- Set the method to auto-generate certificates. Supported values: |
| # - helm: This method uses Helm to generate all certificates. |
| # - cronJob: This method uses a Kubernetes CronJob the generate any |
| # certificates not provided by the user at installation |
| # time. |
| method: helm |
| # -- Generated certificates validity duration in days. |
| certValidityDuration: 1095 |
| # -- Schedule for certificates regeneration (regardless of their expiration date). |
| # Only used if method is "cronJob". If nil, then no recurring job will be created. |
| # Instead, only the one-shot job is deployed to generate the certificates at |
| # installation time. |
| # |
| # Defaults to midnight of the first day of every fourth month. For syntax, see |
| # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/automated-tasks-with-cron-jobs/#schedule |
| schedule: "0 0 1 */4 *" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the Hubble CA certificate and private key. |
| ca: |
| cert: "" |
| # -- The CA private key (optional). If it is provided, then it will be |
| # used by hubble.tls.auto.method=cronJob to generate all other certificates. |
| # Otherwise, a ephemeral CA is generated if hubble.tls.auto.enabled=true. |
| key: "" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the Hubble server certificate and private key |
| server: |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| |
| relay: |
| # -- Enable Hubble Relay (requires hubble.enabled=true) |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Roll out Hubble Relay pods automatically when configmap is updated. |
| rollOutPods: false |
| |
| # -- Hubble-relay container image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/hubble-relay |
| tag: v1.10.7 |
| # hubble-relay-digest |
| digest: "sha256:385fcc4fa315eb6b66626c3e5f607b6b6514c8c3a863c47c2b2dbc97790acb47" |
| useDigest: true |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| # -- Specifies the resources for the hubble-relay pods |
| resources: {} |
| |
| # -- Number of replicas run for the hubble-relay deployment. |
| replicas: 1 |
| |
| # -- Node labels for pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to hubble-relay pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to hubble-relay pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| # |
| tolerations: [] |
| |
| # -- hubble-relay update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| rollingUpdate: |
| maxUnavailable: 1 |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # -- Host to listen to. Specify an empty string to bind to all the interfaces. |
| listenHost: "" |
| |
| # -- Port to listen to. |
| listenPort: "4245" |
| |
| # -- TLS configuration for Hubble Relay |
| tls: |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the hubble-relay client certificate and private key |
| # This keypair is presented to Hubble server instances for mTLS |
| # authentication and is required when hubble.tls.enabled is true. |
| # These values need to be set manually if hubble.tls.auto.enabled is false. |
| client: |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the hubble-relay server certificate and private key |
| server: |
| # When set to true, enable TLS on for Hubble Relay server |
| # (ie: for clients connecting to the Hubble Relay API). |
| enabled: false |
| # These values need to be set manually if hubble.tls.auto.enabled is false. |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| |
| # -- Dial timeout to connect to the local hubble instance to receive peer information (e.g. "30s"). |
| dialTimeout: ~ |
| |
| # -- Backoff duration to retry connecting to the local hubble instance in case of failure (e.g. "30s"). |
| retryTimeout: ~ |
| |
| # -- Max number of flows that can be buffered for sorting before being sent to the |
| # client (per request) (e.g. 100). |
| sortBufferLenMax: ~ |
| |
| # -- When the per-request flows sort buffer is not full, a flow is drained every |
| # time this timeout is reached (only affects requests in follow-mode) (e.g. "1s"). |
| sortBufferDrainTimeout: ~ |
| |
| # -- Port to use for the k8s service backed by hubble-relay pods. |
| # If not set, it is dynamically assigned to port 443 if TLS is enabled and to |
| # port 80 if not. |
| # servicePort: 80 |
| |
| ui: |
| # -- Whether to enable the Hubble UI. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Roll out Hubble-ui pods automatically when configmap is updated. |
| rollOutPods: false |
| |
| backend: |
| # -- Hubble-ui backend image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/hubble-ui-backend |
| tag: v0.8.5@sha256:2bce50cf6c32719d072706f7ceccad654bfa907b2745a496da99610776fe31ed |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # [Example] |
| # resources: |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 1000m |
| # memory: 1024M |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 64Mi |
| # -- Resource requests and limits for the 'backend' container of the 'hubble-ui' deployment. |
| resources: {} |
| |
| frontend: |
| # -- Hubble-ui frontend image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/hubble-ui |
| tag: v0.8.5@sha256:4eaca1ec1741043cfba6066a165b3bf251590cf4ac66371c4f63fbed2224ebb4 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # [Example] |
| # resources: |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 1000m |
| # memory: 1024M |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 64Mi |
| # -- Resource requests and limits for the 'frontend' container of the 'hubble-ui' deployment. |
| resources: {} |
| |
| proxy: |
| # -- Hubble-ui ingress proxy image. |
| image: |
| repository: docker.io/envoyproxy/envoy |
| tag: v1.18.4@sha256:e5c2bb2870d0e59ce917a5100311813b4ede96ce4eb0c6bfa879e3fbe3e83935 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # [Example] |
| # resources: |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 1000m |
| # memory: 1024M |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 64Mi |
| # -- Resource requests and limits for the 'proxy' container of the 'hubble-ui' deployment. |
| resources: {} |
| |
| # -- The number of replicas of Hubble UI to deploy. |
| replicas: 1 |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to hubble-ui pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to hubble-ui pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- Node labels for pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| # |
| tolerations: [] |
| |
| # -- hubble-ui update strategy. |
| updateStrategy: |
| rollingUpdate: |
| maxUnavailable: 1 |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| securityContext: |
| # -- Whether to set the security context on the Hubble UI pods. |
| enabled: true |
| |
| # -- hubble-ui ingress configuration. |
| ingress: |
| enabled: false |
| annotations: {} |
| # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx |
| # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" |
| hosts: |
| - chart-example.local |
| tls: [] |
| # - secretName: chart-example-tls |
| # hosts: |
| # - chart-example.local |
| |
| |
| # -- Method to use for identity allocation (`crd` or `kvstore`). |
| identityAllocationMode: "crd" |
| |
| # TODO: Add documentation |
| # identityChangeGracePeriod: "5s" |
| |
| # TODO: Add documentation |
| # identityGCInterval: |
| |
| # TODO: Add documentation |
| # identityHeartbeatTimeout: "" |
| |
| |
| # -- Configure whether to install iptables rules to allow for TPROXY |
| # (L7 proxy injection), iptables-based masquerading and compatibility |
| # with kube-proxy. |
| installIptablesRules: true |
| |
| # -- Install Iptables rules to skip netfilter connection tracking on all pod |
| # traffic. This option is only effective when Cilium is running in direct |
| # routing and full KPR mode. Moreover, this option cannot be enabled when Cilium |
| # is running in a managed Kubernetes environment or in a chained CNI setup. |
| installNoConntrackIptablesRules: false |
| |
| ipam: |
| # -- Configure IP Address Management mode. |
| # ref: https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/concepts/networking/ipam/ |
| mode: "cluster-pool" |
| operator: |
| # -- IPv4 CIDR range to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. |
| clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDR: "" |
| # -- IPv4 CIDR mask size to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. |
| clusterPoolIPv4MaskSize: 24 |
| # -- IPv6 CIDR range to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. |
| clusterPoolIPv6PodCIDR: "fd00::/104" |
| # -- IPv6 CIDR mask size to delegate to individual nodes for IPAM. |
| clusterPoolIPv6MaskSize: 120 |
| |
| # -- Configure the eBPF-based ip-masq-agent |
| ipMasqAgent: |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # iptablesLockTimeout defines the iptables "--wait" option when invoked from Cilium. |
| # iptablesLockTimeout: "5s" |
| |
| ipv4: |
| # -- Enable IPv4 support. |
| enabled: true |
| |
| ipv6: |
| # -- Enable IPv6 support. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| ipvlan: |
| # -- Enable the IPVLAN datapath |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- masterDevice is the name of the device to use to attach secondary IPVLAN |
| # devices |
| # masterDevice: eth0 |
| |
| # -- Configure Kubernetes specific configuration |
| k8s: {} |
| # -- requireIPv4PodCIDR enables waiting for Kubernetes to provide the PodCIDR |
| # range via the Kubernetes node resource |
| # requireIPv4PodCIDR: false |
| |
| # -- requireIPv6PodCIDR enables waiting for Kubernetes to provide the PodCIDR |
| # range via the Kubernetes node resource |
| # requireIPv6PodCIDR: false |
| |
| # -- Keep the deprecated selector labels when deploying Cilium DaemonSet. |
| keepDeprecatedLabels: false |
| |
| # -- Keep the deprecated probes when deploying Cilium DaemonSet |
| keepDeprecatedProbes: false |
| |
| startupProbe: |
| # -- failure threshold of startup probe. |
| # 105 x 2s translates to the old behaviour of the readiness probe (120s delay + 30 x 3s) |
| failureThreshold: 105 |
| # -- interval between checks of the startup probe |
| periodSeconds: 2 |
| livenessProbe: |
| # -- failure threshold of liveness probe |
| failureThreshold: 10 |
| # -- interval between checks of the liveness probe |
| periodSeconds: 30 |
| readinessProbe: |
| # -- failure threshold of readiness probe |
| failureThreshold: 3 |
| # -- interval between checks of the readiness probe |
| periodSeconds: 30 |
| |
| # -- Configure the kube-proxy replacement in Cilium BPF datapath |
| # Valid options are "disabled", "probe", "partial", "strict". |
| # ref: https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/gettingstarted/kubeproxy-free/ |
| #kubeProxyReplacement: "disabled" |
| |
| # -- healthz server bind address for the kube-proxy replacement. |
| # To enable set the value to '' for all ipv4 |
| # addresses and this '[::]:10256' for all ipv6 addresses. |
| # By default it is disabled. |
| kubeProxyReplacementHealthzBindAddr: "" |
| |
| l2NeighDiscovery: |
| # -- Enable L2 neighbour discovery in the agent |
| enabled: true |
| # -- Set period for arping |
| arping-refresh-period: "5m" |
| |
| # -- Enable Layer 7 network policy. |
| l7Proxy: true |
| |
| # -- Enable Local Redirect Policy. |
| localRedirectPolicy: false |
| |
| # To include or exclude matched resources from cilium identity evaluation |
| # labels: "" |
| |
| # logOptions allows you to define logging options. eg: |
| # logOptions: |
| # format: json |
| |
| # -- Enables periodic logging of system load |
| logSystemLoad: false |
| |
| |
| # -- Configure maglev consistent hashing |
| maglev: {} |
| # -- tableSize is the size (parameter M) for the backend table of one |
| # service entry |
| # tableSize: |
| |
| # -- hashSeed is the cluster-wide base64 encoded seed for the hashing |
| # hashSeed: |
| |
| # -- Enables masquerading of IPv4 traffic leaving the node from endpoints. |
| enableIPv4Masquerade: true |
| |
| # -- Enables masquerading of IPv6 traffic leaving the node from endpoints. |
| enableIPv6Masquerade: true |
| |
| # -- Enables egress gateway (beta) to redirect and SNAT the traffic that |
| # leaves the cluster. |
| egressGateway: |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Specify the CIDR for native routing (ie to avoid IP masquerade for). |
| # This value corresponds to the configured cluster-cidr. |
| # nativeRoutingCIDR: |
| |
| monitor: |
| # -- Enable the cilium-monitor sidecar. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Configure service load balancing |
| # loadBalancer: |
| # -- standalone enables the standalone L4LB which does not connect to |
| # kube-apiserver. |
| # standalone: false |
| |
| # -- algorithm is the name of the load balancing algorithm for backend |
| # selection e.g. random or maglev |
| # algorithm: random |
| |
| # -- mode is the operation mode of load balancing for remote backends |
| # e.g. snat, dsr, hybrid |
| # mode: snat |
| |
| # -- acceleration is the option to accelerate service handling via XDP |
| # e.g. native, disabled |
| # acceleration: disabled |
| |
| # -- dsrDispatch configures whether IP option or IPIP encapsulation is |
| # used to pass a service IP and port to remote backend |
| # dsrDispatch: opt |
| |
| # -- Configure N-S k8s service loadbalancing |
| nodePort: |
| # -- Enable the Cilium NodePort service implementation. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Port range to use for NodePort services. |
| # range: "30000,32767" |
| |
| # -- Set to true to prevent applications binding to service ports. |
| bindProtection: true |
| |
| # -- Append NodePort range to ip_local_reserved_ports if clash with ephemeral |
| # ports is detected. |
| autoProtectPortRange: true |
| |
| # -- Enable healthcheck nodePort server for NodePort services |
| enableHealthCheck: true |
| |
| # policyAuditMode: false |
| |
| # -- The agent can be put into one of the three policy enforcement modes: |
| # default, always and never. |
| # ref: https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/policy/intro/#policy-enforcement-modes |
| policyEnforcementMode: "default" |
| |
| pprof: |
| # -- Enable Go pprof debugging |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Configure prometheus metrics on the configured port at /metrics |
| prometheus: |
| enabled: false |
| port: 9090 |
| serviceMonitor: |
| # -- Enable service monitors. |
| # This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_servicemonitors.yaml) |
| # |
| enabled: false |
| # -- Labels to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-agent |
| labels: {} |
| # -- Specify the Kubernetes namespace where Prometheus expects to find |
| # service monitors configured. |
| # namespace: "" |
| # -- Metrics that should be enabled or disabled from the default metric |
| # list. (+metric_foo to enable metric_foo , -metric_bar to disable |
| # metric_bar). |
| # ref: https://docs.cilium.io/en/stable/operations/metrics/#exported-metrics |
| metrics: ~ |
| |
| # -- Configure Istio proxy options. |
| proxy: |
| prometheus: |
| enabled: true |
| port: "9095" |
| # -- Regular expression matching compatible Istio sidecar istio-proxy |
| # container image names |
| sidecarImageRegex: "cilium/istio_proxy" |
| |
| # -- Enable use of the remote node identity. |
| # ref: https://docs.cilium.io/en/v1.7/install/upgrade/#configmap-remote-node-identity |
| remoteNodeIdentity: true |
| |
| # -- Enable resource quotas for priority classes used in the cluster. |
| resourceQuotas: |
| enabled: false |
| cilium: |
| hard: |
| # 5k nodes * 2 DaemonSets (Cilium and cilium node init) |
| pods: "10k" |
| operator: |
| hard: |
| # 15 "clusterwide" Cilium Operator pods for HA |
| pods: "15" |
| |
| # Need to document default |
| ################## |
| #sessionAffinity: false |
| |
| # -- Do not run Cilium agent when running with clean mode. Useful to completely |
| # uninstall Cilium as it will stop Cilium from starting and create artifacts |
| # in the node. |
| sleepAfterInit: false |
| |
| # -- Configure BPF socket operations configuration |
| sockops: |
| # enabled enables installation of socket options acceleration. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # TODO: Add documentation, default value |
| # svcSourceRangeCheck: |
| |
| # synchronizeK8sNodes: true |
| |
| # -- Configure TLS configuration in the agent. |
| tls: |
| enabled: true |
| secretsBackend: local |
| |
| # -- Configure the encapsulation configuration for communication between nodes. |
| # Possible values: |
| # - disabled |
| # - vxlan (default) |
| # - geneve |
| tunnel: "vxlan" |
| |
| wellKnownIdentities: |
| # -- Enable the use of well-known identities. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| |
| etcd: |
| # -- Enable etcd mode for the agent. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- cilium-etcd-operator image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/cilium-etcd-operator |
| tag: v2.0.7 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| # -- cilium-etcd-operator priorityClassName |
| priorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-etcd-operator container arguments. |
| extraArgs: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional InitContainers to initialize the pod. |
| extraInitContainers: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-etcd-operator hostPath mounts. |
| extraHostPathMounts: [] |
| # - name: textfile-dir |
| # mountPath: /srv/txt_collector |
| # hostPath: /var/lib/cilium-etcd-operator |
| # readOnly: true |
| # mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-etcd-operator ConfigMap mounts. |
| extraConfigmapMounts: [] |
| # - name: certs-configmap |
| # mountPath: /certs |
| # configMap: certs-configmap |
| # readOnly: true |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for cilium-etcd-operator scheduling to nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| tolerations: |
| - operator: Exists |
| # - key: "key" |
| # operator: "Equal|Exists" |
| # value: "value" |
| # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" |
| |
| # -- Node labels for cilium-etcd-operator pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- PodDisruptionBudget settings |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ |
| # |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| enabled: true |
| maxUnavailable: 2 |
| |
| # -- cilium-etcd-operator resource limits & requests |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ |
| # |
| resources: {} |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 4000m |
| # memory: 4Gi |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 512Mi |
| |
| # -- Security context to be added to cilium-etcd-operator pods |
| # |
| securityContext: {} |
| # runAsUser: 0 |
| |
| # -- cilium-etcd-operator update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| rollingUpdate: |
| maxSurge: 1 |
| maxUnavailable: 1 |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # -- If etcd is behind a k8s service set this option to true so that Cilium |
| # does the service translation automatically without requiring a DNS to be |
| # running. |
| k8sService: false |
| |
| # -- Cluster domain for cilium-etcd-operator. |
| clusterDomain: cluster.local |
| |
| # -- List of etcd endpoints (not needed when using managed=true). |
| endpoints: |
| - https://CHANGE-ME:2379 |
| |
| # -- Enable use of TLS/SSL for connectivity to etcd. (auto-enabled if |
| # managed=true) |
| ssl: false |
| |
| operator: |
| # -- Enable the cilium-operator component (required). |
| enabled: true |
| |
| # -- Roll out cilium-operator pods automatically when configmap is updated. |
| rollOutPods: false |
| |
| # -- cilium-operator image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/operator |
| tag: v1.10.7 |
| # operator-generic-digest |
| genericDigest: "sha256:d0b491d8d8cb45862ed7f0410f65e7c141832f0f95262643fa5ff1edfcddcafe" |
| # operator-azure-digest |
| azureDigest: "sha256:556d692b2f08822101c159d9d6f731efe6c437d2b80f0ef96813e8745203c852" |
| # operator-aws-digest |
| awsDigest: "sha256:97b378e0e3b6b5ade6ae1706024c7a25fe6fc48e00102b65a6b7ac51d6327f40" |
| # operator-alibabacloud-digest |
| alibabacloudDigest: "sha256:7a6ccc99195ae6a8216d2a1e1e0cc05d49c2d263b194895da264899fe9d0f45a" |
| useDigest: true |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| suffix: "" |
| |
| # -- Number of replicas to run for the cilium-operator deployment |
| replicas: 2 |
| |
| # -- For using with an existing serviceAccount. |
| serviceAccountName: cilium-operator |
| |
| # -- cilium-operator priorityClassName |
| priorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # -- cilium-operator update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| rollingUpdate: |
| maxSurge: 1 |
| maxUnavailable: 1 |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # -- cilium-operator affinity |
| affinity: |
| podAntiAffinity: |
| requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: |
| - labelSelector: |
| matchExpressions: |
| - key: io.cilium/app |
| operator: In |
| values: |
| - operator |
| topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname |
| |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-operator container arguments. |
| extraArgs: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-operator environment variables. |
| extraEnv: {} |
| |
| # -- Additional InitContainers to initialize the pod. |
| extraInitContainers: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-operator hostPath mounts. |
| extraHostPathMounts: [] |
| # - name: host-mnt-data |
| # mountPath: /host/mnt/data |
| # hostPath: /mnt/data |
| # hostPathType: Directory |
| # readOnly: true |
| # mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
| |
| # -- Additional cilium-operator ConfigMap mounts. |
| extraConfigmapMounts: [] |
| # - name: certs-configmap |
| # mountPath: /certs |
| # configMap: certs-configmap |
| # readOnly: true |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for cilium-operator scheduling to nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| tolerations: |
| - operator: Exists |
| # - key: "key" |
| # operator: "Equal|Exists" |
| # value: "value" |
| # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" |
| |
| # -- Node labels for cilium-operator pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| # |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to cilium-operator pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to cilium-operator pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- PodDisruptionBudget settings |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ |
| # |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| enabled: false |
| maxUnavailable: 1 |
| |
| # -- cilium-operator resource limits & requests |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ |
| # |
| resources: {} |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 1000m |
| # memory: 1Gi |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 128Mi |
| |
| # -- Security context to be added to cilium-operator pods |
| # |
| securityContext: {} |
| # runAsUser: 0 |
| |
| # -- Interval for endpoint garbage collection. |
| endpointGCInterval: "5m0s" |
| |
| # -- Interval for identity garbage collection. |
| identityGCInterval: "15m0s" |
| |
| # -- Timeout for identity heartbeats. |
| identityHeartbeatTimeout: "30m0s" |
| |
| # -- Enable prometheus metrics for cilium-operator on the configured port at |
| # /metrics |
| prometheus: |
| enabled: false |
| port: 6942 |
| serviceMonitor: |
| # -- Enable service monitors. |
| # This requires the prometheus CRDs to be available (see https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/example/prometheus-operator-crd/monitoring.coreos.com_servicemonitors.yaml) |
| ## |
| enabled: false |
| # -- Labels to add to ServiceMonitor cilium-operator |
| labels: {} |
| |
| # -- Skip CRDs creation for cilium-operator |
| skipCRDCreation: false |
| |
| |
| nodeinit: |
| # -- Enable the node initialization DaemonSet |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- node-init image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/startup-script |
| tag: 62bfbe88c17778aad7bef9fa57ff9e2d4a9ba0d8 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| # -- The priority class to use for the nodeinit pod. |
| priorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # -- node-init update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # -- Additional nodeinit environment variables. |
| extraEnv: {} |
| |
| # -- Additional nodeinit init containers. |
| extraInitContainers: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional nodeinit host path mounts. |
| extraHostPathMounts: [] |
| # - name: textfile-dir |
| # mountPath: /srv/txt_collector |
| # hostPath: /var/lib/nodeinit |
| # readOnly: true |
| # mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
| |
| # -- Additional nodeinit ConfigMap mounts. |
| extraConfigmapMounts: [] |
| # - name: certs-configmap |
| # mountPath: /certs |
| # configMap: certs-configmap |
| # readOnly: true |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for nodeinit scheduling to nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| # |
| tolerations: |
| - operator: Exists |
| # - key: "key" |
| # operator: "Equal|Exists" |
| # value: "value" |
| # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" |
| |
| # -- Node labels for nodeinit pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| # |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to node-init pods. |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to node-init pods. |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- PodDisruptionBudget settings |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ |
| # |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| enabled: true |
| maxUnavailable: 2 |
| |
| # -- nodeinit resource limits & requests |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ |
| # |
| resources: |
| requests: |
| cpu: 100m |
| memory: 100Mi |
| |
| # -- Security context to be added to nodeinit pods. |
| # |
| securityContext: {} |
| # runAsUser: 0 |
| |
| # -- bootstrapFile is the location of the file where the bootstrap timestamp is |
| # written by the node-init DaemonSet |
| bootstrapFile: "/tmp/cilium-bootstrap-time" |
| |
| preflight: |
| # -- Enable Cilium pre-flight resources (required for upgrade) |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Cilium pre-flight image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/cilium |
| tag: v1.10.7 |
| # cilium-digest |
| digest: "sha256:e23f55e80e1988db083397987a89967aa204ad6fc32da243b9160fbcea29b0ca" |
| useDigest: true |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| # -- The priority class to use for the preflight pod. |
| priorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # -- preflight update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # -- Additional preflight environment variables. |
| extraEnv: {} |
| |
| # -- Additional preflight init containers. |
| extraInitContainers: [] |
| |
| # -- Additional preflight host path mounts. |
| extraHostPathMounts: [] |
| # - name: textfile-dir |
| # mountPath: /srv/txt_collector |
| # hostPath: /var/lib/preflight |
| # readOnly: true |
| # mountPropagation: HostToContainer |
| |
| # -- Additional preflight ConfigMap mounts. |
| extraConfigmapMounts: [] |
| # - name: certs-configmap |
| # mountPath: /certs |
| # configMap: certs-configmap |
| # readOnly: true |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for preflight scheduling to nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| # |
| tolerations: |
| - effect: NoSchedule |
| key: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready |
| - effect: NoSchedule |
| key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master |
| - effect: NoSchedule |
| key: node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized |
| value: "true" |
| - key: CriticalAddonsOnly |
| operator: "Exists" |
| # - key: "key" |
| # operator: "Equal|Exists" |
| # value: "value" |
| # effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)" |
| |
| # -- Node labels for preflight pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| # |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to preflight pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to the preflight pod. |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- PodDisruptionBudget settings |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/disruptions/ |
| # |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| enabled: true |
| maxUnavailable: 2 |
| |
| # -- preflight resource limits & requests |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/compute-resources/ |
| # |
| resources: {} |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 4000m |
| # memory: 4Gi |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 512Mi |
| |
| # -- Security context to be added to preflight pods |
| # |
| securityContext: {} |
| # runAsUser: 0 |
| |
| # -- Path to write the `--tofqdns-pre-cache` file to. |
| tofqdnsPreCache: "" |
| # -- By default we should always validate the installed CNPs before upgrading |
| # Cilium. This will make sure the user will have the policies deployed in the |
| # cluster with the right schema. |
| validateCNPs: true |
| |
| # -- Explicitly enable or disable priority class. |
| # .Capabilities.KubeVersion is unsettable in `helm template` calls, |
| # it depends on k8s libraries version that Helm was compiled against. |
| # This option allows to explicitly disable setting the priority class, which |
| # is useful for rendering charts for gke clusters in advance. |
| enableCriticalPriorityClass: true |
| |
| # disableEnvoyVersionCheck removes the check for Envoy, which can be useful |
| # on AArch64 as the images do not currently ship a version of Envoy. |
| #disableEnvoyVersionCheck: false |
| |
| clustermesh: |
| # -- Deploy clustermesh-apiserver for clustermesh |
| useAPIServer: false |
| |
| apiserver: |
| # -- Clustermesh API server image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/cilium/clustermesh-apiserver |
| tag: v1.10.7 |
| # clustermesh-apiserver-digest |
| digest: "sha256:9afb0a15afffdf84812c8174df9de86e35239fb87a6ffd9539877a9e643d8132" |
| useDigest: true |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| etcd: |
| # -- Clustermesh API server etcd image. |
| image: |
| repository: quay.io/coreos/etcd |
| tag: v3.4.13 |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| |
| service: |
| # -- The type of service used for apiserver access. |
| type: NodePort |
| # -- Optional port to use as the node port for apiserver access. |
| nodePort: 32379 |
| # -- Optional loadBalancer IP address to use with type LoadBalancer. |
| # loadBalancerIP: |
| |
| # -- Annotations for the clustermesh-apiserver |
| # For GKE LoadBalancer, use annotation cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: "Internal" |
| # For EKS LoadBalancer, use annotation service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-internal: |
| annotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Number of replicas run for the clustermesh-apiserver deployment. |
| replicas: 1 |
| |
| # -- Node labels for pod assignment |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/ |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # -- Annotations to be added to clustermesh-apiserver pods |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # -- Labels to be added to clustermesh-apiserver pods |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # -- Resource requests and limits for the clustermesh-apiserver container of the clustermesh-apiserver deployment, such as |
| # resources: |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 1000m |
| # memory: 1024M |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 64Mi |
| resources: {} |
| |
| # -- Node tolerations for pod assignment on nodes with taints |
| # ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/ |
| tolerations: [] |
| |
| # -- clustermesh-apiserver update strategy |
| updateStrategy: |
| rollingUpdate: |
| maxUnavailable: 1 |
| type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| tls: |
| # -- Configure automatic TLS certificates generation. |
| # A Kubernetes CronJob is used the generate any |
| # certificates not provided by the user at installation |
| # time. |
| auto: |
| # -- When set to true, automatically generate a CA and certificates to |
| # enable mTLS between clustermesh-apiserver and external workload instances. |
| # If set to false, the certs to be provided by setting appropriate values below. |
| enabled: true |
| # Sets the method to auto-generate certificates. Supported values: |
| # - helm: This method uses Helm to generate all certificates. |
| # - cronJob: This method uses a Kubernetes CronJob the generate any |
| # certificates not provided by the user at installation |
| # time. |
| method: helm |
| # -- Generated certificates validity duration in days. |
| certValidityDuration: 1095 |
| # -- Schedule for certificates regeneration (regardless of their expiration date). |
| # Only used if method is "cronJob". If nil, then no recurring job will be created. |
| # Instead, only the one-shot job is deployed to generate the certificates at |
| # installation time. |
| # |
| # Due to the out-of-band distribution of client certs to external workloads the |
| # CA is (re)regenerated only if it is not provided as a helm value and the k8s |
| # secret is manually deleted. |
| # |
| # Defaults to none. Commented syntax gives midnight of the first day of every |
| # fourth month. For syntax, see |
| # https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/job/automated-tasks-with-cron-jobs/#schedule |
| # schedule: "0 0 1 */4 *" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the ExternalWorkload CA certificate and private key. |
| ca: |
| # -- Optional CA cert. If it is provided, it will be used by the 'cronJob' method to |
| # generate all other certificates. Otherwise, an ephemeral CA is generated. |
| cert: "" |
| # -- Optional CA private key. If it is provided, it will be used by the 'cronJob' method to |
| # generate all other certificates. Otherwise, an ephemeral CA is generated. |
| key: "" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver server certificate and private key. |
| # Used if 'auto' is not enabled. |
| server: |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver admin certificate and private key. |
| # Used if 'auto' is not enabled. |
| admin: |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver client certificate and private key. |
| # Used if 'auto' is not enabled. |
| client: |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| # -- base64 encoded PEM values for the clustermesh-apiserver remote cluster certificate and private key. |
| # Used if 'auto' is not enabled. |
| remote: |
| cert: "" |
| key: "" |
| |
| # -- Configure external workloads support |
| externalWorkloads: |
| # -- Enable support for external workloads, such as VMs (false by default). |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # -- Configure cgroup related configuration |
| cgroup: |
| autoMount: |
| # -- Enable auto mount of cgroup2 filesystem. |
| # When `autoMount` is enabled, cgroup2 filesystem is mounted at |
| # `cgroup.hostRoot` path on the underlying host and inside the cilium agent pod. |
| # If users disable `autoMount`, it's expected that users have mounted |
| # cgroup2 filesystem at the specified `cgroup.hostRoot` volume, and then the |
| # volume will be mounted inside the cilium agent pod at the same path. |
| enabled: true |
| # -- Configure cgroup root where cgroup2 filesystem is mounted on the host (see also: `cgroup.autoMount`) |
| hostRoot: /run/cilium/cgroupv2 |