blob: bea4a1c921a179b86acaeab44c540a66e491e708 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 VEXXHOST, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
- name: Collect "ceph mon dump" output from a monitor
delegate_to: "{{ groups[ceph_csi_rbd_mons_group][0] }}"
run_once: true
ansible.builtin.command: cephadm shell -- ceph mon dump -f json
changed_when: false
register: _ceph_mon_dump
- name: Generate fact with list of Ceph monitors
run_once: true
ceph_csi_rbd_ceph_fsid: "{{ _ceph_mon_dump.stdout | from_json | community.general.json_query('fsid') }}"
ceph_monitors: "{{ _ceph_mon_dump.stdout | from_json | community.general.json_query('mons[*].addr') | map('regex_replace', '(.*):(.*)', '\\1') }}"
- name: Create Ceph pool
delegate_to: "{{ groups[ceph_csi_rbd_mons_group][0] }}"
run_once: true
name: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_pool }}"
rule_name: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_rule_name | default(omit) }}"
application: rbd
pg_autoscale_mode: "on"
- name: Create user {{ ceph_csi_rbd_user }}
delegate_to: "{{ groups[ceph_csi_rbd_mons_group][0] }}"
run_once: true
name: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_user }}"
mon: profile rbd
mgr: profile rbd pool={{ ceph_csi_rbd_pool }}
osd: profile rbd pool={{ ceph_csi_rbd_pool }}
- name: Retrieve keyring for {{ ceph_csi_rbd_user }}
delegate_to: "{{ groups[ceph_csi_rbd_mons_group][0] }}"
run_once: true
name: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_user }}"
state: info
output_format: json
register: _ceph_key
- name: Store keyring inside fact
run_once: true
_ceph_rbd_csi_ceph_keyring: "{{ _ceph_key.stdout | from_json | first }}"
- name: Deploy Helm chart
run_once: true
name: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_helm_release_name }}"
chart_ref: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_helm_chart_ref }}"
release_namespace: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_helm_release_namespace }}"
create_namespace: true
kubeconfig: "{{ ceph_csi_rbd_helm_kubeconfig }}"
values: "{{ _ceph_csi_rbd_helm_values | combine(ceph_csi_rbd_helm_values, recursive=True) }}"