| # Copyright (c) 2022 VEXXHOST, Inc. |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may |
| # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain |
| # a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT |
| # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the |
| # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| |
| - import_playbook: vexxhost.atmosphere.generate_workspace |
| vars: |
| workspace_path: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_SCENARIO_DIRECTORY') }}" |
| domain_name: "{{ '{{' }} hostvars['ctl1']['ansible_host'].replace('.', '-') {{ '}}' }}.nip.io" |
| |
| - hosts: localhost |
| connection: local |
| gather_facts: false |
| no_log: "{{ molecule_no_log }}" |
| vars: |
| ssh_port: 22 |
| identity_file: "{{ lookup('env', 'MOLECULE_EPHEMERAL_DIRECTORY') }}/id_rsa" |
| |
| stack_name: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_STACK_NAME') | default('atmosphere', True) }}" |
| public_network: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_PUBLIC_NETWORK') | default('public', True) }}" |
| image: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_IMAGE') | default('Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (x86_64) [2021-10-04]', True) }}" |
| instance_type: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_INSTANCE_TYPE') | default('v3-standard-4', True) }}" |
| nameservers: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_NAMESERVERS') | default('', True) }}" |
| boot_from_volume: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_BOOT_FROM_VOLUME') | bool }}" |
| tasks: |
| - name: create stack |
| openstack.cloud.stack: |
| name: "{{ stack_name }}" |
| template: heat/stack.yaml |
| parameters: |
| public_network: "{{ public_network }}" |
| image: "{{ image }}" |
| instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}" |
| nameservers: "{{ nameservers }}" |
| boot_from_volume: "{{ boot_from_volume }}" |
| register: _os_stack |
| - debug: |
| msg: "{{ _os_stack.stack }}" |
| |
| - name: grab list of all ip addresses |
| ansible.builtin.set_fact: |
| key_pair: "{{ _os_stack.stack.outputs | json_query(key_query) | first }}" |
| controller_ips: "{{ _os_stack.stack.outputs | community.general.json_query(controller_query) | first }}" |
| storage_ips: "{{ _os_stack.stack.outputs | community.general.json_query(storage_query) | first }}" |
| compute_ips: "{{ _os_stack.stack.outputs | community.general.json_query(compute_query) | first }}" |
| vars: |
| key_query: "[?output_key=='key_pair'].output_value" |
| controller_query: "[?output_key=='controller_floating_ip_addresses'].output_value" |
| storage_query: "[?output_key=='storage_floating_ip_addresses'].output_value" |
| compute_query: "[?output_key=='compute_floating_ip_addresses'].output_value" |
| |
| - name: wait for systems to go up |
| ansible.builtin.wait_for: |
| port: "22" |
| host: "{{ item }}" |
| search_regex: SSH |
| timeout: 60 |
| retries: 5 |
| delay: 10 |
| loop: "{{ controller_ips + storage_ips + compute_ips }}" |
| |
| - name: generate private key file |
| ansible.builtin.copy: |
| dest: "{{ identity_file }}" |
| content: "{{ key_pair }}" |
| mode: 0600 |
| |
| - name: generate instance config file |
| copy: |
| content: "{{ instance_config | to_yaml }}" |
| dest: "{{ molecule_instance_config }}" |
| vars: |
| base_instance_config: &instance_config |
| user: "{{ lookup('env', 'ATMOSPHERE_USERNAME') | default('ubuntu', True) }}" |
| port: "{{ ssh_port }}" |
| identity_file: "{{ identity_file }}" |
| instance_config: |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "ctl1" |
| address: "{{ controller_ips[0] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "ctl2" |
| address: "{{ controller_ips[1] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "ctl3" |
| address: "{{ controller_ips[2] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "nvme1" |
| address: "{{ storage_ips[0] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "nvme2" |
| address: "{{ storage_ips[1] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "nvme3" |
| address: "{{ storage_ips[2] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "kvm1" |
| address: "{{ compute_ips[0] }}" |
| - <<: *instance_config |
| instance: "kvm2" |
| address: "{{ compute_ips[1] }}" |