| - name: Configure Helm repository |
| kubernetes.core.helm_repository: |
| name: "{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_repository_name }}" |
| repo_url: "{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_repository_url }}" |
| # NOTE(mnaser): We should get rid of this task eventually as it is suspending |
| # the old HelmRelease and removing it to avoid uninstalling the |
| - name: Uninstall the legacy HelmRelease |
| - name: Suspend the existing HelmRelease |
| api_version: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 |
| - name: Remove the existing HelmRelease |
| api_version: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1 |
| - name: Deploy Helm chart |
| name: "{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_release_name }}" |
| chart_ref: "{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_repository_name }}/{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_chart_name }}" |
| chart_version: "{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_chart_version }}" |
| release_namespace: "{{ percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_release_namespace }}" |
| kubeconfig: /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf |
| values: "{{ _percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_values | combine(percona_xtradb_cluster_operator_helm_values, recursive=True) }}" |