blob: 699f39dd09e82edf6da235c225129db2add4b1d2 [file] [log] [blame]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Check if the correct number of arguments are provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <issue_number>"
exit 1
# Variables
LOCAL_REPO_PATH=$(mktemp -d -t repo-XXXXXXXXXX)
# Function to clean up the local repository path
cleanup() {
echo "Cleaning up..."
trap cleanup EXIT
# Clone the repo into a dynamically generated path
git clone "$REPO.git" "$LOCAL_REPO_PATH"
cd "$LOCAL_REPO_PATH" || exit
# Fetch the latest changes
git fetch origin
# Get the issue details
ISSUE_DETAILS=$(gh issue view $ISSUE_NUMBER --json title,body --jq '{title: .title, body: .body}')
ISSUE_TITLE=$(echo "$ISSUE_DETAILS" | jq -r .title)
ISSUE_BODY=$(echo "$ISSUE_DETAILS" | jq -r .body)
# Extract the target branch from the issue title
TARGET_BRANCH=$(echo "$ISSUE_TITLE" | grep -oP '(?<=\[).+?(?=\])')
if [ -z "$TARGET_BRANCH" ]; then
echo "Failed to extract the target branch from the issue title."
exit 1
# Extract the PR number from the issue body
PR_NUMBER=$(echo "$ISSUE_BODY" | grep -oP '(?<=#)\d+')
if [ -z "$PR_NUMBER" ]; then
echo "Failed to extract the PR number from the issue body."
exit 1
echo "Extracted PR number: $PR_NUMBER"
echo "Extracted target branch: $TARGET_BRANCH"
# Get the merged commit ID
MERGED_COMMIT_ID=$(gh pr view $PR_NUMBER --json mergeCommit --jq .mergeCommit.oid)
# Check if the commit ID was retrieved
if [ -z "$MERGED_COMMIT_ID" ]; then
echo "Failed to get the merged commit ID."
exit 1
# Checkout the target branch
git checkout $TARGET_BRANCH
git pull origin $TARGET_BRANCH
# Cherry-pick the merged commit
if ! git cherry-pick $MERGED_COMMIT_ID; then
echo "Error during cherry-pick"
exit 1
# Create a new branch
git checkout -b $NEW_BRANCH_NAME
git push origin $NEW_BRANCH_NAME
# Get the original PR title and body
PR_TITLE=$(gh pr view $PR_NUMBER --json title --jq .title)
PR_BODY=$(gh pr view $PR_NUMBER --json body --jq .body)
# Create a new PR with the same title, prefixed with the target branch name
gh pr create --title "$NEW_PR_TITLE" --body "$NEW_PR_BODY" --head "$NEW_BRANCH_NAME" --base "$TARGET_BRANCH"
echo "New pull request created."