| {{/* |
| Enforce valid label value. |
| See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#syntax-and-character-set |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.validLabelValue" -}} |
| {{- (regexReplaceAllLiteral "[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]" . "-") | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" | trimSuffix "_" | trimSuffix "." }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Expand the name of the chart. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.name" -}} |
| {{- $default := ternary "enterprise-logs" "loki" .Values.enterprise.enabled }} |
| {{- coalesce .Values.nameOverride $default | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| singleBinary fullname |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.singleBinaryFullname" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.fullnameOverride -}} |
| {{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- $name := default .Chart.Name .Values.nameOverride -}} |
| {{- if contains $name .Release.Name -}} |
| {{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Resource name template |
| Params: |
| ctx = . context |
| component = component name (optional) |
| rolloutZoneName = rollout zone name (optional) |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.resourceName" -}} |
| {{- $resourceName := include "loki.fullname" .ctx -}} |
| {{- if .component -}}{{- $resourceName = printf "%s-%s" $resourceName .component -}}{{- end -}} |
| {{- if and (not .component) .rolloutZoneName -}}{{- printf "Component name cannot be empty if rolloutZoneName (%s) is set" .rolloutZoneName | fail -}}{{- end -}} |
| {{- if .rolloutZoneName -}}{{- $resourceName = printf "%s-%s" $resourceName .rolloutZoneName -}}{{- end -}} |
| {{- if gt (len $resourceName) 253 -}}{{- printf "Resource name (%s) exceeds kubernetes limit of 253 character. To fix: shorten release name if this will be a fresh install or shorten zone names (e.g. \"a\" instead of \"zone-a\") if using zone-awareness." $resourceName | fail -}}{{- end -}} |
| {{- $resourceName -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Return if deployment mode is simple scalable |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.deployment.isScalable" -}} |
| {{- and (eq (include "loki.isUsingObjectStorage" . ) "true") (eq (int .Values.singleBinary.replicas) 0) }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Return if deployment mode is single binary |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" -}} |
| {{- $nonZeroReplicas := gt (int .Values.singleBinary.replicas) 0 }} |
| {{- or (eq (include "loki.isUsingObjectStorage" . ) "false") ($nonZeroReplicas) }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Create a default fully qualified app name. |
| We truncate at 63 chars because some Kubernetes name fields are limited to this (by the DNS naming spec). |
| If release name contains chart name it will be used as a full name. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.fullname" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.fullnameOverride }} |
| {{- .Values.fullnameOverride | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} |
| {{- else }} |
| {{- $name := include "loki.name" . }} |
| {{- if contains $name .Release.Name }} |
| {{- .Release.Name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} |
| {{- else }} |
| {{- printf "%s-%s" .Release.Name $name | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* Create a default storage config that uses filesystem storage |
| This is required for CI, but Loki will not be queryable with this default |
| applied, thus it is encouraged that users override this. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.storageConfig" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.loki.storageConfig -}} |
| {{- .Values.loki.storageConfig | toYaml | nindent 4 -}} |
| {{- else }} |
| {{- .Values.loki.defaultStorageConfig | toYaml | nindent 4 }} |
| {{- end}} |
| {{- end}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Create chart name and version as used by the chart label. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.chart" -}} |
| {{- printf "%s-%s" .Chart.Name .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Common labels |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.labels" -}} |
| helm.sh/chart: {{ include "loki.chart" . }} |
| {{ include "loki.selectorLabels" . }} |
| {{- if or (.Chart.AppVersion) (.Values.loki.image.tag) }} |
| app.kubernetes.io/version: {{ include "loki.validLabelValue" (.Values.loki.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion) | quote }} |
| {{- end }} |
| app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: {{ .Release.Service }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Selector labels |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.selectorLabels" -}} |
| app.kubernetes.io/name: {{ include "loki.name" . }} |
| app.kubernetes.io/instance: {{ .Release.Name }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Create the name of the service account to use |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.serviceAccountName" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.serviceAccount.create -}} |
| {{ default (include "loki.name" .) .Values.serviceAccount.name }} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{ default "default" .Values.serviceAccount.name }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Base template for building docker image reference |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.baseImage" }} |
| {{- $registry := .global.registry | default .service.registry | default "" -}} |
| {{- $repository := .service.repository | default "" -}} |
| {{- $tag := .service.tag | default .defaultVersion | toString -}} |
| {{- if and $registry $repository -}} |
| {{- printf "%s/%s:%s" $registry $repository $tag -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- printf "%s%s:%s" $registry $repository $tag -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Docker image name for Loki |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.lokiImage" -}} |
| {{- $dict := dict "service" .Values.loki.image "global" .Values.global.image "defaultVersion" .Chart.AppVersion -}} |
| {{- include "loki.baseImage" $dict -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Docker image name for enterprise logs |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.enterpriseImage" -}} |
| {{- $dict := dict "service" .Values.enterprise.image "global" .Values.global.image "defaultVersion" .Values.enterprise.version -}} |
| {{- include "loki.baseImage" $dict -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Docker image name |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.image" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.enterprise.enabled -}}{{- include "loki.enterpriseImage" . -}}{{- else -}}{{- include "loki.lokiImage" . -}}{{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Docker image name for kubectl container |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.kubectlImage" -}} |
| {{- $dict := dict "service" .Values.kubectlImage "global" .Values.global.image "defaultVersion" "latest" -}} |
| {{- include "loki.baseImage" $dict -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Generated storage config for loki common config |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.commonStorageConfig" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.minio.enabled -}} |
| s3: |
| endpoint: {{ include "loki.minio" $ }} |
| bucketnames: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.chunks }} |
| secret_access_key: {{ $.Values.minio.rootPassword }} |
| access_key_id: {{ $.Values.minio.rootUser }} |
| s3forcepathstyle: true |
| insecure: true |
| {{- else if eq .Values.loki.storage.type "s3" -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.s3 }} |
| s3: |
| {{- with .s3 }} |
| s3: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .endpoint }} |
| endpoint: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .region }} |
| region: {{ . }} |
| {{- end}} |
| bucketnames: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.chunks }} |
| {{- with .secretAccessKey }} |
| secret_access_key: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .accessKeyId }} |
| access_key_id: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| s3forcepathstyle: {{ .s3ForcePathStyle }} |
| insecure: {{ .insecure }} |
| {{- with .http_config}} |
| http_config: |
| {{- with .idle_conn_timeout }} |
| idle_conn_timeout: {{ . }} |
| {{- end}} |
| {{- with .response_header_timeout }} |
| response_header_timeout: {{ . }} |
| {{- end}} |
| {{- with .insecure_skip_verify }} |
| insecure_skip_verify: {{ . }} |
| {{- end}} |
| {{- with .ca_file}} |
| ca_file: {{ . }} |
| {{- end}} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else if eq .Values.loki.storage.type "gcs" -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.gcs }} |
| gcs: |
| bucket_name: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.chunks }} |
| chunk_buffer_size: {{ .chunkBufferSize }} |
| request_timeout: {{ .requestTimeout }} |
| enable_http2: {{ .enableHttp2 }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else if eq .Values.loki.storage.type "azure" -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.azure }} |
| azure: |
| account_name: {{ .accountName }} |
| {{- with .accountKey }} |
| account_key: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| container_name: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.chunks }} |
| use_managed_identity: {{ .useManagedIdentity }} |
| {{- with .userAssignedId }} |
| user_assigned_id: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .requestTimeout }} |
| request_timeout: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.filesystem }} |
| filesystem: |
| chunks_directory: {{ .chunks_directory }} |
| rules_directory: {{ .rules_directory }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Storage config for ruler |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.rulerStorageConfig" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.minio.enabled -}} |
| type: "s3" |
| s3: |
| bucketnames: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.ruler }} |
| {{- else if eq .Values.loki.storage.type "s3" -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.s3 }} |
| type: "s3" |
| s3: |
| {{- with .s3 }} |
| s3: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .endpoint }} |
| endpoint: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .region }} |
| region: {{ . }} |
| {{- end}} |
| bucketnames: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.ruler }} |
| {{- with .secretAccessKey }} |
| secret_access_key: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .accessKeyId }} |
| access_key_id: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| s3forcepathstyle: {{ .s3ForcePathStyle }} |
| insecure: {{ .insecure }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else if eq .Values.loki.storage.type "gcs" -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.gcs }} |
| type: "gcs" |
| gcs: |
| bucket_name: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.ruler }} |
| chunk_buffer_size: {{ .chunkBufferSize }} |
| request_timeout: {{ .requestTimeout }} |
| enable_http2: {{ .enableHttp2 }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else if eq .Values.loki.storage.type "azure" -}} |
| {{- with .Values.loki.storage.azure }} |
| type: "azure" |
| azure: |
| account_name: {{ .accountName }} |
| {{- with .accountKey }} |
| account_key: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| container_name: {{ $.Values.loki.storage.bucketNames.ruler }} |
| use_managed_identity: {{ .useManagedIdentity }} |
| {{- with .userAssignedId }} |
| user_assigned_id: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .requestTimeout }} |
| request_timeout: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- else }} |
| type: "local" |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Loki ruler config */}} |
| {{- define "loki.rulerConfig" }} |
| ruler: |
| storage: |
| {{- include "loki.rulerStorageConfig" . | nindent 4}} |
| {{- if (not (empty .Values.loki.rulerConfig)) }} |
| {{- toYaml .Values.loki.rulerConfig | nindent 2}} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Memcached Docker image |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.memcachedImage" -}} |
| {{- $dict := dict "service" .Values.memcached.image "global" .Values.global.image -}} |
| {{- include "loki.image" $dict -}} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Memcached Exporter Docker image |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.memcachedExporterImage" -}} |
| {{- $dict := dict "service" .Values.memcachedExporter.image "global" .Values.global.image -}} |
| {{- include "loki.image" $dict -}} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Return the appropriate apiVersion for ingress. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.apiVersion" -}} |
| {{- if and (.Capabilities.APIVersions.Has "networking.k8s.io/v1") (semverCompare ">= 1.19-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version) -}} |
| {{- print "networking.k8s.io/v1" -}} |
| {{- else if .Capabilities.APIVersions.Has "networking.k8s.io/v1beta1" -}} |
| {{- print "networking.k8s.io/v1beta1" -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- print "extensions/v1beta1" -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Return if ingress is stable. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.isStable" -}} |
| {{- eq (include "loki.ingress.apiVersion" .) "networking.k8s.io/v1" -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Return if ingress supports ingressClassName. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.supportsIngressClassName" -}} |
| {{- or (eq (include "loki.ingress.isStable" .) "true") (and (eq (include "loki.ingress.apiVersion" .) "networking.k8s.io/v1beta1") (semverCompare ">= 1.18-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version)) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Return if ingress supports pathType. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.supportsPathType" -}} |
| {{- or (eq (include "loki.ingress.isStable" .) "true") (and (eq (include "loki.ingress.apiVersion" .) "networking.k8s.io/v1beta1") (semverCompare ">= 1.18-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version)) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Generate list of ingress service paths based on deployment type |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.servicePaths" -}} |
| {{- if (eq (include "loki.deployment.isScalable" .) "true") -}} |
| {{- include "loki.ingress.scalableServicePaths" . }} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- include "loki.ingress.singleBinaryServicePaths" . }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Ingress service paths for scalable deployment |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.scalableServicePaths" -}} |
| {{- include "loki.ingress.servicePath" (dict "ctx" . "svcName" "read" "paths" .Values.ingress.paths.read )}} |
| {{- include "loki.ingress.servicePath" (dict "ctx" . "svcName" "write" "paths" .Values.ingress.paths.write )}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Ingress service paths for single binary deployment |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.singleBinaryServicePaths" -}} |
| {{- include "loki.ingress.servicePath" (dict "ctx" . "svcName" "singleBinary" "paths" .Values.ingress.paths.singleBinary )}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Ingress service path helper function |
| Params: |
| ctx = . context |
| svcName = service name without the "loki.fullname" part (ie. read, write) |
| paths = list of url paths to allow ingress for |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.servicePath" -}} |
| {{- $ingressApiIsStable := eq (include "loki.ingress.isStable" .ctx) "true" -}} |
| {{- $ingressSupportsPathType := eq (include "loki.ingress.supportsPathType" .ctx) "true" -}} |
| {{- range .paths }} |
| - path: {{ . }} |
| {{- if $ingressSupportsPathType }} |
| pathType: Prefix |
| {{- end }} |
| backend: |
| {{- if $ingressApiIsStable }} |
| {{- $serviceName := include "loki.ingress.serviceName" (dict "ctx" $.ctx "svcName" $.svcName) }} |
| service: |
| name: {{ $serviceName }} |
| port: |
| number: 3100 |
| {{- else }} |
| serviceName: {{ $serviceName }} |
| servicePort: 3100 |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Ingress service name helper function |
| Params: |
| ctx = . context |
| svcName = service name without the "loki.fullname" part (ie. read, write) |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.ingress.serviceName" -}} |
| {{- if (eq .svcName "singleBinary") }} |
| {{- printf "%s" (include "loki.fullname" .ctx) }} |
| {{- else }} |
| {{- printf "%s-%s" (include "loki.fullname" .ctx) .svcName }} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| Create the service endpoint including port for MinIO. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "loki.minio" -}} |
| {{- if .Values.minio.enabled -}} |
| {{- printf "%s-%s.%s.svc:%s" .Release.Name "minio" .Release.Namespace (.Values.minio.service.port | toString) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Return the appropriate apiVersion for PodDisruptionBudget. */}} |
| {{- define "loki.podDisruptionBudget.apiVersion" -}} |
| {{- if and (.Capabilities.APIVersions.Has "policy/v1") (semverCompare ">= 1.21-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version) -}} |
| {{- print "policy/v1" -}} |
| {{- else -}} |
| {{- print "policy/v1beta1" -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Determine if deployment is using object storage */}} |
| {{- define "loki.isUsingObjectStorage" -}} |
| {{- or (eq .Values.loki.storage.type "gcs") (eq .Values.loki.storage.type "s3") (eq .Values.loki.storage.type "azure") -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Configure the correct name for the memberlist service */}} |
| {{- define "loki.memberlist" -}} |
| {{ include "loki.name" . }}-memberlist |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Determine the public host for the Loki cluster */}} |
| {{- define "loki.host" -}} |
| {{- $isSingleBinary := eq (include "loki.deployment.isSingleBinary" .) "true" -}} |
| {{- $url := printf "%s.%s.svc.%s." (include "loki.gatewayFullname" .) .Release.Namespace .Values.global.clusterDomain }} |
| {{- if and $isSingleBinary (not .Values.gateway.enabled) }} |
| {{- $url = printf "%s.%s.svc.%s.:3100" (include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" .) .Release.Namespace .Values.global.clusterDomain }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- printf "%s" $url -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Determine the public endpoint for the Loki cluster */}} |
| {{- define "loki.address" -}} |
| {{- printf "http://%s" (include "loki.host" . ) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Name of the cluster */}} |
| {{- define "loki.clusterName" -}} |
| {{- $name := .Values.enterprise.cluster_name | default .Release.Name }} |
| {{- printf "%s" $name -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Name of kubernetes secret to persist GEL admin token to */}} |
| {{- define "enterprise-logs.adminTokenSecret" }} |
| {{- .Values.enterprise.adminToken.secret | default (printf "%s-admin-token" (include "loki.name" . )) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Prefix for provisioned secrets created for each provisioned tenant */}} |
| {{- define "enterprise-logs.provisionedSecretPrefix" }} |
| {{- .Values.enterprise.provisioner.provisionedSecretPrefix | default (printf "%s-provisioned" (include "loki.name" . )) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Name of kubernetes secret to persist canary credentials in */}} |
| {{- define "enterprise-logs.selfMonitoringTenantSecret" }} |
| {{- .Values.enterprise.canarySecret | default (printf "%s-%s" (include "enterprise-logs.provisionedSecretPrefix" . ) .Values.monitoring.selfMonitoring.tenant.name) -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Snippet for the nginx file used by gateway */}} |
| {{- define "loki.nginxFile" }} |
| worker_processes 5; ## Default: 1 |
| error_log /dev/stderr; |
| pid /tmp/nginx.pid; |
| worker_rlimit_nofile 8192; |
| |
| events { |
| worker_connections 4096; ## Default: 1024 |
| } |
| |
| http { |
| client_body_temp_path /tmp/client_temp; |
| proxy_temp_path /tmp/proxy_temp_path; |
| fastcgi_temp_path /tmp/fastcgi_temp; |
| uwsgi_temp_path /tmp/uwsgi_temp; |
| scgi_temp_path /tmp/scgi_temp; |
| |
| client_max_body_size 4M; |
| |
| proxy_read_timeout 600; ## 6 minutes |
| proxy_send_timeout 600; |
| proxy_connect_timeout 600; |
| |
| proxy_http_version 1.1; |
| |
| default_type application/octet-stream; |
| log_format {{ .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.logFormat }} |
| |
| {{- if .Values.gateway.verboseLogging }} |
| access_log /dev/stderr main; |
| {{- else }} |
| |
| map $status $loggable { |
| ~^[23] 0; |
| default 1; |
| } |
| access_log /dev/stderr main if=$loggable; |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| sendfile on; |
| tcp_nopush on; |
| resolver {{ .Values.global.dnsService }}.{{ .Values.global.dnsNamespace }}.svc.{{ .Values.global.clusterDomain }}.; |
| |
| {{- with .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.httpSnippet }} |
| {{ . | nindent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| server { |
| listen 8080; |
| |
| {{- if .Values.gateway.basicAuth.enabled }} |
| auth_basic "Loki"; |
| auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/secrets/.htpasswd; |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| location = / { |
| return 200 'OK'; |
| auth_basic off; |
| } |
| |
| {{- $backendHost := include "loki.backendFullname" .}} |
| {{- $readHost := include "loki.readFullname" .}} |
| {{- $writeHost := include "loki.writeFullname" .}} |
| |
| {{- if .Values.read.legacyReadTarget }} |
| {{- $backendHost = include "loki.readFullname" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{- if gt (int .Values.singleBinary.replicas) 0 }} |
| {{- $backendHost = include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" . }} |
| {{- $readHost = include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" .}} |
| {{- $writeHost = include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" .}} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{- $writeUrl := printf "http://%s.%s.svc.%s:3100" $writeHost .Release.Namespace .Values.global.clusterDomain }} |
| {{- $readUrl := printf "http://%s.%s.svc.%s:3100" $readHost .Release.Namespace .Values.global.clusterDomain }} |
| {{- $backendUrl := printf "http://%s.%s.svc.%s:3100" $backendHost .Release.Namespace .Values.global.clusterDomain }} |
| |
| {{- if .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.customWriteUrl }} |
| {{- $writeUrl = .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.customWriteUrl }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.customReadUrl }} |
| {{- $readUrl = .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.customReadUrl }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.customBackendUrl }} |
| {{- $backendUrl = .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.customBackendUrl }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| location = /api/prom/push { |
| proxy_pass {{ $writeUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location = /api/prom/tail { |
| proxy_pass {{ $readUrl }}$request_uri; |
| proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; |
| proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /api/prom/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $readUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /prometheus/api/v1/alerts.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| location ~ /prometheus/api/v1/rules.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| location ~ /ruler/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location = /loki/api/v1/push { |
| proxy_pass {{ $writeUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location = /loki/api/v1/tail { |
| proxy_pass {{ $readUrl }}$request_uri; |
| proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; |
| proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /compactor/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /distributor/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $writeUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /ring { |
| proxy_pass {{ $writeUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /ingester/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $writeUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /store-gateway/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /query-scheduler/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| location ~ /scheduler/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $backendUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /loki/api/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $readUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| location ~ /admin/api/.* { |
| proxy_pass {{ $writeUrl }}$request_uri; |
| } |
| |
| {{- with .Values.gateway.nginxConfig.serverSnippet }} |
| {{ . | nindent 4 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| } |
| } |
| {{- end }} |
| |
| {{/* Configure enableServiceLinks in pod */}} |
| {{- define "loki.enableServiceLinks" -}} |
| {{- if semverCompare ">=1.13-0" .Capabilities.KubeVersion.Version -}} |
| {{- if or (.Values.loki.enableServiceLinks) (ne .Values.loki.enableServiceLinks false) -}} |
| enableServiceLinks: true |
| {{- else -}} |
| enableServiceLinks: false |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| |
| {{/* Determine compactor address based on target configuration */}} |
| {{- define "loki.compactorAddress" -}} |
| {{- $isSimpleScalable := eq (include "loki.deployment.isScalable" .) "true" -}} |
| {{- $compactorAddress := include "loki.backendFullname" . -}} |
| {{- if and $isSimpleScalable .Values.read.legacyReadTarget -}} |
| {{/* 2 target configuration */}} |
| {{- $compactorAddress = include "loki.readFullname" . -}} |
| {{- else if (not $isSimpleScalable) -}} |
| {{/* single binary */}} |
| {{- $compactorAddress = include "loki.singleBinaryFullname" . -}} |
| {{- end -}} |
| {{- printf "%s" $compactorAddress }} |
| {{- end }} |
| |