blob: fc899454bff90142452be266cf20e3b024f05ac8 [file] [log] [blame]
CSI Configuration
This section details how to configure Container Storage Interfaces (CSI) for
your Kubernetes cluster that Atmosphere runs on. You will need to follow the
steps below to enable specific CSI drivers based on your storage requirements.
Ceph RBD
If you are using the Ceph storage solution that Atmosphere deploys out of the
box, no additional configuration is required. The necessary settings are
automatically applied during the installation process.
Dell PowerStore
For environments requiring the integration of PowerStore for storage,
configure the PowerStore CSI driver by updating your Ansible inventory as
.. code-block:: yaml
csi_driver: powerstore
- endpoint: https://<FILL IN>/api/rest
globalID: <FILL IN>
username: <FILL IN>
password: <FILL IN>
skipCertificateValidation: true
isDefault: true
blockProtocol: <FILL IN> # FC or iSCSI
Ensure that you replace ``<FILL IN>`` with actual values relevant to your
PowerStore configuration. This includes specifying the block protocol, which
can either be Fibre Channel (FC) or iSCSI, depending on your network
For environments requiring the integration of StorPool for storage, configure
the StorPool CSI driver by updating your Ansible inventory as follows:
.. code-block:: yaml
csi_driver: storpool
storpool_csi_template: k8s
The ``storpool_csi_template`` variable specifies the StorPool template to use
for the deployment which is set to ``k8s`` in the example above.