| annotations: |
| artifacthub.io/changes: | |
| - kind: added |
| description: Allow overriding the selectors for Deployment, Services, PodDisruptionBudget and ServiceMonitor |
| - kind: added |
| description: Setting `clusterRole.nameOverride` to allow overriding the ClusterRole name. |
| apiVersion: v2 |
| appVersion: 1.11.1 |
| description: CoreDNS is a DNS server that chains plugins and provides Kubernetes DNS |
| Services |
| home: https://coredns.io |
| icon: https://coredns.io/images/CoreDNS_Colour_Horizontal.png |
| keywords: |
| - coredns |
| - dns |
| - kubedns |
| maintainers: |
| - name: mrueg |
| - name: haad |
| - name: hagaibarel |
| - name: shubham-cmyk |
| name: coredns |
| sources: |
| - https://github.com/coredns/coredns |
| type: application |
| version: 1.31.0 |