| {{/* |
| Defines the PodSpec for Vector. |
| */}} |
| {{- define "vector.pod" -}} |
| serviceAccountName: {{ include "vector.serviceAccountName" . }} |
| {{- with .Values.podHostNetwork }} |
| hostNetwork: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.podSecurityContext }} |
| securityContext: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.podPriorityClassName }} |
| priorityClassName: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.shareProcessNamespace }} |
| shareProcessNamespace: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.dnsPolicy }} |
| dnsPolicy: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.dnsConfig }} |
| dnsConfig: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.image.pullSecrets }} |
| imagePullSecrets: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.initContainers }} |
| initContainers: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| containers: |
| - name: vector |
| {{- with .Values.securityContext }} |
| securityContext: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.image.sha }} |
| image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}@sha256:{{ .Values.image.sha }}" |
| {{- else }} |
| image: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag | default .Chart.AppVersion }}" |
| {{- end }} |
| imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }} |
| {{- with .Values.command }} |
| command: |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.args }} |
| args: |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| env: |
| - name: VECTOR_LOG |
| value: "{{ .Values.logLevel | default "info" }}" |
| {{- if .Values.env }} |
| {{- with .Values.env }} |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if (eq .Values.role "Agent") }} |
| valueFrom: |
| fieldRef: |
| fieldPath: spec.nodeName |
| valueFrom: |
| fieldRef: |
| fieldPath: metadata.name |
| valueFrom: |
| fieldRef: |
| fieldPath: metadata.namespace |
| - name: PROCFS_ROOT |
| value: "/host/proc" |
| - name: SYSFS_ROOT |
| value: "/host/sys" |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.envFrom }} |
| {{- with .Values.envFrom }} |
| envFrom: |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| ports: |
| {{- if or .Values.containerPorts .Values.existingConfigMaps }} |
| {{- toYaml .Values.containerPorts | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- else if .Values.customConfig }} |
| {{- include "vector.containerPorts" . | indent 6 }} |
| {{- else if or (eq .Values.role "Aggregator") (eq .Values.role "Stateless-Aggregator") }} |
| - name: datadog-agent |
| containerPort: 8282 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: fluent |
| containerPort: 24224 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: logstash |
| containerPort: 5044 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: splunk-hec |
| containerPort: 8080 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: statsd |
| containerPort: 8125 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: syslog |
| containerPort: 9000 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: vector |
| containerPort: 6000 |
| protocol: TCP |
| - name: prom-exporter |
| containerPort: 9090 |
| protocol: TCP |
| {{- else if (eq .Values.role "Agent") }} |
| - name: prom-exporter |
| containerPort: 9090 |
| protocol: TCP |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.livenessProbe }} |
| livenessProbe: |
| {{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.readinessProbe }} |
| readinessProbe: |
| {{- toYaml . | trim | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.resources }} |
| resources: |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.lifecycle }} |
| lifecycle: |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| volumeMounts: |
| - name: data |
| {{- if .Values.existingConfigMaps }} |
| mountPath: "{{ if .Values.dataDir }}{{ .Values.dataDir }}{{ else }}{{ fail "Specify `dataDir` if you're using `existingConfigMaps`" }}{{ end }}" |
| {{- else }} |
| mountPath: "{{ .Values.customConfig.data_dir | default "/vector-data-dir" }}" |
| {{- end }} |
| - name: config |
| mountPath: "/etc/vector/" |
| readOnly: true |
| {{- if (eq .Values.role "Agent") }} |
| {{- with .Values.defaultVolumeMounts }} |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.extraVolumeMounts }} |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 6 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.extraContainers }} |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| terminationGracePeriodSeconds: {{ .Values.terminationGracePeriodSeconds }} |
| {{- with .Values.nodeSelector }} |
| nodeSelector: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.affinity }} |
| affinity: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.tolerations }} |
| tolerations: |
| {{ toYaml . | indent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.topologySpreadConstraints }} |
| topologySpreadConstraints: |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| volumes: |
| {{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (eq .Values.role "Aggregator") }} |
| {{- with .Values.persistence.existingClaim }} |
| - name: data |
| persistentVolumeClaim: |
| claimName: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- else if (ne .Values.role "Agent") }} |
| - name: data |
| emptyDir: {} |
| {{- end }} |
| - name: config |
| projected: |
| sources: |
| {{- if .Values.existingConfigMaps }} |
| {{- range .Values.existingConfigMaps }} |
| - configMap: |
| name: {{ . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- else }} |
| - configMap: |
| name: {{ template "vector.fullname" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if (eq .Values.role "Agent") }} |
| - name: data |
| {{- if .Values.persistence.hostPath.enabled }} |
| hostPath: |
| path: {{ .Values.persistence.hostPath.path | quote }} |
| {{- else }} |
| emptyDir: {} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.defaultVolumes }} |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- with .Values.extraVolumes }} |
| {{- toYaml . | nindent 2 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |