blob: 4dfdd397d6445c614d7e3b739f875ea78008756f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/bin/bash -xe
# Clone the repository in a temporary directory if it doesn't exist
if [ ! -d "/tmp/vexxhost-${1}" ]; then
gh repo clone vexxhost/${1} /tmp/vexxhost-${1}
# Switch to the repository
cd /tmp/vexxhost-${1}
# Update the repository
git fetch origin
# Switch to the branch that we're cherry-picking into
git checkout -B backport/${3}/${2} origin/${3}
# Cherry-pick the change
git cherry-pick -x ${2}
# Push this branch to the remote
git push -u origin backport/${3}/${2}
# Create a PR for this change
gh repo set-default vexxhost/${1}
gh pr create \
--title "[${3}] $(git show -s --format=%s)" \
--body "$(git show -s --format=%B)" \
--base ${3} \
--head backport/${3}/${2}