| {{- /* |
| Copyright Broadcom, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
| SPDX-License-Identifier: APACHE-2.0 |
| */}} |
| |
| apiVersion: {{ include "common.capabilities.statefulset.apiVersion" . }} |
| kind: StatefulSet |
| metadata: |
| name: {{ template "common.names.fullname" . }} |
| namespace: {{ include "common.names.namespace" . | quote }} |
| labels: {{- include "common.labels.standard" ( dict "customLabels" .Values.commonLabels "context" $ ) | nindent 4 }} |
| app.kubernetes.io/component: keycloak |
| {{- if or .Values.statefulsetAnnotations .Values.commonAnnotations }} |
| annotations: {{- include "common.tplvalues.merge" ( dict "values" ( list .Values.statefulsetAnnotations .Values.commonAnnotations ) "context" $ ) | nindent 4 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| spec: |
| {{- if not .Values.autoscaling.enabled }} |
| replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }} |
| {{- end }} |
| revisionHistoryLimit: {{ .Values.revisionHistoryLimitCount }} |
| podManagementPolicy: {{ .Values.podManagementPolicy }} |
| serviceName: {{ printf "%s-headless" (include "common.names.fullname" .) | trunc 63 | trimSuffix "-" }} |
| updateStrategy: |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.updateStrategy "context" $ ) | nindent 4 }} |
| {{- $podLabels := include "common.tplvalues.merge" ( dict "values" ( list .Values.podLabels .Values.commonLabels ) "context" . ) }} |
| selector: |
| matchLabels: {{- include "common.labels.matchLabels" ( dict "customLabels" $podLabels "context" $ ) | nindent 6 }} |
| app.kubernetes.io/component: keycloak |
| template: |
| metadata: |
| annotations: |
| checksum/configmap-env-vars: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/configmap-env-vars.yaml") . | sha256sum }} |
| {{- if not .Values.auth.existingSecret }} |
| checksum/secrets: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/secrets.yaml") . | sha256sum }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if (include "keycloak.createConfigmap" .) }} |
| checksum/configuration: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/configmap.yaml") . | sha256sum }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.podAnnotations }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.podAnnotations "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| labels: {{- include "common.labels.standard" ( dict "customLabels" $podLabels "context" $ ) | nindent 8 }} |
| app.kubernetes.io/component: keycloak |
| spec: |
| serviceAccountName: {{ template "keycloak.serviceAccountName" . }} |
| {{- include "keycloak.imagePullSecrets" . | nindent 6 }} |
| automountServiceAccountToken: {{ .Values.automountServiceAccountToken }} |
| {{- if .Values.hostAliases }} |
| hostAliases: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.hostAliases "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.affinity }} |
| affinity: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" ( dict "value" .Values.affinity "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- else }} |
| affinity: |
| podAffinity: {{- include "common.affinities.pods" (dict "type" .Values.podAffinityPreset "customLabels" $podLabels "context" $) | nindent 10 }} |
| podAntiAffinity: {{- include "common.affinities.pods" (dict "type" .Values.podAntiAffinityPreset "customLabels" $podLabels "context" $) | nindent 10 }} |
| nodeAffinity: {{- include "common.affinities.nodes" (dict "type" .Values.nodeAffinityPreset.type "key" .Values.nodeAffinityPreset.key "values" .Values.nodeAffinityPreset.values) | nindent 10 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }} |
| nodeSelector: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" ( dict "value" .Values.nodeSelector "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.tolerations }} |
| tolerations: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.tolerations "context" .) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.topologySpreadConstraints }} |
| topologySpreadConstraints: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.topologySpreadConstraints "context" .) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.priorityClassName }} |
| priorityClassName: {{ .Values.priorityClassName | quote }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.schedulerName }} |
| schedulerName: {{ .Values.schedulerName }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.podSecurityContext.enabled }} |
| securityContext: {{- include "common.compatibility.renderSecurityContext" (dict "secContext" .Values.podSecurityContext "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.dnsPolicy }} |
| dnsPolicy: {{ .Values.dnsPolicy }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.dnsConfig }} |
| dnsConfig: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.dnsConfig "context" .) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if semverCompare ">= 1.13" (include "common.capabilities.kubeVersion" .) }} |
| enableServiceLinks: {{ .Values.enableServiceLinks }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.terminationGracePeriodSeconds }} |
| terminationGracePeriodSeconds: {{ .Values.terminationGracePeriodSeconds }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if or .Values.enableDefaultInitContainers .Values.initContainers }} |
| initContainers: |
| {{- if .Values.enableDefaultInitContainers }} |
| - name: init-quarkus-directory |
| image: {{ template "keycloak.image" . }} |
| imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }} |
| command: |
| - /bin/bash |
| args: |
| - -ec |
| - | |
| #!/bin/bash |
| cp -r /opt/bitnami/keycloak/lib/quarkus/* /quarkus |
| {{- if .Values.containerSecurityContext.enabled }} |
| securityContext: {{- include "common.compatibility.renderSecurityContext" (dict "secContext" .Values.containerSecurityContext "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.resources }} |
| resources: {{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if ne .Values.resourcesPreset "none" }} |
| resources: {{- include "common.resources.preset" (dict "type" .Values.resourcesPreset) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| volumeMounts: |
| - name: empty-dir |
| mountPath: /tmp |
| subPath: tmp-dir |
| - name: empty-dir |
| mountPath: /quarkus |
| subPath: app-quarkus-dir |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.initContainers }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.initContainers "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| containers: |
| - name: keycloak |
| image: {{ template "keycloak.image" . }} |
| imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.image.pullPolicy }} |
| {{- if .Values.lifecycleHooks }} |
| lifecycle: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.lifecycleHooks "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.containerSecurityContext.enabled }} |
| securityContext: {{- include "common.compatibility.renderSecurityContext" (dict "secContext" .Values.containerSecurityContext "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.diagnosticMode.enabled }} |
| command: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.diagnosticMode.command "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if .Values.command }} |
| command: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.command "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.diagnosticMode.enabled }} |
| args: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.diagnosticMode.args "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if .Values.args }} |
| args: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.args "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| env: |
| valueFrom: |
| fieldRef: |
| apiVersion: v1 |
| fieldPath: metadata.namespace |
| - name: BITNAMI_DEBUG |
| value: {{ ternary "true" "false" .Values.image.debug | quote }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.secretName" . }} |
| key: {{ include "keycloak.secretKey" . }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretName" . }} |
| key: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretPasswordKey" . }} |
| {{- if .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecretHostKey }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretName" . }} |
| key: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretHostKey" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecretPortKey }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretName" . }} |
| key: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretPortKey" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecretUserKey }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretName" . }} |
| key: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretUserKey" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.externalDatabase.existingSecretDatabaseKey }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretName" . }} |
| key: {{ include "keycloak.databaseSecretDatabaseKey" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if and .Values.tls.enabled (or .Values.tls.keystorePassword .Values.tls.passwordsSecret) }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.tlsPasswordsSecretName" . }} |
| key: "tls-keystore-password" |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if and .Values.tls.enabled (or .Values.tls.truststorePassword .Values.tls.passwordsSecret) }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.tlsPasswordsSecretName" . }} |
| key: "tls-truststore-password" |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if and .Values.spi.existingSecret (or .Values.spi.truststorePassword .Values.spi.passwordsSecret) }} |
| valueFrom: |
| secretKeyRef: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.spiPasswordsSecretName" . }} |
| key: "spi-truststore-password" |
| {{- end }} |
| value: {{ .Values.httpRelativePath | quote }} |
| {{- if .Values.extraStartupArgs }} |
| value: {{ .Values.extraStartupArgs | quote }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.adminIngress.enabled }} |
| value: "http{{ if .Values.adminIngress.tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.adminIngress.hostname "context" $) }}" |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if and .Values.adminIngress.enabled (not .Values.ingress.enabled) }} |
| - name: KC_HOSTNAME_URL |
| value: "http{{ if .Values.adminIngress.tls }}s{{ end }}://{{ include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.adminIngress.hostname "context" $) }}" |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.extraEnvVars }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.extraEnvVars "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| envFrom: |
| - configMapRef: |
| name: {{ printf "%s-env-vars" (include "common.names.fullname" .) }} |
| {{- if .Values.extraEnvVarsCM }} |
| - configMapRef: |
| name: {{ include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.extraEnvVarsCM "context" $) }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.extraEnvVarsSecret }} |
| - secretRef: |
| name: {{ include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.extraEnvVarsSecret "context" $) }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.resources }} |
| resources: {{- toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if ne .Values.resourcesPreset "none" }} |
| resources: {{- include "common.resources.preset" (dict "type" .Values.resourcesPreset) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| ports: |
| - name: http |
| containerPort: {{ .Values.containerPorts.http }} |
| protocol: TCP |
| {{- if .Values.tls.enabled }} |
| - name: https |
| containerPort: {{ .Values.containerPorts.https }} |
| protocol: TCP |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- /* Constant in code: https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/ce8e925c1ad9bf7a3180d1496e181aeea0ab5f8a/operator/src/main/java/org/keycloak/operator/Constants.java#L60 */}} |
| - name: discovery |
| containerPort: 7800 |
| {{- if .Values.extraContainerPorts }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.extraContainerPorts "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if not .Values.diagnosticMode.enabled }} |
| {{- if .Values.customStartupProbe }} |
| startupProbe: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.customStartupProbe "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if .Values.startupProbe.enabled }} |
| startupProbe: {{- omit .Values.startupProbe "enabled" | toYaml | nindent 12 }} |
| httpGet: |
| path: {{ .Values.httpRelativePath }} |
| port: http |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.customLivenessProbe }} |
| livenessProbe: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.customLivenessProbe "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if .Values.livenessProbe.enabled }} |
| livenessProbe: {{- omit .Values.livenessProbe "enabled" | toYaml | nindent 12 }} |
| tcpSocket: |
| port: http |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.customReadinessProbe }} |
| readinessProbe: {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.customReadinessProbe "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- else if .Values.readinessProbe.enabled }} |
| readinessProbe: {{- omit .Values.readinessProbe "enabled" | toYaml | nindent 12 }} |
| httpGet: |
| path: {{ .Values.httpRelativePath }}realms/master |
| port: http |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- end }} |
| volumeMounts: |
| - name: empty-dir |
| mountPath: /tmp |
| subPath: tmp-dir |
| - name: empty-dir |
| mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/conf |
| subPath: app-conf-dir |
| - name: empty-dir |
| mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/lib/quarkus |
| subPath: app-quarkus-dir |
| - name: empty-dir |
| mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/data |
| subPath: app-data-dir |
| {{- if or .Values.configuration .Values.existingConfigmap }} |
| - name: keycloak-config |
| mountPath: /bitnami/keycloak/conf/keycloak.conf |
| subPath: keycloak.conf |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.tls.enabled }} |
| - name: certificates |
| mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/certs |
| readOnly: true |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.spi.existingSecret }} |
| - name: spi-certificates |
| mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/spi-certs |
| readOnly: true |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if or .Values.initdbScriptsConfigMap .Values.initdbScripts }} |
| - name: custom-init-scripts |
| mountPath: /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.extraVolumeMounts }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.extraVolumeMounts "context" $) | nindent 12 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.sidecars }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" ( dict "value" .Values.sidecars "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |
| volumes: |
| - name: empty-dir |
| emptyDir: {} |
| {{- if or .Values.configuration .Values.existingConfigmap }} |
| - name: keycloak-config |
| configMap: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.configmapName" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.tls.enabled }} |
| - name: certificates |
| secret: |
| secretName: {{ include "keycloak.tlsSecretName" . }} |
| defaultMode: 420 |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.spi.existingSecret }} |
| - name: spi-certificates |
| secret: |
| secretName: {{ .Values.spi.existingSecret }} |
| defaultMode: 420 |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if or .Values.initdbScriptsConfigMap .Values.initdbScripts }} |
| - name: custom-init-scripts |
| configMap: |
| name: {{ include "keycloak.initdbScriptsCM" . }} |
| {{- end }} |
| {{- if .Values.extraVolumes }} |
| {{- include "common.tplvalues.render" (dict "value" .Values.extraVolumes "context" $) | nindent 8 }} |
| {{- end }} |