blob: 67031c5d4471d32698fc4df806be8a4a338418c3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2023 VEXXHOST, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
keystone_helm_release_name: keystone
keystone_helm_chart_path: "../../charts/keystone/"
keystone_helm_chart_ref: /usr/local/src/keystone
keystone_helm_release_namespace: openstack
keystone_helm_kubeconfig: "{{ kubeconfig_path | default('/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf') }}"
keystone_helm_values: {}
# Class name to use for the Ingress
keystone_ingress_class_name: "{{ atmosphere_ingress_class_name }}"
# List of annotations to apply to the Ingress
keystone_ingress_annotations: {}
# The following set of variables can be used for simple setups where you can
# only need a single domain and realm. You can use the `keystone_domains`
# variable to configure more complex setups.
keystone_keycloak_server_url: "https://{{ keycloak_host }}"
keystone_keycloak_server_internal_url: http://keycloak.auth-system.svc
keystone_keycloak_user_realm_name: master
keystone_keycloak_admin_client_id: admin-cli
keystone_keycloak_admin_user: admin
keystone_keycloak_admin_password: "{{ keycloak_admin_password }}"
keystone_keycloak_realm: atmosphere
keystone_keycloak_realm_name: Atmosphere
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_password_policy:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_brute_force_protected:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_brute_force_failure_factor:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_brute_force_wait_increment_seconds:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_brute_force_max_failure_wait_seconds:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_brute_force_max_delta_time_seconds:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_minimum_quick_login_wait_seconds:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_quick_login_check_milli_seconds:
# keystone_keycloak_realm_default_totp_default_action:
keystone_keycloak_client_id: keystone
# keystone_keycloak_client_secret:
keystone_keycloak_scopes: "openid email profile"
# This variable can be used for more complex setups that require multiple
# domains that are mapped to multiple realms. If you are looking to use a
# single domain and realm, you can skip this section.
- name: "{{ keystone_keycloak_realm }}" # Domain name
label: "{{ keystone_keycloak_realm_name }}" # Realm display name + Horizon label
keycloak_server_url: "{{ keystone_keycloak_server_url }}" # Public Keycloak URL
keycloak_server_internal_url: "{{ keystone_keycloak_server_internal_url }}" # Internal Keycloak URL
keycloak_user_realm_name: "{{ keystone_keycloak_user_realm_name }}" # Keycloak realm name
keycloak_admin_client_id: "{{ keystone_keycloak_admin_client_id }}" # Keycloak admin client ID
keycloak_admin_user: "{{ keystone_keycloak_admin_user }}" # Keycloak admin username
keycloak_admin_password: "{{ keystone_keycloak_admin_password }}" # Keycloak admin password
keycloak_realm: "{{ keystone_keycloak_realm }}" # Keycloak realm name
keycloak_client_id: "{{ keystone_keycloak_client_id }}" # Keycloak client ID
keycloak_client_secret: "{{ keystone_keycloak_client_secret }}" # Keycloak client secret
keycloak_scopes: "{{ keystone_keycloak_scopes }}" # Keycloak scopes
# Keystone OpenID Connect settings (defaults to Keycloak for Atmosphere)
keystone_oidc_ssl_validate_server: "{{ (cluster_issuer_type == 'self-signed') | ternary('Off', 'On') }}"
keystone_oidc_crypto_passphrase: "{{ undef('You must specify a Keystone OIDC client secret using keystone_oidc_crypto_passphrase') }}"
keystone_oidc_redirect_uri: "https://{{ openstack_helm_endpoints_keystone_api_host }}/v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/redirect"
- "^https://{{ openstack_helm_endpoints_keystone_api_host }}/v3/auth/OS-FEDERATION/identity_providers/({{ keystone_domains | map(attribute='name') | join('|') }})/protocols/openid/websso" # noqa: yaml[line-length]
- "^https://{{ openstack_helm_endpoints_horizon_api_host }}/auth/logout/$"