| apiVersion: v2 |
| appVersion: 3.0.0 |
| dependencies: |
| - alias: minio |
| condition: minio.enabled |
| name: minio |
| repository: https://charts.min.io/ |
| version: 4.0.15 |
| - alias: grafana-agent-operator |
| condition: monitoring.selfMonitoring.grafanaAgent.installOperator |
| name: grafana-agent-operator |
| repository: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts |
| version: 0.3.15 |
| - alias: rollout_operator |
| condition: rollout_operator.enabled |
| name: rollout-operator |
| repository: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts |
| version: 0.13.0 |
| description: Helm chart for Grafana Loki and Grafana Enterprise Logs supporting both |
| simple, scalable and distributed modes. |
| home: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts |
| icon: https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/logo_and_name.png |
| maintainers: |
| - name: trevorwhitney |
| - name: jeschkies |
| name: loki |
| sources: |
| - https://github.com/grafana/loki |
| - https://grafana.com/oss/loki/ |
| - https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/ |
| type: application |
| version: 6.6.3 |