blob: 0efc492767c2b8abff2f68402f63832b0d488fd1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
title: Helm Chart Values
menuTitle: Helm chart values
description: Reference for Helm Chart values.
- ../../../installation/helm/reference/
weight: 500
keywords: []
<!-- Autogenerated. Modify ../production/helm/loki/ -->
# Helm Chart Values
<!-- vale Grafana.Quotes = NO -->
<!-- The reference title is required. Use a noun-based title. -->
<!-- vale Grafana.Quotes = YES -->
This is the generated reference for the Loki Helm Chart values.
> **Note:** This reference is for the Loki Helm chart version 3.0 or greater.
> If you are using the `grafana/loki-stack` Helm chart from the community repo,
> please refer to the `values.yaml` of the respective Github repository
> [grafana/helm-charts](
<!-- Override default values table from helm-docs. See -->
{{ define "chart.valuesTableHtml" }}
{{ `{{< responsive-table >}}` }}
{{- range .Values }}
<td>{{ .Key }}</td>
<td>{{ .Type }}</td>
<td>{{ if .Description }}{{ .Description }}{{ else }}{{ .AutoDescription }}{{ end }}</td>
<td>{{ template "chart.valueDefaultColumnRender" . }}</td>
{{- end }}
{{ `{{< /responsive-table >}}` }}
{{ end }}
{{ template "chart.valuesTableHtml" . }}