| # Default values for Vector |
| # See Vector helm documentation to learn more: |
| # https://vector.dev/docs/setup/installation/package-managers/helm/ |
| |
| # nameOverride -- Override the name of resources. |
| nameOverride: "" |
| |
| # fullnameOverride -- Override the full name of resources. |
| fullnameOverride: "" |
| |
| # role -- [Role](https://vector.dev/docs/setup/deployment/roles/) for this Vector instance, valid options are: |
| # "Agent", "Aggregator", and "Stateless-Aggregator". |
| |
| # Each role is created with the following workloads: |
| # Agent = DaemonSet |
| # Aggregator = StatefulSet |
| # Stateless-Aggregator = Deployment |
| role: "Aggregator" |
| |
| # rollWorkload -- Add a checksum of the generated ConfigMap to workload annotations. |
| rollWorkload: true |
| |
| # commonLabels -- Add additional labels to all created resources. |
| commonLabels: {} |
| |
| # Define the Vector image to use. |
| image: |
| # image.repository -- Override default registry and name for Vector's image. |
| repository: timberio/vector |
| # image.pullPolicy -- The [pullPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#image-pull-policy) for |
| # Vector's image. |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # image.pullSecrets -- The [imagePullSecrets](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod) |
| # to reference for the Vector Pods. |
| pullSecrets: [] |
| # image.tag -- The tag to use for Vector's image. |
| # @default -- Derived from the Chart's appVersion. |
| tag: "" |
| # image.sha -- The SHA to use for Vector's image. |
| sha: "" |
| |
| # replicas -- Specify the number of Pods to create. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles. |
| replicas: 1 |
| |
| # podManagementPolicy -- Specify the [podManagementPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/statefulset/#pod-management-policies) |
| # for the StatefulSet. Valid for the "Aggregator" role. |
| podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady |
| |
| # Create a Secret resource for Vector to use. |
| secrets: |
| # secrets.generic -- Each Key/Value will be added to the Secret's data key, each value should be raw and NOT base64 |
| # encoded. Any secrets can be provided here. It's commonly used for credentials and other access related values. |
| # **NOTE: Don't commit unencrypted secrets to git!** |
| generic: {} |
| # my_variable: "my-secret-value" |
| # datadog_api_key: "api-key" |
| # awsAccessKeyId: "access-key" |
| # awsSecretAccessKey: "secret-access-key" |
| |
| autoscaling: |
| # autoscaling.enabled -- Create a [HorizontalPodAutoscaler](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/) |
| # for Vector. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles. |
| enabled: false |
| # autoscaling.external -- Set to `true` if using an external autoscaler like [KEDA](https://keda.sh/). |
| # Valid for the "Aggregator and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles. |
| external: false |
| # autoscaling.annotations -- Annotations to add to Vector's HPA. |
| annotations: {} |
| # autoscaling.minReplicas -- Minimum replicas for Vector's HPA. |
| minReplicas: 1 |
| # autoscaling.maxReplicas -- Maximum replicas for Vector's HPA. |
| maxReplicas: 10 |
| # autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage -- Target CPU utilization for Vector's HPA. |
| targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 |
| # autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage -- (int) Target memory utilization for Vector's HPA. |
| targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: |
| # autoscaling.customMetric -- Target a custom metric for autoscaling. |
| customMetric: {} |
| # - type: Pods |
| # pods: |
| # metric: |
| # name: utilization |
| # target: |
| # type: AverageValue |
| # averageValue: 95 |
| # autoscaling.behavior -- Configure separate scale-up and scale-down behaviors. |
| behavior: {} |
| # scaleDown: |
| # stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300 |
| |
| podDisruptionBudget: |
| # podDisruptionBudget.enabled -- Enable a [PodDisruptionBudget](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/configure-pdb/) |
| # for Vector. |
| enabled: false |
| # podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable -- The number of Pods that must still be available after an eviction. |
| minAvailable: 1 |
| # podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable -- (int) The number of Pods that can be unavailable after an eviction. |
| maxUnavailable: |
| |
| rbac: |
| # rbac.create -- If true, create and use RBAC resources. Only valid for the "Agent" role. |
| create: true |
| |
| psp: |
| # psp.create -- If true, create a [PodSecurityPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/) |
| # resource. PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated as of Kubernetes v1.21, and will be removed in v1.25. Intended for use |
| # with the "Agent" role. |
| create: false |
| |
| serviceAccount: |
| # serviceAccount.create -- If true, create a ServiceAccount for Vector. |
| create: true |
| # serviceAccount.annotations -- Annotations to add to Vector's ServiceAccount. |
| annotations: {} |
| # serviceAccount.name -- The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name |
| # is generated using the fullname template. |
| name: |
| # serviceAccount.automountToken -- Automount API credentials for Vector's ServiceAccount. |
| automountToken: true |
| |
| # podAnnotations -- Set annotations on Vector Pods. |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # podLabels -- Set labels on Vector Pods. |
| podLabels: |
| vector.dev/exclude: "true" |
| |
| # podPriorityClassName -- Set the [priorityClassName](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/pod-priority-preemption/#priorityclass) |
| # on Vector Pods. |
| podPriorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # podHostNetwork -- Configure hostNetwork on Vector Pods. |
| podHostNetwork: false |
| |
| # podSecurityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default [PodSecurityContext](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/security-context/) |
| # for Vector Pods. |
| podSecurityContext: {} |
| |
| # workloadResourceAnnotations -- Set annotations on the Vector DaemonSet, Deployment or StatefulSet. |
| workloadResourceAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # securityContext -- Specify securityContext on Vector containers. |
| securityContext: {} |
| |
| # command -- Override Vector's default command. |
| command: [] |
| |
| # args -- Override Vector's default arguments. |
| args: |
| - --config-dir |
| - "/etc/vector/" |
| |
| # env -- Set environment variables for Vector containers. |
| env: [] |
| # - name: MY_VARIABLE |
| # valueFrom: |
| # secretKeyRef: |
| # name: vector |
| # key: my_variable |
| # - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID |
| # valueFrom: |
| # secretKeyRef: |
| # name: vector |
| # key: awsAccessKeyId |
| |
| # envFrom -- Define environment variables from Secrets or ConfigMaps. |
| envFrom: [] |
| # - secretRef: |
| # name: vector |
| |
| # containerPorts -- Manually define Vector's containerPorts, overriding automated generation of containerPorts. |
| containerPorts: [] |
| |
| # resources -- Set Vector resource requests and limits. |
| resources: {} |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 200m |
| # memory: 256Mi |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 200m |
| # memory: 256Mi |
| |
| # lifecycle -- Set lifecycle hooks for Vector containers. |
| lifecycle: {} |
| # preStop: |
| # exec: |
| # command: |
| # - /bin/sleep |
| # - "10" |
| |
| |
| # minReadySeconds -- Specify the minimum number of seconds a newly spun up pod should wait to |
| # pass healthchecks before it is considered available. |
| minReadySeconds: 0 |
| |
| # updateStrategy -- Customize the updateStrategy used to replace Vector Pods, this is also used for the |
| # DeploymentStrategy for the "Stateless-Aggregators". Valid options depend on the chosen role. |
| |
| # Agent (DaemonSetUpdateStrategy): https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/daemon-set-v1/#DaemonSetSpec) |
| # Aggregator (StatefulSetUpdateStrategy): https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/stateful-set-v1/#StatefulSetSpec |
| # Stateless-Aggregator (DeploymentStrategy): https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/deployment-v1/ |
| updateStrategy: {} |
| # type: RollingUpdate |
| # rollingUpdate: |
| # maxUnavailable: 1 |
| |
| # terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Override Vector's terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
| terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 |
| |
| # nodeSelector -- Configure a [nodeSelector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector) |
| # for Vector Pods. |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # tolerations -- Configure Vector Pods to be scheduled on [tainted](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/) |
| # nodes. |
| tolerations: [] |
| |
| # affinity -- Configure [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity) |
| # rules for Vector Pods. |
| affinity: {} |
| |
| # topologySpreadConstraints -- Configure [topology spread constraints](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/topology-spread-constraints/) |
| # for Vector Pods. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles. |
| topologySpreadConstraints: [] |
| |
| # Configuration for Vector's Service. |
| service: |
| # service.enabled -- If true, create and provide a Service resource for Vector. |
| enabled: true |
| # service.type -- Set the type for Vector's Service. |
| type: "ClusterIP" |
| # service.annotations -- Set annotations on Vector's Service. |
| annotations: {} |
| # service.topologyKeys -- Specify the [topologyKeys](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service-topology/#using-service-topology) |
| # field on Vector's Service. |
| topologyKeys: [] |
| # - "kubernetes.io/hostname" |
| # - "topology.kubernetes.io/zone" |
| # - "topology.kubernetes.io/region" |
| # - "*" |
| # service.ports -- Manually set the Service ports, overriding automated generation of Service ports. |
| ports: [] |
| # service.externalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [externalTrafficPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip). |
| externalTrafficPolicy: "" |
| # service.internalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [internalTrafficPolicy]https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service-traffic-policy). |
| internalTrafficPolicy: "" |
| # service.loadBalancerIP -- Specify the [loadBalancerIP](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer). |
| loadBalancerIP: "" |
| # service.ipFamilyPolicy -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/). |
| ipFamilyPolicy: "" |
| # service.ipFamilies -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/). |
| ipFamilies: [] |
| |
| # Configuration for Vector's Headless Service. |
| serviceHeadless: |
| # serviceHeadless.enabled -- If true, create and provide a Headless Service resource for Vector. |
| enabled: true |
| |
| # Configuration for Vector's Ingress. |
| ingress: |
| # ingress.enabled -- If true, create and use an Ingress resource. |
| enabled: false |
| # ingress.className -- Specify the [ingressClassName](https://kubernetes.io/blog/2020/04/02/improvements-to-the-ingress-api-in-kubernetes-1.18/#specifying-the-class-of-an-ingress), |
| # requires Kubernetes >= 1.18 |
| className: "" |
| # ingress.annotations -- Set annotations on the Ingress. |
| annotations: {} |
| # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx |
| # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" |
| # ingress.hosts -- Configure the hosts and paths for the Ingress. |
| hosts: [] |
| # - host: chart-example.local |
| # paths: |
| # - path: / |
| # pathType: ImplementationSpecific |
| # # Specify the port name or number on the Service |
| # # Using name requires Kubernetes >=1.19 |
| # port: |
| # name: "" |
| # number: "" |
| # ingress.tls -- Configure TLS for the Ingress. |
| tls: [] |
| # - secretName: chart-example-tls |
| # hosts: |
| # - chart-example.local |
| |
| # existingConfigMaps -- List of existing ConfigMaps for Vector's configuration instead of creating a new one. Requires |
| # dataDir to be set. Additionally, containerPorts, service.ports, and serviceHeadless.ports should be specified based on |
| # your supplied configuration. If set, this parameter takes precedence over customConfig and the chart's default configs. |
| existingConfigMaps: [] |
| |
| # dataDir -- Specify the path for Vector's data, only used when existingConfigMaps are used. |
| dataDir: "" |
| |
| # customConfig -- Override Vector's default configs, if used **all** options need to be specified. This section supports |
| # using helm templates to populate dynamic values. See Vector's [configuration documentation](https://vector.dev/docs/reference/configuration/) |
| # for all options. |
| customConfig: {} |
| # data_dir: /vector-data-dir |
| # api: |
| # enabled: true |
| # address: |
| # playground: false |
| # sources: |
| # vector: |
| # address: |
| # type: vector |
| # version: "2" |
| # sinks: |
| # stdout: |
| # type: console |
| # inputs: [vector] |
| # encoding: |
| # codec: json |
| |
| # defaultVolumes -- Default volumes that are mounted into pods. In most cases, these should not be changed. |
| # Use `extraVolumes`/`extraVolumeMounts` for additional custom volumes. |
| # @default -- See `values.yaml` |
| defaultVolumes: |
| - name: var-log |
| hostPath: |
| path: "/var/log/" |
| - name: var-lib |
| hostPath: |
| path: "/var/lib/" |
| - name: procfs |
| hostPath: |
| path: "/proc" |
| - name: sysfs |
| hostPath: |
| path: "/sys" |
| |
| # defaultVolumeMounts -- Default volume mounts. Corresponds to `volumes`. |
| # @default -- See `values.yaml` |
| defaultVolumeMounts: |
| - name: var-log |
| mountPath: "/var/log/" |
| readOnly: true |
| - name: var-lib |
| mountPath: "/var/lib" |
| readOnly: true |
| - name: procfs |
| mountPath: "/host/proc" |
| readOnly: true |
| - name: sysfs |
| mountPath: "/host/sys" |
| readOnly: true |
| |
| # extraVolumes -- Additional Volumes to use with Vector Pods. |
| extraVolumes: [] |
| |
| # extraVolumeMounts -- Additional Volume to mount into Vector Containers. |
| extraVolumeMounts: [] |
| |
| # initContainers -- Init Containers to be added to the Vector Pods. |
| initContainers: [] |
| |
| # extraContainers -- Extra Containers to be added to the Vector Pods. |
| extraContainers: [] |
| |
| # Configuration for Vector's data persistence. |
| persistence: |
| # persistence.enabled -- If true, create and use PersistentVolumeClaims. |
| enabled: false |
| # persistence.existingClaim -- Name of an existing PersistentVolumeClaim to use. Valid for the "Aggregator" role. |
| existingClaim: "" |
| # persistence.storageClassName -- Specifies the storageClassName for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the |
| # "Aggregator" role. |
| # storageClassName: default |
| |
| # persistence.accessModes -- Specifies the accessModes for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role. |
| accessModes: |
| - ReadWriteOnce |
| # persistence.size -- Specifies the size of PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role. |
| size: 10Gi |
| # persistence.finalizers -- Specifies the finalizers of PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role. |
| finalizers: |
| - kubernetes.io/pvc-protection |
| # persistence.selectors -- Specifies the selectors for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role. |
| selectors: {} |
| |
| hostPath: |
| # persistence.hostPath.enabled -- If true, use hostPath persistence. Valid for the "Agent" role, if it's disabled |
| # the "Agent" role will use emptyDir. |
| enabled: true |
| # persistence.hostPath.path -- Override path used for hostPath persistence. Valid for the "Agent" role, persistence |
| # is always used for the "Agent" role. |
| path: "/var/lib/vector" |
| |
| # dnsPolicy -- Specify the [dnsPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/#pod-s-dns-policy) |
| # for Vector Pods. |
| dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst |
| |
| # dnsConfig -- Specify the [dnsConfig](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dns-pod-service/#pod-dns-config) |
| # options for Vector Pods. |
| dnsConfig: {} |
| # nameservers: |
| # - |
| # searches: |
| # - ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example |
| # - my.dns.search.suffix |
| # options: |
| # - name: ndots |
| # value: "2" |
| # - name: edns0 |
| |
| # shareProcessNamespace -- Specify the [shareProcessNamespace](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/share-process-namespace/) |
| # options for Vector Pods. |
| shareProcessNamespace: false |
| |
| # livenessProbe -- Override default liveness probe settings. If customConfig is used, requires customConfig.api.enabled |
| # to be set to true. |
| livenessProbe: {} |
| # httpGet: |
| # path: /health |
| # port: api |
| |
| # readinessProbe -- Override default readiness probe settings. If customConfig is used, |
| # requires customConfig.api.enabled to be set to true. |
| readinessProbe: {} |
| # httpGet: |
| # path: /health |
| # port: api |
| |
| # Configure a PodMonitor for Vector, requires the PodMonitor CRD to be installed. |
| podMonitor: |
| # podMonitor.enabled -- If true, create a PodMonitor for Vector. |
| enabled: false |
| # podMonitor.jobLabel -- Override the label to retrieve the job name from. |
| jobLabel: app.kubernetes.io/name |
| # podMonitor.port -- Override the port to scrape. |
| port: prom-exporter |
| # podMonitor.path -- Override the path to scrape. |
| path: /metrics |
| # podMonitor.interval -- Override the interval at which metrics should be scraped. |
| interval: |
| # podMonitor.scrapeTimeout -- Override the timeout after which the scrape is ended. |
| scrapeTimeout: |
| # podMonitor.relabelings -- [RelabelConfigs](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#relabel_config) |
| # to apply to samples before scraping. |
| relabelings: [] |
| # podMonitor.metricRelabelings -- [MetricRelabelConfigs](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#metric_relabel_configs) |
| # to apply to samples before ingestion. |
| metricRelabelings: [] |
| # podMonitor.podTargetLabels -- [podTargetLabels](https://prometheus-operator.dev/docs/operator/api/#monitoring.coreos.com/v1.PodMonitorSpec) |
| # transfers labels on the Kubernetes Pod onto the target. |
| podTargetLabels: [] |
| # podMonitor.additionalLabels -- Adds additional labels to the PodMonitor. |
| additionalLabels: {} |
| # podMonitor.honorLabels -- If true, honor_labels is set to true in the [scrape config](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config). |
| honorLabels: false |
| # podMonitor.honorTimestamps -- If true, honor_timestamps is set to true in the [scrape config](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#scrape_config). |
| honorTimestamps: true |
| |
| # Log level for Vector. |
| logLevel: "info" |
| |
| # Optional built-in HAProxy load balancer. |
| haproxy: |
| # haproxy.enabled -- If true, create a HAProxy load balancer. |
| enabled: false |
| |
| # Define the HAProxy image to use. |
| image: |
| # haproxy.image.repository -- Override default registry and name for HAProxy. |
| repository: haproxytech/haproxy-alpine |
| # haproxy.image.pullPolicy -- HAProxy image pullPolicy. |
| pullPolicy: IfNotPresent |
| # haproxy.image.pullSecrets -- The [imagePullSecrets](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/#specifying-imagepullsecrets-on-a-pod) |
| # to reference for the HAProxy Pods. |
| pullSecrets: [] |
| # haproxy.image.tag -- The tag to use for HAProxy's image. |
| tag: "2.6.12" |
| |
| # haproxy.rollWorkload -- Add a checksum of the generated ConfigMap to the HAProxy Deployment. |
| rollWorkload: true |
| |
| # haproxy.replicas -- Set the number of HAProxy Pods to create. |
| replicas: 1 |
| |
| serviceAccount: |
| # haproxy.serviceAccount.create -- If true, create a HAProxy ServiceAccount. |
| create: true |
| # haproxy.serviceAccount.annotations -- Annotations to add to the HAProxy ServiceAccount. |
| annotations: {} |
| # haproxy.serviceAccount.name -- The name of the HAProxy ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a |
| # name is generated using the fullname template. |
| name: |
| # haproxy.serviceAccount.automountToken -- Automount API credentials for the HAProxy ServiceAccount. |
| automountToken: true |
| |
| # haproxy.strategy -- Customize the [strategy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/deployment-v1/) |
| # used to replace HAProxy Pods. |
| strategy: {} |
| # rollingUpdate: |
| # maxSurge: 25% |
| # maxUnavailable: 25% |
| # type: RollingUpdate |
| |
| # haproxy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Override HAProxy's terminationGracePeriodSeconds. |
| terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60 |
| |
| # haproxy.podAnnotations -- Set annotations on HAProxy Pods. |
| podAnnotations: {} |
| |
| # haproxy.podLabels -- Set labels on HAProxy Pods. |
| podLabels: {} |
| |
| # haproxy.podPriorityClassName -- Set the priorityClassName on HAProxy Pods. |
| podPriorityClassName: "" |
| |
| # haproxy.podSecurityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default PodSecurityContext for HAProxy. |
| podSecurityContext: {} |
| # fsGroup: 2000 |
| |
| # haproxy.securityContext -- Specify securityContext on HAProxy containers. |
| securityContext: {} |
| # capabilities: |
| # drop: |
| # - ALL |
| # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true |
| # runAsNonRoot: true |
| # runAsUser: 1000 |
| |
| # haproxy.containerPorts -- Manually define HAProxy's containerPorts, overrides automated generation of containerPorts. |
| containerPorts: [] |
| |
| # HAProxy's Service configuration. |
| service: |
| # haproxy.service.type -- Set type of HAProxy's Service. |
| type: ClusterIP |
| # haproxy.service.annotations -- Set annotations on HAProxy's Service. |
| annotations: {} |
| # haproxy.service.topologyKeys -- Specify the [topologyKeys](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service-topology/#using-service-topology) |
| # field on HAProxy's Service spec. |
| topologyKeys: [] |
| # - "kubernetes.io/hostname" |
| # - "topology.kubernetes.io/zone" |
| # - "topology.kubernetes.io/region" |
| # - "*" |
| # haproxy.service.ports -- Manually set HAPRoxy's Service ports, overrides automated generation of Service ports. |
| ports: [] |
| # haproxy.service.externalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [externalTrafficPolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip). |
| externalTrafficPolicy: "" |
| # haproxy.service.loadBalancerIP -- Specify the [loadBalancerIP](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer). |
| loadBalancerIP: "" |
| # haproxy.service.ipFamilyPolicy -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/). |
| ipFamilyPolicy: "" |
| # haproxy.service.ipFamilies -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/). |
| ipFamilies: [] |
| |
| # haproxy.existingConfigMap -- Use this existing ConfigMap for HAProxy's configuration instead of creating a new one. |
| # Additionally, haproxy.containerPorts and haproxy.service.ports should be specified based on your supplied |
| # configuration. If set, this parameter takes precedence over customConfig and the chart's default configs. |
| existingConfigMap: "" |
| |
| # haproxy.customConfig -- Override HAProxy's default configs, if used **all** options need to be specified. |
| # This parameter supports using Helm templates to insert values dynamically. By default, this chart will parse |
| # Vector's configuration from customConfig to generate HAProxy's config, which can be overwritten with |
| # haproxy.customConfig. |
| customConfig: "" |
| |
| # haproxy.extraVolumes -- Additional Volumes to use with HAProxy Pods. |
| extraVolumes: [] |
| |
| # haproxy.extraVolumeMounts -- Additional Volume to mount into HAProxy Containers. |
| extraVolumeMounts: [] |
| |
| # haproxy.initContainers -- Init Containers to be added to the HAProxy Pods. |
| initContainers: [] |
| |
| # haproxy.extraContainers -- Extra Containers to be added to the HAProxy Pods. |
| extraContainers: [] |
| |
| autoscaling: |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.enabled -- Create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for HAProxy. |
| enabled: false |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.external -- HAProxy is controlled by an external HorizontalPodAutoscaler. |
| external: false |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.minReplicas -- Minimum replicas for HAProxy's HPA. |
| minReplicas: 1 |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.maxReplicas -- Maximum replicas for HAProxy's HPA. |
| maxReplicas: 10 |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage -- Target CPU utilization for HAProxy's HPA. |
| targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage -- (int) Target memory utilization for HAProxy's HPA. |
| targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: |
| # haproxy.autoscaling.customMetric -- Target a custom metric for autoscaling. |
| customMetric: {} |
| # - type: Pods |
| # pods: |
| # metric: |
| # name: utilization |
| # target: |
| # type: AverageValue |
| # averageValue: 95 |
| |
| # haproxy.resources -- Set HAProxy resource requests and limits. |
| resources: {} |
| # limits: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 128Mi |
| # requests: |
| # cpu: 100m |
| # memory: 128Mi |
| |
| # haproxy.livenessProbe -- Override default HAProxy liveness probe settings. |
| livenessProbe: |
| tcpSocket: |
| port: 1024 |
| |
| # haproxy.readinessProbe -- Override default HAProxy readiness probe settings. |
| readinessProbe: |
| tcpSocket: |
| port: 1024 |
| |
| # haproxy.nodeSelector -- Configure a [nodeSelector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector) |
| # for HAProxy Pods |
| nodeSelector: {} |
| |
| # haproxy.tolerations -- Configure HAProxy Pods to be scheduled on [tainted](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/) |
| # nodes. |
| tolerations: [] |
| |
| # haproxy.affinity -- Configure [affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity) |
| # rules for HAProxy Pods. |
| affinity: {} |
| |
| # extraObjects -- Create extra manifests via values. Would be passed through `tpl` for templating. |
| extraObjects: [] |
| # - apiVersion: v1 |
| # kind: ConfigMap |
| # metadata: |
| # name: vector-dashboards |
| # labels: |
| # grafana_dashboard: "1" |
| # data: |
| # vector.json: | |
| # {{ .Files.Get "dashboards/vector.json" | fromJson | toJson }} |