| ########### |
| Quick Start |
| ########### |
| |
| There are several ways that you can quickly get started with Atmosphere to explore |
| it's capabilities. |
| |
| ********** |
| Deployment |
| ********** |
| |
| This section covers all of the different ways you can deploy a quick start |
| environment for Atmosphere. |
| |
| .. admonition:: Testing & Development Only |
| :class: info |
| |
| The quick start installation is not for production use, it's perfect |
| for testing and development. |
| |
| All-in-one |
| ========== |
| |
| The easiest way to get started with Atmosphere is to deploy the all-in-one |
| installation. This will install an entire stack of Atmosphere, with Ceph |
| and all the OpenStack services inside a single machine. |
| |
| .. admonition:: Non-reversible Changes |
| :class: warning |
| |
| The all-in-one will fully take-over the machine by making system-level |
| changes. It's recommended to run it inside a virtual machine or a |
| physical machine that can be dedicated to this purpose. |
| |
| In order to get started, you'll need a **Ubuntu 22.04** system with the |
| following minimum system requirements: |
| |
| - Cores: 8 threads (or vCPUs) |
| - Memory: 32GB |
| |
| If you're looking to run Kubernetes clusters, you'll need more memory |
| for the workloads, it following minimum is recommended (but more memory |
| is always better!): |
| |
| - Cores: 16 threads (or vCPUs) |
| - Memory: 64GB |
| |
| .. admonition:: Nested Virtualization |
| :class: warning |
| |
| If you're running this inside a virtual machine, it is **extremely** |
| important that the virtual machines supported nested virtualization, |
| otherwise the performance of the VMs will be un-usable. |
| |
| You'll need to start by installing all of the necessary dependencies first, |
| **you also need to make sure you run all of these commands as ``root``**: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ sudo -i |
| $ apt-get update |
| $ apt-get install git tox |
| |
| Once done, you can clone the repository locally and switch to the |
| ``atmosphere`` directory: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ git clone https://github.com/vexxhost/atmosphere.git |
| $ cd atmosphere |
| |
| Once you're in the directory, you can deploy the all-in-one environment |
| by running the following command as ``root``: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ tox -e molecule-aio-ovn |
| |
| If you want to use the ML2/Open vSwitch plugin, you can run the following |
| command: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ tox -e molecule-aio-openvswitch |
| |
| Once the deployment is done, it will have a full deployment of all services |
| inside the same host, so you can use the cloud from the same machine by |
| referencing the usage section. |
| |
| Multi-node |
| ========== |
| |
| The multi-node intends to provide the most near-production experience possible, |
| as it is architected purely towards production-only environments. In order to |
| get a quick production-ready experience of Atmosphere, this will deploy a full |
| stack of Atmosphere, with Ceph and all the OpenStack services across multiple |
| machines in a lab environment. |
| |
| OpenStack |
| --------- |
| |
| You can deploy Atmosphere on top of an existing OpenStack environment where many |
| virtual machines will be deployed in the same way that you'd have multiple |
| physical machines in a datacenter for a production environment. |
| |
| The quick start is powered by Molecule and it is used in continuous integration |
| running against the VEXXHOST public cloud so that would be an easy target to |
| use to try it out. |
| |
| ou will need the following quotas set up in your cloud account: |
| |
| * 8 instances |
| * 32 cores |
| * 128GB RAM |
| * 360GB storage |
| |
| These resources will be used to create a total of 8 instances broken up as |
| follows: |
| |
| * 3 Controller nodes |
| * 3 Ceph OSD nodes |
| * 2 Compute nodes |
| |
| First of all, you'll have to make sure you clone the repository locally to your |
| system with `git` by running the following command: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ git clone https://github.com/vexxhost/atmosphere |
| |
| You will need ``tox`` installed on your operating system. You will need to make |
| sure that you have the appropriate OpenStack environment variables set (such |
| as ``OS_CLOUD`` or ``OS_AUTH_URL``, etc.). You can also use the following |
| environment variables to tweak the behaviour of the Heat stack that is created: |
| |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_STACK_NAME``: The name of the Heat stack to be created (defaults to |
| `atmosphere`). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_PUBLIC_NETWORK``: The name of the public network to attach floating |
| IPs from (defaults to ``public``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_IMAGE``: The name or UUID of the image to be used for deploying the |
| instances (defaults to ``Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (x86_64) [2021-10-04]``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_INSTANCE_TYPE``(Deprecated): The instance type used to deploy all of the |
| different instances.(It doesn't have its own default value.) |
| This has been deprecated from v1.4.0. You can configure the instance type per a |
| variables. For backwards compatibility, if variables specific to the machine roles |
| are not set and ``ATMOSPHERE_INSTANCE_TYPE`` is set, ``ATMOSPHERE_INSTANCE_TYPE`` value |
| is used. |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_CONTROLLER_INSTANCE_TYPE``: The instance type used to deploy controller |
| instances (defaults to ``v3-standard-16``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_COMPUTE_INSTANCE_TYPE``: The instance type used to deploy compute |
| instances (defaults to ``v3-standard-4``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_STORAGE_INSTANCE_TYPE``: The instance type used to deploy storage |
| instances (defaults to ``v3-standard-4``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_NAMESERVERS``: A comma-separated list of nameservers to be used for |
| the instances (defaults to ````). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_USERNAME``: The username what is used to login into the instances ( |
| defaults to ``ubuntu``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_DNS_SUFFIX_NAME``: The DNS domainname that is used for the API and |
| Horizon. (defaults to ``nip.io``). |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_ACME_SERVER``: The ACME server, currenly this is from LetsEncrypt, |
| with StepCA from SmallStep it is possible to run a internal ACME server. |
| The CA of that ACME server should be present in the instance image. |
| * ``ATMOSPHERE_ANSIBLE_VARS_PATH``: The path for ansible group_vars and host_vars. |
| This to build a multinode development cluster with own configs, that are not |
| generated by molecule. This way you can test your configs before you bring |
| them to production. |
| |
| Once you're ready to get started, you can run the following command to build |
| the Heat stack: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ tox -e molecule-venv -- converge |
| |
| This will create a Heat stack with the name `atmosphere` and start deploying |
| the cloud. Once it's complete, you can login to any of the systems by using |
| the `login` sub-command. For exampel, to login to the first controller node, |
| you can run the following: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ tox -e molecule-venv -- login -h ctl1 |
| |
| At this point, you can proceed to the usage section to see how to interact |
| with the cloud. |
| |
| Once you're done with your environment and you need to tear it down, you can |
| use the `destroy` sub-command: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ tox -e molecule-venv -- destroy |
| |
| For more information about the different commands used by Molecule, you can |
| refer to the Molecule documentation. |
| |
| ***** |
| Usage |
| ***** |
| |
| Once the deployment is done, you can either use the CLI to interact with |
| the OpenStack environment, or you can access the Horizon dashboard. |
| |
| Command Line Interface (CLI) |
| ============================ |
| |
| When using the CLI, there are two different ways of authenticating |
| to the OpenStack environment. You can either use local credentials |
| or you can use Single-Sign On (SSO) with the OpenStack CLI. |
| |
| Local Credentials |
| ----------------- |
| |
| On any of the control plane node, you can find the credentials in the |
| ``/root/openrc`` file. In an all-in-one environment, this will be the |
| same machine where you deployed the environment. |
| |
| For example, if you want to list the networks, you can run the following |
| command (you only need to source the file once): |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ source /root/openrc |
| $ openstack network list |
| |
| Single-Sign On (SSO) |
| -------------------- |
| |
| If you want to use the Keycloak SSO with the OpenStack CLI, you will need |
| to install the `keystoneauth-websso <https://github.com/vexxhost/keystoneauth-websso>`_ plugin first. |
| |
| To install it using ``pip``, run the following command: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ pip install keystoneauth-websso |
| |
| You can create a ``clouds.yml`` file with the following content inside |
| of the ``~/.config/openstack`` directory: |
| |
| .. code-block:: yaml |
| |
| clouds: |
| atmosphere: |
| auth_type: v3websso |
| auth_url: https://identity.example.com |
| identity_provider: atmosphere |
| protocol: openid |
| |
| You can then use OpenStack CLI commands by either setting the ``OS_CLOUD`` |
| environment variable or using the ``--os-cloud`` option, for example |
| to list the networks: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ openstack --os-cloud atmosphere network list |
| |
| Or, alternatively you can use the environment variable: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ export OS_CLOUD=atmosphere |
| $ openstack network list |
| |
| Dashboard |
| ========= |
| |
| For the Horizon dashboard, you can find the URL to access it by running |
| the following command: |
| |
| .. code-block:: console |
| |
| $ kubectl -n openstack get ingress/dashboard -ojsonpath='{.spec.rules[0].host}' |
| |
| You can either login to the dashboard using the local credentials or |
| using single-sign on (SSO). |
| |
| Local Credentials |
| ----------------- |
| |
| You can find the credentials to login to the dashboard reading the |
| `/root/openrc` file on any of the control plane nodes. You can use |
| the following variables to match the credentials: |
| |
| - Username: ``OS_USERNAME`` |
| - Password: ``OS_PASSWORD`` |
| - Domain: ``OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME`` |
| |
| Single-Sign On (SSO) |
| -------------------- |
| |
| You can select the "Atmosphere" option in the login page and you will |
| be redirected to the Keycloak login page. |