blob: c31aa3121dfc78cb93c8c35739958ee9291f1b00 [file] [log] [blame]
Mohammed Naser8a2c8fb2023-02-19 17:23:55 +00001# Default values for Vector
2# See Vector helm documentation to learn more:
5# nameOverride -- Override the name of resources.
6nameOverride: ""
8# fullnameOverride -- Override the full name of resources.
9fullnameOverride: ""
11# role -- [Role]( for this Vector instance, valid options are:
12# "Agent", "Aggregator", and "Stateless-Aggregator".
14# Each role is created with the following workloads:
15# Agent = DaemonSet
16# Aggregator = StatefulSet
17# Stateless-Aggregator = Deployment
18role: "Aggregator"
20# rollWorkload -- Add a checksum of the generated ConfigMap to workload annotations.
21rollWorkload: true
23# commonLabels -- Add additional labels to all created resources.
24commonLabels: {}
26# Define the Vector image to use.
28 # image.repository -- Override default registry and name for Vector's image.
29 repository: timberio/vector
30 # image.pullPolicy -- The [pullPolicy]( for
31 # Vector's image.
32 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
33 # image.pullSecrets -- The [imagePullSecrets](
34 # to reference for the Vector Pods.
35 pullSecrets: []
36 # image.tag -- The tag to use for Vector's image.
37 # @default -- Derived from the Chart's appVersion.
38 tag: ""
39 # image.sha -- The SHA to use for Vector's image.
40 sha: ""
42# replicas -- Specify the number of Pods to create. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles.
43replicas: 1
45# podManagementPolicy -- Specify the [podManagementPolicy](
46# for the StatefulSet. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
47podManagementPolicy: OrderedReady
49# Create a Secret resource for Vector to use.
51 # secrets.generic -- Each Key/Value will be added to the Secret's data key, each value should be raw and NOT base64
52 # encoded. Any secrets can be provided here. It's commonly used for credentials and other access related values.
53 # **NOTE: Don't commit unencrypted secrets to git!**
54 generic: {}
55 # my_variable: "my-secret-value"
56 # datadog_api_key: "api-key"
57 # awsAccessKeyId: "access-key"
58 # awsSecretAccessKey: "secret-access-key"
61 # autoscaling.enabled -- Create a [HorizontalPodAutoscaler](
62 # for Vector. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles.
63 enabled: false
64 # autoscaling.minReplicas -- Minimum replicas for Vector's HPA.
65 minReplicas: 1
66 # autoscaling.maxReplicas -- Maximum replicas for Vector's HPA.
67 maxReplicas: 10
68 # autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage -- Target CPU utilization for Vector's HPA.
69 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
70 # autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage -- (int) Target memory utilization for Vector's HPA.
71 targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage:
72 # autoscaling.customMetric -- Target a custom metric for autoscaling.
73 customMetric: {}
74 # - type: Pods
75 # pods:
76 # metric:
77 # name: utilization
78 # target:
79 # type: AverageValue
80 # averageValue: 95
81 # autoscaling.behavior -- Configure separate scale-up and scale-down behaviors.
82 behavior: {}
83 # scaleDown:
84 # stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
87 # podDisruptionBudget.enabled -- Enable a [PodDisruptionBudget](
88 # for Vector.
89 enabled: false
90 # podDisruptionBudget.minAvailable -- The number of Pods that must still be available after an eviction.
91 minAvailable: 1
92 # podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable -- (int) The number of Pods that can be unavailable after an eviction.
93 maxUnavailable:
96 # rbac.create -- If true, create and use RBAC resources. Only valid for the "Agent" role.
97 create: true
100 # psp.create -- If true, create a [PodSecurityPolicy](
101 # resource. PodSecurityPolicy is deprecated as of Kubernetes v1.21, and will be removed in v1.25. Intended for use
102 # with the "Agent" role.
103 create: false
106 # serviceAccount.create -- If true, create a ServiceAccount for Vector.
107 create: true
108 # serviceAccount.annotations -- Annotations to add to Vector's ServiceAccount.
109 annotations: {}
110 # -- The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name
111 # is generated using the fullname template.
112 name:
113 # serviceAccount.automountToken -- Automount API credentials for Vector's ServiceAccount.
114 automountToken: true
116# podAnnotations -- Set annotations on Vector Pods.
117podAnnotations: {}
119# podLabels -- Set labels on Vector Pods.
121 "true"
123# podPriorityClassName -- Set the [priorityClassName](
124# on Vector Pods.
125podPriorityClassName: ""
127# podHostNetwork -- Configure hostNetwork on Vector Pods.
128podHostNetwork: false
130# podSecurityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default [PodSecurityContext](
131# for Vector Pods.
132podSecurityContext: {}
134# securityContext -- Specify securityContext on Vector containers.
135securityContext: {}
137# command -- Override Vector's default command.
138command: []
140# args -- Override Vector's default arguments.
142 - --config-dir
143 - "/etc/vector/"
145# env -- Set environment variables for Vector containers.
146env: []
147 # - name: MY_VARIABLE
148 # valueFrom:
149 # secretKeyRef:
150 # name: vector
151 # key: my_variable
152 # - name: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
153 # valueFrom:
154 # secretKeyRef:
155 # name: vector
156 # key: awsAccessKeyId
158# envFrom -- Define environment variables from Secrets or ConfigMaps.
159envFrom: []
160 # - secretRef:
161 # name: vector
163# containerPorts -- Manually define Vector's containerPorts, overriding automated generation of containerPorts.
164containerPorts: []
166# resources -- Set Vector resource requests and limits.
167resources: {}
168 # requests:
169 # cpu: 200m
170 # memory: 256Mi
171 # limits:
172 # cpu: 200m
173 # memory: 256Mi
175# lifecycle -- Set lifecycle hooks for Vector containers.
176lifecycle: {}
177 # preStop:
178 # exec:
179 # command:
180 # - /bin/sleep
181 # - "10"
183# updateStrategy -- Customize the updateStrategy used to replace Vector Pods, this is also used for the
184# DeploymentStrategy for the "Stateless-Aggregators". Valid options depend on the chosen role.
186# Agent (DaemonSetUpdateStrategy):
187# Aggregator (StatefulSetUpdateStrategy):
188# Stateless-Aggregator (DeploymentStrategy):
189updateStrategy: {}
190# type: RollingUpdate
191# rollingUpdate:
192# maxUnavailable: 1
194# terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Override Vector's terminationGracePeriodSeconds.
195terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
197# nodeSelector -- Configure a [nodeSelector](
198# for Vector Pods.
199nodeSelector: {}
201# tolerations -- Configure Vector Pods to be scheduled on [tainted](
202# nodes.
203tolerations: []
205# affinity -- Configure [affinity](
206# rules for Vector Pods.
207affinity: {}
209# topologySpreadConstraints -- Configure [topology spread constraints](
210# for Vector Pods. Valid for the "Aggregator" and "Stateless-Aggregator" roles.
211topologySpreadConstraints: []
213# Configuration for Vector's Service.
215 # service.enabled -- If true, create and provide a Service resource for Vector.
216 enabled: true
217 # service.type -- Set the type for Vector's Service.
218 type: "ClusterIP"
219 # service.annotations -- Set annotations on Vector's Service.
220 annotations: {}
221 # service.topologyKeys -- Specify the [topologyKeys](
222 # field on Vector's Service.
223 topologyKeys: []
224 # - ""
225 # - ""
226 # - ""
227 # - "*"
228 # service.ports -- Manually set the Service ports, overriding automated generation of Service ports.
229 ports: []
230 # service.externalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [externalTrafficPolicy](
231 externalTrafficPolicy: ""
232 # service.loadBalancerIP -- Specify the [loadBalancerIP](
233 loadBalancerIP: ""
234 # service.ipFamilyPolicy -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
235 ipFamilyPolicy: ""
236 # service.ipFamilies -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
237 ipFamilies: []
239# Configuration for Vector's Headless Service.
241 # serviceHeadless.enabled -- If true, create and provide a Headless Service resource for Vector.
242 enabled: true
244# Configuration for Vector's Ingress.
246 # ingress.enabled -- If true, create and use an Ingress resource.
247 enabled: false
248 # ingress.className -- Specify the [ingressClassName](,
249 # requires Kubernetes >= 1.18
250 className: ""
251 # ingress.annotations -- Set annotations on the Ingress.
252 annotations: {}
253 # nginx
254 # "true"
255 # ingress.hosts -- Configure the hosts and paths for the Ingress.
256 hosts: []
257 # - host: chart-example.local
258 # paths:
259 # - path: /
260 # pathType: ImplementationSpecific
261 # # Specify the port name or number on the Service
262 # # Using name requires Kubernetes >=1.19
263 # port:
264 # name: ""
265 # number: ""
266 # ingress.tls -- Configure TLS for the Ingress.
267 tls: []
268 # - secretName: chart-example-tls
269 # hosts:
270 # - chart-example.local
272# existingConfigMaps -- List of existing ConfigMaps for Vector's configuration instead of creating a new one. Requires
273# dataDir to be set. Additionally, containerPorts, service.ports, and serviceHeadless.ports should be specified based on
274# your supplied configuration. If set, this parameter takes precedence over customConfig and the chart's default configs.
275existingConfigMaps: []
277# dataDir -- Specify the path for Vector's data, only used when existingConfigMaps are used.
278dataDir: ""
280# customConfig -- Override Vector's default configs, if used **all** options need to be specified. This section supports
281# using helm templates to populate dynamic values. See Vector's [configuration documentation](
282# for all options.
283customConfig: {}
284 # data_dir: /vector-data-dir
285 # api:
286 # enabled: true
287 # address:
288 # playground: false
289 # sources:
290 # vector:
291 # address:
292 # type: vector
293 # version: "2"
294 # sinks:
295 # stdout:
296 # type: console
297 # inputs: [vector]
298 # encoding:
299 # codec: json
301# extraVolumes -- Additional Volumes to use with Vector Pods.
302extraVolumes: []
304# extraVolumeMounts -- Additional Volume to mount into Vector Containers.
305extraVolumeMounts: []
307# initContainers -- Init Containers to be added to the Vector Pods.
308initContainers: []
310# extraContainers -- Extra Containers to be added to the Vector Pods.
311extraContainers: []
313# Configuration for Vector's data persistence.
315 # persistence.enabled -- If true, create and use PersistentVolumeClaims.
316 enabled: false
317 # persistence.existingClaim -- Name of an existing PersistentVolumeClaim to use. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
318 existingClaim: ""
319 # persistence.storageClassName -- Specifies the storageClassName for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the
320 # "Aggregator" role.
321 # storageClassName: default
323 # persistence.accessModes -- Specifies the accessModes for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
324 accessModes:
325 - ReadWriteOnce
326 # persistence.size -- Specifies the size of PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
327 size: 10Gi
328 # persistence.finalizers -- Specifies the finalizers of PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
329 finalizers:
330 -
331 # persistence.selectors -- Specifies the selectors for PersistentVolumeClaims. Valid for the "Aggregator" role.
332 selectors: {}
334 hostPath:
335 # persistence.hostPath.path -- Override path used for hostPath persistence. Valid for the "Agent" role, persistence
336 # is always used for the "Agent" role.
337 path: "/var/lib/vector"
339# dnsPolicy -- Specify the [dnsPolicy](
340# for Vector Pods.
341dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
343# dnsConfig -- Specify the [dnsConfig](
344# options for Vector Pods.
345dnsConfig: {}
346 # nameservers:
347 # -
348 # searches:
349 # - ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example
350 # -
351 # options:
352 # - name: ndots
353 # value: "2"
354 # - name: edns0
356# livenessProbe -- Override default liveness probe settings. If customConfig is used, requires customConfig.api.enabled
357# to be set to true.
358livenessProbe: {}
359 # httpGet:
360 # path: /health
361 # port: api
363# readinessProbe -- Override default readiness probe settings. If customConfig is used,
364# requires customConfig.api.enabled to be set to true.
365readinessProbe: {}
366 # httpGet:
367 # path: /health
368 # port: api
370# Configure a PodMonitor for Vector, requires the PodMonitor CRD to be installed.
372 # podMonitor.enabled -- If true, create a PodMonitor for Vector.
373 enabled: false
374 # podMonitor.jobLabel -- Override the label to retrieve the job name from.
375 jobLabel:
376 # podMonitor.port -- Override the port to scrape.
377 port: prom-exporter
378 # podMonitor.path -- Override the path to scrape.
379 path: /metrics
380 # podMonitor.relabelings -- [RelabelConfigs](
381 # to apply to samples before scraping.
382 relabelings: []
383 # podMonitor.metricRelabelings -- [MetricRelabelConfigs](
384 # to apply to samples before ingestion.
385 metricRelabelings: []
386 # podMonitor.additionalLabels -- Adds additional labels to the PodMonitor.
387 additionalLabels: {}
388 # podMonitor.honorLabels -- If true, honor_labels is set to true in the [scrape config](
389 honorLabels: false
390 # podMonitor.honorTimestamps -- If true, honor_timestamps is set to true in the [scrape config](
391 honorTimestamps: true
393# Optional built-in HAProxy load.
395 # haproxy.enabled -- If true, create a HAProxy load balancer.
396 enabled: false
398 # Define the HAProxy image to use.
399 image:
400 # haproxy.image.repository -- Override default registry and name for HAProxy.
401 repository: haproxytech/haproxy-alpine
402 # haproxy.image.pullPolicy -- HAProxy image pullPolicy.
403 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
404 # haproxy.image.pullSecrets -- The [imagePullSecrets](
405 # to reference for the HAProxy Pods.
406 pullSecrets: []
407 # haproxy.image.tag -- The tag to use for HAProxy's image.
408 tag: "2.4.17"
410 # haproxy.rollWorkload -- Add a checksum of the generated ConfigMap to the HAProxy Deployment.
411 rollWorkload: true
413 # haproxy.replicas -- Set the number of HAProxy Pods to create.
414 replicas: 1
416 serviceAccount:
417 # haproxy.serviceAccount.create -- If true, create a HAProxy ServiceAccount.
418 create: true
419 # haproxy.serviceAccount.annotations -- Annotations to add to the HAProxy ServiceAccount.
420 annotations: {}
421 # -- The name of the HAProxy ServiceAccount to use. If not set and create is true, a
422 # name is generated using the fullname template.
423 name:
424 # haproxy.serviceAccount.automountToken -- Automount API credentials for the HAProxy ServiceAccount.
425 automountToken: true
427 # haproxy.strategy -- Customize the [strategy](
428 # used to replace HAProxy Pods.
429 strategy: {}
430 # rollingUpdate:
431 # maxSurge: 25%
432 # maxUnavailable: 25%
433 # type: RollingUpdate
435 # haproxy.terminationGracePeriodSeconds -- Override HAProxy's terminationGracePeriodSeconds.
436 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 60
438 # haproxy.podAnnotations -- Set annotations on HAProxy Pods.
439 podAnnotations: {}
441 # haproxy.podLabels -- Set labels on HAProxy Pods.
442 podLabels: {}
444 # haproxy.podPriorityClassName -- Set the priorityClassName on HAProxy Pods.
445 podPriorityClassName: ""
447 # haproxy.podSecurityContext -- Allows you to overwrite the default PodSecurityContext for HAProxy.
448 podSecurityContext: {}
449 # fsGroup: 2000
451 # haproxy.securityContext -- Specify securityContext on HAProxy containers.
452 securityContext: {}
453 # capabilities:
454 # drop:
455 # - ALL
456 # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
457 # runAsNonRoot: true
458 # runAsUser: 1000
460 # haproxy.containerPorts -- Manually define HAProxy's containerPorts, overrides automated generation of containerPorts.
461 containerPorts: []
463 # HAProxy's Service configuration.
464 service:
465 # haproxy.service.type -- Set type of HAProxy's Service.
466 type: ClusterIP
467 # haproxy.service.annotations -- Set annotations on HAProxy's Service.
468 annotations: {}
469 # haproxy.service.topologyKeys -- Specify the [topologyKeys](
470 # field on HAProxy's Service spec.
471 topologyKeys: []
472 # - ""
473 # - ""
474 # - ""
475 # - "*"
476 # haproxy.service.ports -- Manually set HAPRoxy's Service ports, overrides automated generation of Service ports.
477 ports: []
478 # haproxy.service.externalTrafficPolicy -- Specify the [externalTrafficPolicy](
479 externalTrafficPolicy: ""
480 # haproxy.service.loadBalancerIP -- Specify the [loadBalancerIP](
481 loadBalancerIP: ""
482 # haproxy.service.ipFamilyPolicy -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
483 ipFamilyPolicy: ""
484 # haproxy.service.ipFamilies -- Configure [IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack](
485 ipFamilies: []
487 # haproxy.existingConfigMap -- Use this existing ConfigMap for HAProxy's configuration instead of creating a new one.
488 # Additionally, haproxy.containerPorts and haproxy.service.ports should be specified based on your supplied
489 # configuration. If set, this parameter takes precedence over customConfig and the chart's default configs.
490 existingConfigMap: ""
492 # haproxy.customConfig -- Override HAProxy's default configs, if used **all** options need to be specified.
493 # This parameter supports using Helm templates to insert values dynamically. By default, this chart will parse
494 # Vector's configuration from customConfig to generate HAProxy's config, which can be overwritten with
495 # haproxy.customConfig.
496 customConfig: ""
498 # haproxy.extraVolumes -- Additional Volumes to use with HAProxy Pods.
499 extraVolumes: []
501 # haproxy.extraVolumeMounts -- Additional Volume to mount into HAProxy Containers.
502 extraVolumeMounts: []
504 # haproxy.initContainers -- Init Containers to be added to the HAProxy Pods.
505 initContainers: []
507 # haproxy.extraContainers -- Extra Containers to be added to the HAProxy Pods.
508 extraContainers: []
510 autoscaling:
511 # haproxy.autoscaling.enabled -- Create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for HAProxy.
512 enabled: false
513 # haproxy.autoscaling.minReplicas -- Minimum replicas for HAProxy's HPA.
514 minReplicas: 1
515 # haproxy.autoscaling.maxReplicas -- Maximum replicas for HAProxy's HPA.
516 maxReplicas: 10
517 # haproxy.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage -- Target CPU utilization for HAProxy's HPA.
518 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80
519 # haproxy.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage -- (int) Target memory utilization for HAProxy's HPA.
520 targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage:
521 # haproxy.autoscaling.customMetric -- Target a custom metric for autoscaling.
522 customMetric: {}
523 # - type: Pods
524 # pods:
525 # metric:
526 # name: utilization
527 # target:
528 # type: AverageValue
529 # averageValue: 95
531 # haproxy.resources -- Set HAProxy resource requests and limits.
532 resources: {}
533 # limits:
534 # cpu: 100m
535 # memory: 128Mi
536 # requests:
537 # cpu: 100m
538 # memory: 128Mi
540 # haproxy.livenessProbe -- Override default HAProxy liveness probe settings.
541 livenessProbe:
542 tcpSocket:
543 port: 1024
545 # haproxy.readinessProbe -- Override default HAProxy readiness probe settings.
546 readinessProbe:
547 tcpSocket:
548 port: 1024
550 # haproxy.nodeSelector -- Configure a [nodeSelector](
551 # for HAProxy Pods
552 nodeSelector: {}
554 # haproxy.tolerations -- Configure HAProxy Pods to be scheduled on [tainted](
555 # nodes.
556 tolerations: []
558 # haproxy.affinity -- Configure [affinity](
559 # rules for HAProxy Pods.
560 affinity: {}