blob: e182ad1f738ed6e3627b13a962384c63b9a3f9d8 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Utilities for creating short ID strings based on a random UUID.
The IDs each comprise 12 (lower-case) alphanumeric characters.
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import uuid
import six
from staffeln.i18n import _
def _to_byte_string(value, num_bits):
"""Convert an integer to a big-endian string of bytes with padding.
Padding is added at the end (i.e. after the least-significant bit) if
shifts = six.moves.xrange(num_bits - 8, -8, -8)
byte_at = lambda off: ( # noqa: E731
(value >> off if off >= 0 else value << -off) & 0xFF
return "".join(chr(byte_at(offset)) for offset in shifts)
def get_id(source_uuid):
"""Derive a short (12 character) id from a random UUID.
The supplied UUID must be a version 4 UUID object.
if isinstance(source_uuid, six.string_types):
source_uuid = uuid.UUID(source_uuid)
if source_uuid.version != 4:
raise ValueError(_("Invalid UUID version (%d)") % source_uuid.version)
# The "time" field of a v4 UUID contains 60 random bits
# (see RFC4122, Section 4.4)
random_bytes = _to_byte_string(source_uuid.time, 60)
# The first 12 bytes (= 60 bits) of base32-encoded output is our data
encoded = base64.b32encode(six.b(random_bytes))[:12]
if six.PY3:
return encoded.lower().decode("utf-8")
return encoded.lower()
def generate_id():
"""Generate a short (12 character), random id."""
return get_id(uuid.uuid4())