| [Unit] |
| Description = staffeln api service |
| After = cinder-backup.service |
| After = syslog.target |
| |
| [Service] |
| Type = simple |
| User = staffeln |
| Group = staffeln |
| ExecStart = /home/cgm/cgm/bin/staffeln-api |
| ExecReload = /bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID |
| # Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down |
| TimeoutSec = 120 |
| Restart = on-failure |
| RestartSec = 2 |
| # This creates a specific slice which all services will operate from |
| # The accounting options give us the ability to see resource usage through |
| # the `systemd-cgtop` command. |
| Slice = staffeln.slice |
| # Set Accounting |
| CPUAccounting = True |
| BlockIOAccounting = True |
| MemoryAccounting = True |
| TasksAccounting = True |
| # Set Sandboxing |
| PrivateTmp = False |
| PrivateDevices = False |
| PrivateNetwork = False |
| PrivateUsers = False |
| Environment = PATH=/home/cgm/cgm/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin |
| |
| [Install] |
| WantedBy = multi-user.target |